Now, onto suggestions for ebay.....................where do I start???1. Fix the searches
2. Give real customer service
3. Give support to your customers - you know, the sellers!
4. Remove hidden bidders
5. Advise members that there is such a thing as a safe and genuine 2nd chance offer
6. Remove the brick walls you constructed in front of ebay stores back in 2006. The lighting bill is outrageous

7. How about some real listing offers - you know, like you give to USA, UK, etc., instead of free 99c listings
8. Hire staff that can actually think and listen to what the ebay community wants
9. Re-create a level playing field in the feedback forum, or remove the current way of doing things and opt for a way similar to Amazon's. Personally, I think allowing comments opens the system up to abuse by some
10. Communicate with ebay members through more regular (& more visible) announcements. (USA seems to get more than AU)
11. Monthly management "postings" to members. Giving information and keeping the community aware of what's going on
12. Bring back the "everyone is equal" status for members and remove favouritism
13. Take proper and speedy action when problems are brought to your attention
14. Listen PROPERLY to the community
15. Free gallery for all items listed under $20
What have I missed?