Author Topic: ELECTION AFTERMATH!!!  (Read 177266 times)


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« Reply #250 on: March 02, 2011, 02:54:45 PM »
Nick Xenophon prepares to block Julia Gillard's flood levy plan in the Senate

not to worry Joo-liar the greens owe you a favour considering you are bending over backwards to give them everything & anything they want ... just have to wait until July


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« Reply #251 on: March 02, 2011, 02:59:29 PM »
Australian territories bill allowing gay marriage bill to be stalled in Senate committee

Coalition and Labor senators went into furious negotiations overnight in an effort to sidetrack the Greens' bill after a Labor backlash against the decision for the government to support the bill.

Labor ministers and backbenchers were furious the decision to support the Greens bill was not discussed in cabinet or the ALP caucus and scrambled to head off the bill.

watch your back Jooliar


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« Reply #252 on: March 02, 2011, 03:18:45 PM »
I like your last post bnwt...... wasn't there an additional promise made regarding transparency? And - almost forgot - that Labor would not be run outside full caucus consultation as was the case with the 'gang of four'? Oh - that's right - Julia was a part of that gang wasn't she! GAWD - how dopey am I?  ;D


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« Reply #253 on: March 02, 2011, 03:51:36 PM »
Backfooted...? On the defensive...? Running a rearguard action? I don't think Ms Gillard's behaviour of late has shown the intelligence that I actually did think she possessed.
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« Reply #254 on: March 02, 2011, 04:27:00 PM »
I don't understand the Labor party at all.

Why would she do this massive backflip, and ruin her reputation forever?  Why cause all this grief to Aussies and her own party? Why say YIPPITY DO DAR we're going to have a carbon tax but aahhh weeelll I dunno anything about it.  We haven't spoken to anyone about it, we don't know if MINOR things like fuel will be included.  Why even put it out there?  What caused her to do that?


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« Reply #255 on: March 02, 2011, 07:20:28 PM »
So therefor it must be that she is a puppet.

She must have been told by Arbib, Combet and Shorten to do so.  Bobby would be in there too.  Why else would you commit political suicide? Why put up such a controversial policy when you haven't even thought about it. (apart from the ideology)  Its not about wether the debate is right or wrong, the question is why??


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« Reply #256 on: March 02, 2011, 10:48:42 PM »
I was so biting my tongue about the several pointers to a 'puppet' response............


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« Reply #257 on: March 03, 2011, 12:24:36 AM »
JOOLYA!! Is between a rock and a hard place, the promise was made to Bobbi and she cant get out of it. Bobbi has hold of the short and curlies and is tweeking with all he can muster, JOOLYA!! just has to grin and bear it or face an election. The Independents know they are on a knife edge as well and have to toe the line so they have a chance to extract their pound of flesh. They know that they face political oblivion, especially Oakeshot, so they cling together to save their skins.
The voters are the losers because JOOLYA!! will gut the country knowing that they will not get elected again for a long time and want to leave as big a mess as possible. in the meantime JOOLYA!!! and the 40 Thieves are on a spending spree at taxpayers expense. :( :(


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« Reply #258 on: March 03, 2011, 12:57:21 AM »
Like I said earlier......

The things one does to hold the reins.

Those holding the reins haven't done much - but I think the bridle is probably annoying Julia.... :D


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« Reply #261 on: March 03, 2011, 09:14:31 AM »
JOOLYA!! Is between a rock and a hard place, the promise was made to Bobbi and she cant get out of it.

Point 1:  She put herself in between the rock and hard place.

Point 2:  Why can't she get out of it???    Breaking promises and knifing people in the back she seems to be good at.

Why would anyone put aside their morals and principles etc just to hold a bit of power, such as Prime Minister, irony is will be her downfall.

