Don't worry about the wrong ideas of "best offer", since this is a thread to give the full monty on this oft-misunderstood process.

Getting back to Besterella...
I looked at my client. "Honey, sweetcup, it's like this: your offer was... well, let's just say it was a bit on the small side."
My client turned beet-red. "Too small?" he muttered in a strangled tone.
I said with quick reassurance, "It's all right; there's treatment. Not to worry. It's all fine."
He was still deeply embarrassed, and I fluttered my false lashes at him in a nice kind friendly way while gently leading him to the settee. "You see, this particular product is usually $2000, but the seller's got it listed for half of that - $1000. When you made him an offer, it was... well, rather small. $50 is not the required size."
He hid his face in his hands. "I don't know how this whole thing works," he confessed, gulping. "So - was the seller waiting in front of his computer when I made the offer?"
"Impossible to tell," I said cheerfully. "But it doesn't matter. Some sellers 'like to watch', and sweetheart, it's no big deal. What we DO know is that the seller has set up his listing in a certain way."
He looked up queryingly, and I continued, "He's got the best offer to automatically reject any incoming offers that are below a certain dollar figure. He doesn't have to be there; the auction software has a function that processes this automatically. So he's set an automatic figure which is his absolute minimum that he'll even consider. It makes sense, doesn't it, sweetcakes? After all, the $1000 is already a good deal for the client, right? He's not about to give it away for nothing, or for a dollar figure as low as $50."
"I'm so embarrassed," burst out my client. He looked as though he were about to cry. "Will - will the seller know that I'm best-offer-dysfunctional?"
I smiled. "It honestly doesn't matter - as I said, there are things to remedy this. You've still got two more chances to make an offer on this, so why don't we concentrate on that while I fetch the special best-offer enlargement pills?"
[to be continued]