Author Topic: Post just appeared on ebay chatboards....  (Read 15131 times)


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Post just appeared on ebay chatboards....
« on: September 12, 2009, 11:58:31 AM »
Just closed my store very sad, I haven't had a sale since August 17. Ruined.

sums it up better than a thousand words. Cant help but feel for them.

Im off to real life....catch ya's next week.



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Re: Post just appeared on ebay chatboards....
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2009, 12:07:54 PM »
That's awful.

Any idea about the seller's history? The type of items, the sell-through rate previously?
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Re: Post just appeared on ebay chatboards....
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2009, 01:35:26 PM »
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Re: Post just appeared on ebay chatboards....
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2009, 12:43:56 AM »

I'm afraid we are going to see a lot of post's like this in the future because of ebay / paypal's heartbreaking to see nice people trodden over....


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Re: Post just appeared on ebay chatboards....
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2009, 04:20:59 AM »
Just look in "Ask a member" "Sellers" and "Big news - Changes are coming" on the Ebay Boards, there is an endless stream of Upset sellers, many of whom are simply giving up as it is no longer feasable for them, yes there is a smattering of sellers able to keep their head above water "For now" However Ebay used to be for everyone, not just some who either:
A: Have a horribly "Holier than thou" attitude or
B:Just love Love LOVE Ebay and can see them do no wrong (till it smacks them in the forehead of course) or
C:Have a PHD in Ebay Science.

It was for everyone, it was fun, it was user friendly, now alas it is a mishmash of policies, fees, punishments, holds, chargebacks, hidden bidders, complicated interfaces, add to that the PayPal Factor and you have chaos.

I miss the good old days, I Miss Ebay as it was, I can understand some additional security measures that make sense, not the Faux garbage Ebay spouts these days, and innovative distruption.. more like a slow motion trainwreck if you ask me.

I just want to be able to buy and sell in a user friendly atmosphere, with valid security for both buyers and sellers.
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Re: Post just appeared on ebay chatboards....
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2009, 07:11:45 AM »
And if I point out that times are tough, and people are not buying, I will be accused of being an ebay stooge, and that's the biggest problem of all.
People are more interested in bashing ebay for corperate greed, rather than facing the facts that on line auctions have just about had their day.

Every bubble bursts sometime or other, and no doubt ebay have seen this coming for a long time.  Companies like this employ planners who work 1 to 2 years from now, in setting goals and direction for the company, it's just not something that roles on and makes a decision at the next board meeting after a weeks research.

When I started on ebay US in 1996, Western Union was encouraged, now they own Paypal it's outlawed, all these changes are predictable, and like all corporate giants, the aim is not to be a good moral business citizen, but to make money.

The James Hardy group managed to kill hundreds of their workers with their asbestos products, yet still make billions a year, governments change policies that have directly caused people to suicide, it happens around the world on a daily basis. was a brilliant site but yahoo bought it, and then closed it when they rationalised their interests with the crash, all things change, people in B & M shops are going out of business on a weekly basis, do they blame the landlord, or themselves for not seeing that they were banking their financial future on a lemon.  Yes, ebay are guilty of unconscionable conduct, but so are many people who thought it was a cash cow that would be there forever.    The warnings have been there for the last few years that ebay would move the goal posts on a continueing basis, and I for one, would never stake my financial future on something that does that.    The best form of protest is to not use the bloody place, and get everyone you know to do the same thing, but we know that will never happen, because people still see the lure of the dollar, and think they will be the one exception that makes money.



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Re: Post just appeared on ebay chatboards....
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2009, 09:07:51 AM »
Just taken from OZtions boards, perhaps this is the poster in the OP.
This was in a thread that states ebay closing it's Blogs, and as usual, people put their own spin on it to say ebay are closing the forums.
Interesting that this seller has gobe to a place tht also has no sales, and a couple of people selling dvd's that rip people to shreds on the forums.
Good Luck, if your were ruined by ebay, OZtion will kill you, in more ways than one ;D

How in the name of christ can someone read blog, and switch it into forums. I guess when people simply don't read, and assume, and others wonder why you'd bother trying to help people who are that stupid.

