Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2966413 times)


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Biden Brings COVID Investigation To a Screeching Halt

The Biden administration has suddenly put an end to an inquiry into a possible connection between the origins of the novel coronavirus and a lab in Wuhan, according to a CNN report published Tuesday.

The State Department launched inquiry last fall under President Trump – but the effort was shut down this spring under Biden apparently due to “concerns about the quality of its work,” CNN reported, citing three unnamed sources.

After the changeover in administrations, concerns were raised early in 2021 about draft findings of the probe shared with Biden’s team, CNN said.

The State Department confirmed to CNN that the inquiry had stopped but claimed it is continuing to work with other agencies on “COVID origins issues” after burying an already underway probe.

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First Aid For Bleeding: What To Do

The 911 emergency system is the first option most people have during an emergency situation.

Its ability to help the injured makes it the most important advent in these modern times. However, your location and the size of your municipality can work against you. In certain scenarios, help can be just a few minutes away.

Since we do not live in a perfect world, you might want to consider the possibility that help may come too late and you may have to figure out a way to mitigate the damage and risks before help arrives. When dealing with an open wound, one should always know how to stop the bleeding, before things take a turn for the worse.
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What popular snack began as repurposed Disneyland trash?


Not long after Disneyland opened in 1955, Frito-Lay installed a Mexican restaurant in Frontierland called Casa de Fritos. The menu included tamales, enchiladas, and plentiful Fritos. (There was even an animatronic vending machine featuring the “Frito Kid” to dispense the corn chips.)

One day, a sales representative for Alex Foods — which supplied Casa de Fritos with wholesale ingredients — noticed a pile of stale tortillas in the trash. The rep offered the restaurant a tip: cut up the tortillas and fry them, then sell them as crispy chips instead of throwing them away. The chips were a big hit, and when the new VP of Frito-Lay, Archibald Clark West, dropped by a year later, he was pleased to see so many customers snacking on what had been a waste product.

West contracted with Alex Foods to produce the chips as a snack, naming them Doritos (Spanish for “little golden things”). The chips debuted nationally in 1966. The chips were a big hit, and when the new VP of Frito-Lay, Archibald Clark West, dropped by a year later, he was pleased to see so many customers snacking on what had been a waste product. West contracted with Alex Foods to produce the chips as a snack, naming them Doritos (Spanish for “little golden things”). The chips debuted nationally in 1966. "

Source: Business Insider | Date Updated: May 24, 2021
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Calls For Resignation Pile Up As Fauci Proves He Can’t Be Trusted

Americans are vocally questioning the credibility of Dr. Anthony Fauci amid new developments related to the Coronavirus – forcing lawmakers to call for his resignation.

Fauci’s credibility is wavering, some experts claim. He recently said he is “not convinced” COVID-19 developed naturally outside of a Wuhan lab, as a report came out that three Wuhan lab workers were diagnosed with COVID-like symptoms just before the official outbreak in China.
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Big Tech Targets Conservatives In a Whole New Way

A report from Project Veritas is saying that Facebook is actively censoring vaccine concerns across its website. Whistleblowers are saying that any content that might encourage “vaccine hesitancy,” like shocking news stories, are censored by the tech giant.

Project Veritas reports that two whistleblowers within the company have revealed internal Facebook documents showing a plan to stop “vaccine hesitancy” across the globe. The goal is to “drastically lower user exposure” to vaccine hesitancy comments.

The program wants to “decrease engagement of vaccine hesitancy comment create, likes and replies.” This caused two Facebook whistleblowers to go to Project Veritas to unveil the full reach of Facebook’s censorship.
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1166400 Views   :thanks:

100 Hits in about a half-hour. A new High Count!

Bizzy are we?

I am gratified.

Except for the part where I can't monetize this Boogie.
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They are going to BYPASS Republicans! Is this LEGAL? SHAME!!
Democrats Prepared To Ram Through Major Bills Without GOP Support

The pretext of working together and finding common ground is wearing thin for House and Senate Democrats.

Democrats in both chambers are facing pressure from their base to do an end-run around Republican opposition on some key pieces of legislation if some agreements are not made soon.

