Author Topic: Thought I had a non-payer for 2-3 days  (Read 7377 times)


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Thought I had a non-payer for 2-3 days
« on: December 18, 2010, 06:12:16 PM »
Feedback of only 4

Auction ended 15th December 2010 8.34pm
Invoice sent 15th 21.30pm
Invoice sent 16th 20.00pm
No payment - no contact

I then sent this reminder last night (17th at 10.57pm)
Good evening

Failure to pay WILL result in a non-payment strike - which may result in suspension of your ebay account and will certainly stop you from bidding on others items with other people, depending on the filters they have in place

I'm sorry to be hard-nosed - but you have bid and won my auction - so now you need to pay

I have sent 2 invoices, please pay one of those invoices and the goods will be sent as soon as payment has been confirmed


Voila - payment received at 5.04am via paypal

YES - goods sent with signature required

But why wait so long to pay etc etc?
"I've just been in a bad mood for 40 years" $7,800 **Raised as at 22nd March 2013**
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Re: Thought I had a non-payer for 2-3 days
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2010, 06:34:37 PM »
struth Wokkie thats fast compared to some , I generally find they either pay immediatley or its closer to a week ...not often anything in between ...but that could be just my experiences ...interested to hear what seems the norm for other sellers sales?


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Re: Thought I had a non-payer for 2-3 days
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2010, 06:49:43 PM »
From what I have heard, it is not unusual to find a buyer paying 5 days to 7 days later.

(I do think that is rude, but eBay's rules seem to allow buyers to dawdle over payment. At least if the buyer were obliged to contact the seller to say, "I can't pay now, but you'll receive my payment in 5 days", it would help the sellers...)
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Re: Thought I had a non-payer for 2-3 days
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2010, 06:53:07 PM »
eBay have tried to tighten up on it a little , they now send a notice to the buyer and allow a non paying bidder dispute to commence after 4 days , at least thats a start , most sellers dont mind if contact is made within the few couple of days and the buyer lets them know what their intentions are I get paid next Thursday I shall pay then, but if they hear didley squat in the first 4 days its a bit rude IMO


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Re: Thought I had a non-payer for 2-3 days
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2010, 06:56:58 PM »
smee - fast? - I'd call that VERY slow - I know when I bid and when the auction is ending and ALWAYS pay within 12 hours. (sleep/work) being the problem

Countessa - 5-7 days? - DOn;t I have a right to be paid in a timely fashion?

Smee - ebay do ANYTHING about ANYTHING? - I find that unlikely.

I've seriously got over ebay/papyal monolopy and attitude, the attitude of the buyers, the attitude of the sellers.

But.............. it's the only avenue to sell anything - oztion - we all know is no-where near as good for views - it's sad :(
"I've just been in a bad mood for 40 years" $7,800 **Raised as at 22nd March 2013**
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Re: Thought I had a non-payer for 2-3 days
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2010, 07:13:10 PM »

  Wokkie what conditions have you in your payment terms.........?

 From a buyers view here........I have always paid as soon as the auction ends BUT twice that has not happened.  Sometimes the information to pay is not there and I have had to message and had to wait days for an answer.
I don't follow ebay all that closely anymore as they keep changing the goal posts, but most people use to have  "payment within 7 days please" and ebay allowed that.  I think perhaps some people are heading for the 4 day payment terms.  Whilst I may be able to be around when the auction ends more often than not, sometimes it is not possible, and there are 100 reasons why someone may need/or take  2 days to pay for an item.  (kids get rushed to hospital/computer crashes/ power goes out/ grandma had a fall/bull got out of the back paddock/got called in at work..................etc.   
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Re: Thought I had a non-payer for 2-3 days
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2010, 07:15:36 PM »
Wokkie , dont shoot the messanger , obviously when I sell Id like to get prompt payment too , I just saying what the norm is for me to get paid and asked what the norm is for other sellers ...when I buy I nearly always pay immediatley whether that be by P/pal or bank deposit , cos if I buy Im eager to get and I know the sooner I pay the sooner I should get ...sometimes I will hold back payment if I am interested or bidding on another of that sellers items that is finishing at a  later time/date but will always message the seller and let them know
with regards to the ebay doing anything about anything comment ...well as unlikekly as you find that , they are actually doing someting and I have already explained what that is ... but yes I admit they often dont do enough or do things quickly , but I repeat in this instance they have at least slightly improved in that a dispute can be opened after 4 days and whether or not a dispute is opened they will send a reminder to the buyer , although some do not like them doing it... thats another debatable topic
yes you should be able to expect to be paid in a timely manner , I am sure the buyer who took 3 days to pay would spew if you took 3 days to post especially this time of year
yes a lot of people are over ebay/paypal and all the carp that goes with it but you are correct it absolutley shites on the alternatives and Oztion I am afraid will never ever come close , although once again credit must be given where creit is due and a new owner has just aquired Oztion and they seem to be at least trying some new ideas . I hope it improves but cant see it getting within a bulls roar of eBay this century