Replied by ecultdvd on 12-Sep-2009 08:08 (Ref 1910707)  Report 
They won't close if they can find a way to charge people for using them!  I just closed my store over there, not a sale for 4 weeks! I only opened it a few months ago and did very well until they pulled this last fiasco!   I am ruined.   At least here it is normal and nice.

Here is the post, and the idiotic way people screw things up.

Posted by wamoonite on 12-Sep-2009 07:55  Report 
Bloggs to close on *bay!! 
Just read in the forum on *bay they are closing the bloggs!! I never go on theirs so this could be old news,but looked new!
I cant imagine the loss of the forums to a lot that are very regular on here! Seems there were a few nasties that killed it for everyone!! Hope it doesn't happen here! A lot have made very good friends & a great "neighbourhood" on Oztion & *bay,so it seems a great shame. have a great day! Sandy 
Replied by skintec on 12-Sep-2009 07:59 (Ref 1910704)  Report 
Are you saying Ebay will have no forums for the members to discuss things?
Replied by ecultdvd on 12-Sep-2009 08:08 (Ref 1910707)  Report 
They won't close if they can find a way to charge people for using them!  I just closed my store over there, not a sale for 4 weeks! I only opened it a few months ago and did very well until they pulled this last fiasco!   I am ruined.   At least here it is normal and nice.
Replied by wishingwell58 on 12-Sep-2009 08:17 (Ref 1910709)  Report 
ecultdvd "At least here it is normal and nice"

Not on a full Moon and with some topics in the Forums 



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Re: Post just appeared on ebay chatboards....
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2009, 09:16:36 AM »
If those wonky posters show up here, please isolate them so they won't contaminate the gene pool.

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Re: Post just appeared on ebay chatboards....
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2009, 09:26:10 AM »
Well I only wear Amco stretch, so I am with you ;D


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Re: Post just appeared on ebay chatboards....
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2009, 11:06:28 AM »

I do quite well on oztion. As do many others. They are the ones who go there and are willing to start from scratch and not those who walk through the oztion doors thinking "i did well on ebay, I'll pick up here where I left off". Oztion doesnt owe you anything for relocating there, you have to start again from the beginning.



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Re: Post just appeared on ebay chatboards....
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2009, 11:10:01 AM »
This is not necessarily stupidity; it's lack of information. Don't forget that quite a few people on eBay and Oztion and so on have NO OTHER INTERNET EXPERIENCE. They're small sellers trying to cope in a swiftly changing world, with technology supposedly making things easier (but in actual fact ending up demanding more and more skills from sellers and buyers). Sometimes it's easy to forget that terminology known very well by oneself is not known to other people.

I'm guilty of sometimes assuming that things I know are general knowledge... but I try to stop and think, just to be sure I'm not making incorrect assumptions.

If someone on an eBay or Oztion forum doesn't use blogs or isn't aware of blogs, and finds a quick definition about a blog that defines it as a personal online site that's frequently updated and intended for the generation public, with a series of entries posted in reverse-chronological order, he could easily misunderstand it as being virtually the same as a forum. Unless it's very clear indeed that a blog is a personal JOURNAL site, some people could think that "forum" and "blog" are interchangeable terms.

In the light of eBay's closure of certain forums on the eBay boards, is it reasonable to conclude that eBay may close its discussion boards entirely? I don't know... but I do think it's horribly and sadly plausible.

It would help if a member on the Oztion forums could clearly explain the difference in that thread between a forum and a blog. I'm not a member there - could someone else here step in and help out?
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Re: Post just appeared on ebay chatboards....
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2009, 11:17:30 AM »
It would help if a member on the Oztion forums could clearly explain the difference in that thread between a forum and a blog. I'm not a member there - could someone else here step in and help out?

I would do it, but my reputation here precedes me. Sorry.
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Re: Post just appeared on ebay chatboards....
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2009, 02:05:44 PM »
I do quite well on oztion. As do many others.

Well that means nothing to anyone, What you say does well fo you, may not be a decent meal for someone else, everything is relative.
I have studied the goings on at OZtion, along with quite a few others, and if the owners couldn't make enough to survive, and sold out because they couldn't afford to advertise, then I doubt anyone is doing well on the scale of having a " Genuine Business " that pays a wage.

There are several fools over there who jump on the forums every day telling all and sundry how great they are doing, but a quick check of the sales may see 4 in the last month. at $5 each......?

