Oz Round Table

The Oz Round Table boards => The Round Table => Topic started by: tellomon on January 16, 2010, 04:35:51 PM

Title: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: tellomon on January 16, 2010, 04:35:51 PM
US Discussion Board Policy - NOTICE PROCEDURAL WARNING - BOARD SANCTION - 898sarahg

Thursday, January 15, 2009 4:23 AM
"eBay Moderation Team" <ModerationTeam@ebay.com>


Hello 898sarahg,

This email is to notify you that we are revoking all privileges for posting in
eBay Discussion Boards, Chat Boards, and the Answer Center for an indefinite
period of time. The specific reason is one or more violations of the following

Including profanity, vulgarity, hate speech, disruptive, or hostile comments,
interpersonal disputes, or threats of violence in a post.  For clarification of
this policy, please visit this page:

Although we always hope to avoid issuing an indefinite board sanction, the
following are some examples of situations where we find this action to be necessary:

-    Continued violations of Board Usage Policy despite previous temporary sanctions
-    Egregious violations of policy or posting with an inappropriate User ID
-    Circumvention of a current board sanction

A board sanction does not prohibit you from otherwise using the eBay site to bid
and list, etc. However, it is very important that you do not use an alternate
User ID to post on or sign into any eBay Discussion Board, Chat Board, or the
Answer Center. Doing so is a violation of the terms of this sanction, the Board
Usage Policy, and the eBay User Agreement. Any such violation can lead to the
full suspension of this account (and any related accounts) which revokes the
ability to bid, list, or use the eBay site in any way. This prohibition includes
using the accounts of family members, co-workers, or others to whose accounts
you may have access.

Upon request, your indefinite sanction may be reviewed. Please write to
sanction-appeal@ebay.com once 90 days have passed from the date your sanction
was received. Before you appeal, we respectfully request that you review the
Board Usage Policy and policy explanations via the following URLs:


Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this important matter.

eBay Moderation Team


--- On Thu, 1/15/09, zoyfee wrote:

    From: zoyfee
    Subject: RE: Now it comes....
    To: "drumboy"
    Date: Thursday, January 15, 2009, 5:19 AM

