Author Topic: ELECTION AFTERMATH!!!  (Read 177270 times)


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« Reply #350 on: February 19, 2012, 11:18:01 PM »
So is this the begining of the last week of Jula being PM ?

I think the fit will hit the shan in the next few days

The time is nigh , but is Kevin 07 the go to man ?

Whatever happens if they hadnt already kissed there re-election chances goodbye
They almost certainly have now IMO


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« Reply #351 on: February 19, 2012, 11:31:47 PM »
Smee, I think her days are numbered. But I don't think KRudd will get another go, I'd put money on Bill Shorten to move into the top spot.


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« Reply #352 on: February 19, 2012, 11:37:27 PM »
You may well be right ,

I wonder who leaked the vdeo of Kevs little tanti ?


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« Reply #353 on: February 22, 2012, 04:35:21 PM »
Labor leadership ballot next Tuesday or Wednesday
If Julia remains leader Kevin Rudd will be sacked as foreign minister
( that in its self will save us billions of $$$$$ in unneccesary travel costs )

If the govenor general had any Gonads she would step n and sack Julia anyway
but isnt she related to Julia or has some sort of tie there somewhere ?

No matter what happens it is another nail in the governments coffin as there must be some division in the party no matter the outcome , unless of course the decision is unanimous

My tip is goodbye Julia one way or another ?


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« Reply #354 on: February 22, 2012, 05:12:10 PM »
Hello hello hello
Hold the bus ... Kevin Rudd is in Washington
its 1am there ad he has just called a news conference starting in 15 mins

Wonder what he will do ?
If he resigns as foreing minister effective immediatley he should have to pay his own fare home
bet he doesnt !
He may well declare a leadership challenge ?

Stay tuned if you arent near a tv ... If you are channel 9 will be crossing live to Washington as sonn as it starts .. I guess the other stations will too

Oh well its given me a reason to stop ironing the dozens of business shites an trousers that ive been ploughing my way through this arvo

In fact I might crack a celebration beer


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« Reply #355 on: February 22, 2012, 05:27:42 PM »
Yep Kevs pulled the pin
Beasley and Richardson will continue the duties of his current tour

he has a parting crackat Crean , Gillard and the faceless men

He is returning home to Brisbane tomorrow
He will consul with his family , friends and advisors and announce his future plans before arliment resumes next money ... Kev is not a happy camper , he declared that the current situation was nothing more than a soap opera .. ... Julia is finito one way or the oter imo

I love the smell of a labor party disintergrating in the afternon M


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« Reply #356 on: February 22, 2012, 05:50:11 PM »
So what will happen now? Will he sit on the backbench or quit and force a by-election?
I don't think he has enough support to go for the leadership. I also don't think he'll sit quietly on the backbench.
How close is he to getting the UN job that he was after?

His family is showing their support on twitter:

Jessica Rudd

Effing proud of you, Dad. xxxx

Thérèse Rein

Me too, Kevin xxxx


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« Reply #357 on: February 22, 2012, 06:33:05 PM »
Blardy interesting news! In answer to your earlier question regarding the GG smee - she's Bill Shortens Mother-in-law.


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« Reply #358 on: February 22, 2012, 06:51:01 PM »
ok thanks R2D2 I new there was some connection to the party
I actually thought it was to Julia , so I stand corrected


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« Reply #359 on: February 22, 2012, 08:04:26 PM »
Sometimes these problems occur in the best of parties, but what's been happening of late with Labor is appalling.
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« Reply #360 on: February 22, 2012, 11:46:17 PM »
Talk about a pack of WONKS! Who would ever have thought that the Labor Party could sink sooooo low!

Simon Crean .... now there's a hero - a victim of recycling who couldn't cut it in his brief stint at the top..... a quality bloke who demonstrates the fine qualities and aptitudes of a 1973 BLF member!

Wayne Swan .... probably has a higher rating of the rectum scale than does his boss, Ms Gillard. This absolute RATBAG stated that Kevin Rudd was dysfunctional in decision making .... but hang on a minute Wayne - weren't you one of the sacred four, which included your boss? Wouldn't that indicate that your decision making isn't the best either? Pot calling the kettle a barstard perhaps? Keep kissing bootlaces mate - and offering undying support to your next victim. Scumbag!

And - who's this bloke called Emery? Seems to know the lot and appears to have written a book on the failings of the Gillard government as caused by Kevin Rudd. Should change his first name to Dick. He was funny as well..... and if the newly created Dick Emery wasn't funny, he could just drop off his last name and still be on the money!