The running of this country is a blardy disgrace at the moment.
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« Reply #262 on: March 03, 2011, 09:54:21 AM »
But westy..... Remember the wisdom of Windsor as was reported a couple of days ago.... where he stated that Abbott was prepared to offer everything to be PM. Julia quite obviously offered greater than everything! Perhaps the independents are actually in bed with BOB! Now there's a thought - or nightmare subject to perspective!

There was a late radio report yesterday - with BOB BROWN seeking to have all semi-automatic handguns banned due to the various threats that had been made against politicians recently. He's worried ... or so he says, about assassination attempts. Haven't as yet been able to find any reports about this. BOB reminds us that in addition to lawful citizens - there are criminals that own these things! Now that would be a fact - but criminals aren't subject to ANY laws - new or otherwise. It should come as no surprise that the banning of firearms is actually a GREENS policy, but being introduced by stealth yet again. It was originally driven by one Lee Rhiannon..... another prime ratbag! Wouldn't surprise me to see a statement from Julia on this matter shortly!

These people - THE GREENS are purely opportunistic BARSTARDS! They will do anything to change the fabric of our society to suit their small minds, crippled agendas - and HUGE egos.


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« Reply #264 on: March 03, 2011, 10:24:08 AM »
from bnwt's post.....

Professor Keyzer's view is in line with legal academic Andrew Lynch, who said the impact of the legislation "would place the Greens in a far more advantageous position".

And they refer to Al-Queda as terrorists!


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« Reply #265 on: March 03, 2011, 12:02:37 PM »


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« Reply #266 on: March 03, 2011, 12:47:29 PM »
The 'Time Warp Hokey Pokey'...?!!

I reckon it could really catch on!!


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« Reply #267 on: March 03, 2011, 01:02:36 PM »
Labor MPs 'conned' into backing Greens bill

At Labor's caucus meeting on Tuesday, MPs took just minutes to support the Greens bill.

It would give the Federal Parliament, rather than the Federal Government, power to override territory laws.

But when it emerged the bill could pave the way for same sex-marriage in the territories, a group of Labor MPs was enraged.

lay down with dogs ... get up with fleas


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« Reply #268 on: March 03, 2011, 01:12:00 PM »
One MP says the party is not properly scrutinising Greens bills and is in danger of allowing the Greens to hijack the agenda.

The MP says the task of dealing with the Greens is becoming a drag and will only get worse from July when they hold the balance of power in the Senate.

Well, in all honesty, with Labor having 'done the deals' to form government, what did they expect?

Nationals MP Darren Chester says Labor members are right to be concerned as the bill is evidence the Greens are driving Labor's agenda.

"Labor members are very concerned, they've just started to realise they've got prime minister Bob Gillard, or is it prime minister Julia Brown, they're not too sure at the moment," he said.

I refer to my previous comment regarding 'reins' and 'bridle'...


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« Reply #269 on: March 03, 2011, 03:47:32 PM »
How the flock did we get two prime ministers when we only had to vote for one party ?  hard to tell apart Bob Gillard and Julia Brown, maybe one could shave the scales off ? ...


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« Reply #270 on: March 03, 2011, 04:23:03 PM »
Yib..... they could both do with some goolies!  ;D


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« Reply #271 on: March 04, 2011, 06:04:43 PM »

I am gazing into my crystal balls and I see a pale skinned red haired woman .... it's in a about 3 weeks time

I can hear her saying Labor's crushing defeat was nothing to do with federal issues, it was just state issues, nothing to do with her


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« Reply #272 on: March 05, 2011, 12:29:24 AM »
That is a sure bet :)


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« Reply #273 on: March 05, 2011, 05:12:03 PM »
Wingnuts and looney tunes abound

The mad and menacing phone calls to independent MP Tony Windsor are just one indication. There are plenty of others, especially on the internet.

