I hope that they notice a exodus from their boards, They have not treated us fairly and it seems that they want us all to go away.They don't like anything on their boards that can remotely give the impression that Ebay isn't safe, or their spin would be shot down in flames. They learned how that worked in the rebellion period and that's why the RT was put to death....so members could never again mount a protest against them...
Eversince.....'Ebay News, buyers/sellers and Hot Topics' boards are separate and for members only. So anything to do with being pissed off with ebay is kept silent, and punished severely. In Ebay cyberspace, nobody hears you scream.
There is no fraud or fakes on Ebay remember?..Ebay is safe, didn't you know that?...they have the most sophisticated way's of ensuring consumers are safe....they ignore it.
People don't want to be treated like cattle I'm afraid, and that seems to be the mentality of Ebay 2009. I was a seller for 7 years until the changes, and then it became so pushy and stressful, who needs it....seems to me it's been a cattle drive ever since, with each 'Innovative Disruption'...

....but they have no power here, and they can't silence anyone on this site.....
In fact, all they can do is read it and weep !!!

Always Remember grasshopper.....