Author Topic: What camera/s do you use for what shots?  (Read 273048 times)


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #350 on: July 12, 2010, 04:47:16 PM »
That picture was completely opportunistic - there was no way it could be set up and therefore no time for flashes or changing settings - that was a point and shot - as the settings were - not given a choice, it was all over in perhaps 10-30 seconds at the most.I took a series of shots  - that was the clearest

Hi da,

Once you are familar with flash you are set up in 10 seconds. Why do newspapers and professionals use flashes so Often? because it gets best results so often.

For your Roo I would have gone to manual settings, manual focus fastest in low light when practiced. I would have used flash and diffuser and manual set at ISO 100/ 400 depending on distance and f4/16 again depending on distance and left standard sync speed alone. And turned off any anti shake movement. That way, yes limited to flash recycle time in 20 secs should still get 4 shots even at 30 meters. Roo frozen clear by flash and background blur still there. The flash freezes movement as it fires for some thing like 1/1000 of a sec.

Also the batteries in hotshoe flash let camera batteries look after camera sensor and storage of image. Camera shots faster too. If subject at 10 meters set flash to 25% power and now about 20 shots in 20 seconds.

Photography has 3 rules, light quality/hue, light amount and light direction. For objects closer than 40 meters flashes open all sorts of shots as you control everything about the light. It always amuses me to see people spend $thousands extra on "best" lens and spend days on reserch.

And never learn flash basics in a few hours or buy a $100 basic flash kit, which will improve, much more than any thousadns $ spent elsewhere, on so many of their photos.


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #351 on: July 12, 2010, 05:44:45 PM »
Shyer!!!!!!!! Shyer Shyer!!!!!!

When practiced! - I'd had the camera about 1 week (maybe 2), the light was poor - I only just figured out how to make the remote work, I will get there - but I need far more pratice and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

I'm hoping to get some alright shots, maybe some good shots, if I get another shot like that roo shot, I'd be thrilled, but that was a one in a million as far as I'm concerned.

I am slowly collecting all the bits and pieces, slowly but surely - I will get a flash - just takes time for me to figure out the one I want/need and then to actually buy it :D

Thanks everyone for the help!
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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #352 on: July 12, 2010, 05:47:02 PM »
I'm a beginner too Wocky. It all takes time. The people on OZRT post some pretty nifty advise & I've learnt from it.


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #353 on: July 18, 2010, 12:00:15 AM »
I'm a beginner too Wocky. It all takes time. The people on OZRT post some pretty nifty advise & I've learnt from it.

Lots and lots of time - which I have had precious little of recently :(

Shyer - could you help please?

When buying a tripod. would a tilt pan head normally come fitted with a quick release plate, if no are they a univeral fit (doubt it) or are there basic shapes sizes etc?

Could you please advise?

"I've just been in a bad mood for 40 years" $7,800 **Raised as at 22nd March 2013**
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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #354 on: July 18, 2010, 01:45:44 AM »
If I may ....

In my experience, quick release plates are not the norm for most photographers. Professional (as in TV station level) video cameras will, because time is of the essence - especially if a news crew is in a live action situation and need to move fast or miss a shot.

All other cameras will have a standard 1/4" Whitworth thread. This is universal for still and video cameras - and has been for, literally, decades.

About the only difference will be the actual screw itself.  There are two types - a single screw where you have to tighten it to secure the camera and a screw with lock nut. I much prefer the lock nut - because you only screw the screw in until you just feel it 'touch' bottom and then you tighten using only the lock nut. Using the lock nut variety correctly will guarantee you will never put improper stress on the camera and that you will always get a firm, strong mount.


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #355 on: July 18, 2010, 08:37:43 AM »
Hi Da,

What brumby has said, I refuse to use anything but a lock nut setup as while you may have a metal female thread on camera it is only glued or heat moulded in plastic of body. You when it happens want to break the $2 locknout not the $500 body. It will happen, you forget to fully lock a leg, the wind will blow your tripod over, or you will get bumped while using a flash stand off. The more use the more certainly it will happen.

I for begineers like mid price tripods or monopods, if you want more features find out what you use and then buy that model you can always sell the first tripod or use as a flash tripod ect.

