What is a Targeted Individual?
A targeted individual is someone who has been put under a watchlist program to psychologically torture the individual via gang stalking and harassment and through electronic means such as infrasound, electromagnetic radiation, synthetic telepathy (aka Voice of God weapon) which was used In Iraq by the US military.Psychological torturing of the individual starts with prep work, where you are being watched, however you are not aware that you are being watched.
The purpose of watching you discreetly is to ensure that your triggers, stressors, things that impact you in a negative way can be ascertained in silence and a psychological profile of you created that can be used against you in an overt but subtle way repeatedly day after day once they do decide to make you aware of your overt targeting.
In the community, this normally takes place in the form of gang stalking where groups of communities are told to watch and harrass you and since you are now aware that you are being targeted, it take a psychological toll on your health and makes you look paranoid and in need of medical attention, which is their goal.
At work, this normally takes place in the form of workplace bullying whereby a handler is chosen to harass you by overburdening you with work, slandering you in the office, by sensitizing you to stimulus's in the environment by repeatedly doing the things such as coughing as you walk by them, clearing their throat, repeatedly walking by your office etc.
Once you are sensitized to these stimulus’s you are more hypervigilant and this also distracts you from work, gets you very anxious so that you cannot perform the work and then you are labelled as being incompetent and either put on a Personnel Improvement Program or fired from work. If you complain about this to HR or take legal action, very little help will be given by HR and an attorney if you are able to find one, will not act in your best interest.
At your home these gang stalkers will occupy apartments above and beside you to harass you with noise campaigns such as banging doors, loud whistling noises, honking horns outside your apartment, asking the children to shout just as you walk past to make you alert when you already are in a hypervigilant state, not letting you sleep by making noises just before you go to bed so that you get panic attacks and are unable to sleep.
At extreme ends you will also be targeted by your neighbor's and these people through infrasound, certain frequencies which target different portions of your body and make you severly ill causing headaches, vertigo, stomach pain, ulcers. When the targeting gets extreme you will also be exposed to people talking about you remotely using synthetic telepathy which beams the sound to you only.
The details of these technologies are available in the public domain and can be researched and some have actually been used in wars by US military. So as you can see this is a psychological warfare against an individual and the community goes along with this because they have been told lies about you as a person by someone in a position of authority (government, intelligence agencies, military, police) and because as a citizen you will not question these authority figures, you are made to believe what they say and are unable as a targeted individual to explain your story in return.
Communities who target individuals also know the harm that they are causing to an individual but continue to do so nonetheless for fear of similar repercussion if they do not comply with the authority figure.
So you are psychologically tortured at home, at work, on the road and this is a targeted individuals daily life. Since this goes on repeatedly year after year, there is little a person can do but educate the community online or in person about this harassment and torture program and become an activist to show the true nature of these rogue people and expose them for what they actually are in the public's eyes.
All these activities are unconstitutional, are severe invasion of privacy without any probable cause and yet they continue unchallenged because the fear these rogue people have instilled in the public and the targeted individuals basically remain targeted for the rest of their lives. They neither are charged with a crime, neither see their day in court, and never get justice. As a targeted individual you have to stand up for your own.
17 Signs that You are a
Targeted Individual
Following are excerpts from an article by Amelia Tait at technologyreview dot com, entitled "“Am I going crazy or am I being [pursued]?” Inside a disturbing online world.
Right now, on Facebook pages, forums, blogs, YouTube channels, and subreddits across the internet, thousands of people are sharing their belief that they are being “gangstalked.”
These self-described “targeted individuals” say they are being monitored, harassed, and stalked 24/7 by governments and other organizations. Targeted individuals claim that seemingly ordinary people are in fact trained operatives tasked with watching or harassing them—delivery men, neighbors, colleagues, roommates, teachers, even dogs.
And though small compared with the most popular online forums, gangstalking communities are growing quickly; one estimate from 2016 suggested that there might be 10,000 people in such groups across the internet. Today, just one subreddit and one Facebook group adds up to over 22,000—and there are hundreds more groups scattered across different platforms.
The only academic study on gang stalking, a 2015 research article published in The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, involved a questionnaire of 128 gangstalking victims undertaken by forensic psychologist Lorraine Sheridan and stalking expert David James. Sheridan and James found that—compared to people who experienced stalking from an individual—people who believed they were being gangstalked scored more highly on depressive and post-traumatic symptoms, and “had a clear need for psychiatric support.”
Those surveyed make claims about hostile gangstalkers in their children’s schools, traffic lights being manipulated to always turn red, mind-controlled family and friends, and the invasion of their dreams.
Every day, the internet shares these beliefs. A post entitled “confessions from a gangstalker” has been copied-and-pasted widely, while people share their own stories of being targeted by strangers or incapacitated by technology in their homes. Often, people log on looking for help—“Am I going crazy or am i being stalked?” reads a post on a gang stalking subreddit shared at the beginning of 2020 by a teen—and leave with what they believe are the answers.
:tello: "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they are NOT out to get you...."
:badfinger: :drama: :panic: :buttkick: :help:
We are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against
dark principalities in heavenly places.
Edward Snowden talks about
Targeted Individuals
Jealousy plays a huge part in belittling those who shine like the sun. At least they teach us who we don't want to be.
Chosen Ones Are
Have you ever wondered why some people treat you badly for no reason? They don't like you, they don't want you around or they don't make you feel good about yourself. You're just being yourself, treating everyone with respect, not bothering anyone, but still, some people hate you and treat you badly. No matter how kind and respectful you are, it seems that your presence simply annoys certain people. It's not about you; it's about them.
1 month ago
You know you are special when Churches don't like you.
Silenced in Colorado: The Heather Shepard Ordeal (PART 1)
Ron Tello Culley
Resist the bullies.
Heather Shepard
Thank you so much for allowing me to share my story.
Silenced in Colorado: The Heather Shepard Ordeal (PART 2)
Ron Tello Culley
Insane. Tell those bots to take a leap and fill potholes.
Heather Shepard
I’m shocked they haven’t stopped it. I’m still in the corner apparently tried posting and sharing. It says NO.
Spoiler alert: CNN will not be covering this.
Tulsi Gabbard HARASSED By TSA’s Creepy QUIET SKIES Surveillance Program
Independent journalist Matt Taibbi weighs in on a new report that Tulsi Gabbard has been added to the T.S.A's terror watch list.
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Kamala is still mad that Tulsi humiliated her in that debate.
2 weeks ago
Doing this to one of the most patriotic women in America, a veteran and former Congresswoman, is unbelievable and a disgrace.
2 weeks ago
Harassment of Tulsi is an insult to Americans.
11 days ago
Nobody should be shocked by the actions of this government.
The Thought Police say you’ve had a little too much to think.
Without This, We Are Doomed
2 weeks ago (edited)
This might be one of the most important videos we have ever made on this channel, period. Love you guys. Please watch and share this one as far and wide as you can. History is repeating.
Much Love,
Mel and Aaron
"Whoever would overthrow the Liberty of a Nation, must begin by subduing the Freeness of Speech."
