Author Topic: The Preliminary Bout: "Ask Seller A Question"  (Read 9214 times)


  • Knights of the RT
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The Preliminary Bout: "Ask Seller A Question"
« on: January 17, 2010, 04:54:10 AM »
This is an example of an actual exchange between a buyer in Germany and a seller in Hong Kong over a $2,000 AUD 'ex-display' laptop computer.

It is the opening chapter of a Paypal story, which I am presenting on the thread: Paypal's "Mission Impossible" - A Duty of Care where you will find some more background material as well.

As it stands, the following is not an abnormal dialogue..........

Actual emails (anonymised)

Sendedatum: 12-Dec-09 03:30:04 AEDST
< seller id >,
Dear Sir or Madame,
I am looking forward to buy athis
< product name > at our shop.
Is this right, that it was a damaged
< product name >, that had been
repaired (display)?
If i took the the shipping for 1$, could you send without EMS?
Because here in Germany, they are not a good company!
Could you give some free special to it? maybee the external
super drive?
kind regards
< buyer name >
< buyer id >

Sent Date: 12.12.09 01:48:42 MEZ
< buyer id >,
thank you for your email. the item is actually brand new it is
called ex display because we had it out of the box and in our
showroom cabinet for one week. the item has never been
damaged. we can ship via Air Parcel but to Germany this will
take about 14 - 21 days. if you would like to pay for UPS or
FedEx we can ship this way but the cost will be high for this type
of item.
the computer will come with a free screen protector and a free
keyboard protector. we do not have any stock for external
super drives at the moment.
best regards
< seller name >
< seller id >

Sendedatum: 12-Dec-09 14:26:15 AEDST
< seller id >,
< seller name >,
that sounds great. I think i will buy next week.
I have to pay first that highmoney to my account.
If you send it with Air Parcel (the shipping time is okay for me)
do you have than a tracking nr.?
Is this Air Parcel with EMS? oder hongkongpost?
last question: do you have a homepage?
kind regards
kind regards
< buyer name >
< buyer id >

Sent Date: 12.12.09 06:35:42 MEZ
< buyer id >,
thank you for your reply. Air Parcel is not with EMS it is Air Mail
with full online tracking. it is a very good service it is just
slower than EMS. the home page for Air Parcel is:
best regards
< seller name >
< seller id >

Date: 12 December 2009 5:15:53 PM GMT+08:00
< seller id >,
okay thanks.
but i asked if you got an homepage
< buyer id >

Sendedatum: 15-Dec-09 14:13:03 AEDST
< seller id >,
could you ship the same day, the money arrive?
i will pay money from bank to paypal, than i will buy.
could you ship it the same day? i hope it will arrive befor 2010.
< buyer id >

Sent Date: 15.12.09 04:15:28 MEZ
< buyer id >,
sure, once i have payment we generally ship same day if early
enough to do so but at the latest it will be the next day. if you
purchase in the next day or two i am sure it will arrive before
christmas if you select EMS shipping.
best regards
< seller name >
< seller id >

Sendedatum: 15-Dec-09 14:17:07 AEDST
< seller id >,
i do not want to choose EMS, because there are high prices into
there is a company which transport it for ems, and tthey wanna
have 50? extra.
< buyer id >

Sent Date: 15.12.09 04:19:58 MEZ
< buyer id >,
Ok then your only other choices would be fedex, ups or dhl
because i do not believe that air parel will arrive before christmas
< seller id >

Sendedatum: 15-Dec-09 17:24:53 AEDST
< seller id >,
okay, i will look.
could you send it with fedex or ups for 1$?
this will be the greatest!
< buyer id >

Sent Date: 15.12.09 12:10:14 MEZ
< buyer id >,
thanks for the email. the cheapest option is UPS and i have
checked the costs:
Express - $1500 ($290AUD)
Expidited - $1094 ($200AUD)
International - $951 ($170AUD)
EMS is $380 (this means that the cost of shipping via UPS is
extremely high. Air Parcel which is shipping we use for $1
costs us $189 ($30AUD).
we could not afford to offer more than this as the item is already
being sold below our cost.
best regards
< seller name >
< seller id >

Sendedatum: 15-Dec-09 22:15:32 AEDST
< seller id >,
i do not check your list.
what do i have to pay for shipping with ups?
< buyer id >

Sent Date: 15.12.09 12:17:05 MEZ
< buyer id >,
the price for UPS is between $170 - $290 depending on what
you choose. postage for $1 costs us $30AUD so depending on
the service you choose with UPS the cost would be less $30
credit for the shipping we would normally pay.
< seller name >
< seller id >

Sendedatum: 15-Dec-09 23:02:08 AEDST
< seller id >,
if i send with ups, i have to pay 30$?
< buyer id >

Sent Date: 15.12.09 13:06:48 MEZ
< buyer id >,
no if you send with UPS you need to pay $140 we will pay the first
$30 as this is the cost of Air Parcel.
< seller id >

Date: 15 December 2009 8:18:35 PM GMT+08:00
< seller id >,
okay, i will choose air parcel.
i hope it will arrive between christmas an new years eve.
< buyer id >