I personally 90% of time travel with a cheapish monopod, smaller, lighter, faster and not a calamity if a car backs over it. If I do take a regular tripod in the field I only take the ones out with a carry hook. This is a hook that sits below the camera. I will hang about 5 kgs from that hook , bottom of weight less than 1 cm off ground best slightly off ground. This stabiles the tripod in breezes or light touches. If a heavy gust or knock comes that would topple tripod the weight hits ground and now a lot of force needed to completely knock over. The weight can be your camera bag, even a couple of supermarket bags with water in plastic bottles.

quick release plates are in fact slow if you mainly hand hold shot.


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #356 on: July 18, 2010, 09:46:41 AM »
alright - quick release may not be the word I was looking for - but I have a tripod without a screw AND without a quick release plated, thus making it useless.

Paid a pittance for it and when I bought it the attention of the seller - here was her response:-
I did not advertise that there was a quick release plate included. These are sold separately I believe, at most camera stores for about $20? or so. I am sorry if you had any misunderstandings. Regards, XYZ

Now admittedly I did ask about the quick release plate - and not the screw - I'm wondering now if I've been sold a dud? - as I said small bikkies, but principle is the concern.

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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #357 on: July 18, 2010, 10:27:31 AM »
......Paid a pittance for it and when I bought it the attention of the seller -.......

There are many cheap china tripods out there see here.

click on photo of hand shows a "quick" release plate . Note price includes post from china worldwide for a 5 kg item by volume.

I suggest tripod like this some $45 Au posted.

Note locknut style head, carry handle , hook for weight.

Your pittance price tripod I would get a handyperson to get 25 mm length of 1/4 whitworth set screw and tap current tripod head. Screw into head , lock with nut so 6mm of thread sits out of head. Then mainly use that tripod for external flash or indoors.


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #358 on: July 18, 2010, 10:46:51 AM »
The second one is the one I've got - paid under 1/2 for it - the ad read
Professional aluminum camera tripod with tilt pan head, smooth movements. Solid head. Will take either a dslr, or compact camera

This wording indicates to me that the tripod should arrive fully functional without need to 'add' anything to it to make it work.

I don't like dishonest sellers - hell I don't like dishonest people.

I get the feeling that with the response I've already had to my question and the wording of the ad - that I'm right and she's hoping I'll just go away - only a junior seller - 85 items, I might see what happens if I push the envelope - the product itself is not fit for use UNLESS I buy something else to make it work and the ad no way in any form indicated this

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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #359 on: July 18, 2010, 12:16:42 PM »

I see only 2 chocies either return item for refund pay post $10/30 plus reg or demand refund and extra for postal amount if return wanted or neg feedback. There is actually a good chance the seller has no idea the quick release plate is missing or its function. Most people are not tripod users.

I am not a fan of cheap unit, quick release plates. They look good in shop and most sale staff in harvey norman or big W are not tripod uses either. Only a specialist camera store can give that service.

The quick release plates are the "new" gimmick in cheap units. The problem is the components are all cast plastic, the tolerence is lose , plastic wears easily , plastic is soft compared to expensive magnesium. While thiey look fast and easy to use in a shop. They wear out quickly plate is fiddly and needs a tool to use in field, the worst problem is no lock nut. That Problem explained before.

here is locknut tripod

Or this is a reasonable quick plate for the price. Note enameled metal plate is also a manfrotto copy / interchangeable, thus expensive parts available. I still prefer locknuts though. full view

There are millions of good old locknut near new tripods out there the problem is finding


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #360 on: July 18, 2010, 12:24:47 PM »
There is a virtual smorgrasboard of tripods/monopods on sale.Often, I see people who do not blink an eyelid when it comes to buying cameras or lenses and yet skim when it comes to buying good support for your gear.

I use a four sectional Sirui M1004 tripod with a 10 kg carrying load, well constructed it can be assembled to be used as a monopod as well.

Priced at approximately $200, it is not excessive and is cmparable to branded ones like Silk or Velbon ($500+)


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #361 on: July 18, 2010, 01:52:30 PM »
I've never heard of sayno enloops batteries, where could I get them?

Sanyo just released new version.

Note old charger still compatiable but I would not want to be paying full retail for now superseded batteries.


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #362 on: July 18, 2010, 02:08:51 PM »
Just did a little updating of my product knowledge (must get out of the cave a bit more)....

Seems 'quick release' has become a marketing feature ... but its value for a camera user is questionable. I might suggest if you don't know you need it, you probably don't.

Build quality on mechanisms like this is so important for stable, secure and reliable operation - I shudder at the idea of a 'cheap' version. Shyer gives a good list of the concerns.

