Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2966532 times)


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DeSantis Signs Law Against Big Tech Censorship, Gets Standing Ovation For Blasting The Media

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill on Monday that would allow individuals to sue social media companies if they are censored and impose fines for Big Tech corporations should they ban elected officials from their platforms.
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Cotton demands NIH ‘come clean’ about funding for Wuhan virus lab and origins of COVID-19

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) called on the Biden administration to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for covering up the origins of COVID-19 as the hypothesis that the virus originated in a Wuhan virology lab gains mainstream credibility among scientists.
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Sean Lennon Pushes Back Against ‘Failed’ Political Correctness Culture

Sean Ono Lennon is speaking out against political correctness. The only child of John Lennon and Yoko Ono took to Twitter to point out the hypocrisy of the left’s modern-day culture war.

This isn’t he first time that Sean has spoken out against the far left.

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How dumb does she think we are?!
Jen Psaki Claims Joe Biden Is In Such Good Shape She Finds It Hard To Keep Up With Him

On Monday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that Joe Biden is so healthy that she often has a tough time keeping up with the president.

Psaki made her comments to reporters during Monday’s White House press conference.

The questions, and Psaki’s comments, come in the wake of a puff piece in the Washington Post that claims Biden lifts weights in the morning and has a personal trainer.
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LC Action Chairman Mat Staver
BOMBSHELL Intel report implicates Wuhan lab . . .

Mat Staver, LC Action Chairman <>
Ron Culley

Tue, May 25 at 10:03 AM

 Republican U.S. House Intelligence Committee members released a bombshell report implicating the Wuhan lab, stating: "There is overwhelming circumstantial evidence, however, to support a [Wuhan] lab leak as the origination of COVID-19. ... "

Many are using COVID to expand the reach of Big Brother, restrict our freedom and make George Orwell's 1984 a present-day reality. Vaccine passports will accomplish their agenda—if we are silent and do nothing!

We must STOP VACCINE PASSPORTS. We must build a firewall of state opposition. — Mat


Liberty Counsel Action was one of the first to break the story that Dr. Fauci used tax dollars to fund the most likely source of the COVID outbreak in our article "Did Fauci Pay to Create the Crisis in China?" posted April 27, 2020.

Within days, Fauci publicly attacked our claims. The National Geographic quoted him in a May 4, 2020, article as saying: "If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and what's out there now, [the scientific evidence] is very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated. ... Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus] evolved in nature and then jumped species."

However, a year later, Fauci has now admitted in a Capitol Hill hearing, "That possibility certainly exists" that COVID could have come from within the Wuhan lab.

His admission coincided with the release of a "previously undisclosed U.S. intelligence report" by the Wall Street Journal over the weekend. Three Wuhan lab researchers became so sick with COVID-like symptoms in November 2019 that they were hospitalized. This was weeks before the highly publicized "first case" in Wuhan's market in December 2019.

Keep in mind that this "lab leak" is from the same Wuhan lab that Dr. Fauci illegally funneled hundreds of thousands of tax dollars to for the purpose of making coronaviruses more deadly (known as "gain of function," which makes a virus stronger and more contagious). This was banned in the U.S. at the University of North Carolina's research program because it was too dangerous. Then Fauci helped move it to Wuhan. This month, he served as one of the university's commencement speakers.

The House Intel Committee report reveals that U.S. diplomats caught this same lab for NOT "following necessary safety protocols, risking the accidental outbreak of a pandemic" in 2017. This lab also was caught lying about its direct ties to the Communist China military! And finally, China is boasting about how it became stronger because of this outbreak.

But it doesn't stop there. Fauci promised that Trump would face an "infectious diseases" challenge during his presidency. This disease is what made Fauci an overnight sensation, a household name and the highest-paid federal employee.


Vaccine passports are the most serious threat to freedom. We are building momentum in a number of states, but we have a long way to go.

Send your urgent fax to the governors and legislators to stop vaccine passports from becoming mandatory across America and around the world.

Fauci, the CDC and the FDA want you to believe that the COVID shots are "safe" and "effective" as employers, businesses, schools, some states and nations are forcing the shots on people.

In one week, reported adverse reactions jumped from 192,954 to 227,805. Deaths rose from 4,057 to 4,201; hospital visits climbed from 11,572 to 12,625; office visits from 32,803 to 39,153; urgent care from 25,063 to 29,707; severe allergic reactions from 9,175 to 10,799; heart attacks from 1,262 to 1,390; blood clots from 939 to 1,065; and Bell's palsy from 1,112 to 1,273. Miscarriages increased from 275 to 328. And it is *estimated that these numbers could be less than 1% of the actual.