The left-wing party is starting to warn that they will ram through bills without GOP support.
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Mystery Video.
Click it.

(No Musicians were harmed in the making of this motion picture.
They Open Carry.)
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Vigilante Demolition without a permit. Shades of an Ancient Tea Party, I suppose....
Man On Video Dismantles BLM ‘Autonomous Zone’ Barricades Blocking Street At ‘George Floyd Square’

Not all heroes wear capes. Or make Bail.

Over the weekend, a man in Minneapolis was caught on tape dismantling a roadblock set up by BLM honoring George Floyd and cutting down structures with a hatchet.

According to video captured by the Star Tribune, the unidentified man pulled up to the show in his pickup truck before tossing signs to the pavement. At about 2 a.m. on Sunday morning, he returned to his car, took a hatchet, and bashed into what seemed to be a tiny shed Crack House.

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Alan Lee called. Gonna be here, at my Crib soon.

Wow, huh?

In the meantime, feel free to review the Evidence Part 1. He did.
Somewhat an "Oldy and Moldy" Production, with minimal typos. It flies.
This is MORE than a "turning point".

This is a simmering conspiracy, so says I.

I'll report the sordid details when I get around to it, OK?
Keep Search and Rescue on Stand-by. THX!

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Alan Lee was here!
Not more than 3 minnits.
I gave him my paperwork, a fist bump and my deepest appreciation for his emerging effort to help Lotus and I in this dark time of tactical need.

Very nice.

I feel LOVED.
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And in other news:

Lurkers get a higher Rating now than last week.

The Ratings sez it ALL!

It wouldn't kill ya to send me an email of any shape, size or tone.

"The request lines are now open."

In this modern hi tech world, am I to believe that Bots CANNOT send Spam Mail?

Keep On Schmuckin'.
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Allen Chang shared his first post.
Need a dump run from angelus oaks (Barton flats). Wood boards, cement blocks, mattress, recliner, small bbq

Bryce Gordon
Thomas Bonde

Carolyn Johnson
Thomas Bonde

Amber Valencia
Thomas Bonde

Ron Tello Culley
Thomas has the Popular Vote.
Bonde For President!
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You shouldda seen Alan's car.

Looked like a Stretch Cadillac Escalade.
Long, tall, shining black, and idling.

It looked like the Presidential Limo...ARMOURED.

He said it's his personal ride, not a Government perc.
This man is doing well.
And he's sharing the wealth....of information.....for/with US!
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Ohio City Bans Abortions: ‘Sanctuary City for the Unborn’

An Ohio city on Tuesday voted to ban abortion, declaring itself to be a “sanctuary city for the unborn.”

The City Council of Lebanon, Ohio, voted unanimously to approve the city law, though one member quit in protest before the meeting.
Republican Mayor Amy Brewer said the new law takes effect immediately in the city, which is north of Cincinnati and home to approximately 20,000 residents.
4,691 of them are Tweekers, but who's counting?

:tello: "What interests me is....I got the other "A" word...ADOPTION.


Imagine being born into a meatloaf. I do.
Now I eat meat in honor of the fallen Livestock.
Better them than me!

I'm still waiting for my order of Aboriginal Teen Cheerleader Pussy Jerky. Smee? Fulfill my Order or I will YELP you.
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Malia Dietz shared her first post.
 May 24 at 9:00 AM  ·
In need of someone to come test the electricity to my jacuzzi.

Dani Huether
Jenny Rebecca Soffer , Danny?

Jenny Rebecca Soffer
Dani I just told him. He is on a big job today.

Dani Huether
Jenny Rebecca Soffer thanks!

Carolyn Johnson
Danny Lopez

Peter Hernandez
Mountain Maintenance

Peter Hernandez
Check out my page.
I’m certified in pool and spas and I’m certified in HVAC.
Let me know 😁

Ron Tello Culley
Electricity and water is a recipe for disaster. Insulate your swim trunks.

Peter Hernandez
Ron Tello Culley thanks for the laugh.
Much needed.