Yep - agree that it is pretty poor form for 'invisible' people to make threats against the life of any person - or their family. But - for people not to be angered by this event - well, sorry, but I certainly am. The article tends to overlook one serious consideration - people are having to live on less and less, with prices for such things as electricity, water and food going through the roof. There is the ever constant threat of higher interest rates - government charges have certainly not dropped - and now, there is a pending carbon tax. Perhaps, were the benefits of this thing seen to be real, which they are not, people might see things differently. People are being pushed over the edge, as their credit card/s reach the max. And compensation? Did someone say compensation? Anyone interested in a cheap watch?

 In example - I hear that a leg of lamb will shortly cost around $60. Not the governments fault that one - as export markets do lift profit margins considerably, but indicative of what's to come..... or dare I suggest - what we have to look forward to.


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« Reply #274 on: March 05, 2011, 05:30:12 PM »
Lambs made $255.00 this week at Bendigo.  Or 700cents/kg, I would expect the supermarkets to be working on a 400% profit.

I think the anonymous phone call said, "I hope you die" I doubt that is a serious death threat.

If this is what you are meaning.


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« Reply #275 on: March 05, 2011, 05:56:06 PM »
I hadn't read that one golden.... interesting, considering they write for the same paper.

$255 for lamb.... goodness help us! At least this is going back to the producers and not the middlemen.


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« Reply #276 on: March 05, 2011, 06:09:10 PM »
Blubber, blubber bile and bluster

    * Andrew Bolt
    * From: Herald Sun
    * March 05, 2011 12:00AM

HOW suddenly sensitive they are, the journalists and Labor politicians now feigning shock at the "hate speech" of conservatives.

I'm not sure what's funnier about the Tony Windsors, Julia Gillards, Michelle Grattans and the rest of them.

Is it their wild exaggerations? Their even wilder hypocrisy?

Or is their comically transparent attempt to de-legitimise the righteous anger of voters furious at being lied to by this inept Prime Minister, now inflicting on us the colossally useless "carbon tax" she swore before the election never to give us?

Listen to independent MP Tony Windsor, who helped to install Gillard, now playing a message left on his phone by a constituent declaring in foul language he'd be glad if Windsor died.

A "death threat", whimpered Windsor. Yes, tut-tutted the media, failing to notice it was no such thing.

See also Treasurer Wayne Swan faint with shock after Liberal frontbencher Sophie Mirabella likened Gillard's "delusional" state to that of Muammar "My People All Love Me" Gaddafi.

Here's how Grattan, the Age political editor, reported Swan's outrage at an analogy she called "unacceptable":

"Swan condemned the images the Liberals were using as 'dangerous for our country, they incite people', and pointed to the US debate - after the January shooting of a congresswoman and killing of several people in Arizona - about the link between inflammatory language and violence."

Hey, Windsor used this very same false argument on ABC radio, claiming "shock jocks" whipping up anger over Gillard's tax lie could incite assassination attempts here just as Right-wingers in the US incited a man to shoot Gabrielle Giffords.

And he, too, wasn't contradicted by his interviewer, ABC host Fran Kelly.

But the fact is even this over-heated analogy is false. The man who shot Giffords was not incited by any Right-wing "shock jock" . His politics were of the Left, and the cause rattling his mad cage was a new grammar.

Of course, I should welcome this sudden support from the Left for my campaign to clean up public discourse.

But where the hell have you guys been? I'll be more precise: where are you hiding each time far worse abuse is dished out by the Left?

If we're to be shocked by analogies with some aspect of some dictator, can Gillard and Swan at least stop making such analogies themselves?

How often they've called global warming sceptics "deniers" -- deliberately linking them to Holocaust deniers, if not to Hitler himself.

And if they abhor incitement to violence, why didn't they criticise the ABC for screening, during a Q&A debate with former prime minister John Howard, a viewer's tweet "Will someone throw a shoe at this guy NOW" - just before a moron in the live audience did just that?