The person who made the comment about the forums is no newbie and has been there for years.

The comment itself is ridiculous, " Are you saying "....?   The OP stated quite clearly what they were saying.

Exactly what does it take to make people stop, read, then comment, because quite simply, if you take out the cliques, the manipulators, and the trolls, and those who start flamers because they fail to read and comprehend what is written,forums would do what they were designed to do.

As for OZtion, the most popular threads are those whinging about no sales, no clicks, and multiple ID's. The most watched threads are those full of abuse and rudeness. That's why the site has never reached it's potential, the site's membership only grew through the forums of ebay and the continual raiding parties from OZtion, so most of the people that went there, were forum users, and most who hate trolls and idiots backed out the door as quickly as they came in and read the forums.
Before I ever wen't there in the beginning of 2006, word on RT was that their forums were a battle ground, and the same members are still there, waiting for the chance to unload on people, and their Admin does nothing, have no interest in the place, and word is, can't wait until their management contract with new owners Jumbuck, ends early next year.  Ebay and OZtion are suffering from the backlash of negative publicity of on line trading, and the recession we nearly didn't have.  Nothing more and nothing less. Australia has 21 million people, but only about 6.5 to 7 million work, where does the money come from to support on line auction sites as well as B & M shops, small pie with too many wanting a larger slice, the sums don't work.
No longer can anyone start on ebay and sell, these days you need to be smarter than others, and put some effort into selling, and I have seen so many whine they can't sell, but when you look at their auctions, they basically tell people not to buy off them, rude TOS, poor photo's, no description.
What ebay did was to open up a whole new market to those who would never succeed in a real business, but gave them an ego, and many use it to profess their expertise in business, but the reality is, ebay is just a venue, which can be taken away in an instant.

Mum & Dad sellers should all move to OZtion because ebay won't be entertaining them much longer, the fee's just about wipe them out now, so their next logical move will be an Amazon style shopping mall, Paypal only, and the other members will be shunted off to Gumtree, or OZtion, who knows, ebay may buy Jumbuck, they are publicly listed.

Everything is relative, if your selling garage sale stock, go to OZtion, if your more upmarket, go to ebay and pay high fee's but have a chance of having traffic view your items.



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Re: Post just appeared on ebay chatboards....
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2009, 02:34:24 PM »

This belief that your knowledge over rides all others does your argument a great disservice.

Well that means nothing to anyone, What you say does well fo you, may not be a decent meal for someone else, everything is relative.

I do well enough that my oztion income now equals my bricks and mortar stores income...and that is good enough for me to be looking at a second bricks and mortar shop to be opened early in the new year.

As for OZtion, the most popular threads are those whinging about no sales, no clicks, and multiple ID's. The most watched threads are those full of abuse and rudeness.

Have you perhaps scanned the ebay chat boards of late?

And if I point out that times are tough, and people are not buying...

and just by way of interest my sales were already crawling upwards for the last 12 months (thanks in big part to some oztion success that to be honest I hadnt foreseen) but since the start of the new financial year there has been a noticable jump upwards.

Yes times are tough. But its not ALL doom and gloom.



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Re: Post just appeared on ebay chatboards....
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2009, 02:42:30 PM »
Bravo Bozo...well said, and well reasoned.... :applause: and after all, if it works for you.....or anyone else....then each to their sound like you have your business well rounded and grounded.

BTW..I'm no big fan of Oztion (but I've taken that up with F/Trading - Oztion's Admin is definitely all over the place)...but then, I'm not thrilled with Ebay of late.....I'm looking for fresh 

I think both could use a good shake up ....they both have a lot to learn.


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Re: Post just appeared on ebay chatboards....
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2009, 03:07:59 PM »
BTW, my belief as you put it, is based on facts, born out by the thousands of posts my members have saved from OZtion forums.
The opinions I stated are also shared by many others, but again, I have never stated anything but an opinion backed by facts, not a " Belief " that I am right.


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Re: Post just appeared on ebay chatboards....
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2009, 03:15:29 PM »
There's room for disagreement in viewpoints, perspectives, experiences and knowledge.

Everyone's experience is different.
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Re: Post just appeared on ebay chatboards....
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2009, 03:27:20 PM »
Exactly, I assume that's why my opinons were just removed, Baiters win again.