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« Reply #361 on: February 23, 2012, 09:46:23 AM »
Kevs come out swinging again this morning with another media conference
Julia is about to have one right now ...

Tony Abbott must be rubbing his hands together , these pair of labor clowns are just tearing strips off each other and are doing enormous damage to the labor party , which is much better than doing enormous damage to Australia which they have been doing for the last few years

I wonder how many people whom voted labor in the last election are now embarressed or hanging heir heads in shame or at the very least shaking their heads in disbelief ?


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« Reply #362 on: February 23, 2012, 11:14:26 AM »
And - who's this bloke called Emery? Seems to know the lot and appears to have written a book on the failings of the Gillard government as caused by Kevin Rudd. Should change his first name to Dick. He was funny as well..... and if the newly created Dick Emery wasn't funny, he could just drop off his last name and still be on the money!

Whops - my stuff-up. The Bloke's name is Emerson! No wonder he wasn't funny! Good thing my name's not Gillard ...... people would have thought the statement a lie - not a mistake!

Loved Kev's pitch this morning smee. I'm amazed at Gillard's. She dumped on Kev from a great height. Still believes that the public are dills with short memories.


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« Reply #363 on: February 23, 2012, 11:22:37 AM »
you know every time she gives a speech she reminds me of one of those bird things that used to be around in the 70's or 80's where the bob forward and their besk dipd into a glass of water and this keeps it bobbing , if anyone rememberes or understands thethings im talking about


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« Reply #364 on: February 23, 2012, 11:26:01 AM »
heres one , not exactly the one I was visuallising but very similar


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« Reply #365 on: February 23, 2012, 12:14:57 PM »
Yes, I remember them Smee - but not with the gaudy plastic bits.  I was never tempted to buy one - just looking at them for a minute in the shop was enough for me.

As for the Labor government, I am shaking my head - and I'm sure there are some staunch Labor supporters who are crying into their beers.

I have always felt that the most effective functioning of our system of government comes from a coherent government and an effective opposition.  Labor has changed over the last 20-30 years and for some, they just aren't representing the people who vote for them.  While there will be a number of factors involved in the influencing of voting, this would have to be a fundamental that is being betrayed.  Also, Labor has always been able to stand on its own feet, as it were, until the last election when it entered into new territory.  Not only was it a coalition, but it was an 'unholy' alliance of the most random and desperate kind.  No good could come of this.

Whatever your politics, it is sad to see such things that have been simmering away of late.  Whether you see Labor in a government or opposition role, one has to wonder if they can be effective in either.

Graham Richardson (Richo) is someone whom I always saw as being the archetype Labor man - and I felt for him when he grieved about the Craig Thomson business (which has wafted across the scene again recently).  I wonder how he is coping with this latest Labor meltdown.


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« Reply #366 on: February 23, 2012, 12:23:18 PM »
Agree with your thoughts Brum. I think it very sad what has happened. Who would have believed this course of events possible! Richo would be understandably distressed about this development. No doubt, he'll be predicting many years in the wilderness post the next election. I do feel for Rudd ..... he was a former PM - who developed the present agenda that Gillard takes credit for. Surely, as Doug Cameron says - that entitles him to at least a basic level of respect.


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« Reply #367 on: February 23, 2012, 11:43:14 PM »
I can only laugh               .
Hope you don't mind waiting for my thoughts.
I'll wait until it's over.


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« Reply #368 on: February 23, 2012, 11:45:57 PM »
Thats a poor cop out from one who so strongly went into bat for Julia
So at least say what youare laughing at ... Kev , her or us who predicted that this farcical govt couldnt survive ?


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« Reply #369 on: February 23, 2012, 11:54:29 PM »
I would at least like to be given an indication of the direction from which your bemusement comes, Elantra - otherwise it would seem any statements made after the fact are nothing more than following the bandwagon. 20-20 hindsight is rarely in error.


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« Reply #370 on: February 23, 2012, 11:58:35 PM »
I can only laugh               .
Hope you don't mind waiting for my thoughts.
I'll wait until it's over.

Don't worry elantra - it certainly will be over .... eighteen months from yesterday - best case...... two months from Friday next - worst case. Laughable, isn't it!


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« Reply #371 on: February 24, 2012, 12:31:50 AM »
Thats a poor cop out from one who so strongly went into bat for Julia
So at least say what youare laughing at ... Kev , her or us who predicted that this farcical govt couldnt survive ?

Strongly went in to bat for her. Still feel the same way, she has done a tremendous job with everything she has to contend with.
Sure she has made some mistakes & she is big enough to admit them.