— Benjamin Franklin as a teenage Silence Dogood quoting the London Journal
P.S. - Here's the First Amendment flyer I made: https://tinyurl.com/1stflyer
2 weeks ago
I love how everyone knows about 1984 but think it's not happening in front of them
2 weeks ago
Meanwhile, real crimes are going unpunished, and real criminals are getting light sentences.
2 weeks ago
I'm in the UK, it's worse than you think here. Unless you are pro Soroz you are classed far right. We have no rights, if we defend our nationality we are racist. The country is split between the brainwashed compliance camp (which includes the illegal migrants, and we all know who funds them) and those of us that have been awake for so long and have tried to help others understand the truth of the situation. Thank you for highlighting what is actually happening here, blessing and love to all.
2 weeks ago
When it is illegal to be “insulted” everything is gone.
2 weeks ago
Well said.
Censorship makes peaceful resistance impossible.
2 weeks ago (edited)
If voting REALLY counted they wouldn't let us do it.
Welcome to the charade/reality.
Why is your name written in all caps on legal paperwork and bills?
Your NAME which appears on your birth certificate, your Social Security card, and any banking or bills that you receive is all based on a strawman entity that was created at the inception of your birth, that you did not agree to, nor did your parents know this it has been happening since 1871 I believe.
It was created such that they could monetize, your individual life person as a corporation and basically with that corporation conduct business based on your life, you’re being the channel for the contract.
This occurred when they took the gold out of the federal reserve and replaced it with debit and credit system that we currently live under our money is not backed by gold. Our money is back by the people unknowingly too many, if you look at Cest qui vi trust act of 1666 this is where they drive the power from then when they took the gold out of our federal reserve, which was done by the powers that be a bankers, the bankers, which then instilled, taking the golden silver out of our monetary system, replacing it with a commitment to pay all debts of all Americans.
Look under HR 192 you will find that it states all debts of the Americans will be handled by the treasury in place of the monies called that we took out of the treasury. All our bills are supposed to be paid. We are being double dipped all the time every time you pay a bill it should’ve been paid already through your Social Security trust account, when you retire, it is not based on the number of years you worked there is tons more of money in that account that they’re not telling you about.
This can all be verified. This can all be checked to see for verification. If you look at the national Debt currently, and you look deeper into The paperwork, what you will find is the statement saying that we people with arms and legs are the collateral for the national debt.
So anytime you issue anything including your mortgage when you went to the bank to get a mortgage to buy a home you signed a promissory note that promissory note was taken, and then used it at the Federal reserved and turned it into almost 10 times worth the value of what you wrote in credit for themselves.
They then took that document, and basically moved it away from your deed in that action, they actually broke the law your promise. Every night was full payment for your home, and the monies you were not taking a loan You were issuing a loan to them. There is four more to this as you further investigate and find out but yes, it is true you’re NAME represents more than just a new contract. It represents a contract made by corporate entity of your all capital letters, name that you were not aware of nor would you ever going to be instructed about.
Each time you pay a bill an electric bill your electric bill was already paid through your Social Security account you are the beneficiary to that account so that is why you can’t access it the same way you could bank account. They don’t want you to know the millions of dollars that they are using and abusing through your account.
Further information as more questions and I can give you the directions and the link to look these up. It’s important that we all start to come aware of these things so that we may take action to gain back our sovereignty.
And I’m talking about your unalienable rights and using the constitution based on the United States Republic that was originally created by a forefathers, which was sold out after they went bankrupt in the 1700s and basically put us back under the care of the queen, and basically ownership of the queen . It is a very volatile system and it is being done around the world.
The problem with all these shiny techs is that only the 1% (or so)
will benefit from it and the rest will be targeted by it.
DARPA's Secret Mind Control Technology
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) sets out on an initiative to develop nonsurgical neurotechnology - also used for mind control, in this clip from Season 4, "Mind Control."
2 months ago
This is happening to many people.
They are called Targeted Individuals.
This technology is cruel.
5 months ago
No implant or cap is needed it connects via wireless radio wave connection.
4 months ago
Justice to all Targeted Individuals
1 year ago
In absolutely NO circumstance is mind control GOOD!!!
1 year ago
Many innocent and unsuspecting people have had horrible things done to their bodies without consent. Talk about evilness!
3 years ago
If we are hearing it now then this is an old technology.
3 years ago (edited)
Controlling the brains of other people is not something that is an either-or, good-or-evil set of choices. Interfering with human autonomy is only evil.
Government Surveillance:
Security v. Liberty?
https://www.RegProject.org | Modern surveillance activities by the United States government have taken place since World War I and continue to this day, especially in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks.
Proponents of such efforts argue that lawful surveillance is necessary to protect national security and that the FISA court system is designed to prevent abuses. Opponents argue that such surveillance rarely produces actionable intelligence and can be wielded by unaccountable bureaucrats at the expense of targeted individuals and groups.
In this Fourth Branch video, Matthew Heiman and Julian Sanchez debate this important policy issue and Faisal Gill, a former Department of Homeland Security official who was surveilled by the federal government beginning in 2006, tells his story.
Visit our website – https://www.RegProject.org – to learn more, view all of our content, and connect with us on social media.
11 months ago
Gang stalking is a crime against humanity.
10 months ago
Anthony_Support0 empowered individuals to reclaim their identities and forge ahead on a path of personal growth and development.
10 months ago (edited)
@user-il4eg1zl2o I disagree that people have to be abused to be "improved." I disagree that people have to be treated like I know I was. I don't think interpersonal bullying set ups and violence under threat of institutionalization have improved me at all. I have become jaded and trust others far less than I once did. Before gang stalking, I knew there were some I couldn't trust. Now, I feel like I am surrounded by infiltrating obstructionists whose only goal was to soften me up, in order to shove whatever they want down my throat.
4 months ago
I am trying to find a solution there is no way someone can live this way. Basically, being imprison without technically being behind bars. They isolate in different manner.
2 years ago (edited)
I first began to wake up to this after seeing 7 different people walking the same dog. I was homeless at the time. What easier target than one outside without security? At first it scared me. Then I realised no one was putting hands on me. So I put my fear aside and began training myself. I learned from it. It made me stronger bolder and wiser. When their goal is to cause you too lose your mind do the opposite and find your mind.
Why doesn't the federal government intervene?
It's domestic terrorism.
Neighborhood Watch gang stalkers.
-The trail to Police Gang Stalking and how it originates with this disposition matrix.
-How the disposition matrix is exploited and used on US citizens who are not a threat.
-Introduction and conclusion of this video is intended for but not limited to those who just discovering there is a program that abuses neighborhood watch which has evolved into community harassment as well as those who are newly targeted individuals.
Operatives and “setup” crews are strategically positioned and assigned to activate this program which is the ultimate violation of human rights. These setup crews are sent on rotation across the country. Once they have spent an allotted time in an area introducing the sensitization process they are sent to other areas to harass other victims.
