Author Topic: ****!! eBay **LOOK HERE** Your daily feedback and ideas from this site !!****  (Read 57335 times)


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eBay pay regular daily visits to this site to check what is posted about them.

So I thought it would be an idea to post any suggestions or feedback you may have for eBay on this thread.

They check our site several times daily so this thread would be the fastest way to get site improvement ideas to them.

It is obvious that they are interested in what goes on here otherwise why would they check us constantly.

If you have an idea that you would like to put to eBay or some feedback that you think they should know about or even a complaint, put it here.

This thread could become a hotline from us to them :)
In that way we would be meeting some of the aspirations and goals that gave rise to this site.

I invite Ebay representatives to join our humble site and gain some first hand knowledge of what is happening in the world of the eBay seller and buyer.


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A survey conducted recently on the new eBay search resulted in an overwhelming majority for the return of the previous search.

The results were 96% for, 1% against,2% abstained, 1% did not know what an eBay search was.


  • Knight of the RT
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Good idea Poddy,

Since the change to searches I find that I am item specific now. In other words, I now search for something that I particularly want. No longer is there an opportunity to watch what is selling next (timewise) on a general basis providing the possibility of a speculative purchase.

I would think that the new process is removing a further opportunity for a seller to gain a higher purchase price - and therefore - Ebay from gaining higher FVF's.

Just a thought.... 


  • Guest
I'd like to see the small sellers come back, they add variety and they sell items at bargain prices, attracting more buyers to eBay. The offers of 99cent listings are not the way to attract them.

perky penguin

  • Guest
Genuine question Poddy - can I ask how you know they are checking this site several times a day?

perky penguin

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Oh - and if they really are - my feedback is about the new search option too - I hate it. 

I cannot search as broadly as I did before, I need to know exactly what I want, and the worldwide search isn't working properly - I used to be able to search for a particular brand worldwide (and there are ALWAYS 1,000's listed worldwide that post to Aus) now the search only ever shows < 100 items worldwide, but when I go to say the US site it still shows 1,000's - but I then have to sift through the ones that don't post here.


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My feed back to eBay would relate to the AU board moderation.

In my opinion the moderator has rose coloured glasses on.

perky penguin

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Or Blinkers even ;)


  • Guest
LOL perky


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In my role as a moderator I have access to the IP addresses of guests to this site to protect it against invasion from unwanted sources.

Most of the guests are just that genuine guests who are interested in the developments here and to have access to our help threads on all matters

On occasions there are reoccurring regular visits from specific IP addresses those I trace to assure the continuing safety of our site and members.

A set of those IP addresses happen to belong to eBay :)


  • Action Group
  • Knight of the RT
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So Poddy... we have admirers at Ebay?.. Ok then why don't they reveal themselves and TALK to us instead of just lurking, as they are probably aware by now we are not about bad mouthing Ebay but want to genuinely help, let's hope they speak up, a user name here would not compromise their Identity or their job over there.......


  • Knight of the RT
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1.  Fix the search - PLEASE! I think it is impacting on sales, as it is so disjointed and hard to navigate.
2. This hidden bidders ID thingy isn't working. All newbies think that anyone who bids against them is shilling.
3. PLEASE fix feedback! I know you want to protect the buyers, but without SELLERS you don't make any money!

perky penguin

  • Guest

In my role as a moderator I have access to the IP addresses of guests to this site to protect it against invasion from unwanted sources.

Most of the guests are just that genuine guests who are interested in the developments here and to have access to our help threads on all matters

On occasions there are reoccurring regular visits from specific IP addresses those I trace to assure the continuing safety of our site and members.

A set of those IP addresses happen to belong to eBay :)

Thanks for that Poddy, I had no idea you could trace 'guest' ips etc (I'm not very techmanologically minded :))  Ve-ry interesting!  I wonder who has the unfortunate job of monitoring this place?


  • Knight of the RT
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As a buyer, I too would like to see hidden bidders removed....

If you try to fail, and succeed, what have you done ??


  • Knights of the RT
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Hi all,

I know it's been said before, but eBay's Help pages need serious improvement.

There was a question on one of the boards asking how to Cancel eBay Account so I looked in the help pages to see if I could find a link. The page just asks you to contact eBay to see if they can 'help' with any problems you may be having. No actual button to click to 'Cancel'. I then checked Help pages and the button is there. The Cancel Account section has been removed/missed on the AU pages. Gotta keep those member numbers up somehow!


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Is all this good feedback going to overload the poor guy reading it?

I really do wish that a representative would join our site.