Would you be calling the Abbott Govt  farcical? Had he been able to secure the extra votes he needed?
When he was willing to "sell his arse" for those votes? No decent independent wanted that.
Only Christopher Pyne wants that.

I'm not following any bandwagon, I'm right up there playing Trombone on it.
I think you all know who I'm laughing at.
You still have a while to go with the most progressive prime minister since Gough.
Have a nice weekend.


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« Reply #372 on: February 24, 2012, 12:49:59 AM »
I do give Gough some credit for being progressive - but there was a touch too much arrogance and that provided the fuel for his downfall.

Julia has not been particularly progressive - and, in fact, I believe quite the opposite is true.  Being hog-tied to Bob Brown has caused so much disruption to the Labor line, it just isn't funny.  

Also, I don't see that 'Julia has done her best' as anything more than an acknowledgement of her personal efforts (presuming it is true).  What really matters is whether the country has been served to the standard that it needs to be.  Otherwise, you could hand the reins to the next person to walk through the doors of Parliament House, support them to 'do their best' and, when the time comes for them to step down give them a big pat on the back for 'doing their best' - even if the budget is $10bn in deficit and the unemployment rate is 20%.

As for the leadership vote next Monday, I wait with bated breath.  If Julia holds on, I believe it will be by a scarily narrow margin - but whatever the outcome, you can be sure the losing side will be 'leaking' the figures.......


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« Reply #373 on: February 24, 2012, 08:00:13 AM »
Strongly went in to bat for her. Still feel the same way, she has done a tremendous job with everything she has to contend with.
Sure she has made some mistakes & she is big enough to admit them.

Don't have a problem at all with the above view. Good on you for supporting her!

Personally, I prefer Rudd. Much of the agenda that Ms Gillard is putting in place today came from Rudd's vision of the future. I would say that it was dreadfully disappointing to learn of the premeditation on all parts of Rudd's removal from office .... which, included one Ms Gillard as a primary conspirator.

Would you be calling the Abbott Govt  farcical? Had he been able to secure the extra votes he needed?
When he was willing to "sell his arse" for those votes? No decent independent wanted that.

We'll never really know the answer to the first question..... but given Mr Windsors's statement of Abbott offering to sell his arse..... he should know, just ask the New England conservative voters, although Windsor didn't sell his - he just flashed it prominently to all in his electorate!   What do you reckon, in addition to her arse did Ms Gillard offer to gain his support? And the Greens alliance - if you are indeed a Labor supporter... does that arrangement please you? It certainly didn't please me that the ALP was held in debt to one seat in the Lower House! Mind you - the Greens have achieved quite a lot of their agenda due to this arrangement. They've certainly been on their game!


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« Reply #374 on: February 24, 2012, 02:08:33 PM »

Looks like Rudds gunna stick it to Julia ...


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« Reply #375 on: February 24, 2012, 02:14:27 PM »
.... any reason you picked a red-headed character named 'Beaker'......?


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« Reply #376 on: February 24, 2012, 09:31:32 PM »
What a memorable day for the Labor Party!

Julia accused Rudd of avoiding questions regarding 'termiting' her government

But dear Mr Crean, when asked for evidence of this 'termiting' he hides behind jounalistic privilege..... tied up in confidentiality, and unable to speak of or indeed verify the party allegations against Rudd.

Kev, predictably denies the claim.

It's going to be twelve months in politics this weekend!

Incidentally - Parliament House had its mail server fail today due to high traffic - as did my local member, David Bradbury. Working hard to get this fixed by Monday. Perhaps they simply don't want to hear from people.


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« Reply #377 on: February 25, 2012, 11:56:13 PM »
I was just reading the Queen's posts on twitter. Seems she's tired of all the MPs infighting too.  :rofl:

Elizabeth Windsor @Queen_UK

Bit bored of Julia Gillard now. Might ask Dannii Minogue to form a new Government in Australia.

Blimey, Kevin Rudd, how many times can the same man leave the Australian Government? Someone get Rolf Harris on the phone.

What the hell is going on down there in Australia?!

You'd better sort out your Government before one has you dissolved, Ms Gillard. You picking up what one's putting down moonbeam?

Ok Rudd and Gillard, get on the sodding phone to your Queen. One really cannot face such international disgrace.

Constitutionally speaking, one cannot bloody stand politicians.


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« Reply #378 on: February 26, 2012, 11:05:29 PM »
So is this the begining of the last week of Jula being PM ?
A big NAH!