Besides, when you affix such a mounting plate to most cameras I've encountered, you can't use the camera case.  Not comfortable with the idea of having a camera hanging on my shoulder without protection ... and if you remove the plate so you can fit the case, it kinda challenges the concept of "quick".


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #363 on: July 18, 2010, 05:41:46 PM »
Opinion (again)

Here is the ad:- “Professional aluminum camera tripod with tilt pan head, smooth movements. Solid head. Will take either a dslr, or compact camera”

Here is the response to my - not as described email:- "I am sorry that you were mistaken – I was selling a tripod, as advertised, as per the photos in the ad."

Note the photo is this (It certainly IMPLIES) both the wording AND pictures that a functional, fully operational tilt pan head IS offered with thos tripod.

Your thoughts?

[attachment deleted by admin]
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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #364 on: July 18, 2010, 05:43:59 PM »
Just did a little updating of my product knowledge (must get out of the cave a bit more)....

Seems 'quick release' has become a marketing feature ... but its value for a camera user is questionable. I might suggest if you don't know you need it, you probably don't.

Build quality on mechanisms like this is so important for stable, secure and reliable operation - I shudder at the idea of a 'cheap' version. Shyer gives a good list of the concerns.

Besides, when you affix such a mounting plate to most cameras I've encountered, you can't use the camera case.  Not comfortable with the idea of having a camera hanging on my shoulder without protection ... and if you remove the plate so you can fit the case, it kinda challenges the concept of "quick".

Brum6y - my camera spends 99% of it's time in the case and not just hanging loose around my shoulder - that too makes me shudder - I could go head of T*** at anytime! (Yes - seriously)

So I have a general interest in keeping the camera safe and sound in a camera bag! ;)
"I've just been in a bad mood for 40 years" $7,800 **Raised as at 22nd March 2013**
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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #365 on: July 18, 2010, 05:58:42 PM »
Woky. To the best of my knowledge all tripods come with either a quick release plate or ball head joint. I have 3 tripods and they are all complete with plates.

I believe you were sold an incomplete tripod. Perhaps the seller didn't know any better,but you believed you were buying a fully functional tripod & you didn't receive a fully functional tripod.

Different brands of tripods have different size plates & I'm not even sure ifr you can but a plate on it's own.

I'd be getting back to the seller & telling him it's incomplete & therefore non functional.


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #366 on: July 18, 2010, 06:05:48 PM »
for what I paid - ain;t worth argueing - I tried to communicate - you saw the result - she claims she's right - so negative feedback left :(

I DID try to avoid - but she was determined that she was selling tripod ONLY - even when using the words "Professional aluminum camera tripod with tilt pan head"

I tried to communicate - you saw her response :(

So now - the lies will bite her in the butt - I can post full emails - but I won't waste the space :(

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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #367 on: July 18, 2010, 07:31:39 PM »
Woky. I just looked at the listing & the written description is misleading. The seller said she tested it, how could she test it without a plate?


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #368 on: July 18, 2010, 07:36:55 PM »
I could argue thru  paypal - but I know she'll want it back (as is deserved) and I;m not prepared to send back

So negative feedback - she made it quite clear in the email - send it back and I;ll refund - so negative comment :(

There should be a limit (dollar) as to when a product should/should not be sent back - but as it's my decision - NOT to send back - I have NO RIGHT to ask for a refund - so I leave negative feedback instead
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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #369 on: July 18, 2010, 08:13:42 PM »
I could argue thru  paypal -  I have NO RIGHT to ask for a refund - so I leave negative feedback instead....

May I suggest,

 limit thee thou rightfull anger,

as nearly always, many options.

A few years ago I purchased a laptop on ebay from a dealer "tested to boot" .  received "item"
The battery was dead not one second of charge, The touch pad was fluid damaged the hard drive was US.

The seller offers 1/2 of battery cost no HDD or touch pad or labour or postage, in fact rude. I took a punt and bought parts not knowing other possiable problems that migth have existed.

 And I started not as described in paypal, and was told to send item back. So I did............. the bad battery HDD and damaged touch pad all fitted in a $6 prepaid paid bag. I registered and sent bad parts back. I got a full refund less post and parts cost. the seller complained for months.

I just said do not screw with me.

You could have sent in a $6 registered bag the packing materials you got.


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #370 on: July 18, 2010, 08:18:55 PM »
too long - would have to be sent as parcel - and that is $12-$13 just as normal mail - NOT registered - so she can keep the money and the negative feedback - I'll keep the tripod - maybe I can find another 'head' somewhere?