Operatives are responsible for the warrantless illegal entries in your personal property as well as gaslighting. Planning these attacks specifically designed for each targeted individual goes back to local fusion centers. Information is collected at these fusion centers and after it has been analyzed a personal attack is engineered and designed for each targeted individual.
These low level community watch groups, citizens on patrol, etc. are quick sellouts and usually work for petty gift cards, other minor allowances, or just for free. Members of these neighborhood watch groups are generally part timers who do this on the side with their daily jobs.
Make no mistake, this is a complete assault on human rights and personal rights. This does not stop with vehicle harassment, this is a vicious assault on reputation and character. Slander is huge with these perpetrators.
These government agencies as well as the police should be using these resources to target pedophiles and actual homeland threats instead of innocent citizens.
3 months ago
Most of them are morons and losers. It cracks me up when the usually ( fat, ugly, boring, follower) losers try to do the ostracizing, excluding me trick and I'm supposed to be all" why don't they like me ?" But instead I'm like " thank God they didn't invite me , these people suck.
2 years ago
Wow. I had no idea this was an actual thing. My gang stalking has long ago ended. It started in around 2002. I can tell the difference between now and then. It has ended. It makes you think that any body is a possible perp. That is the point. I just came across these videos very recently. Still in shock this is widespread.
3 years ago
I want to give the stalked some hope for a recourse. There is no Statute of Limitations for Fraud Upon the Courts which must be perpetrated by cops, lawyers or judges, all of which I have been attacked by judicially with false charges. These people are incredibly sloppy as their harassment, false charges, documents and fake evidence are filed in court which I can use against them once I'm mentally strong enough to bring a couple decades of documented targeted harassment.
Surveillance Police State
Matrix Hive-Mind
Gang Stalking
The Chosen Ones
Saying "Gang stalking isn't real" is like saying
"The Stasi never existed".
Gangstalking: Inside the
Dark Web of Conspiracies
Gangstalking refers to a controversial belief held by some individuals who claim that they are being targeted and harassed by organized groups or "gangs" of people. According to those who believe in gangstalking, they often perceive themselves as constantly being monitored, followed, or subjected to various forms of psychological manipulation and harassment. However, it is important to note that gangstalking is not recognized as a legitimate phenomenon by mainstream mental health professionals and experts, who attribute such experiences to delusions or paranoia.
Stasi, secret police agency of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany). The Stasi was one of the most hated and feared institutions of the East German communist government. Official name: Ministerium für Staatsicherheit (German: “Ministry for State Security”) Date: 1950 - 1990. Areas Of Involvement: espionage.
It is best known for constructing a thorough and illiberal surveillance network that arrested hundreds of thousands of people for political offenses. The Stasi was the key tool the East German government used to stay in power over the decades.
1 year ago
Sounds like something Scientology would do to its critics honestly. They've done similar things in the past.
1 year ago
Look up zersetzung and the Stasi. You have no idea...
9 months ago
The psychiatric association developed the Co Intel program and MK Ultra Mind control.
9 months ago
"IT'S ALL IN YOU'RE HEAD" Medical gaslighting is common.
Tired of being a damn Targeted Individual & being
harassed and tried to be dangled like a damn puppet.
How do we Beat Gangstalking?
Targeted Individuals
Chosen ones
PSALMS 22 is the Chapter I used in this video. This is to inform targeted individuals how we beat this evil program called Gangstalking. JESUS is the only way. (Yeshua)
9 months ago
I have seen this gang stalking stuff and its very evil and hard to deal with. I just found your channel and / found this video. I'm watching this and this is the right way, you're helping me and others with this. Thank you sir.
1 year ago
Your absolutely right, its a spiritual battle. Its witchcraft mixed with technology. If you combat the witchcraft spiritually it takes a lot of their power away. On top of that they're trying to study us. So the less info we give them by our reactions the better.
1 year ago
I guess I'm a fighter too, and don't like their abuse, but don't want to give them any more fuel by reacting<3 Thank you brother very good advice! God bless you<3
6 months ago
No joke, my neighbour is a satan worshipper. I came here to get your advice thank you. This is tough. I'm alone. I already won. I might call someone to not be alone too long.
Is anyone willing to Unite and protect each other from all this demonic-33 organized criminal gang stalking in this corrupt evil society? Or do you prefer just chatting about it and do nothing?
We Live In
2 months ago
Yeah, we have to pay for water, because they made laws that keep everyday people from having access to it, put pipes it in, and forced us to pay. Same with fruit, vegetables, plants, trees, flowers, herbs, spices, wheat, oats, animals, even many beneficial insects.
They are going further and further with game - all the licenses people need to fish and hunt, but large companies, (money,) ate allowed to destroy and exploit large numbers of animals, to extinction. And they are able to drag the waters for fish, with large nets, and boats, which are destroying that ecosystem - the coral, whales, sharks, fish etc. And I am not referring to the global climate control scheme. I'm talking about, "them," exploiting all natural resources, that should be readily available, only the rich and greedy can mete out, for financial gain.
There would be a lot less suffering, hunger, idleness, and laziness, if people had more access to these natural resources. Also, with the climate hoax, the simple answer is just to plant more greenery and vegetation, and they would automatically filter out all of the pollutants in the air - that is what they do naturally, completely by their own design, but no one even mentions that, because it would be beneficial to people, plants, animals, soil - everything. As bad as things are getting, I wouldn't be surprised, if in a couple of years, they will start charging for air. Literally.
2 weeks ago
Bro they find things they think trigger you. And they use it to try to get under your skin. That's why they keep using the homo sh!t on you, because they're trying to trigger you.
4 weeks ago
Someone is having this done to you. Either a family member, an ex, a rival, or a stranger. They are trying to keep you from becoming a success in life and trying to control the narrative of your life and who you are as a person. The person doing this has a little power and want to keep tabs on you to make sure everything they are doing is working... ENVIOUS OF YOU AND YOUR POTENTIAL.
2 months ago
And in the process God is refining us as silver is refined in fire he is purifying us through the trials but the wicked will be destroyed by the fire of God.
I wish he didn't say that out loud because now they will try harder to keep him out of office! They are so scared that they will be desperate and dangerous!
TRUMP Issues Chilling New Warning! "he will spend the rest of his life in prison – as will others"
9 hours ago
We must vote Current Administration out simple final , do your duty as a patriot and Vote Trump !
14 hours ago (edited)
Hope we aren’t forgetting how “you toob” censured comments! And Chanel’s!
11 hours ago
If it happens, and he does, Trump should appoint RFK Jr as A.G. to go after all of them, not just their scapegoat (Zuck).
14 hours ago
Well just like with Hillary he won’t do . I wish Trump would have the balls to throw all of those crooked politicians in prison.
Even if it's just a LARP, the whole "discredit someone by making them appear crazy in discreet ways as opposed to outright killing them" is good insight into an industry that very likely does exist.
Domestic Espionage: Gang Stalking Expert
2 years ago
I really enjoy listening to these gangstalking ones. The subject of gangstalking is not believed by most but it's real.
