Author Topic: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!  (Read 10674 times)


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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2010, 05:50:03 PM »
 * shakes head* lol
They said there would be cake....and there WAS!


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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2010, 06:51:49 AM »
eBay still don't like me:

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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2010, 03:26:02 PM »
Just for you Tello:

I love buying on E-bay and love leaving good positive feedback but if the seller does the wrong thing by me I will be the first to leave negative feedback and I see that as the right thing to do because feedback is how you let others know about your trading experience and yet when leaving negative feedback this should NOT cause other sellers to BLOCK you from buying from them especially when you have purchased from sellers and left them POSITIVE feedback and then some seller who wouldn't know good customer service comes along and tells previous sellers that you have purchased from that you leave negative feedback so this seller that you have the utmsot regard for BLOCKS you from buying from them. WOULD they like it if you did that to them?, isn't E-bay about "DO unto others as you would want them to do unto you". Is it right to take the word of others who have a gripe against someone. It's supposed to be against E-bay policy to mention members names etc on E-bay but it is happening but I dont know where, However I will continue to leave appropriate feedback for sellers both positive and negative. I always pay quickly and believe that should count a lot but some sellers take forever to send items or dont answwer emails and we all know that communication is the best in all E-bay sales but because WE do the right thing and leave appropriate feedback we are penalised by sellers who we have always treated with great respect because we did the right thing and left appropriate feedback


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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2010, 03:33:41 PM »
now tello go to and check her feedback left for others if you get into ebay . I will PM you her ID


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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2010, 08:01:10 PM »
I find this line priceless...

"DO unto others as you would want them to do unto you".


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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2010, 09:45:32 PM »
I think they just did ;)


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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2010, 09:56:38 PM »

I find attitudes like these incredulous .... and then to have eBay not only pander to them, but empower them to trash sellers - with impunity - is absurdity in the extreme.

One of the greatest motivators for setting up your own website.  

That, and fees.


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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2010, 10:03:32 PM »
ha ha - flushed her out by posting a reply wishing her a miserable christmas

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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2010, 10:32:54 PM »
Makes you wonder why she started a thread in the first place - did she think she'd get sympathy from other buyers?

*Ubbie Max*

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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2010, 10:42:00 PM »
She may have mistakenly thought she would find supporters who agree with her.

She was mistaken.

After reading all the negs feedbacks she gave to sellers I think the women is an utter nutter.


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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2010, 04:02:59 AM »
I've added my two cents ... but it kinda looks like two dollars  :D


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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #13 on: December 17, 2010, 08:13:57 AM »
I think she must have her thread would cause sellers to lift their blocked ban for her.  Lol

But....people aren't stupid..  Back fired for her I think.


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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2010, 09:55:26 AM »
The thread linked in the OP has been deleted , a thread about this buyer that was on the power sellers board has been deleted , people have posted on these threads are now starting to get slaps come through ... the PS's are not happy Jan ...
I wonder if eBay will NARU the buyer as well or just punish the sellers the eBay members who think she is in the wrong ?

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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2010, 10:07:07 AM »
Smee. Maybe the OP self reported. It would be a wise move as she made a complete idiot of herself.


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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2010, 10:08:30 AM »
no Birdie I thought that at first but it cant be that ...she cant self report on the PS board and that thread was deleted also, all threads about her on the boards no matter who started them are being wiped  !

*Ubbie Max*

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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2010, 10:20:10 AM »
Very interesting Smee. I wonder what the reason is.

It's not as if Ebay was being embarrassed or criticized the OP was embarrassing herself & coping fair criticism from others.

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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2010, 10:21:16 AM »
Can anyone remember her user name? It would be interesting to look it up & see if it still exists.


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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #19 on: December 17, 2010, 10:27:26 AM »
dont know Birdie unless they felt its classed as a personal dispute or whatever ...all I know is that posters whom said they were putting her on their BBL lists are getting slaps ..would be interesting to see if all whom posted on the threads about her get slapped irrespective of what the actual post content was ... Maybe Brumby can let us know if he cops one in the next 24 hrs for what he said ...he shouldnt cos he just gave a clear &  precise perspective from another buyers point of view nothing slappable there but time will tell

One would think not surely only the harshest posts that broke forum rules would get slaps calling etc persoanl attacks rather than general comments


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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #20 on: December 17, 2010, 10:28:24 AM »
Can anyone remember her user name? It would be interesting to look it up & see if it still exists.

yep she still exsists at this point I will PM you her id


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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #21 on: December 17, 2010, 10:47:42 AM »
hell, I just got a slap. Must be the third in 6 months. Here is a copy of what I said. Kept it sweet and nice I did so cannot see why. I suspect she has reported everybody who was hostile and that has alerted an ebay smurf who is systematically removing anything related.

Recently we became aware that your eBay registered account was involved in the
following activity:

Posting disruptive or hostile comments, including interpersonal disputes.

which is not permitted at eBay.