Who knows - but I'd rather throw it out than send it back (as I said paid little for it) - than have someone else ripped off.

She'll scream soon - I suspect by close of business of Monday ;)

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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #371 on: July 18, 2010, 08:55:21 PM »
 Hi da

paypal is stupid. The $6 prepaid bag is a parcel with their spectacles on. weight and size is too complicated

seller would scream more with 100% refund and bad feed back


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #372 on: July 18, 2010, 08:59:29 PM »
yeah but won't get postage back

You are most welcome to send the tripod back to me and I will refund you, less postage.

So I reckon she'll scream more with the negative - maybe I'm too docile

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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #373 on: July 18, 2010, 09:32:52 PM »
This line completely kills her arguments...

Will take either a dslr, or compact camera

Since the standard mounting mechanism for a DSLR or Compact camera is a 1/4" Whitworth female thread - just show me where there is a 1/4" Whitworth screw for a camera to be secured.

(Answer: It's going to be on the mounting plate which is probably still attached to the last camera that was on it.)


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #374 on: July 18, 2010, 09:42:13 PM »
When I bid on it - I saw all that - and thought brilliant -and then after I won the auction I thought - hang on I can;t see a thread.

Looked at the photo - saw the 'head' and thought - no it's okay.

Then it was slow to turn up - but that was explained by MY post office. acutally arrived on the 6th - but got put in the wrong hole - the sender has the same surname as a large local family.

I got it home and checked it and that was when email war started.

As I said - I could file with PP - but to acheive what? - mmore money spent on postage?

I'm not throwing good money after bad - she can wear the neg
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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #375 on: July 25, 2010, 10:00:00 AM »

Playing around with abstracts, C&C please.. ;D


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #376 on: July 25, 2010, 04:09:11 PM »
Hmmmmm...  Can't really say I'm a great 'judge' or one for offering critiques, but I'll throw in my thoughts.

This is all JMHO...

B&W - quite effective and suits the stark nature of the trees. Upon close inspection of the tree trunks, texture information is indistinguishable from JPEG artefacts, but it's all so close to black level it doesn't matter anyway.  Quite simply, for the casual viewer, the trees are in silhouette.  I have always liked effective silhouettes and this one works for me.  Another thought is that, with the composition of this image, there is a question as to whether the trees are in silhouette or are just black trees - charred perhaps.

Another thing that appeals to me is the contrast between the sharp focus of the trees and the (seemingly) soft focus of the background (clouds? - or have you been fiddling? ;) )

The areas of light and shade are balanced and the histogram is excellent.

As for an artistic interpretation .... this is not my strong suit ... but since it's presented as an 'abstract', I might offer this thought... the white area in the lower centre-right gives me an impression of a spirit leaving the main tree (heading off to the right of frame) which highlights the lifelessness of the black and barren branches.

B&W photography can provide an additional dramatic element, which, IMHO, it does here - and quite well.

Hope that is of some use to you...


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #377 on: July 26, 2010, 01:18:30 PM »
Hi Coin ,

I really like the composition of the shot and it imparts to me strong feelings of starkness and lonelyness .

I do wonder if the background has a more out of focus look than I would like.


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #378 on: July 26, 2010, 02:02:46 PM »
Hi Brumbs/Shyer,

Many thanks for the comments.

To a certain degree, you are both right in some of the thoughts that were in my mind when I was composing the shot.

This tree was one of the few that was spared by a bush fire where everything else was burnt to a cinder. With all the smoke and smog, the apparition of a departing spirit was created from just the right amount of light shining through the smog and clouds overhead.


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #379 on: July 26, 2010, 02:27:46 PM »
Coins. Top photo, I love the tree.

I tried to post one of my photos but I got this message;

"The upload folder is full. Please try a smaller file and/or contact an administrator".

I reduced the photo down to about 84 KB's and still got the same message.
It's got me beat how to post photos here now. I didn't have problems in the past with bigger photos.


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #380 on: July 26, 2010, 03:44:14 PM »
Can it be the limitation imposed by your photo hoisting service ?

I use boomspeed with a generous 1 gig limitation.


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #381 on: July 26, 2010, 08:23:55 PM »
From what I understand, the photo loader is a part of this forum and has a limited amount of space allocated. Admin will need to either clear out some old stuff or increase the size of the allocation.

I have advised Admin - but they aren't well, so I won't be jumping up and down about it.

In the mean time, you can still link to Photobucket type accounts - which is what I've done in the past to show pics when this happens.  That still works - it's just that is more of a pain.