2 years ago
gang stalkers should just ''self end'' themselves
2 years ago
I know it's probably a larp, but I have to laugh at this guys logic. People get violent when their privacy is invaded, so he doesn't have empathy for them, as if the targets are the bad guys.
1 year ago
I am a targeted individual in Jackson county Oregon and I have been targeted by my local fire department and EMS and community. They have followed me from state to state. I have move 3 different time and every time I get a new place I had an extreme toxic mold outbreak so I went and got my master mold remediation certification and I know how to remediate mold outbreaks. One thing I learned in my class was that toxic mold is not that common but it seems to be spreading across the US at an alarming rate. I captured photos of pump sprayers on my roof top and I have eye witnesses to the trespassers on my property aka gang stalkers. My friends and family members have chased these people off. So don't think this kinda thing doesn't exist or that these victims are mentally ill or delusional. It's real!
Matt Taibbi: TSA QUIET In The SKIES Program EXPOSED For Creeping On Tulsi Gabbard
2 hours ago
This weaponization of the government is what our Founding Fathers feared the most. It was the reason they crafted the constitution and bill of rights. To put an active soldier, former congressman, former presidential candidate through this with no attempt to disguise their intent - to suppress dissent. If they can do something like this to a person of Ms. Gabbard's stature, imagine what they will do to you and me.
1 second ago
Gang Stalking is REAL!
2 hours ago
Yesterday Tulsi was on State of the Union with Dana Bash. Tulsi brought this up and Dana said she’s never heard of it. Many CNN viewers are saying Tulsi is lying about the watch list. I don’t understand why these people wouldn’t do a few minutes of their own research to understand things beyond CNN and MSNBC.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
She has a bigger security team follow her on an airplane than Trump had in Butler Pennsylvania.
2 hours ago
How can a "Targeted Individual" provide evidence of being a victim of gang stalking?
The truth is, people finish each other off.
Enduring torture and harassment and dehumanising treatment every day for decades takes a massive toll on the physical body. Especially if it is accompanied with your very own sleep deprivation. There is really not a lot you can do but some places are definitely better than others and you may surprised where the truly evil and rotten people are to be found.
It’s like dealing with evil peasants and their pitchforks everywhere you go. Don't expect any kindness, the human race mostly simply does not have it. They wear kindness as a mask because that’s the persona they’ve chosen but they will not give it to you. They’ll give it to people in third world countries but certainly not people in their own country because you're competition to them.
The most important thing is you’ve got to get to a place where they can’t torture or harass you and you have to find a way to get some sleep. The most important thing is your independence and not getting into the clutches of anyone who is going to have power over you. Since this is their objective, either incarceration or mental institutions, it is crucial to tell them nothing if they ever take you hostage.
Homelessness is also their goal and I don’t need to explain why that is. It gives them access to do with you what they will, whatever that may be. There are many ways to profit from someone’s demise from betting and movies on the deep web. You would be absolutely shocked to realise how evil and widespread this evil is.
How socially acceptable it is to a lot of people? This is real and you are dealing with real 100% monsters of high IQ. Many are not bright but the ones really behind it all have intelligence and that goes for having intelligence and being intelligent. They are the BIG BOYS. Everyone will be notified about you from cabal and mafia to bikies and anyone else in organised crime.
The other people put on notice is people in the system. The fire brigades, the police, the hospitals, community watch groups. You really are public enemy number one.
I really don’t know how I made it but I did. I think there is something looking over me. My survival has been nothing short of a miracle.
The most you can ever hope for is a safe place and to be left alone. Be prepared to be completely disillusioned about the human race and to lose any faith you may have had in it.
If we do indeed choose our lives before we come here then to survive this you have to have a very strong survival instinct and a very strong will. It really is spiritual warfare in that it is a battle for your soul. For the love and the light inside you. They want to snuff it out so that you become one of them. Don't let them take your soul.
If you have gotten to the end of your life and you are able to take your soul with you, then you have won. This planet eats peoples souls by the millions. It’s one great meat grinding machine.
Stay strong and keep your faith. If you only have evidence that yourself is a good person then at least that is one and it is a reason to go on. The whole human is not rotten and evil. I suspect that that is the game plan though. To get the entire human race to choose evil over good of their own free will so that certain *powers* can switch places with the human race. That means even if it is only one person who doesn’t succumb, they lose.
Don’t let them win. You didn't come here to let them win.
If you are a whistle-blower, calling out corruption, money-laundering, embezzlement in a business/corporation, believe me you will be gang-stalked as an intimidation tactic and to be discredited. No person/people want to be investigated or possibly go to jail for white-collar or RICO crimes committed, so all sorts of tactics are used to make it clear ‘your life is in danger for speaking out.’
But gang-stalking can be initiated simply as a revenge tactic. For example, maybe a boy/ boyfriend is angry that a girl/girlfriend left him or won’t date him. It triggers an Egotistic aggressive, revengeful response in him. He employs gangstalkers/gang stalking tactics to try to humiliate her, destroy her reputation, her peace and precipitate a constant state of fear. And it could simply be his friends who gang stalk her.
Gang-stalking pays. My understanding, from what transparent gangstalkers have shared, is that people ‘sign up’ to gang stalk on underground/dark web sites. They are paid, usually through gift certificates, not obvious cash exchanges.
There are dozens of different reasons an individual may be gangstalked.
And gangstalking is exquisitely designed psychological warfare, a tactic developed in Nazi Germany for the complete DESTRUCTION of dissidents.
In German it is called ‘Zersetzung.’ It is also known as Stasi policing. You can look it up. And just as in Nazi Germany, it is sponsored terrorism, funded by your local law enforcement. A gang stalker in my city, recently interviewed, stated, ‘The city of ___________ pays me. It’s like getting a check directly from the mayor.’ Yes, gang-stalking is alive and well globally.
Here is a long boring answer.
We have to keep it real, in order to get any respect. The legal term for what we are victims of is VIGILANTISM, which is unlawful. The organized effort includes many organizations, but not every one within.
Yes there are cult like members who work in Government, Law Enforcement, the Military, private telecommunication and public utilities. HOWEVER, that does NOT mean that the ENTIRE GOVERNMENT is a cult. Or that EVERY POLICE OFFICE is corrupted, or the ENTIRE NAVY is part.
No, it is not true. Yes, there are SOME vigilantes in the Navy. But NO, the entire NAVY is NOT a cult. There are some Police Officers who are part of the vigilante cult, but the entire police force is not. And so on.
DO NOT CALL IT GANG STALKING OR COMMUNITY POLICING. Vigilantism is the only legal term to use.
DO NOT speculate about ultrasound waves, microwaves, or Voice to Skull devices. They are unproven, and very hard to prove.
DO NOT write about any kind of government or law enforcement conspiracy. That is for the Prosecutor to determine.
This is an interesting question since the stalkers know more about you than you probably know about yourself. But no one wants you to know that your very fundamental right to privacy has been stripped from you. Maybe your family is afraid to tell you such a thing.