This is a copy of your post:

oh I am so glad I don't sell on ebay anymore.
placed on my blocked bidder list just in case I ever sell
 We get these sorts in the servo where I
work. They walk in, don't smile, don't acknowledge your
polite '" how are you " and grump hautily when you thank
them - if you are lucky.
 They then go to their car
and sit there for ages talking on their mobile phone
while other customers have to wait.
 Sad, pathetic
and selfish individuals who claim they are being
victimised by those around them.
 May the OP have a
miserable christmas in memory of the 40 odd sellers she
has crucified.

We realize that you may not have been aware there was a rule against this

To view the complete discussion board policy, please visit this

Please understand our goal is to help you understand our policies to ensure
successful experiences at eBay. Therefore, we respectfully request that you
refrain from this activity in the future to avoid the possibility of a
suspension of your eBay registration.

Thank you for your cooperation in this important matter.

eBay Moderation Team

I cannot possibly post the response to this email but they won't read it anyway. Bustards

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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #22 on: December 17, 2010, 03:39:43 PM »

Slapped for: "Posting disruptive or hostile comments, including interpersonal disputes."

Here is my post, with formatting as posted.  The quotes are taken from the OP...

As a buyer, I will throw in my 2 cents' worth - and, my dear OP, you aren't going to like it.
...  and yet when leaving negative feedback this should NOT cause other sellers to BLOCK you from buying from them

That is a rather narrow perspective.  Many people read feedback with a much wider view of what has been written - and BY WHOM it was written.
Is it right to take the word of others...
But that is just it ...  this 'word of others' is by no means the reason for blocking you - not at all! What this 'word of others' has done is raise a question about a particular member - in this case the OP.  The vast majority of sellers will NOT block you just because someone else said to ...  but they WILL take a look at the evidence and then make their own decision.
YOU, my dear OP have written that evidence yourself.  YOU have given sellers the reason to put you on their BBLs.
"How come?" you might ask.
Well, it is rather simple - and I shall explain how I approach assessment of a seller (remember, I'm a buyer) before I consider putting my money their way...
FIRST, I look at the Negs and Neuts a seller has picked up to see if there is a pattern that is seen across a wide range of buyers.
SECOND, I look at the seller's responses to these 'adverse' ratings - since this gives me an idea of what sort of reception I would get if a problem were to arise.
THIRD - If there are some inconsistencies - such as an apparently otherwise excellent seller copping an unusual and/or brutally scathing feedback comment, I take a deeper look at the people who left the adverse ratings.
I say this in all honesty - there is more told about the AUTHOR of a comment than there is about the subject of it - and this is one reason why I mourned the loss of the ability for sellers to leave negs ...  it made it so easy to pick out the problem ones by the way they went 'off'.
And so it is with you, my dear OP.
As a buyer, I will discount your Negs, since you are so prolific with them and responses from ten different sellers all give me the same impression about you.  There goes your credibility - and the Negs you leave are of very little interest to me ...  a fellow buyer (*chokes slightly*).  BUT, of even more interest is the fact that if the seller responds with courtesy and professionalism to such acrimony, I will in fact score them HIGHER in my assessment - since they have shown themselves to be professional.
So, OP, your negative feedback is not just ineffective in itself, it actually offers a seller an opportunity to be elevated in my assessment - and since I am nothing special in the eBay world, I would be pretty confident in saying that there would be a great many other buyers who would do the same.
....  and it all comes from the words YOU have typed.
Therefore, when sellers read what you have written, they will make an assessment of you as to the risk to their business - and if they choose to block you, then that is their choice ....  but it is still based on what you have written.
There is no conspiracy amongst sellers on this - just a case of "Hey! Have a look at this!" ....  and each one will make their own decision.  (Posting this thread is the biggest "Hey! Have a look at this!" I have seen for a long time.)
The fact that many make the same decision - based on reading what you wrote - should tell you something, but I'm betting you won't see that.
SELLERS: Take note ...  how you respond to this type of barrage WILL be taken into consideration by a much wider audience of potential future buyers - for multiple sales opportunities!

Perhaps I could have written it more in the third person - but I daresay I gave the OP a pretty clear 'heads up' on how silly it was of them to post the thread in the first place.  Maybe they figured that out.


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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #23 on: December 17, 2010, 03:41:18 PM »
just as I thought Brumbles ...everyone who posted seems to be getting slapped silly

*Ubbie Max*

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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #24 on: December 17, 2010, 03:45:43 PM »
What's the point of Ebay slapping posters when the entire thread has been removed?


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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #25 on: December 17, 2010, 03:50:15 PM »
I think they slapped everyone first and then once a thread reaches a certain number or percentage of slapped posts alarm bells go off and they wipe the thread

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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #26 on: December 17, 2010, 03:55:40 PM »
If that's the case Ebay are pathetic. Surely they would read the OP's post & then read all the reported posts then do a little research such as looking at the Neg feedbacks the OP has submitted, before deleting posts.

I read the thread & saw nothing that needed removal. What happened to a persons right to express an opinion, express concern or give advise?


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Re: Classic thread on the eBay Buying board!
« Reply #27 on: December 17, 2010, 04:00:18 PM »
Birdie , unfortunatley the way it should work and the way it happens are often 2 different things
quite often with these things common sense doesnt enter into it and more often than not they dont read the thread to grasp the context of posts