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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #382 on: July 30, 2010, 09:26:12 PM »
I'vbe been mucking arolund with Photoshop Elements 8. A while back I picked up a photography magazine with a free DVD.
I finally got around to watching the DVD & what ya know, some stuff to do with layers fell into place. I can now lighten shadows to show more features etc, ripper.


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #383 on: July 30, 2010, 10:47:17 PM »

 You know how it goes Birdie............when all else fails,,,,,read the instructions!

Westie  :ivanhoe:
Ain't no rhyme or reason
No complicated meaning

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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #384 on: July 30, 2010, 11:14:36 PM »
Yep your right Westy. Unfortunately I watch the video then open Photoshop import a photo & forget all the steps so, back to the video & watch again.

tomorrow I'll have forgotten what I did.

I just dragged a pink flower & put it on a solid grey background. Wish I rememered how I did it.


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #385 on: July 30, 2010, 11:58:18 PM »

 I am so glad someone else is like
 I am "oh so clever " ......once!!!!
 I am sure if I  did it  6-7 times in succession then it would be firmly implanted. Trouble is
 I am just not devoting enough time to the learning process...though you wouldn't think that from all the posts I have been doing lately....but it is raining so it is time to play silly buggars and waste time...pity I didn't put it to good use!!!!   Time on the computer is a fun thing for me...I don't need it one iota for my line of work,,,,handy but don't need it!

*wondering if  "I am" is a key phrase here*
Ain't no rhyme or reason
No complicated meaning


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #387 on: August 02, 2010, 07:35:05 PM »

WOW !!!!! Thanks for sharing smee.... ;D


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #388 on: August 22, 2010, 11:03:51 PM »

bullet shot through banana ............only killed the riboflavins no real fruit was hurt during this stunt  


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #389 on: August 22, 2010, 11:06:05 PM »
bullet through spam


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #390 on: August 22, 2010, 11:07:22 PM »
through a carrot


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #391 on: August 22, 2010, 11:09:57 PM »
just before it hit light globe

just after


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #392 on: August 23, 2010, 01:00:52 AM »
(I think you need to take the lens cap off.....)


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #393 on: August 23, 2010, 09:36:57 AM »
Hey smee......all I see are just red crosses  ;D

*Ubbie Max*

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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #394 on: August 25, 2010, 11:44:16 PM »
Opinion from all you photographers who are wiser than me. Has anyone used one of these for Macro photography?

It's a 4 way Macro Shot Focusing Rail Slider it mounts to a tripod & the camers is mounted on it. It allows for very fine adjustment, camera back & forward when in manual focus.

[attachment deleted by admin]


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #395 on: August 26, 2010, 12:13:00 AM »

Looks like something that would bolt to a Barret 50 ?...


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #396 on: August 26, 2010, 03:10:38 AM »
I've not used one Ubb, but I can see it would be excellent for precision focussing and framing - as long as the subject did not move at all. Tripods, even with good quality pan/tilt heads are somewhat of a challenge to get in exactly the right spot, if you're getting very particular about a shot.  This unit would allow you to get 'pretty close' with tripod positioning and then have full control as you creep to the exact position you want the camera to be in.

I would expect it would be useless for any nature photography unless the subject was rigidly fixed and with no air movement.

Could be great for coin photography and the like, especially if the camera's auto-focus could not lock onto the focus point you want.

However, someone else might have some practical experience they can share.

But just be careful about what gadgets you get. My father ended up with 4 gadget bags ... and I had 2 - both of us had overflow. The gear can get pretty heavy carting it around.  This item I would probably keep as studio equipment, but ....

... keep asking questions.  (I know I've learned a couple of things on this thread).  Knowledge will allow you to bend all the 'rules' and create your own works.


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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #397 on: August 26, 2010, 06:36:06 AM »
Yes Ubbie :)

I have one like that and it is BRILLIANT.

You can take it apart and reassemble it in different configurations to make it even more useful.

Before you buy one, shop around, I got mine at 1/4 the price of the original one I saw, I got it on eBay but I cant remember what I paid for it now, if my memory serves me correctly it was around the $50 bracket including postage, some places wanted $150 or more.

I'll see if I can dig up where I got it from and the cost

*Ubbie Max*

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Re: What camera/s do you use for what shots?
« Reply #399 on: August 26, 2010, 08:43:35 AM »
Thanks Poddy, I've whacked both those listings on my Ebay watching list.