Probably for fear that it may happen to them. Or fear that it would be harmful for you to know! Whatever this nonsense is called, they make you believe your family and friends are in on it! I actually have a daughter that I truly believe KNOWS something about. She actually threatened me with some high ranking military official that I am pretty sure she knows I am afraid of. I bought a book regarding gangstalking and my mom actually wants to read it too.
This gang stalking concept is relatively new to me. However the more I read about it and read other people's testimonies, the more scared I become. Those DEW attacks are painful and I haven't had opiates in years, but those attacks make you want to relapse. I faced institutionalization for reporting infrasound that I stumbled upon.
There is an interesting article by Monty Henry regarding infrasound and Targeted Individuals. Infrasound is felt and not heard. Although it makes your hearing feel weird (as if the fluid in your ears is messed up). There are other people in my area noticing something messed up with the air as well. I have actually contacted so many people to see if I can get this infrasound checked out, however all I find is for commercial areas and not residential. It is hard to tell if the infrasound is directed at me per say.
However there is something that shakes me when I try to sleep. I have recorded another sound that I was told was RFI. I bought EMF detectors and oddly my phone puts off TOXIC RF signals. I am on Verizon with a S23 Galaxy. I know I am no saint but I am clueless as to why this is happening. I just do not know what to think, since others in my area experience some of the same odd things.
But for anyone experiencing this gang stalking phenomenon, MAY PEACE BE WITH YOU (I know it is so hard to find)!!!
Always make time for family.
And teach them the importance of the second amendment.
(Note the girls' trigger fingers.)
***WARNING - Those who have been injected with the experimental mRNA Gene Therapies may to want to sit down before watching this video
Dr. John Campbell presents new peer reviewed papers which confirm the presence of mRNA nanostructures in the COVID-19 injectables
NOTE: I have screen recorded this video because YouTube will very likely censor it and take it down shortly. I have also uploaded it to my censorship free Rumble channel for those who wish to share it on other SM platforms, or with friends and family who are not on X:
For those wishing to conduct their own research, and for all the sceptics out there, I have listed all of Dr. Campbell's notes, research and source links below...
"Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/102
Our observations suggest the presence of some kind of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 injectables. International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/index
Full version of the journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Injuries, Causes, and Treatments, Part 2 https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/issue/view/6
Creative Commons link https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
Observable real-time injuries at the cellular level in recipients of the “safe and effective” COVID-19 injectables are documented here for the first time, with the presentation of a comprehensive description and analysis of observed phenomena.
The global administration of these often-mandated products from late 2020 triggered a plethora of independent research studies of the modified RNA injectable gene therapies, most notably those manufactured by Pfizer and Moderna.
Analyses reported here consist of precise laboratory “bench science” aiming to understand why serious debilitating, prolonged injuries (and many deaths) occurred increasingly without any measurable protective effect
The contents of COVID-19 injectables were examined under a stereomicroscope at up to 400X magnification.
Carefully preserved specimens were cultured in a range of distinct media to observe immediate and long-term cause-and-effect relationships between the injectables and living cells under carefully controlled conditions.
From such research, reasonable inferences can be drawn about observed injuries worldwide that have occurred since the injectables were pressed upon billions of individuals.
In addition to cellular toxicity, our findings reveal numerous — on the order of 3~4 x 106 per milliliter of the injectable — visible artificial self-assembling entities ranging from about 1 to 100 µm, or greater, of many different shapes.
There were animated worm-like entities, discs, chains, spirals, tubes, right-angle structures containing other artificial entities within them All these are exceedingly beyond any expected and acceptable levels of contamination of the COVID-19 injectables, and incubation studies revealed the progressive self-assembly of many artifactual structures.
As time progressed during incubation, simple one- and two-dimensional structures over two or three weeks became more complex in shape and size developing into stereoscopically visible entities in three-dimensions.
They resembled carbon nanotube filaments, ribbons, and tapes, some appearing as transparent, thin, flat membranes, and others as three-dimensional spirals, and beaded chains.
Some of these seemed to appear and then disappear over time. Our observations suggest the presence of some kind of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 injectables.
Dr. Young Mi Lee, Jeju, Jejudo, 63098, Republic of Korea (South Korea)"
ALERT: The mRNA Vaccines Contained A Secret Weapon of Mass Depopulation For Globalists To Trigger At Will - Top Scientists Warn https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1832572282302071234
Eric Virostek
· 13h
I’m not going to thumbs up but it does make a point. Said sarcastically it is humerus. What is lost here is the tendency to demonize people who have a different opinion especially one that creates such a knee jerk emotional reaction. Limiting the discussion loosely to Democrats an Republicans excluding the fringes, this must be said.
The vast majority of people, whether Democrat or Republican, are good people. Far from evil. Each person/party are honestly in good faith acting in a way that they feel is in the best interest of this country. We are first, above all else AMERICANS privileged to live in this country. Respect another persons opinion, they have every right to say it.
Excluding the fringes, we are predominantly a nation of good, although very passionate people. Suppressing free speech because we don’t agree or like what they say is a stab at some of the fundamentals our nation was formed.
This colloquial phrase comes to mind; “Don’t through the baby out with the bath water.” However, in the heat of the moment it may seem expedient to get what we INDIVIDUAL feel is best. What’s lost in that passion that moment is that we have just discarded the fundamental right to disagree in the first place a little piece at a time.
Changing the Law, or in this case the Constitution and First 10 Amendments is the equivalent of blowing out a main supporting wall of a structure for a bigger window. Do that enough times for expedience sake and you will unintentionally collapse the whole building when that was never your purpose. The supporting wall must remain and can’t be disturbed without risking the buildings integrity.
Who can’t agree with the above mentioned. The building we all live in is a Constitutional Republic. Its structure is contained in The United States Constitution and its First 10 Amendments. Leave the structure alone or risk destruction of the Liberties we hold dear. Know one part is more or less important than the other. To say it Succinctly, every part is dependent on every other part. Non can survive independently. Don’t trivialize the significance of that statement. Every part is a linchpin to every other.
Our founding fathers were brought together based on witnessing the traumatic events that saw the destruction of what they Believed were fundamental liberties. Within that context The Constitution and its constituents were drafted. IT REPRESENTS OUR SACRED HOME. The fact they came up with such an elegant, effective and self protecting form of government is a combination of a fluke of history and true selfless inspiration.
I can confidently say, that no such document could be produced today. It’s now about wining at all cost. Each branch of government historically has tried to usurp power from every other all in the name of winning. As a people we seem to be so caught up in I’m me and not you. That has turned into I’m right and not only does that make you wrong but STUPID & EVIL.
Our vision is short sighted. We no longer see the big picture and we all have the right answer to fix it. We are vastly made up of good people in this country regardless of individual beliefs. If we all could just step back and look at all of us we could see that in reality there is more that UNITES US THAN DIVIDES. We are blessed to share this HOME. Respect those that disagree with you and please don’t destroy the house we all live in AND depend on one board at a time. I believe in peoples individual freedoms in this country and therefore I Believe in THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. You should too.