Why didn't they also denounce SBS when in January it screened a chat between Leftist luvvies from David Williamson to Jack Thompson, with celebrity Muslim Waleed Aly playing host and "musician" Dan Kelly entertaining the soiree with this ditty about the evil Howard:

     Gonna jump that train and ride...
     Just to get away from that c........r motherf...r

More questions. Did our tender-eared posse raise a bat-squeak of complaint about the ABC paying Marieke Hardy as a scriptwriter and internet contributor, when she'd tweeted: "Tony Abbott, I hope your c..k drops off and falls down a plughole."

Quick! Can Tony Windsor call the police about this "death threat", too?

Oh, here's another comment, not written by Hardy herself but left up on her blog after she'd said she'd seen former Liberal leader Brendan Nelson:

     You should have taken a piece of glass and torn his face to shreds, only leaving trails of bloody skin dripping from his ugly skin...

I won't repeat what Hardy's commenter suggested be done to Nelson's wife and his children.

I know, the apologists will say such comments have as little to do with Labor as ... well, as some donkey's bray on Windsor's phone has with the Liberals. Er, right?

I'm sure that's why Windsor and the rest also didn't condemn Melbourne Theatre Company for putting on a play by Hannie Rayson that portrayed then Treasurer Peter Costello as a liar and adulterer with a dead drug addict for a son - and showed him letting boat people drown and stabbing a refugee.

So let's bring it closer to Labor's doorstep. When Howard was PM, Lindsay McDougall, of the band Frenzal Rhomb, got musicians to contribute to Rock Against Howard, a CD that included tracks such as John Howard is a Filthy slattern and Gun Him Down.

H-Block 101 sung this advice on handling such politicians: c..., here's a stunt.
     Kick him 'til he's dead.

Now guess who endorsed this muck?

Answer: Labor's national president and a former premier, Carmen Lawrence, sent McDougall a warm note, declaring "It's time to put an end to (Howard's) regime of fear." Greens leader Bob Brown also blessed the project, telling these barbarians how "mean, nasty and repressive" Howard was instead.

Even Peter Garrett, now Education Minister, said the CD was a "good idea".

So where were you then, Tony Windsor? Michelle Grattan? Julia Gillard? Wayne Swan?

Yes, it's a human failing to damn in others what you'd forgive in a friend.

And in the case of so many journalists, that means condemning in the Liberals what they'd forgive in Labor, no matter how much worse their sin.

Disclaimer: Andrew Bolt is an Australian newspaper columnist and radio commentator whose views are generally conservative. Bolt is a columnist and associate editor of the Melbourne-based Herald Sun. He also writes for Brisbane's Sunday Mail and makes regular appearances on the Nine Network, Melbourne Talk Radio, ABC Television, and local radio. In 2005, Bolt released a compilation of newspaper columns in a book titled The Best of Andrew Bolt - Still Not Sorry.

There's been a lot of controversy surrounding Andrew Bolt and his views are not indicative of Liberal politics in each and every instance. However, he's definitely conservative and definitely anti-Labor. When you read his articles, I feel that is a fair disclaimer so that you know his position.

That given - he's got a point about the whole "death threats" thing with Tony Windsor. I don't know whether you've noticed the title of the news article about Tony Windsor's "page" on Wikipedia. Someone (obviously using a proxy IP) edited the article to say Mr Windsor had been assassinated. The article's title is MP Tony Windsor assassinated on Wikipedia - which is shock tactics. He wasn't assassinated; a page about him had a false assassination report added to it.

This is the actual bit:

      "[Tony Windsor] became the first political to be assassinated (sic) in Australian history".

I've seen much, much worse editing going on on Wikipedia. Good lord, I could point you to pages of living people who are quite viciously defamed on a repeat basis - to the point that their pages have been locked from being edited by certain IPs and from identifiably anonymous proxy IPs. This is MILD. Of course I'm not endorsing it; but I am saying the media is misrepresenting something that is truly inconsequential.