Ron Tello Culley
I couldn't resist.
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Timothy Kahl shared his first post.
Start tomorrow morning 11 AM, here in Bear City, $20 cash per hour, lunch included and a cold one when you’re done. ?

Beth Faulkner
Cody Britton

Ron Tello Culley
Cold one first. A shot of inspiration get's it going.
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smee will be interested in this:
The Louie Files!

You sent May 23 at 11:35 AM
Hey what happened to ya? I found a plumber. Still need you to checks lights. Say?

You sent May 23 at 8:41 PM
BTW. where did you put my ratchet strap?

You sent May 23 at 9:23 PM
Ratchet strap...where ya put it?

Louie sent May 24 at 12:21 PM
Hey Ron, it's hung up right on the wall where the other clips are hung up

You sent May 24 at 12:26 PM
can you stop by soon?

Louie sent May 24 at 12:27 PM
I can come by tomorrow after work

You sent May 24 at 12:28 PM
ok call first to be sure I'm here, thx!

Louie sent May 24 at 12:37 PM
Ok send me your number please

You sent May 24 at 12:37 PM
909 XXX xxxx

You sent Today at 6:28 PM
Check it out. 2011 4th July in Montello Nv. I'm the drummer.
MONTELLO NEVADA - 2011 - 4th of July Parade

You sent Today at 6:31 PM
The white building is my house.

Louie sent Today at 9:29 PM
Looks like a great time

You sent Today at 9:29 PM
That was then...what is NOW? Wanna go? Prepare to CAMP!

You sent Today at 9:32 PM
It's a town of manners, not Law.

Louie sent Today at 9:32 PM
Yessir, that's my style as well! When is the parade? I rarely have weekends to do free stuff now days but if I'm available id love to get out and have some fun at the parade👍

You sent Today at 9:35 PM
July 4. Montello Nevada. Freeway close. Show up or don't. Let's caravan there! Show the locals what a guy I am...again! Word gets out that I got an Army, nobody will felafel with us! Except the local Floozies!

You sent Today at 9:40 PM
In Nevada....we smoke in the Bars, drink in the streets and carry guns.

You sent Today at 9:42 PM
Back in The Day, the cops would tell me to clean my gun, not confiscate it.

Louie sent Today at 9:43 PM
Haha sounds good I'll let you know👌
Oh yeah sounds like a nice fun old western town reminds me of John Wayne watching with my grandpa haha
Haha that's awesome!

You sent Today at 9:45 PM
Look it up. Town is OLD. Major HISTORY there, and I am part of it. Let's do some more damage. Show up, wail and get out of town. Perfect!

You sent Today at 9:46 PM
Tell a friend!

Louie sent Today at 9:46 PM
Sounds good I'll keep you posted! I'll look up the town👍

You sent Today at 9:46 PM
No shortages of info. Google is your friend!

You sent Today at 9:47 PM
Get some friends and bring them WITH!

You sent Today at 9:47 PM
Think of it as a RIVER RUN without the river.

You sent Today at 9:54 PM
Everybody carries a side arm, fake or not. It's more about appearances than a fire fight.

You sent Today at 9:55 PM
The women there are HARD CORE HUNTERS. Get to know them. I did!

You sent Today at 9:57 PM
There's this one girl there who runs the Post Office by day and slings Cowboy bacon cheeseburgers at night. EPIC!

Run a Tab. Works for me! I'm Ron Tello!

You sent Today at 10:25 PM
Do it! Say it's a "Family Emergency". and lie about it later...or not!

Louie said:
Haha might have to use that excuse! Lol

You sent Today at 10:29 PM

Haha might have to use that excuse! Lol

You sent Today at 10:29 PM

You sent Today at 10:37 PM
If everybody knows, who's gonna tell? Yer clear!

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You sent Today at 10:42 PM
Karaoke on the Weekends! That shite will go on until sunrise
Again..RUN A TAB!
And crash out in the dirt. I did, once. It was MY dirt.