Colin Campbell
· 15h
Sounds about right. Let kids die to disarm us, to save their own useless asses when they start a revolutionary war.
There’s a brief demo of democrat logic.
0 seconds ago
Man, it's Psy Ops-A-Go Go.........American genocide is in progress. The Revolution is being televised.
🔴Kamala is OUT OF CONTROL!!! Top X Investigative Journalist DELIVERS DEVASTATING NEWS about her [KY]
1 hour ago
This woman belongs behind bars.
0 seconds ago
Bunking with Hillary.
2 hours ago
She’s part of the division. More nonsense from her.
Sloppy Seconds - "Human Waste" (Acoustic Version)
1 day ago
I sing this as a Hymn.
11 years ago
8 years ago
This is one of the best songs ever written in the history of music. Thank you, Sloppy Seconds.
Channel details
1.51K subscribers
2 videos
Joined Jun 26, 2023
From:Ron Tello
Vegas Girl
Sat, Sep 7 at 11:37 AM
What happened to all your videos?
Vegas Girl
Ron Tello
Sat, Sep 7 at 3:28 PM
Struck me big time
Ron Tello
Vegas Girl
Sat, Sep 7 at 10:34 PM
Savagely ridiculous.
I am reminded of my eBay chatboard days, circa 2009, there was the REPORT BUTTON.
A troll's delight.
Users would get "Pink Slapped" for the most petty reasons, including saying "Hello".
Ultimately, eBay imploded and I say F*CK EBAY!
And a million other good users agreed.
-RTC :pinkslap:
Streamed live 8 hours ago
What's YouTube? I forgot. Oh wait, I think it was a liberal mind control and surveillance operation ran illegally by the federal government that doubled as a cash cow for globalists.
Candace Owens BANNED By Youtube & Fully Demonetized Over Kanye West Interview? The PURGE Is Here!
10 hours ago
Youtube's been deleting my comments relating to political discourse. I don't use bad words, so it's not like I'm saying anything offensive.
For example: I was commenting on a wildfire burning in Southern California near a middle class residential community.
Someone asked what was the cause of the fire?
I said, it could be anything from someone throwing a cigarette butt out the window of a car, a careless camper's fire gone out of control, or a furtherance of a program to destroy individual wealth and eliminate private property ownership.
The reason I added that last part was because of the location of where the fire started, and the wind direction, just upwind from a large middle class residential community. It's been like that for several fires in California over the last few years.
Every comment, I've been making that was pro Trump/MAGA/America First has been getting deleted. The comments were on topic. I wasn't posting off topic comments.
They deleted a comment I made (on a video about Starlink and SpaceX, and their regulatory troubles) about how suspicious it was that Starlink was denied nearly a billion dollars, when it had reached its commitment to provide high speed Internet to a certain number of American rural customers. Starlink more than reached that percentage, but the government said, "Well, we can't measure your progress, so we're not giving you the money."
Then after passing all of their environmental inspections, suddenly the EPA changed its mind and said, "No you failed this inspection after all," effectively grounding SpaceX's development of their new rocket system in Texas.
Both of those things happened AFTER Elon had his conversation with Trump on X.
I commented on how "coincidental" it was that those things happened after Trump was on X, talking to Elon. The comment got deleted.
I think it's election interference, again.
just now
Slam dunk post, this one Buddy. I live in Big Bear, and I heard the cause of our fire was some yay-hoos shoving a burning car off a roadside cliff.
I agree with you on all points. God bless us all.
0 seconds ago
Facebook won't let me share this.
Your content couldn't be shared, because this link goes against our Community Standards
If you think this doesn't go against our Community Standards let us know.
A Rigged Debate?
3 vs 1! Biased ABC ATTACKS Trump, Lets Kamala OFF THE HOOK | OutKick The Show with Clay Travis
2 hours ago
abc was disgusting
2 hours ago
Let Americans dump ABC!!!!
2 hours ago
She had the questions! I’m still voting for Trump
2 hours ago
Trump had to defend himself from moderators plus Kamala!!! What a set-up!!!!
2 hours ago
Shame on you ABC moderators!
2 hours ago (edited)
You don’t get GS by chance. People are assigned to stalk you. It’s a JOB they get paid to do, not a hobby.
Why Are You Being Gangstalked?
4 years ago (edited)
I refuse to yield to their harassment and stalking. I keep living my life as Almighty God has meant it to be. Always positive and moving forward.
3 years ago
Its not people, its demons taking them over and coming against you because you belong to Almighty.
3 years ago
Haters unite with other haters because they are weak.
3 years ago
There is a narcissistic ringleader who organizes and unites the gang of other narcissists and flying monkeys. Their goal is to strip the targeted individual of their positive qualities, attributes and possessions.
1 year ago
There is nothing to be "afraid" of. Gang stalkers are cowards.
4 years ago
Gangstalkers are predators and cowards to target an innocent person in this immature, vindictive way. Jealousy and envy leads to hate and anger so they target someone who they feel is better than themselves. They project all of their negative feelings and aggression on to them.
These bully people are like the everyday narcissist who likes to have one person in particular to become their scapegoat, only now the narcissist wants others to join in and abuse the scapegoat as well. This pathetic, obsessive behaviour shows how weak and insecure a narcissist really is. They don't have a real life and they are jealous of yours.
0 seconds ago
Why are they laughing? He isn't joking, he is telling the truth! Every statement he made about every topic was the absolute truth.
America is one big lie and you are a fool for believing
in it.
Here is a composition of mine which consists of portions of
my hero, George Carlin's various specials, assembled in a way to help me explain the very point the title implies.
This is pure truth and much like the audience, everybody would rather acknowledge it than just laugh, than to do anything to fix it.
Do yourself a favor and watch this, then decide if you are going to continue to accept that. This is what the world is because people still allow it.
3 months ago
"Politicians tell jokes. Comedians tell the truth."
MORALITY is doing what is right regardless
of what you are told.
OBEDIENCE is doing what you are told regardless
of what is right!
Why are Most People Cowards? Obedience and the Rise of Authoritarianism
8 months ago
After 3 police broke into and raided my home with guns drawn on me "looking for a suspicious person" who had parked 1/4 mile away, I sued the department, and I put the story in the newspaper.
Roughly half the people who read the story supported me, the other half derided my challenging authority. That was a real wake-up call on ethical and legal cowardice. I won my case.
8 months ago
Those type of people blindly back the blue right up to the point that it's their door that gets kicked in.
1 year ago
Morality is about what you choose to do when you think no one is looking.
1 year ago
I noticed even as a kid that most people are cowards. My peers would grumble and complain about something, a bully for example, saying how something needs to be done.
I would take their words as an expression of willingness to take a stand so I would be the first to say something. As soon as I drew attention to myself my peers would gauge the response and cower like scared mice and pretend they never had a grievance with the situation.
Many of them would immediately turn on me. I learned early in life that it was very wise to only pick the battles that are most important and to expect to make my stand alone.