These COVID "vaccines" have ended in the deaths of 80 times MORE people than died from the disastrous swine flu vaccine.

The COVID shots must be your decision, not one mandated or coerced. Tell governors and lawmakers with an urgent fax: NO MANDATORY VACCINE PASSPORTS OR TRACKING AND TRACING APPS.

In addition to adverse reactions and deaths, there is growing evidence of "breakthrough cases," which is when a person who received the COVID shots later contracts COVID. The CDC was tracking all breakthrough cases until the numbers skyrocketed. Fearing people would be less inclined to receive the shots, the CDC changed its reporting to only those who have been hospitalized. A nurse friend said the number of "breakthrough" cases in a Washington state hospital where she works is exploding.

A friend who will soon deliver her baby at home said her midwife told her the number of miscarriages also is exploding.

Whatever you think about the COVID shots, we should all agree that (1) information should not be censored; and (2) the decision should be yours and yours alone.

Stand up for freedom. Tell governors and legislators NO MANDATORY VACCINE PASSPORTS or TRACKING APPS.

LC Action does much more than investigative reporting and policy analysis. We use our expertise on Capitol Hill to provide you with the tools to defend our freedom. We are here to be your voice.
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Pelosi vs. AOC: More Details Emerge About the Not-So-Secret Democrat Civil War

It wasn’t often talked about but everyone knew that while things were being portrayed as rainbows and unicorns with everyone within the Democrat party, it was clearly obvious that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez weren’t friends.
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Refund The Police? Major Cities Are Backtracking On Police Cuts After Explosion Of Violent Crime

A year after the death of George Floyd, elected officials of major cities are walking back commitments to cut police funding amid spiking crime rates.

Elected leaders in places such a Minneapolis, New York City, and Los Angeles are now pushing to increase funding to police departments after months of budget cuts and low morale have gutted law enforcement ranks. At the same time, major cities across the U.S. are suffering spikes in violent crime.

“The violence needs to stop, its unacceptable. People deserve to feel safe in their neighborhood, they deserve to be able to send their kids out to the sidewalk to play and to recreate without bullets flying by. That’s unacceptable. We should be holding these perpetrators accountable,” Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, a Democrat, said at a May 7 news conference addressing a spate of violence that ripped through the city.
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Gov. Abbott About To Make Texas A Constitutional Carry State

Texas is about to join the exclusive club of constitutional carry states. On Monday, the state Senate passed the final version of HB 1927. Soon as Governor Greg Abbott fulfills his pledge to sign it, the Lone Star State will enjoy unprecedented rights to bear arms.
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GOP Sen. Kennedy Drops New NRA Ad To ‘Trigger’ The Liberals

Louisiana Republican Senator John Kennedy, well known for his outspoken views, recently starred in a new National Rifle Association video that will no doubt leave gun control advocates picking themselves up off the floor.

The video shows Kennedy wiping down a handgun with catchy music playing in the background. Kennedy then says, “Folks, I believe that love is the answer. But you oughta own a handgun just in case.”
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12 Years!
Are you with me?
Those stats aren't jacking themselves.

:jester: :duckdance: :bear: :crayfish: :sing: :piano: :band:  :leadguitar: :drummer: :conduct: :bubbly: :drinkwine: :welcomedesk: :stay: :arrg:    :banana:   :dance:                                  :dustpan:
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China Detains Reporter Who Sneaked To Cave Where Coronavirus Samples Were Collected For Wuhan Lab, Destroys Photo He Took: Report

Communist China detained a reporter from The Wall Street Journal who sneaked to the cave in southern China where the Wuhan Institute of Virology collected coronavirus samples approximately eight years ago after six miners became extremely ill, three of whom later died, after cleaning out the cave’s bat feces.
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Third Grader Forced to Remove "Jesus Loves Me" Mask

Dear Fellow American,

Lydia is a typical nine-year old.

She enjoys roaming around her family farm in Braxton, Mississippi, playing with her dogs, and feeding the family's chickens. She also loves caring for her bearded lizard Arlo.

But Lydia's faith is not so typical. She has a deep love for Jesus and an incredible witness for her Christian faith.