You will find that this will be the first week of a very confident  Ms Julia Gillard the 27th Prime minister of Australia.
Let us all stand up for the Prime Minister, duly elected by the people of Australia for the people of Australia.
It's time to put ego's &  grievances behind & do the best for Australia, although I do believe some of the things K. Rudd said.
Like the most negative, feet planted in the fifties, the extreme right wing, thoughts on women, workers & the unemployed.
But hey, we have all known that forever that's nothing new is it?

Good on you Julia, YOU GO GIRL!


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« Reply #379 on: February 26, 2012, 11:50:14 PM »
I was leaning toward Julia Gillard coming out of the vote victorious, but the report of what Anthony Albanese has said makes me question that.

There is also a suggestion that the vote should be a truly secret vote.  In my mind, that increases the possible range of voting which changes the odds on the outcome.  I would say that is another factor in an improved result for Rudd.

But will it be enough?

Whatever the outcome, the Labor party had better get their act together and get well and truly sorted out before the next election or any one of Tony Abbott's neighbours could stand for the Prime Ministership - and walk it in.


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« Reply #380 on: February 27, 2012, 12:11:07 AM »
I did what Mr Rudd told me to do, I rung my local member & told him I wanted him to support Ms Gillard.
He said he will be doing that anyway & he will  thank K.Rudd (if he gets the chance) for the idea.


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« Reply #381 on: February 27, 2012, 12:03:53 PM »
Which party is more divided on the leaders issue?

Gillard 71 votes, Rudd 31 votes.

Abbott 42 votes, Turnbull 41 votes.

Of course Tony used his own vote to break the dead lock, a little bit of self interest perhaps?


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« Reply #382 on: February 27, 2012, 12:18:52 PM »
Interesting result.

It makes me wonder whether the whole 'leadership challenge' was staged - just to get that issue addressed, resolved and off the minds of everyone.

I did what Mr Rudd told me to do, I rung my local member & told him I wanted him to support Ms Gillard.
He said he will be doing that anyway & he will  thank K.Rudd (if he gets the chance) for the idea.

For Rudd to give an instruction like this seems bizarre - unless it was for such an act.


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« Reply #383 on: February 27, 2012, 01:32:52 PM »
I had little doubt that Julia Gillard would be successful in today's ballot.

I didn't expect she would have quite the majority that eventuated (71 to 31?), but on reflection it does make sense.

The most devastating issue which I think Labor BELIEVES it has been facing isn't the issue of Gillard vs Rudd as leader - but rather the issue of division and fighting within the party.

I don't think it's the most devastating issue that Labor actually faces... just the most devastating issue they believe they have been facing.

It is therefore not really surprising that Labor would have seen this leadership challenge as the opportunity to right that perceived issue.

It is a real issue... I still don't admire or respect Julia Gillard, but I'm not surprised that she has been the winner of this challenge.
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« Reply #384 on: March 26, 2012, 02:09:29 PM »


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« Reply #385 on: March 26, 2012, 03:57:55 PM »
From an article dated 25/3/2012:



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« Reply #386 on: March 26, 2012, 04:56:49 PM »
With all the back slapping & chest thumping going on people seem to forget that there is now a
Government without an effective opposition.
I don't think this is such a good thing, no matter which party you follow.
Just my opinion.


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« Reply #387 on: March 26, 2012, 05:03:40 PM »
Im more worried above the destructive  government that has done that much damage to this country in 4 or 5 years that its going to take at least a decade to fix no matter which party is in power , moreso than im worried about an ineffective opposition
The trouble is a lot of people who vote one way or he other refuse to admit that he party they voted for is doing a terrible job no matter how shocking hey are doing

This government is a complete and utter farce IMO  , that doesnt neccessarily mean that I think the opposition is the answer but admitting that this one isnt handling things well is the first step to getting this country back on track

***Mr Magoo 2U***

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« Reply #388 on: March 26, 2012, 05:13:30 PM »

smee i beg to differ, i live in nsw in the inner city NOTHING changed after o-bloody-farrell hes been hopeless imo and just as much of a devious lyin pollo as the other persuasions, they are all over you like a rash at election time council trucks and fix ups everywhere, the moment its over its like wham bam thank you maam

all the same .... just my (not so humble) opinion

all out of touch the lot of them, no accountability, health is way better since labour old abbot slashed a bill out of the health budget as minister prev. what confidence does that give you, too much power is just that ... too much power

two party systems dont work (dont ask me what the alternative is .. mebbe this bumpity bump ... bump) but accountability would be a great and only place to start, they all waste billions on stupid schemes imnsho

and on that cheery note

 ;D ;D ;D

ps apart from releasing the contents of a dam on brissie what did anna bligh do wrong???
May the Sprouts be wuth u Oscar .....