2 years ago
“No One Has Ever Complied Their Way Out of Totalitarianism”
~ Robert F. Kennedy, Jr
Government Overreach is Happening Under Our Noses
Everyone assumes they understand government overreach, but many deny its occurrence in the US. Are you certain?
Let's take a look at a few examples of overreach:
1. Intrusive surveillance: This refers to the practice of government agencies collecting and monitoring extensive amounts of personal data on individuals without their knowledge or consent. This can occur without proper oversight and may infringe on privacy rights.
2. Censorship: This involves governments imposing limitations on freedom of speech and expression. It can manifest as the restriction or control of media outlets, online content, and public discourse, potentially limiting the ability of individuals to express their views and access information freely.
3. Excessive regulations: This pertains to implementing overly stringent and burdensome rules and regulations by the government. These regulations may hinder innovation, productivity, and overall economic growth by placing unnecessary constraints on businesses and individuals.
Interesting. It seems to me that we're dealing with too much surveillance, censorship, and regulations. The critical question is whether we have a political candidate to address these issues.
They run away from everything.
We are now entering the total censorship stage of global tyranny
Bob Livingston
Wed, Sep 11 at 8:22 AM
Ron, thanks for subscribing.
Bob Livingston Alerts
The authoritarian regimes of the past century have all followed a generally predictable pattern of events. Almost every totalitarian government has been inspired by the ideologies of the political left. Meaning, increasingly bigger government, socialist control of resources, the melding of bureaucracy and corporate entities, demands for "social justice," collectivist propaganda, the abandonment of individual merit for the sake of the state and the "greater good," Marxism not just from an economic standpoint but also a cultural standpoint, and, finally, the adoption of Futurism.
Futurism is, in my view, the key to all modern authoritarianism. It's a philosophy that has been present at the birth of nearly every major despotic government in recent memory and it's the root of leftist ideology today. Futurists argue that history is, for the most part, dead weight. They believe that every notion of heritage, the lessons of the past, and the ideals and principles of our forefathers are all irrelevant.
Futurists think nothing is sacred and all new ideas are superior to all old ideas. Therefore, they claim, that any society that clings to (or conserves) the old ways needs to be dismantled because it is holding humanity back from progress. In other words, all progress is "good", and all tradition is evil or unnecessary.
I suspect most people reading this at least intuitively understand the monstrous nature of this belief system. It is an ideology based on constant destruction; you cannot be a futurist without seeking the erasure of all other beliefs. It is also built upon a fundamental fallacy. The reality is that there are no new cultural ideas, only old ideas rehashed and rebranded over and over again.
The very structure of futurism is based on a lie. And, since the majority of leftist political systems are inspired by futurism, they too are also based on lies.
The Process of Tyranny
In this process of tyranny, there are usually stages of escalation. The first stage is the exploitation of existing social divisions to create an enemy that the rest of the population can be convinced to rally against. This is not to say these divisions aren't legitimate, they often are. In our era of "multiculturalism," there are many groups of people that are simply incompatible with Western values and morals. They will not assimilate, and they will only cause conflict, which is the very reason why globalist politicians continue to keep our borders open.
In the case of modern-day Europe and America, though, it is not these groups that are being singled out as the government's scapegoat. Rather, it's conservatives, the very people that are trying to defend the historical ideals of our respective nations. We are being labeled public enemy #1 – the ever-present bogeyman of the 21st century.
It's not only because we defend the heritage and principles that helped to create the greatest civilization in the history of the world (western civilization). It's also because we keep talking about uncomfortable truths.
The futurists rely on lies to spread their Utopian philosophy and they can only continue to survive by silencing all other contrary ideas. All futurist regimes eventually turn to mass censorship to function. They cannot stand in the light of truth, so they must keep the people in perpetual darkness.
Many readers will argue that we've been at this stage for decades now. I would argue that we've only been living under covert censorship for most of that time, not open censorship. The pandemic lockdown effort was the moment of the shift when Democrats and Big Tech companies began to openly demand that counter-information be suppressed. That said, most of that censorship was still under the table.
Rigging algorithms to hide search results or booting people off social media is not exactly the same as creating laws to intimidate or punish those who speak out. That is the stage we are living in right now; the open mass censorship era has arrived.
In Brazil, the leftist authoritarian government has shut down Elon Musk's X (formerly Twitter) because Musk has refused to institute their censorship model on his social media site. To Musk's credit, he has been willing to lose Brazil's business and stand by his principles. The Brazilian government is now demanding Musk and his associates answer to Brazil's criminal courts.
It sounds truly insane; all of this drama over basic free speech rights, but this is the world we are now entering, and leftists are happily supporting the transition.
Musk has stated that he believes X will eventually be shut down should Kamala Harris gain the presidency in the November election, and I'm inclined to agree. The rhetoric of the Democrats is quite clear, they are anti-free speech, and they view certain ideas as a threat to their society.
The New York Times published an article this week that gave credence to the Brazilian government's decision on X. They highlight the positives of giving Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes sweeping online censorship powers. They also describe this move as an "effective solution to the vexing problem of right-wing threats to Democracy."
They fall just short of endorsing the censorship of X, but at the same time they suggest that this trend is a "new normal" that Big Tech companies will have to navigate. And their article insinuates that if Musk wants to counter government censorship demands he should do it through civil courts instead of defying them directly. In other words, they argue Musk doesn't have the right to stand against them.
The developments in the UK are the most blatant example of this, with the government now trying to hunt down and imprison people for the most minor of actions (a British teen was recently put in prison for two years for merely flying a British flag near a Mosque). Anyone who stands against multiculturalism (and futurism) risks being arrested and thrown in a cage.
Of course, there's only one way this can go: Either the British people rebel and violently overthrow the globalist puppets in their own government, or they will become slaves living in fear within their own country.
The New York Times also had a lot to say about the problem of freedom and the U.S. Constitution in this article. They yet again try to tie the events of Jan. 6 to Donald Trump, promoting the false narrative of an attempted "insurrection" in which no one was armed, and no one was killed (except one of the conservative protesters).
The Times asserts that the danger of the Constitution is that it gives the public the freedom to vote for a person like Trump. An act that they claim allows for the document's own destruction.
The true irony is that Trump's popularity would be nonexistent if it wasn't for the political left's constant attempts to institute socialist tyranny and erase the Constitution. Nothing happens in a vacuum and these people never take responsibility for their own behavior. They spent three years ignoring our constitutional rights in the name of medical authoritarianism over a virus with a median Infection Fatality Rate of only 0.23 percent. Then they gaslight us about how conservatives are supposedly a threat to democracy.
I argue this is not the new normal, it's a recipe for war. Globalists know full well that rebellion is coming but I don't think leftists truly appreciate how at risk they are if they continue down this path.
Rebellion is always on the minds of the elites. In a way, they want it, but they want it in small doses that are easy to digest and control. They want an enemy they can use to frighten the public into supporting martial law, but what happens if too many in the public join that rebellion?
