This is an issue that was raised directly with Simon Smith and his security cohort (can't remember his name) about 2 years ago - face to face and he could not answer the question I posed... surprise, surprise.
Bit of background
We stopped selling on ebay about a year ago now. A lot of the goods we sold on ebay are classed as dangerous goods and therefore you are required to have a Dangerous Goods contract with Australia Post to ship these items around the country, we can not post internationally as this is illegal for these types of goods. When we were selling on ebay we had issues with chinese sellers sending similar items into Australia via the Post, ebay had discussions with Australia Post and told them that they would shut these items down if the seller could not prove they had a contract with AP. (I can hear you all laughing - stop it).

Well things got to the point where we just gave up and ebay were blatantly ignoring reports...
This issue has raised its ugly head again. I still keep in touch with a few sellers on ebay and one in particular (I will call her XX) who is our competition (we are actually going to open another business together). But, she is still selling on ebay, she holds a DG contract with AP and knows how to package and ship these goods correctly. Aside from that AP also require that special paperwork is completed when shipping these items. Our staff here were all put through DG packaging training through AITEC and were certified to ensure we were doing the right thing.
XX noticed the other day that there was an Australian seller on ebay in her category, health and beauty, selling a product which is an acrylic monomer. The bottle label was in chinese and we know for a fact that this particular product coming out of China is what is , the scalled an MMA monomer (methyl methacrylate). It is banned here in Australia for use on fingernails if the amount of MMA is over 1%, the TGA classed it as a poison, because it is bloody dangerous stuff and it stinks which is the giveaway as to what it is made from stuff from China is generally 99% MMA. EMA (ethyl methacrylate) is safer and approved for use in the industry. OK, back to this seller. XX shows me the listing on ebay and she emailed the seller and asked what the ingredients were. The seller came back and said "I don't know, they are not listed".. so clearly she dosen't read chinese. So, XX emailed and asked for an MSDS, seller came back and said "I don't have one for that product, but I will email my supplier and try and get one". I said to XX, that will never happen, the chinese will not admit to selling this stuff.
So, XX emailed the seller and asked if she would express post the item (deliberately). Seller comes back and says "YES, no problem". (OPPS...EP...big no no). XX pays for the goods and they arrive via express post and the seller has signed the Dangerous Goods declaration on the bag as not containing any dangerous goods. Photos taken, then when the bag is opened the stench hit XX confirming it is an MMA monomer, and it is in an open plastic bag with a bit of newspaper around it, the packaging is totally inadequate.
I then asked XX to pull the seller's details and I rang her, she told me she was a hobby business (yeah right - with over 200 listings on ebay and 50 on oztion) and gave her a couple of options:
A. she remove all the listings for all liquid products and glues from ebay as she did not have a DG contract to post them.
B. that she could leave all her listings up and I would report her for the following:
1. ATO - report her for tax evasion under the two names she is using
2. Report her to Australia Post for falsifying a DG declaration and for posting dg's via Aust Post without a dg contract.
3. Report her to workplace health and safety for not supplying an MSDS when asked.
4. Report her to the Civil Aviation Authority (who, 2 years ago, were trying to stop these sellers posting dgs in conjunction with ebay, but we all know why this probably failed).
5. report her to NICNAS for importing and selling illegal/banned goods.
Also, the labelling on the bottles is not allowed here in Australia and this comes under the ACCC but because she is not a registered business the ACCC nor state consumer affairs can step in.
SO, I rang NICNAS to see who monitored this type of activity, they said the State Health Authorities should be monitoring it.
Why aren't Customs picking this stuff up in xray's when it comes into the country and reporting it to NICNAS which they have to do.
What more can we do and who do we go to, to try and get these types of seller's shut down, they are endangering people's lives not only through seling this stuff but shipping it as well.
This seller said to me that I was jealous and she was competition to our business, I laughed as she clearly had no idea who we were. My angst is over the total disregard this seller has for her buyers, Australia Post and all the others that come into contact with her products. We pay our taxes and GST, we pay super on our staff's wages, and she thinks she can fly under the radar???? So, yeah I have a couple of gripes.
Is it worth approaching a member of parliament about this and who would be the best one? Our local is Gillard, so forget that. I tried approaching her 2 years ago and her response was that NICNAS monitoring it - clearly they don't. NICNAS are notified of imports via Customs, so it seems that Customs are allowing these products in without checks.
XX has reported this sellers auctions under Ebay's Hazardous Goods Policy, but I am willing to lay down everything that Ebay will not pull these listings.