    Hi Drumboy
       I am just flabbergasted. Speechless!!! And I am on the point of being outraged. I have read through all the pages and I don't think you were being any more antagonsitic than anyone else. In fact I think you were very low key and brought a bit of levity to the thread.
    If I had not seen it with my own eyes I would not really have believed it. Someone has indeed been out to get you. To tell you the truth I don't know why you went over to that board. It is set with landmines. I went over the other day and stayed on the "Restaurant" thread that jigup made but I really felt a hostile mood over there. The sellers are angry and the lynch mobs are certainly grumbling. I felt it was the last place I wanted to hang out.
    You know me and you know I have always told it like it is with you. I don't sugar coat stuff. I don't believe you were out of line at all. I have told you on several occassions where I felt you went too far and when you were pushing the envelope but I can see nothing in those attachments that would give them a reason to send you packing. I am so sorry this has happened because you have been incredibly charming and very sociable since you came back from your last vacation. You got! You understood what you needed to do to stay on the board and you did it. You didn't sacrifice your principles or your dignity. You just modified and it worked. That is why this sanction is outrageous.
    The mood is ugly right now on the discussion boards and I have been keeping a low profile and not posting as much as I used to. I guess I am really a coward because I don't like to provoke the big dog. The coven has seemed to disappear in the last little while which is a good thing. When I stopped reading over yonder some time ago amy had just made his appearance and I had to shake my head. Why would he get into that nest of vipers?? He isn't going to change them and he isn't going to win any points with any other posters. You haven't gone over there have you????
    A little birdy has told me they are all over at another board they have just created. Not Justus but yet another one where the newer people of the [] who jump to their tune are allowed. So I assume the CTTP board is now a place where they will fight with others and moan about how hard done by they are. Yes, blazestriker, vanessa, okie-mama, and I believe norm-de-plume are out on their asses for good. Now when you are sanctioned I think it is forever. None of this, 2 month, 3 month, being reinstated crap. It is forever.
    This is why we are seeing multiple zero ids that have just been created all over the board. I had a low tolerance for people who didn't follow the rules and cheaters but I really don't care anymore. I just don't care. Okie-mama can be sorrowfuljones/lady_pat/candygram_for_mr_mops/georgia_peach or whoever she wants to be. That rotten feline is doing it. I don't care anymore. I don't feel the spirit and fun on the board I used to. When pres posted that link dealing with bullies no truer words were spoken. They consider it a war zone where anyone who is in their way will get it.
    I have a strange feeling the discussion boards are not long for the site. I think we may see them morph into fewer boards or disappear entirely. Maybe they have just run their course.
    I am truly sorry this has happened. In this instance I do not agree with it all. Sometimes in the past you have brought it on yourself but this time is certainly not your fault. Like I said before you have been behaving like a scholar and gentlemen lately unlike a lot of people.
    I am looking at new boards at the moment. Yuku is full of them as are other sites. At least we have each other's e-mail addys. If I hit on a good board i will give you a shout. And tell amy to get the hell off of CTTP if he hasn't already. It is wasted typing. Hahahahaha, maybe they will all go away and leave it like a ghost town and then you can reclaim it!!! It woudl finally be in good hands.
    Journalist?? Thank you for the compliment but I don't think so. Just another sucker that tries to get through each day without too many injuries.
    This is crappy news for sure. I looked in my e-mails because I was up and couldn't sleep. You can be sure that I won't be sleeping after this. Take care and don't let this get you down. I always thought your persona was waaaaaaay too bright and big for the likes of ebay.
                                                                       xoxoxoxoxxo zoy

"Ron Tello"

"eBay Moderation Team" <ModerationTeam@ebay.com>

90 days in the hole. January 15 to April 15.

Is that enuff time for me to continue to know that I did NO WRONG when this sanction was imposed?

eBay would do well to scrutinize the evil button pushers, rather than to beat-up popular, well-loved posters such as myself.

The canned response list as to why I was booted does NOT apply to my actions. Investigate?
I have the original posts on file & easy to share.

I can prove my case, but I won't hold out for the hope of anyone really wanting to care about it.

I invite you to checkout my FeedBack.
See how much money eBay got from me in the past 4 years.

Sanctions are for criminals.
You have done me wrong.

Can I post to the eBay Forums now, please?

Thank you.

On  4/16/09, eBay Moderation Team <ModerationTeam@ebay.com> wrote:


Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: cueperkins on January 16, 2010, 04:39:35 PM
Jeese tello....I find it hard to believe that you would use profanity or vulgarity.....no really......so much Ebay neurosis, so little prozac....lol..so give it a miss already and diss from a distance...lol
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: tellomon on January 16, 2010, 04:42:24 PM
Nice snipe!

Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: cueperkins on January 16, 2010, 04:44:02 PM
LOL..that's the spirit...
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: tellomon on January 16, 2010, 04:47:13 PM



http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r271/rontello/eBay%20nasty%20pix-gifs/43168.jpg (http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r271/rontello/eBay%20nasty%20pix-gifs/43168.jpg)
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: tellomon on January 16, 2010, 04:50:13 PM
......so much Ebay neurosis, so little prozac....

(http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r271/rontello/eBay%20nasty%20pix-gifs/cuckoo4.gif) (http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r271/rontello/eBay%20nasty%20pix-gifs/anm3fd663c2c1f05630.gif)
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: tellomon on January 16, 2010, 05:38:53 PM




















Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: *Brum6y* on January 16, 2010, 11:13:48 PM

Don't hold back, Tello, say what you mean...

(without getting our mods all worked up, if possible)
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: tellomon on January 16, 2010, 11:18:20 PM
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: tellomon on February 20, 2011, 08:43:58 PM
I know and remember what I was ranting about!
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: *CountessA* on February 20, 2011, 10:04:20 PM
It's now...