What globalists and leftists are truly afraid of is large-scale rebellion that they can't control. The kind of rebellion that could end with all their heads in nooses. They will do anything to avoid widespread revolution which is why they're willing to take the risk of open mass censorship today. They know what is coming and they're moving to mitigate the spread of anti-globalist views as much as possible.
To truth and knowledge,
Brandon Smith
Authoritarianism Explained
What is Authoritarianism?
Examples of Authoritarian governments
Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by a high concentration of power in the hands of a single authority or a small group of individuals, often without meaningful checks and balances, limited political pluralism, and restricted civil liberties.
It stands in contrast to democratic systems, which emphasize principles such as popular sovereignty, rule of law, and protection of individual rights. Authoritarian regimes can vary in their severity, from soft or semi-authoritarian systems that allow some political opposition and limited freedoms to hard or full-blown authoritarian systems with virtually no political opposition or civil liberties.
What is Totalitarianism? Totalitarianism Explained
Difference Totalitarianism and
Totalitarianism is a political system where the state holds absolute power over every aspect of public and private life. Unlike authoritarianism, it seeks to control not just political and economic spheres but also the thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors of its citizens.
Historical examples of totalitarian regimes include Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler, the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, and North Korea under the Kim dynasty. These regimes justified their extreme measures as necessary for national security, ideological purity, or the greater good of society, leading to widespread human rights abuses and a climate of fear and repression.
I Fact-Checked Kamala
Since ABC Wouldn’t
The Comments Section with Brett Cooper
0 seconds ago
Brett, where does your unbridled energy come from? I can tell ya where it goes. Into my Heart and Soul!
Gary Kreps · Follow
Gary Kreps is in Ball Ground, GA.
Cherokee County, Georgia September 17, 2024:
An airship over my farm for 13 months crashed into a neighboring property.
News involving gang stalking does not make mainstream news and is hidden from social media.
The Cherokee County Sheriff's Department, Cherokee County Marshals Office, Cherokee County Zoning, GBI, and federal law enforcement participate in the secret program of Gang Stalking.
In Cherokee County, the gang stalkers utilize these ships for housing and equipment.
You’ve heard other targeted individuals mention gang stalkers in the trees. The gang stalkers don’t climb the trees. They drop down and in vessels camouflaged as tree tops and are suspended by these airships airships.
The airships are constructed of Lexan Polycarbonate (bulletproof glass). These ships were initially built for post-nuclear housing. If a nuclear strike had occurred, United States dignitaries would have lived in these airships until conditions improved. This material is protection against additional explosions, gunfire, and fire.
Lexan Polycarbonate has an extremely high flash point and is unlikely to catch fire. Therefore, it is used as a window in jails and prisons throughout the United States.
The American Gang Stalking Terror Program is an illegal top-secret tool that is Utilized by federal, state and local enforcement.
Corrupt American Counties such as Cherokee County utilize this program against whistleblowers as Revenge Or retaliation for speaking out against the administration.
It this sounds to sensational to be a true story. I agree!
Before June 6th, 2023 we had not heard the term “gang stalking” I felt our government honored the United States Constitution, and Bill of Rights. It would’ve been tough to convince me that a program such as gang stalking would be occurring. And especially not being conducted by law enforcement.
It makes no financial sense, utilizes a large amount of resources, and is illegal.
The denial and top-secret program has became so large that mistakes are occurring, and the truth is getting out. On Quora, Reddit and TikTok gang stalking became a big news topic.
When the criminals are law-enforcement, the breakdown of society begins. America needs to go back to one nation under God. And follow the principles set out by the founding fathers and the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights. “America the Free!”
Ron Tello Culley
I produced a Blog on the topic. https://www.ozroundtable.com/index.php?topic=8316.0
Being in this comment section probably means you're under surveillance.
You Are the Threat to Democracy
Information is the Threat to the Democracy. You Are the Real Threat to Democracy. Pay close attention to the leadership's states. They are not hiding anything.
30 minutes ago
I think cell phones and social media was the icing on the cake for the down fall of our society.
43 minutes ago
You damn right i am and im proud to be one because I'm a patriot.
34 minutes ago
I'm skeptical of every politician. But you can tell Tulsi isn't compromised. It's just common sense not many have real morals. She is one of the very very few who are fighting for us.
Chosen Ones: GANG-STALKED By A Global Crime Syndicate
In this gripping documentary-style story, we delve into the hidden world of a global crime syndicate that preys on individuals through psychological manipulation, societal resistance, isolation, and betrayal. If you’ve ever felt the crushing weight of being alone, misunderstood, or caught in the head games of unseen forces, this story is for you. Join us as we uncover the dark truths behind this invisible game and discover the powerful clue that leads to freedom and reclaiming control of your mind.
Discover how to see through the lies, overcome psychological trauma, and fight back against manipulation. We’re speaking to all those who’ve faced societal opposition, betrayal, and isolation. This is your story of resilience, survival, and a quiet revolution to take back your life.
WTF?? This DIDN'T Just Happen in Iraq!!
19 hours ago
19 hours ago
We are living 1984 right now.
20 hours ago
The red coats are here they have just changed their uniforms
19 hours ago
The Standing Army gets bolder by the day.
Paranoid Tucson Man Believes Planes are Watching Him
Once again, the sheriff's department was called on Mr. Gold, this time by a woman named Allison. In this video, we delve into a recent call where Mr. Gold, returning home from dinner, was followed by a car that looked like his neighbor's. What starts as an ordinary drive turns unsettling when Mr. Gold encounters a strange U-turn, prompting him to drive off. The call that followed claimed he ran over a small bush, but the events that unfold are far more alarming.
BREAKING: Trump assassination hoax pushed by Trump-hating cop?
0 seconds ago
I open carry in a Nevada small town. The Sheriffs, first-name basis, often wanted to examine my piece. They hand it back to me, saying I need to clean it. I tell them "I will after you manhandled it, thx for the pro-tip". Good times.
20 hours ago
It's California, what did you expect? Same thing will happen if you go to New York, is why I don't go to foreign countries.
19 hours ago
19 hours ago
Yes, it's California. He should have left his guns at home.
But, those laws are unconstitutional infringement.
He'll eventually be in front of the SCOTUS.
S01E01 Audio Tello Mash
:tello: "The things people say about me..."
Bob Farrell
Oct. 15, 2024
SHOCKING ORDEAL 3: Unmasking a HIDDEN Danger in our Community & the disturbing reality of Hotel Deaths
Early call......
They are priming us for what’s next. That’s why I’m freaked out by all the apocalyptic movies out. Like they’re just biding time.
5 Tech Conspiracies That Are (Probably) True
Do you ever get the feeling in your everyday life, that’s something just isn’t right? I mean things for the most part are in their right place…but not everything and you’re just not sure why…well if you feel this way, your not alone. And today we’re looking in to why exactly that is. Here are 5 Tech Conspiracies That Might Actually Be True
Mike Ermer "Salty Pancakes" The Catalyst of Chaos Amongst Conspiracy
0 seconds ago
What? How did I get involved???
Gangstalking is Real, Should be Studied (Conference Keynote Speech)