Author Topic: paypal Add Funds debacle - lost funds - do not use Add Funds  (Read 13363 times)


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on 31st May I opened a new account with PayPay, transferred $920 from personal bank account to Paypal account via their new Add Funds feature, and they have not applied the transfer to my paypal account, despite verifying my personal bank by successfully transferring 1 & 2 cents back to my personal account. I've contacted them 8 times, been given the same call centre compassion scripts every time, promised 4 weeks in a row that the money will appear by end of week, had 3 traces initiated and collected numerous same-scripted emails where they are deeply deeply sorry and have forwarded the details to the relevant department. Do I sound bitter ? Anyone else been burnt on this one. I am to lodge a complaint with NSW police reporting internet fraud - would appreciate any constructive feedback or  advice


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Re: paypal Add Funds debacle - lost funds - do not use Add Funds
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2010, 08:45:29 PM »
A report to Police is one option, the other is lodging a complaint with the BFSO (Banking and Financial Services Ombudsman).

Others with more experience in this area might be able to offer a checklist of steps to cover the best approach.

The first requirement before lodging any complaint is to ensure you have given adequate opportunity for the institution to fix up the matter under their own provisions ... and I would think you have done more than enough to satisfy that.

One suggestion - if you haven't already done so, write up a log of every action you have taken, dates and times, the response given - ANYTHING you can think of that demonstrates a problem has occurred, what it is, the efforts you have made to get it rectified and the response of the institution concerned.

Being detailed is very powerful - but you must be accurate. If you have an exact date and time, them note it. If you don't remember an exact time, then put an approximate time range eg between 3pm and 6pm.  If you have an exact quote, then note it. If not, then write it in your own words saying something like "The message I got was ......".

The most efficient way to do this is to have a notepad in front of you when make calls, for example. Recording there and then will always result in the greatest accuracy possible.

Sadly, this advice can be applied to ANY dealings with eBay or Paypal. Keep notes on everything!


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Re: paypal Add Funds debacle - lost funds - do not use Add Funds
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2010, 08:49:39 PM »
Hi there cdavid01 and welcome.  :welcome:

No I haven't had exactly that happen before.  I have had Paypal promise to credit a small amount and not do it.  I have also had a friend have Paypal keep a couple of grand.

If you don't get any joy from Paypal, there is always the ombusman as Brumby has said.  As long as you can document and prove your story, you will get your money back.

I feel for you, that is a lot of money to lose.


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Re: paypal Add Funds debacle - lost funds - do not use Add Funds
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2010, 08:55:44 PM »
Apologies.... Welcome to the OZRT, cdavid01!!


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Re: paypal Add Funds debacle - lost funds - do not use Add Funds
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2010, 09:33:22 PM »
Thanks all, appreciate the help. I'm hesitant to go to the BFSO, paypal are affiliated with them and I suspect it is front where they can get a guarantee of me waiting the BFSO's 48 days for their token complaints person to respond. The paypal agents I speak to have identified my funds "somewhere in their system but unable to apply it". Reckon they have had their Add Funds instrument transferring funds someplace where they cant get it back quickly and I am at the end of a very long queue that is not moving. I am resolved to cutting to the chase and calling them out with alleged internet fraud - will keep me amused during a long wait - although this *IS* serious folks. Thankyou again for the tips, cheers


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Re: paypal Add Funds debacle - lost funds - do not use Add Funds
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2010, 09:50:05 PM »


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Re: paypal Add Funds debacle - lost funds - do not use Add Funds
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2010, 09:51:14 PM »
Believe you me, the BFSO is NOT a "front" for Paypal - far from it!!

As an operator in the financial sector within Australia, they are REQUIRED to be subject to the BFSO.  There are several Ombudsman departments for various industry sectors - the Telecommunications Ombudsman being another one that is also busy.  They are all set up by the government to take on the 'big boys' on behalf of the individual ... and when the Ombudsman instructs Paypal to pay out, they have to comply.

Since it costs Paypal $1000 or so whenever a complaint is lodged, you'd think they would get ahead of the act and fix problems before they get that far.  However, the truth is, many people do not know that this avenue is available to them and by ignoring everybody, Paypal will pick up enough benefit to pay for the times they get caught out.

That's just my take on it, though - but I'm sure it's shared by many.


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Re: paypal Add Funds debacle - lost funds - do not use Add Funds
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2010, 09:54:14 PM »
I have heard of many cases of people getting their funds back via the Ombusman.  The Ombusman is a government department and Paypal is owned by Ebay.  Totally different.

I have never heard of anyone, having an actual documented case and NOT getting their case sorted out by the Ombusman.  There is a time period of a month and a half, but you even place a dispute on line.

Phone contact

and Bob's ya uncle.