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Economic News
Hackers Steal Personal Data of 4.5 Million Airline Passengers, Including Passport & Credit Card Info

:tello: "I can't walk, ya think I'm gonna run from this? "
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Yeppers! We are just now finalizing the installation of a V-8 on my Mini Bike!

I told them to lose the brakes...they only slow me down.
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I got Plans.

I lost my notes.

Now I gotta Ad Lib.

Watch this:

Hey smee! Get over here. I got a Mission for you.

Seek and Employ.
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This is where words are ammo and the casualties are self-inflicted.
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Plan on it...EVERYTHING goes wrong and you are left holding the BAG. Barf Bag.
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And Me?

I'm Ron Tello, and you can't.


There are "Standards" here.

They will be here when the recon team brings it here.

Stand by...BREAKING NEWS and you heard it here first by way of "hearsay."

50/50 is the goal!


Boy, I hope none of you show up at my next Jury Fling/Trial !!!
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DARVO is an acronym for "deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender". It is a common manipulation strategy of psychological abusers. The abuser denies the abuse ever took place, attacks the victim for attempting to hold the abuser accountable, and claims that they, the abuser, are actually the victim in the situation, thus reversing the reality of the victim and offender. This usually involves not just "playing the victim" but also victim blaming.  It's Flocked Up in the Head shite. Do NOT rent a room to them!!!!

Now that the cops are de-funded, it's OPEN season on azzhules!

Like what's gonna happen to ya?
Stuck with Gravedigging duty. THAT'S what!

Hey, no sweat! They provide LUNCH!!!

(ALL Movie Shoots are Catered!)

I know! I used to loot them on Principle alone.... I got "seconds" on the Pecan Pie!
With the promise I would vacate the area in a timely manner. Bullshit! I am there to PLUNDER!
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TRUST ISSUES: The media says "It's SUMMER TIME!"

The temp says  " we get 30 degrees at night " So yeah...COLD IS A CONCERN.

And I burn propane as a sacrificial deal to preserve my ass.


I will give up Mr. Heater when they pry it from my cold, cold hand.
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Acting border patrol chief admits Biden admin doing ‘catch and release’
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OK....ok, shut up and hear this:

That atmospheric anomaly enshrouding your ears is just the WINDS OF CHANGE.

It's inevitable. Like a daily poo, ya gotta do it, be there and handle it. Or else.....

I have troubling news here, people.

The end of the world happened already.

wham, boom and sha-zaa.... DONE.

At the tone, the time will


I used to rehearse for this moment. Sry, I'm losing my grip for a minnit.

I am in charge.

Of what?

Phone Lines are now open. 1-UFK-555-DERP

And then there's the story I have yet to tell....

[to be continued,... like they do it on The X-Files]

AD: EDITOR WANTED. Inquire within.
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I take this hobby SERIOUSLY.

When I go off the air, my Ratings increase.

Today was special. Check the time stamps.

Yeah, this is a thang.
I post to myself and Bots interact with numbers and scant comments.

No, sry...I have a sock puppet, a Diva and her Horse, and the Flower Lady.
Once, there was Joz and that was excellent!

Pompeii has more survivors than this joint.

There's no stopping that which has stopped itself.

Can I get a Ghost Post Crown Slap?
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If I keep talking to myself here,
I will have to advertise for a proxy mate.
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I know it's wrong to hate,
but smee is becoming a growing concern.

And all the few are sooooo not happening.

Meanwhile, the SERVERS in Ogden, Utah are smoking to a halt.

Is this any way to run a society?

I'll tell ya later.

My Wisdom grows weary.
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If I keep talking to myself here,
I will have to advertise for a proxy mate.

I would think it would be easy for you to get a poxy mate


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smee, you are my best whenever friend.
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I found $100 USA  but I dont think its real ..but im not sure what it woukd be used for


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I can't find my Apple Watch charger. Where on earth did I leave it? Obviously it must be my doing, as there's no contingent of charger moving people here.
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Thanks for visiting, you two.

I need time to figure out what you said, and
determine the validity and usefulness of it all.

You will prolly get away with it, too.
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I found $100 USA  but I dont think its real ..but im not sure what it woukd be used for

Only a suggestion....
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