Banned for Life: Two Years Later......
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: lacey on February 22, 2011, 01:52:33 PM
Geezuz tello, whatever could you have possibly said that would get you banned for life?
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: *Brum6y* on February 22, 2011, 02:15:09 PM
Lacey .... please don't encourage the bloke.

I can see the Mods scrambling for the fire hose............
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: Roo on February 22, 2011, 07:18:04 PM
Tello....you do realise that 'Life' banning doesn't really usually mean life.

Most people get a reprieve after 12 months....if they can show that they haven't tried to log in under an alias....or cause trouble in any way.

I think you have to grovel a bit....lol

I'd personally love to see you post one more time...on the Aussie board.

There is a thread there that really could do with your....ummmmm.... wisdom..lol

Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: *CountessA* on February 22, 2011, 07:21:56 PM
Tello always creates his own unique persona wherever he posts - I agree, he'd give so much to that board!

(Roo, has Tello not been banned several times before from eBay? Is it a case of having used up all of his nine lives? Otherwise... I think we could help him create a wonderfully grovelling letter, in which "please" and "never do it again" and "admit my grievous errors" and "acknowledge I'm such a numpty" and "please, please, please" and "full and frank admission of my utter shame" would be dotted like sultanas and raisins in a Christmas pudding.)
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: Roo on February 22, 2011, 08:28:45 PM
Tello always creates his own unique persona wherever he posts - I agree, he'd give so much to that board!

(Roo, has Tello not been banned several times before from eBay? Is it a case of having used up all of his nine lives? Otherwise... I think we could help him create a wonderfully grovelling letter, in which "please" and "never do it again" and "admit my grievous errors" and "acknowledge I'm such a numpty" and "please, please, please" and "full and frank admission of my utter shame" would be dotted like sultanas and raisins in a Christmas pudding.)

That may work Countessa...but if Bruce can make a come back..anyone can!..lol
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: Poddy on February 22, 2011, 08:53:37 PM
I infact was prompted by Tello's plight to send off an email to eBay suggesting the since my sanction 2 years ago they might like to reconsider allowing me to post again in return for which I may return to listing some items for sale. their greed may influence their decision :)
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: Poddy on February 22, 2011, 08:55:07 PM
Not holding my breath though hahaha
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: tellomon on February 22, 2011, 09:27:58 PM
http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=898sarahg&ftab=AllFeedback (http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=898sarahg&ftab=AllFeedback)
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: callostemma on February 22, 2011, 11:01:03 PM
Tello. theres an untried quicksales forum for you to haunt.  Join up introduce yourself as a good friend of BS and watch them scrambling to  abuse and report your  threads :bigcalibre:
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: *Yibida* on February 22, 2011, 11:06:02 PM

Tello would not lower himself to grovel to ebay ... he has internal fortitude and pride ... { also there's no money left in the kitty for more drums ! }
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: *Brum6y* on February 22, 2011, 11:56:49 PM
.. Yeah - but he's got a busload of junk thread material and I couldn't think of a better place for junk threads.

(I hear even the powerseller board is getting junked up with drivel from some new powersellers who should have stayed on CS.  The bar has been lowered so much, that I think you can become a powerseller if you just sell something each month for 3 months....)
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: tellomon on February 23, 2011, 05:39:00 PM
Dont wanna go back.
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: Poddy on February 26, 2011, 05:03:09 PM
Oh dear !!!

eBay poddster LIVES !!!

Like the pheonix poddster has risen from the ashes of his own destruction.
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: *Yibida* on February 26, 2011, 07:55:55 PM

I knew he would ........  ;)
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: *wheels* on February 27, 2011, 10:10:30 AM
.. Yeah - but he's got a busload of junk thread material and I couldn't think of a better place for junk threads.