(Oh, and some of the most violently edited pages on Wikipedia are about such emotive issues as... wait for it... the philological and linguistic history of the French language adn the Dutch language, the history of the Merovingian period, etc. Strong stuff! If you want to talk about death threats, blimey...!)
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« Reply #278 on: March 19, 2011, 09:43:11 AM »
I have a friend who was standing [well actually jumping up and down like a giddy schoolgirl] behind Juliar in the first election. Was amusing watching the live tv footage and there she was unmistakable. Same in the second election.

Now she's gone reeeeaaaallllllllllllyyyy quiet.

Her short version is Juliar is gone. Shorter version [or should that be the Shorten version] is it's too early for Bill Shorten to come in. Shorter still is that Rudd is threatening to come back. Won't happen but the threatening is constant. Little snipes here and there and the occasional huge one the other day [paraphrased from memory when asked if he'd challenge Juliar "more chance I'll be Brisbane Broncos captain next week"]. Remembering Juliar's comment about challenging Rudd "more chance Ill be playing full forward for ..." from last year.

Tony Windsor is the key and apparently he's a proud man trying to make his decision work. But it's getting harder and harder each day for him to be happy with his decision to support Labor.

Forget Oakeshott - he's too self absorbed at rubbing Coalition noses in it after what happened in the past. Always will be which will cloud his thinking in the interests of all Australians [and partiuclarly his constituents].

Katter has already made his mind up.


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« Reply #279 on: March 23, 2011, 01:23:53 AM »
Now there is another Election  :)

How do you think Krissie will go on Saturday?


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« Reply #280 on: March 23, 2011, 04:23:39 AM »
Now there is another Election  :)

How do you think Krissie will go on Saturday?

Pretty quickly.

Before Earth Hour is my guess....


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« Reply #281 on: March 23, 2011, 09:15:38 AM »
Left turn into Southern Cross Drive
Arrive Airport
Depart for Canberra
Thank Julia for her support
Depart Canberra
Arrive Canada

I hope she books a big plane so she can fit the rest of her mob on board!


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« Reply #282 on: March 23, 2011, 10:24:05 AM »

Yes I think you have been reading her mail
And now Cambell Newman has decided he is the man for the job , QLDers I would have thought had enough to worry about let-a-lone an impending election, I would be hoping every man on deck was concentrating on getting the state back into shape not climbing the personal ladder if lived over the border.
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« Reply #283 on: March 23, 2011, 10:34:45 AM »
We saw much of Anna Bligh during the Brisbane flood crisis. She seemed to do a brilliant job. I remember reading Queenslanders' comments indicating that the government up there was crook - and that people should not forget that. Are you up that way westy - or have you heard anything further about the matter? Many comments also said that the effectiveness of the government there would be seen *after* the event.


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« Reply #284 on: March 23, 2011, 12:09:30 PM »

I am close enough loco, just under the
It does seem that they are ready for a change, judging from the comments last night.

Don't know how the next NSW Gvt is going to pull this poor old state back into shape.
It will take a lot of guts and common sense and I am not convinced that exists in parliament at any level these days.
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« Reply #285 on: March 28, 2011, 11:22:55 AM »
The first main Juliar comment on NSW - in context of Oakeshott and Windsor especially. From ABC News a few minutes ago.

Denying the proposed carbon tax had any impact on Labor's rout in New South Wales, Prime Minister Julia Gillard said the independents were victims of the massive swing to the Coalition.

"New South Wales voters had made up their minds a long time ago," she said.

"Mr Oakeshott and Mr Windsor made a decision on what they believed was in the best interests of their electorates.

"They made the decision because they understand the power of the National Broadband Network to transform regional economies and the way people get services like health services and education services."


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« Reply #286 on: March 28, 2011, 11:33:04 AM »
Well Ernest - you've gotta hand it to federal Labor - they certainly do have a sense of humour!

How could the Carbon Tax not have had an impact.... Keneally - for it..... O'Farrell - Against it. There's a referendum on the subject!.