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« Reply #389 on: March 26, 2012, 06:35:18 PM »
what part do you beg to differ on Magoo ?

and you dont need to beg , you are entitled to differ
just would be nice to know how you differ since you have begged to do so

***Mr Magoo 2U***

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« Reply #390 on: March 26, 2012, 06:36:47 PM »

erhhh .... smee i prefer to beg so i can differ betterer so.... please let me beg
May the Sprouts be wuth u Oscar .....


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« Reply #391 on: March 26, 2012, 06:37:28 PM »
ok then


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« Reply #392 on: May 07, 2012, 08:56:26 PM »

turn your Hymm books to page 884 and let us rejoice

and now the end is near .... thank felafel for that

because its the right thing to do !!!


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« Reply #393 on: May 12, 2012, 10:56:12 AM »


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« Reply #394 on: May 12, 2012, 12:52:46 PM »
after watching the above explanation by craig thomson

I heard him say that his credit card & licence number were common knowledge within the union

funny thing is craig when you look at the credit card voucher being mentioned it was the actual credit card and licence that were used  .............. NOT merely the number

please explain


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« Reply #395 on: May 12, 2012, 08:43:35 PM »
Hi Tags, it is sooooo obvious this creep is lying.  We all know it and he has the gall to deny it.  We all knew he was lying without evidence such as you have shown.  You are a creep Craig of the highest order.  Being twisted up with prostitutes has caused you to not be able to lie straight in bed!!!

I find it insulting that unions are squandering our money.  Yes our money!!!  People join a union and put their money forward because they feel they can trust a union to look after them.  It now seems that that trust is misplaced!!!  Creeps like Craig freely spend our money on prostitutes, like pigs to the trough.  The unions have been depowered by their own.



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« Reply #396 on: May 12, 2012, 09:44:56 PM »
The duck gets tough with lying union leaders - and it's well deserved.

The man should have admitted he'd done wrong, accepted responsibility, apologised, stepped down, and faced whatever punishment was due with fortitude. I have more respect for people who make mistakes (even big ones, and even when what they've done is more than a mistake - a very bad series of decisions, taking advantage of others, stealing, being ethically and morally guilty of bad behaviour) but ADMIT what they have done, than for plaster saints who have never done wrong (according to them).

Punishment for those who accept responsibility and don't try to lie their way out of it ought to be less than for those who pretzel around. (And very often courts will show leniency to an offender who has demonstrated remorse.) People might well have had sympathy for the man had he not attempted his laughably transparent false denials.

I realise he's probably sick with the horribleness of being caught out; I don't doubt that. I am sure that's been part of the reason for his concocting further lies. But he's just doing himself no good at all by these silly statements. Everyone in the union knows his licence number???? What - do they have it tattooed on their hands as part of their union identification or something? And his SIGNATURE is on the documentation...? He's claiming a union member who had somehow got hold of and memorized his licence number, and got hold of and memorized his credit card number, also faked his signature?

It's a bit of a fanciful story. It reeks of a Schwarzenegger conspiracy movie plot. I can accept it in a film, but this is not a film.
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« Reply #397 on: May 12, 2012, 09:56:20 PM »
I was once told by a Q. C, "Never admit guilt, even if they have photo's. We may get you off on a technicality"

*Ubbie Max*

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« Reply #398 on: May 12, 2012, 11:25:48 PM »
Yep. Inadmissable evidence or evidence obtained outside the paremeters of a search warrant etc. I've seen it happen & guilty people have walked.


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« Reply #399 on: May 13, 2012, 01:51:58 PM »
I have direct experience of one case where everybody knew and nobody denied the defendant was guilty of robbery - the prosecution, the defence and the magistrate. The charge was armed robbery in company. Before the case, the magistrate asked what the issue was - and the defence counsel wanted to challenge the 'armed' part (a knife was wielded).

During questioning, the victim gave a solid testimony about the knife - but failed to mention the accused had actually taken the object of the robbery (even though he grabbed it right back - a bold move!). The prosecutor tried to recover, but both the defence counsel and the magistrate were quick to shut down any ideas of 'leading the witness'.

The result: The matter of the knife had been more than adequately demonstrated to the satisfaction of the magistrate - but because no testimony was given that a robbery occurred, the charge was not supported and the perpetrator got off scot free.

As an ironic twist, the accomplice (who simply stood beside the knife wielder) pleaded guilty and was to be sentenced on the matter.  (I don't know what the outcome of that was.)