That's why when Lydia's school required students to wear a face mask due to COVID-19, Lydia chose a mask with the words "Jesus Loves Me."

Lydia wanted a mask that was meaningful to her—that expressed her faith. After all, masks have become a new way to express yourself.

And Lydia's classmates seemed to have the same idea. Other students wore masks displaying popular logos and even "Black Lives Matter."

But then Lydia's teacher singled her out and told her she couldn't wear her special mask to school.

She was even subject to discipline if she wore the mask again!

Alliance Defending Freedom is standing with Lydia and defending her right to free speech and religious freedom in court.

But we also wanted to give YOU a chance to stand with her as well.

Will you stand with Lydia by signing our statement of support?

This is a great opportunity to thank Lydia for standing for our constitutional freedoms.

Thank you for standing with Lydia today.
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Gee Fellahs, I don't know about this one....
Biden Authorizes Flying BLM Flag at US Embassies

In a move that has most law enforcement professionals and conservatives shaking their heads in disgust, the Biden administration has authorized U.S. Embassies around the world to fly the Black Lives Matter Flag for the rest of this year to commemorate the death of George Floyd, which took place one year ago today.
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There's Nothing Stunning Here
County Faults ‘Coding Error’ – Voting Machines Didn’t Show Republican Ballots

A Pennsylvania county faulted a “coding error” this week after Republican and nonpartisan voters were dismayed to see only Democratic ballots available as they tried to participate in a slew of local elections.

Luzerne County voters were issued a ballot that only indicated it was for the Democratic primary, regardless of their indicated party affiliation. Many Tuesday voters left their polling places agitated, though Director of Elections Bob Morgan said the error was not the fault of the local government, but rather the blame lied with Dominion Voting Systems, a company marred by dubious election fraud claims in the wake of the 2020 presidential election.

“We gave a final product to Dominion,” Morgan told PA Homepage. “There is no evidence of any of this problem on the mail-in ballots, which were produced from that file. We’re still working with Dominion to get an explanation as to how this coding error occurred. They were as surprised about it as we were.” . . .

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Watch: Psaki Says US Has ‘No Means’ to Confirm if Wuhan Lab Workers Got Sick Prior to Covid Outbreak

White House press secretary Jen Psaki asserted that the U.S. does not have the “means” to confirm that workers at a Wuhan lab got sick ahead of the pandemic.
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William Sanderson
Holy Smokes. Did you hear the loud buzzing followed by dimming lights in Crestline?
Report states located next to Knapp Cutoff Rd and Lake Dr. And Old Mill. Next to the 3 Marm Brewery.
The fire dept is checking it out.
The cause: "Mylar balloons into power lines. No fire. Edison has call."

Marq Stonestreet
My lights dimmed about 10 minutes ago while I was typing an email. What was it?

William Sanderson
Marq Stonestreet a witness said they saw a big flash.

Cathy Palmer-Mazzocchi
Our lights flickered

Kathleen Vinzant Firstenberg
Paulina Skye totally

Bernie Tafoya
the power poles by the auto store

Kathleen Vinzant Firstenberg
Didn’t hear anything but our lights flickered and the internet went out.

Kathleen Vinzant Firstenberg
Our internet goes out at least 3-4 times per week. Ridiculous

Lau Ra
Kathleen Vinzant Firstenberg lol same. My internet didn’t go out tonight but the lights did flash. I just thought it was our crappy electric.

Carole Christianson
Sounds like a Transformer blew.

Ron Tello Culley
The War of the Worlds (1953) - IMDb
The War of the Worlds (1953) - IMDb

Kathleen Webb
Eclipses/Blood Moons are powerful stuff lol 😂

Melinda Baxter
We did too on Brookside.

Kendall Fematt
Our power flickered twice then I heard a big boom/explosion.
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Sen. Rick Scott Wants Us To Stop Buying From Communist China

Republican Senator Rick Scott (FL) called on Americans to stop buying products from Communist China. He noted that Americans live in an age when the country’s billionaire class is in bed with China suppliers.

‘They Are Not Our Friend’
Speaking on a New York AM radio talk show, Scott differentiated between Communist China and ordinary Chinese citizens. “We should stop buying anything from communist China. They are not our friends.

The people are wonderful. The government is despicable,” he said, as reported by Newsmax. In addition, he thinks China has an ulterior motive. “The government of China, communist China, what they want to do is they want to dominate the world,” Scott added.