Sendedatum: 18-Dec-09 17:52:01 AEDST
< seller id >,
do you see that i have paid?
< buyer id >

Sent Date: 18.12.09 07:53:19 MEZ
< buyer id >,
thank you i did and i have packed your computer already and
have it ready for shipping. unfortunately, it was too late for
shipping today but will go tomorrow for you. i will let you
know the tracking number once i have it.
best regards
< seller name >
< seller id >

Date: 18 December 2009 2:55:49 PM GMT+08:00
< seller id >,
please go to post offive this day?!
you've got 4 hours before ending of working day.
please ship this day.
i need this item very fast.
and tell me tracking nr.
this trackingnumber is only for hk, isn't it? always, when i
bought something from hk, i only could see, that the item left
kind regards
< buyer id >

... and so the laptop started on its journey.


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Re: The Preliminary Bout: "Ask Seller A Question"
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2010, 10:13:04 AM »
Another buyer from hell,

His emails only shown,

Please contact me on 04xxxxx or send me your contact number. I need to buy the yyyy but not sure if the yyyy  is the correct one for me.Cheers,

Hello there,
Please contact me on 04xxxxx or send me your contact number. I need to buy the yyyy  but not sure if the yyyy  is the correct one for me.


3 phone calls in all,


Hello zzzzz,
I believe your price did include a free shipping in ebay.
Does the below comes with the yyyyy and if it doesnt how much extra are we looking at?
I got the below from another dealer with about the same price as yours.

Pages of details from ebay all mixed up,
 OK zzzzzz, I will think about the postage method but for now I think it will be regular one.
What happens if the qqqqq  got deleted or anything happened to it?
Do I get a backup one and instructions on how to install it?
Hello zzzzzz,
My address is 1 idiot place moronville.
I will make payment to the account information provided below.
Please confirm the account details below one more time for verification.
Please list everything that comes with the package including any gifts available.
I would like to say that if you throw extra gifts, in return I will recommend your verbally as I know many will ask me the place of purchase.
When will you post this unit? I would prefer the sooner the better. I can provide screenshot of online payment to your account including a reference # from ANZ bank.
Finally please confirm that you will provide an invoice and an extended warranty of 23 month and unit is .
You can call me on 04xxxxxx if you wish to discuss any further issues or would like to fine tune unit before shipping.
zzzzzz I noticed you said xxxxx unti, is this unit has xxxx software installed on it?

I believe we have spoken and said that the model xxxxx does not have xxxx software installed on it? If I download and installed the latest pppp, I dont think it will wipe out the 'xxxxx' logo when the xxxx starts up, does it?
Can you please call me on 042xxxxxx

HERE I sold out of model first wanted and thought enough goodbye and emailed idiot no go, no stock.

Hi zzzzzz,
Unfortunately I cannot afford more than the agreed price. I will look for other xxxxxx only at this stage.
If you want to sell your DVD only let me know, otherwise I will get them from a torrent site.

zzzzzzz, can you please confirm if you wont be getting anymore zzzzz as I will be buying it from another provider now. Also can you please send me your DVD to upload into xxxxx for qqqqq purposes?

zzzzzz, thanks for your email. I will await for your instructions.
I will hopefully send you a screenshot proof of payment tonight.
Its Idiot again. I was wondering if you received my email I sent you about your porduct. I'm happy to get the xxxxx model but was wondering if you could so some tuning for me.
Ok sounds good.
Please confirm how many months left on the device.
Please confirm if you could fine tune it for me by wiping out the qqqqq software. I would like to see no qqqq software on my mobile including the qqqq logo when first starting up the device.
Finally confirm if you will provide an invoice as proof of purchase and papers for warranty.

Ok payment has been completed now. Please see attached.
Again please ensure package will be sent to the following address:
i look forward to get an confirmation email of send item.Let me know if you need additional information.

Can you please confirm you have received an email from me regarding payment.

HERE I SENT EMAIL saying payment would take 2 to 3 business days to clear.

Did you receive your payment yet? If you havent I will need to get in touch with my bank.

Hello zzzzzz,
Can you please confirm if you have already shipped the unit?
I havent had a reply from you to my previous email either.

All what it takes is to say that you have sent the item like you did now as confirmation or say you have received the money as confirmation.
I also dont appreciate your big font in color. If you see my last 2 emaisl and 'read' them again it will say to confirm payment was received and/or confirm shippment.

Payment arrived 19 after hours. Sent unit on 21/12 when when PO opened after weekend and emailed tracking details

18 Emails in, 12 replies and 3 , 30 min phone conversations and phone messages at all hours of the night. Buyers feedback 12 purchases.

Part two later


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Re: The Preliminary Bout: "Ask Seller A Question"
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2010, 10:28:35 AM »
Are we supposed to read all that?
How about the Reader's Digest version?

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Re: The Preliminary Bout: "Ask Seller A Question"
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2010, 01:52:28 PM »
That does sound like a troublesome buyer whose motto for the day is "How difficult can I be today?"
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"