It could be in disguise we wouldnt mind, dont worry we wont throw rotten eggs or tomatoes at you.

Come on be brave, take the plunge :)


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I do not like bidders IDs being hidden.

There used to be a search on items ending soon, that was great for windows shopping. It often lead me to items indirectly.


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I don't like the way that buyers ids are hidden also.  I would also like a fairer feedback arrangement.


  • Knight of the RT
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I have found it is not possible to merge two IDs now. Members only have the choice to create or close an account.

I have merged IDs in the past, for various reasons, and any feedback  could be carried on to the account with which the secondary ID merged.

Not now.

“I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, because I'm not myself, you see”  Lewis Carroll


  • Guest
1.  Fix the search - PLEASE! I think it is impacting on sales, as it is so disjointed and hard to navigate.
2. This hidden bidders ID thingy isn't working. All newbies think that anyone who bids against them is shilling.
3. PLEASE fix feedback! I know you want to protect the buyers, but without SELLERS you don't make any money!

I agree Wholeheartedly with the above, the search is a joke , hidden bidder? now whom is it supposed to be helping, and feedback..ugh do not get me started.


  • Guest
I agree about the search. I was previously able to get through 20 pages of my favourite items viewing only certain items. In the same time I now can only get through 2 pages before I give up due to slow loading and having to wade past items I cannot weed out in my search criteria. All those other sellers on pages 3 to 20 miss out on me seeing them, putting them on watch, or maybe bidding. 

Browsing was always the first thing I did when I logged into eBay before I did anything else. I was buying once or twice a week but now it is 2 months since I bought anything. Not for the lack of trying but I cannot waste my time knowing it should be so much easier. I shop where it is easier to browse.


  • Knights of the RT
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I'm sure there are many sellers missing out on bids and sales because of the poor 'new search experience'.

Seems a lot of buyers have previously searched their local area for all items in all categories. This is difficult to do now that there is no longer a search wildcard to search all. Even after frustrated buyers have gone to eBay Live Help they are being told to enter a string of words that will return 'just about all' listings for their area. This is not giving them all results, far from it. To get close to 100% of listings requires a long winded list of search words and numbers.

You would think with eBay's reported falling sales and falling shareprice that they would be trying to improve the search so that buyers can easily find items they are looking for. Not make it more difficult for them!


  • Knights of the RT
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Fix some of the outdated links on the site!

eg From the Community tab, the link takes you to
The Discussion Boards Help Page

and links to the Board Policy (the OLD POLICY)


How many members would go searching through Help just in case there is a new policy?


  • Guest
None I would guess.


  • Knights of the RT
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 :roflmao: Prim. I wasn't really expecting an answer. 

I wasn't sure whether to post this quote from Live Help in the Joke Thread or here:

Our policies are created from the feedback of majority of our eBay community members. So you might want to participate in the Community discussion boards.


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Didn't mean to be so thick

I am a bit tired today :)


  • Knight of the RT
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Oi !!


Watch it, I have the franchise for "thick" here.

If you try to fail, and succeed, what have you done ??


  • Guest
Sorry Barny :), Can I just say then that I am a bit thick today? I am not very tall, maybe I could be a half brick?


  • Knight of the RT
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No Prim,

No "thick" and no "brick" except in jokes aimed at moi...

Besides you is most definitely a Lego Lady.

If you try to fail, and succeed, what have you done ??


  • Guest
Ever heard of a Lego brick Barny, I am surrounded by them at this very moment LOL


  • Knight of the RT
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I shall ignore that Prim....

I have three grandkidlets under 5... So one of my main functions is to stop them eating the damn things...

If you try to fail, and succeed, what have you done ??


  • Knights of the RT
  • Knight of the RT
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Oh, Barny, I think Lego bricks are pretty indestructible so I don't think the kids will harm them in any way. They just need a bit of a wash when they come out the other end!


  • Guest
LOL Wheels


  • Guest
Oh, Barny, I think Lego bricks are pretty indestructible so I don't think the kids will harm them in any way. They just need a bit of a wash when they come out the other end!

Thank you very much, wheels!  :sick:


  • Guest
Now, onto suggestions for ebay.....................where do I start???