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Ron DeSantis Signs Bill Cracking Down On Big Tech: ‘These Platforms Have Become Our Public Square’

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) signed legislation Monday reining in big tech companies and empowering users who believe they have been discriminated against unfairly.

DeSantis signed the bill, which he touted as the first of its kind in the United States, at a ceremony in Miami. His office sent out a release explaining the bill:

All Floridians treated unfairly by Big Tech platforms will have the right to sue companies that violate this law — and win monetary damages. This reform safeguards the rights of every Floridian by requiring social media companies to be transparent about their content moderation practices and give users proper notice of changes to those policies, which prevents Big Tech bureaucrats from “moving the goalposts” to silence viewpoints they don’t like.
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Mike Huckabee: So-Called Experts Humiliated as More and More Info Supports Wuhan Lab Leak Theory

Several recent developments have cast renewed doubt on the claim that COVID-19 naturally spread from animals.

There’s a growing amount of at least circumstantial evidence suggesting that it escaped from the viral research lab in Wuhan, China. The New York Post has a good recap of what happened up until now and why we’re suddenly hearing a number of authoritative voices speak up to question the official story.
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Travel Advisory Level Four
US Issues Travel Warning to Japan Despite Tokyo Olympics

The United States issued a travel advisory against going to Japan, which cast doubts on its plans to participate in the upcoming Tokyo Olympics.

A majority of the country is under a state of emergency due to COVID-19 outbreaks. With two months to go, many question Japan’s ability to handle a potential surge during the quadrennial Olympics.
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Military Alphabet: A Must-Know For Preppers

We in the prepping and survival community have stolen much from the military.

That makes sense, if you think about it. On an individual basis, combat is the ultimate game of survival (although it’s not a game). Why reinvent the wheel, when there is so much that the military does, which we can use?

That’s not to say that everything the military does is perfect for our needs. Military equipment tends to be over-designed, so that it can withstand the strain of rough use by people who have more important things to think about than taking care of their equipment. That tends to make it heavy and bulky, often too heavy for our needs.
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What famous comic strip characters were named for a theologian and a philosopher?

Garfield the Cat and Jon Arbuckle
Calvin and Hobbes
Blondie and Dagwood
Charlie Brown and Lucy

Fans of the Sunday funny pages might know them best as the mischievous blonde boy and his dutiful, wise toy tiger, but cartoonist Bill Watterson drew inspiration for the names of his most famous creation from 16th-century French theologian John Calvin and 17th-century British philosopher Thomas Hobbes.

Calvin was a prominent figure of the Protestant Reformation who believed that individuals were either predestined for salvation or damnation. Hobbes, best remembered for his book 1651 “Leviathan,” was an important theorist who argued that life in a state of nature is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short” and that humans give up freedoms to enter into a social contract with one another.

The comic strip “Calvin and Hobbes,” which ran from 1985 to 1995, featured Watterson’s seemingly childish duo often embodying larger existential debates such as how best to live one’s life or the pros and cons of institutional systems. Watterson famously kept a close hold over the rights to the characters, refusing to merchandise their popularity in exchange for artistic integrity. The anthologized strip has sold 45 million books worldwide, and it remains beloved."

Source: Los Angeles Times | Date Updated: May 24, 2021
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"It does not require many words to speak the truth."
-Chief Joseph

When Chief Joseph began his 1879 address in Washington, D.C., with these words, he was setting the stage for an entreaty to the U.S. government to allow his people, the Nez Percé American Indian tribe, to return to their land in the Pacific Northwest. These words were an effort to show that two differing groups — white men and Indigenous Americans — could understand each other and see one another’s points of view. They are words worth living by on a personal level as well. To forge relationships based on love and understanding, we need to speak from the heart and with honesty.
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Awwww SHITE! And I Voted Yes! This Poll Is Rigged!!

QUICK POLL: Is America a racist country? Poll Results
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"The Left can feel its grip on media slipping away, and they’re going to desperate lengths to reclaim it."
One conservative organization is being targeted yet again by “woke” companies

Big Tech companies are beginning to flex their muscles.

The Democrats are beaming with joy as left-wing organizations do the politicians’ dirty work.

And one conservative organization is being targeted yet again by “woke” companies.

The Left hates PragerU because it’s so effective in spreading conservative messages online.

PragerU has 2.91 million subscribers on YouTube, and billions of views.

That’s why another “woke” company is targeting them.