How about the Mining Tax..... Canberra may not have seen the swing in Bathurst at 35%. (Includes Lithgow - mining areas)

Warren Truss tends to not agree with the Labor sentiments expressed regarding independents - ( two of which covering the areas of Oakshott and Windsor were obliterated)

And regarding the NBN - Windsor doesn't know how to use a computer.... so I'm doubtbul that he is a doctor of IT.

Labor just don't listen. Apparently, they can't read either!


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« Reply #287 on: March 28, 2011, 08:02:53 PM »
And - on the 7.30 Report tonight - there's Julia.... claiming no impact whatsoever on the NSW State Election. She states that the people of NSW KNOW that the problems here were limited to 16 years of bad government only! The patronising part-placard!

Now..... back on topic.....

NBN rollout deadline pushed back 2.5 years

Communications Minister Stephen Conroy said more time was needed to wire up 93 per cent of residences, rather than the 90 per cent first planned, to the high-speed optical fibre network.

WARNING! This article comes with a picture of a blardy idiot named CONROY!


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« Reply #288 on: March 28, 2011, 08:45:29 PM »
Thank you for the warning, Loco. Now I need to gird up my courage and patience...
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« Reply #289 on: March 28, 2011, 09:46:28 PM »
I am seeing a pattern appearing

east timor asylum centre ......... cancelled

people's assembly on emission trading ........ vanished

NBN  ........ delayed

No Carbon Tax .......... suddenly on

everything she promised prior to the election has turned to dust


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« Reply #290 on: March 28, 2011, 09:49:15 PM »
Just think how much better the 'wireless' service will be by 2020!

EDIT: You're right bnwt..... "moving forward" on BOB's agenda!


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« Reply #291 on: April 01, 2011, 03:55:48 PM »
I think the faceless 4 have hold of the splut tool.

Why would she do this??

First its a backflip on the carbon tax.  Oh I haven't thought much about it, or how much it will cost everyone, but we are going to have it by July 2012 followed by ETS by 2015. 

Tells the world thats what she's going to do, so leaves her with very few choices.  Backdown and show the world you are a goose. 
Don't listen to the people but push it through by stealth regardless and lose your position at the next election.
Have the gonads in your belief to take the backflips to the voters and see what they think.

Not that she has done anything in her time in office, I feel it's going to get alot harder.  Gay men don't take being beat up in public that well.

I can't feel one bit sorry for her when she put herself in this position, at the expense of all of us to play out her wild fantasies of being the first female P.M.  Anyone who believed she could come into the role and "sort the miners out" in 3 days, after others had spent months and millions on the mining future is dillusional. How do the average voters get sucked in to place a tick in their box?  Is it a protest vote by Aussies?


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« Reply #292 on: April 01, 2011, 07:24:54 PM »

Shortest Honey moon in political history.... Now for the dividing up of assets and Jostling for position comes next...


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« Reply #293 on: April 05, 2011, 02:29:07 PM »
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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« Reply #294 on: April 06, 2011, 05:52:12 PM »
I'm not shutting up about my time as Prime Minister, says Kevin Rudd

KEVIN Rudd is not backing away from his climate change bombshell and warns he'll continue to set the record straight on his time as Prime Minister.


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« Reply #295 on: April 12, 2011, 06:35:11 PM »
Did someone mention JOOLYA!! the Queen of Blades??
Now there is a subject close to my heart :)
Oh by the way I found the latest glamour shot of JOOLYA!!


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« Reply #296 on: April 12, 2011, 07:33:50 PM »
The resemblance is uncanny.....


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« Reply #297 on: April 12, 2011, 11:51:53 PM »

C'mon guys stop with the air brushing ... your making her more attractive than in real life...


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« Reply #298 on: April 12, 2011, 11:57:23 PM »
you "want" her dont you Yibster 


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« Reply #299 on: April 13, 2011, 12:08:59 AM »

C'mon guys stop with the air brushing ... your making her more attractive than in real life...

Yeah - I really did like Woody flying around Walt's office.  I should be more careful in future....