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Re: Thought I had a non-payer for 2-3 days
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2010, 08:08:10 PM »
I don't have buyers terms - I'm a casual seller - always have been and rely on Ebays terms - they reckon they are so good.

which is where the 4 days comes in

There was NO contact - a courtesy - will pay, mon, tues wed, thurs, fri, sat etc would have been sufficent - but they didn;t even have the decency for that
"I've just been in a bad mood for 40 years" $7,800 **Raised as at 22nd March 2013**
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Re: Thought I had a non-payer for 2-3 days
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2010, 08:16:48 PM »
yep , no excuse for that Wokkie ... they should at least make contact within a day or 2 ..unless there are exceptional circumstances , such as fire , flood , death , collision or overturning of vehicle , girlfriend came home unexpectedly after serving for 2 years in Afghanistan and the secret room was available or some such similar reasons ...apart from that its not unreasonable to expect at least a message or some sort ...even if it contains a BS excuse at least you know that they know that they have won the item  

the thing is too now the way the feedback rules are , they could neg you for lets say being impatient in their eyes by sending 2 invoives but you cant neg them for being a slow payer .... not saying that either party would do that , but the buyer has all the power in that regard


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Re: Thought I had a non-payer for 2-3 days
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2010, 01:00:57 AM »
Yes - contact is a must if there are any issues.  BEFORE bidding would be nice, too, especially if there is going to be a delay in payment.

As for what is usual for times in paying, I'd have to ask my seller friend what their experience is. That will most likely be later today.

As for ebay doing anything, Wokkie, when it comes to money coming in - they are going to be VERY supportive .... just so they can skim their fees and not have to give credits to sellers for NPB, etc.


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Re: Thought I had a non-payer for 2-3 days
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2010, 08:38:22 AM »
Thought I had a non-payer too,  Wouldn't contact me with bank details until I panicked and winged on the HELP thread.   yes  next time i pay by paypal :babytantie: :roflmao:  How dare sellers make me wait 24hours before i can pay them


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Re: Thought I had a non-payer for 2-3 days
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2010, 09:44:33 AM »
We've found most buyers pay immediately. The ones that don't, usually need a reminder and then they'll pay straight away. We haven't turned off the eBay day 2 reminder. If anyone does contact in the first day to say that they need a couple of days, I just say to them to ignore any payment reminders that eBay send. On day 4 if no communication, I send. "Thank you for your purchase. Your item is packed and ready to post as soon as payment is received. Payment can be made by PayPal, Paymate, Bank Deposit" etc. If no communication by day 6, open a Dispute. Has worked so far, only ever had 2 non-payers.


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Re: Thought I had a non-payer for 2-3 days
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2010, 05:30:21 PM »
Thought I had a non-payer too,  Wouldn't contact me with bank details until I panicked and winged on the HELP thread.   yes  next time i pay by paypal :babytantie: :roflmao:  How dare sellers make me wait 24hours before i can pay them

well they did pay by paypal - but it was the no contact that is more the bone of contention

Wheels - I think most do pay 'in a timely' fashion, but to have a feedback of 4 and the be slow in paying - it's a little bit rough
"I've just been in a bad mood for 40 years" $7,800 **Raised as at 22nd March 2013**
Photos by Enigma - Iphone cases too! :D