1. Fix the searches
2. Give real customer service
3. Give support to your customers - you know, the sellers!
4. Remove hidden bidders
5. Advise members that there is such a thing as a safe and genuine 2nd chance offer
6. Remove the brick walls you constructed in front of ebay stores back in 2006. The lighting bill is outrageous  ;)
7. How about some real listing offers - you know, like you give to USA, UK, etc., instead of free 99c listings
8. Hire staff that can actually think and listen to what the ebay community wants
9. Re-create a level playing field in the feedback forum, or remove the current way of doing things and opt for a way similar to Amazon's. Personally, I think allowing comments opens the system up to abuse by some
10. Communicate with ebay members through more regular (& more visible) announcements. (USA seems to get more than AU)
11. Monthly management "postings" to members. Giving information and keeping the community aware of what's going on
12. Bring back the "everyone is equal" status for members and remove favouritism
13. Take proper and speedy action when problems are brought to your attention
14. Listen PROPERLY to the community
15. Free gallery for all items listed under $20

What have I missed?


  • Guest
eBay, you need to fix your links to live help. They keep disappearing ? ? ?


  • Guest
Looks like a pretty popular thread :)

And I can assure you it IS being read by eBay

Hopefully they will act on some of the good free feedback they are getting form their customers.

Saving them time too, they do not have to sift through thousands of emails, all the have to do is check this thread daily and they are doing more than that.

The thread gets looked at by eBay about 3 times per their working day.
Google has had a few looks at it as well, it is very popular with guests looking at out humble site.

So keep the good ideas and suggestions coming, suggestions for how to implement improvements might be an idea as well


  • Knights of the RT
  • Knight of the RT
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Poddy, should we remove our 'chat' posts then? eBay staff may not be able to understand our good humour and of course our smilies!


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Nah Wheelie,

Let them see what real live humans are like hehehehe


  • Knight of the RT
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col52 - Love your list at 34.

How about this one - probably takes in quite a few of your suggestions..... directed at Ebay, and not you of course...

Don't be issuing ridiculous advice to members encouraging the destruction of other people's property!

Many shops used to have a policy..... you break it - you own it! Quite obviously not so here!

Whilst undoubtedly there are those members out there who are most certainly capable of identifying non-genuine products..... this advice provides a clear path for fraudulent activity at the expense of a seller. And.... it is so embarrassingly easy!!!

If Ebay is genuinely serious about reducing / preventing this type of fraud - then put these matters in the hands of an independent arbitrator. Perhaps a panel of similar product traders?

ie: From what I understand - Barny knows coins. Why not ask his advice, along with others who share similar knowledge on matters regarding these things?

The people here are not in the business of supporting others to be ripped off!


  • Guest
Thank you r3830 !

I just wish ebay would act on what they read.


  • Guest

No one can say it isn't dished up to them on a silver platter can they?

All there, well presented and in one place, they dont have to sift through mountains of email either.

I do hope that they act on the feeback that is presented here :)


  • Knight of the RT
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No NO,

Barny knows only a teeny bit about coins.. But I do know when to refer to the real experts, and can usually recommend on

If you try to fail, and succeed, what have you done ??


  • Guest

No one can say it isn't dished up to them on a silver platter can they?

All there, well presented and in one place, they dont have to sift through mountains of email either.

I do hope that they act on the feeback that is presented here :)

No, they can't Poddy!

On a gold rimmed platter with all the trimmings to boot!


  • Guest
No NO,

Barny knows only a teeny bit about coins.. But I do know when to refer to the real experts, and can usually recommend on


I know a lot about coins!!!

They come in different sizes and colours...............with numbers and letters on them!!!
Even pretty pictures most of the time too.


  • Guest
Fortunately, there has been a major backflip on the destruction policy.

It's still there, but for a third party to perform at the discretion of you-know-who.

And for the benefit of eBay - if you read this - WHO was the IDIOT who thought up the original policy - and HOW, for the love of Pete, did it ever make it into the real world?

In all honesty, the fact that such an unworkable policy made it outside the walls of eBay is the greatest condemnation of eBay 'professionalism' I have witnessed to date.  I hope you won't try and outdo this effort.


  • Guest
which particualr destruction policy brumby? do you mean the search engine?


  • Knights of the RT
  • Knight of the RT
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 :pmsl: Gr8, No, it appears eBay is sticking with the much maligned, self-destructive new search!

Hidden bidder IDs, hidden sellers history, now hidden items! What's next - auctions with hidden sales prices?


  • Knight of the RT
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No NO,

Barny knows only a teeny bit about coins.. But I do know when to refer to the real experts, and can usually recommend on

Sincere apologies Barny if I caused you angst! The suggestion was intended as an example - but then - as you point out..... you do know where to refer these matters......

Although, thankfully, as Brumby mentions.... this matter appears to be resolved now.


  • Knight of the RT
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S'OK 3830,

No angst at all, just adding to your post a bit

If you try to fail, and succeed, what have you done ??