The video player software company JW Player purged PragerU after updating its arbitrary “community guidelines.”
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It Turns out Woke Corporations Were Just Kidding When They Promised Big Bucks for ‘Racial Equity’

Remember when major corporations participated in the woke virtue-signaling when all that rioting and protesting was going on last year? Many of these organizations made overtures to Black Lives Matter and other hard leftist leaders — and even went so far as to promise to donate generous sums of money to the cause of safeguarding black lives in response to the murder of George Floyd and the demonstrations that followed.

But, according to a recent report, most of these companies may have had their fingers crossed when they made these promises.

Fortune Magazine published a piece revealing the fact that, despite pledging to donate $50 billion towards promoting racial equity, very little of this money has materialized.
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Harris Doesn’t Even Consider Security In Her Laughable Efforts to Deal With the Border Chaos

Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala make up a group of countries known as the “Northern Triangle” in Central America. They are all corrupt. They are all violence-infested. They all have hundreds of thousands of citizens who have left, are leaving, or are planning to leave for the United States.

Illegal immigrants from those three countries make up the lion’s share of the human wave coming to America. Vastly limiting those numbers is the key to getting a handle on the border crisis.
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More Republican States Have Lower Unemployment Rates
Report: Hardworking Republican States Bring Back Jobs Faster than Blue States

States that are lead by a Republican governor have brought jobs back more quickly than those led by the Democrats. as people in the country start to go back to work. This is according to new unemployment data for each state released by the Department of Labor.

Republican governors run the top 12 states leading in terms of job growth. Additionally, 17 of the top 20 Republican-run states do a better job in letting Americans go back to work.
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Oh Don't Act Surprised....
Texas Democrat Turns On President Biden – He Accuses Joe Of Border Cash Not All Getting To Its Location

Many believe Joe Biden created a border crisis when he rescinded all of Trump’s effective policies.

Even as people demand Biden secure the border, his solution has been to throw away hundreds of millions of dollars housing the people pouring over the border.

Those are tax dollars, by the way.

Joe is also paying off foreign countries to secure their own borders. And he’s been giving money to help out border regions.

But even one of his own, a Democrat from Texas, is saying not all the money is going to where it should.
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The Child Soldiers of the Culture War
In New York City, adult activists use teenagers as human shields

Last October, a group of New York City parents gathered outside City Hall to defend accelerated academic programs. The city’s Department of Education had been chipping away at those programs for over two years—part of its "equity"-oriented agenda—and the predominantly Asian crowd was fed up. "Keep SHSAT," many signs read, a reference to the Specialized High School Admissions Test that by law determines admission to the city’s top public schools.
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Monday Live – Fauci And Others Now Admit What Infowars Reported First: Wuhan Lab Center Of Covid-19 Outbreak!
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"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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‘Make crime illegal again’: Congressman-wannabe unveils novel campaign slogan

Washington state congressional candidate Matt Larkin is running on a tough-on-crime platform based on supporting law enforcement in an effort to “make crime illegal again” amid skyrocketing crime and failed liberal leadership in Seattle.
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Turn Your Junk Mail into a Masterpiece: How to Make Paper!

Wait! Before you throw your junk mail in the recycling bin, could it live a second life? With items you have in your house, you can easily recycle that paper at home! It’s the most fun and simple way to ensure your trash doesn’t end up in the waste stream. So, let’s start seeing our junk mail with a little more possibility!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Washington DC Sues Amazon For Monopoly Practices

Washington, DC Democrat Attorney General Karl Racine sued online retail giant Amazon. Specifically, he accused the company of monopoly practices, including unfairly inflating prices and stifling competition.

Filed in DC Superior Court last Tuesday, Racine alleges that Amazon violates the city’s Antitrust Act.
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"Don’t be insecure if your heart is pure."
-Lady Gaga

In a crowded field, Lady Gaga is one of the biggest pop superstars of the past decade-plus, and a huge part of that fame comes from her ability to inspire self-worth through her lyrics. That’s just what she does in her song “Bad Kids” (co-written by Lady Gaga, Fernando Garibay, and Jeppe “Senior” Laursen), off the empowering, anthemic 2011 album “Born This Way.”

This song was inspired by the many stories Gaga heard from fans while touring — anecdotes about being judged for one's appearance, dealing with divorcing parents, and more. The song is dedicated to those who have been through hardships but remain good-hearted in the end. “I wanted a song to tribute their stories,” Gaga tweeted. “I’m a Bad Kid, too.”
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"