(I hear even the powerseller board is getting junked up with drivel from some new powersellers who should have stayed on CS.  The bar has been lowered so much, that I think you can become a powerseller if you just sell something each month for 3 months....)

Oi Mr Horse, I have access to the powerseller board! And most of the drivel on the PS board is from the long-term powersellers!!

The place for PowerSellers to share tips and best practices.  :lol:

I have just looked at the PS Board - only 3 of the top 20 threads are even eBay related!
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: *Brum6y* on February 27, 2011, 12:14:22 PM
OK, I wuz going off what someone else wuz saying - and they have said to me the powerseller scene has changed.

As for the current flavour of threads, it was stated to me that sales were down for a lot of sellers and that they had too much time on their hands.

As for a more objective opinion - have you noticed any shift in the culture of the PS board, since the requirements for PS status were lowered?
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: tellomon on October 08, 2011, 03:08:09 PM
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: Poddy on October 08, 2011, 04:25:42 PM

 :tello: Where am I???

ummm.... Nevada?
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: tellomon on October 09, 2011, 01:00:25 AM
The Hit Counter here says this thread is also being invaded by an ASSortment of

C):-{= <" f'n awesome....not! "<<
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: Poddy on October 09, 2011, 01:21:55 AM
Head for the hills !!! they are EVERYWHERE !!!!
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: tellomon on October 09, 2011, 11:26:09 AM
The piccy got poofed for political reasons.

F'n politics.
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: tellomon on October 16, 2011, 07:54:27 AM
Breaking News!

  After 2 years, I'm back IN!

http://forums.ebay.com/db1/topic/The-Soapbox/Greetings-From-Nevada/5200033621 (http://forums.ebay.com/db1/topic/The-Soapbox/Greetings-From-Nevada/5200033621)
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: tellomon on October 16, 2011, 11:44:02 AM


Discussion Board Policy - The Soapbox - 898sarahg
Saturday, October 15, 2011 5:35 PM
From: "eBay Moderation Team" <ModerationTeam@ebay.com>
To: "898sarahg" <m86thecat@yahoo.com>

Hello 898sarahg,

We appreciate your participation in the eBay Community Forums. We are writing to let you know that we removed the following post:

"Adjust the focus on the upskirt cam".

In order for the community forums, which are based on the eBay Community Values, to be a place where all members can feel comfortable interacting with each other, there are certain types of posts we remove when they are reported to us.

Again, we value your participation in the forums, and we appreciate your support and parody posts on the OzRT.

eBay Moderation Team
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: tellomon on November 14, 2011, 03:33:13 PM

Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: *FluffyDuckee* on November 14, 2011, 10:15:26 PM
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: callostemma on December 04, 2011, 11:47:42 PM
Tellos  , someone calling themselves Blue Skies  got banned PERMANANTLY for Quicksales  an aussie site, for threatening legal action
Makes you look whimpy :angel: :hornetsnest: :shark: :spanishinq: :rainbow:
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: tellomon on December 05, 2011, 10:02:09 AM
Oh, poor me.

I'm such a victim....
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: *Yibida* on December 05, 2011, 10:58:59 AM
Oh, poor me.

I'm such a victim....

Suck it up princess.. don't make me come over there and slap the piss outta ya..
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: tellomon on December 06, 2011, 08:32:56 PM

                  FELAFEL U!!!
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: *Yibida* on December 06, 2011, 08:34:07 PM

                  FELAFEL U!!!

Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: tellomon on December 07, 2011, 05:14:13 AM
Oh yeah, that's gonna sell DVD's...
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: tellomon on August 25, 2024, 07:49:20 AM

:rofl: :lmao: :bump: :glol: :sinbin:

  :tazdev:  :smee!: :keelhaul:
Title: Re: Banned For Life: One Year Later......
Post by: tellomon on August 25, 2024, 08:44:06 AM
Shape-Shifting Hippies.....

Still lookin'.

Haven't seen any yet.

All squad members keep your posts and update to HQ on the hour. That is all....