Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2964900 times)


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Not off cue .....far cue
Not check .......cheque
Not face ..........faeces

So, what? All better now?
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Allocuting Defendant: "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it."

The Judge: "Yeah well, we didn't mean to impose the Death Penalty. Sorry about that."
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National media elites spent four years SMEARING President Trump in an effort to defeat him.

Now, that they’ve succeeded, the American people are getting a strong taste of what the Left wants out of the Biden presidency — including crushing tax hikes, skyrocketing illegal immigration, gun control, attacks on American energy production, weakness on China, statehood for Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico, and more racial division — all of which the Left is using to seize PERMANENT political power in America.

"This looks like a job for...TELLOMAN!"
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Memorial Day

To honor the service and sacrifice of generations of our fellow Armed Forces Patriots, now departed.

"Our obligations to our country never cease but with our lives."
—John Adams

Patriots, we set aside Memorial Day to honor the service and sacrifice of generations of our fellow Armed Forces Patriots, now departed, who defended American Liberty with honor.

Accordingly, I invite you to read our tribute to fallen American Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen.

On Memorial Day, flags should be flown at half-staff from sunrise until noon, your local time. Please join Patriots honoring veterans across our great nation by observing a moment of silence at 3:00 p.m. local time for remembrance and prayer. Finally, extend a personal word of gratitude and comfort to surviving family members who grieve for a beloved warrior.
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Don't quit lose your Day Job!

But I'm telling ya: These COVIDOLLARS are mighty tasty!

This is what the Fallen did not want in America. Pretty damn skitzo, man...
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$1800 USD a month is better than Military Pay.

And I get to carry a gun, too!

The one major diff is: I am NOT authorized to use deadly force.
I just kick 'em in The Nuts and walk away. My Shout!
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I get eMail. Oooh, SICK! Old People Sex, YUCK!

Creative dating tips for seniors (or older adults)

For seniors and older adults who are trying to get back to dating they may notice that the times have changed.

These days the trend in dating, for older seniors, is geared more toward having fun and companionship, rather than for casual sex or marriage. There’s been a shift in people's habits and beliefs. Current events and changes in technology may require you to update your dating style from years ago.

Here are some tips to help seniors, and older adults in the dating world (Brace for impact):

A coffee date for the first meeting is a good idea because it keeps the date at an hour or two. Also, these places are usually crowded, well lit, safe and perfect for meeting a stranger. Be practical, not cheap.

Cast a wide net.  Maybe meet some mutual friends, or maybe you’ve taken an interest in someone from your church or other social groups... Some of the world's most famous Adulterers were from Churches.
A few murderers too.

Never give out personal financial details to anyone you have just met.  They might ask you personal questions but beware of questions like the city you were born in, or the first car you’ve had, these questions are often used as security validation questions. It's a TRICK! Bail, get out, NOW!

Trust your own instincts. If anything makes you uncomfortable, walk away for your own protection and safety. Wear Kevlar undies and pack heat.

Watch for red flags. Pay attention to displays of anger, intense frustration or attempts to pressure or control you. Acting in a passive-aggressive manner, making demeaning or disrespectful comments or any physically inappropriate red flags.

Good conversation starters: Comment on his/her hobbies and interests. If you have children you will never run out of stories. Ask him/her about their favorite restaurant, recipe, or food.

35% of women prefer to date younger men. Except smee. Sorry, Mate!

It's okay to have dating as a lifestyle. Maybe you have spent the good part of your life with a partner, and you want to live the rest of it as a single person. That's fine, just be upfront with your date that you are not trying to find another partner. Keep your Standards and Dignity low, that way you won't be disappointed, and a welcome new member of The Tello Files' Mutual Disinformation Society.

Good hygiene can mean the difference between a polite pat on the back and a night of love, or THE HEAVE HO. Always take a bath or shower before your outing. Only an Idiot would fail this. Who are you? And where is your Mama who failed you? She must be spanked!

If your date is going well, mention date number two before date number one is over.

Don't get stuck living in the past. Live in the present. Unload your baggage before you start dating.

You are never too old to be at risk for HIV. In fact, the fastest growing AIDS rates are among people 50 and older.  So, date responsibly.

Even if you don't like your date, do not give him/her a hard time. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Except the known Losers.

Remember, dating as a senior is much easier than dating as a teenager. You have much better social skills now. Get connected with other people who are in your situation.  Opposites might attract but similarities build compatibility.

Be honest about what you are looking for from dating. Let your expectations work for you and not against you.

Don't confuse sexual / physical attraction with emotional bonding.  Don't be an Idiot!

Dating is fun at any age. The time to start dating is right now. So, stick out your hand, flash them a smile and meet a new friend. Pay them if you have to. Express your desperation. Good Luck, suckers!

Matt Abraham, whatever.... I need this job.

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OK look, I'm sorry.
I apologize for the poor level of service here.

I had to fire my ego last week due to budgetary constraints.

I'm not reliable, remember?

What do you want for FREE?

F*Kn Lurkers.....
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On this Memorial Day, let us honor and remember those who gave all to protect our country and our liberty. We are forever grateful for the ultimate sacrifice of those who died for the Unites States of America.

May their courage and dedication never be forgotten.

Now, go shopping.
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Judge: "The Jury will disregard the last statement."

Me: " No they won't."

:judge: :mobbing:     :ni:   :troll2:  :marvinmartian: :sniper:                     :duckling:
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You had to fire your ego?

Ah. That explains the application that was sent in, requesting work. It said, "I'm all ego, ego all the way, really good at being an ego, and I do it all in teal and paisley."
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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It's a random figure of speech.

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Ah. Like this:

Today I had to tell my courage to waddle off for a while. Worst time possible. During my courage's absence, I encountered a menacing speck of dust and I screamed in terror. I later heard that my courage muttered that it served me right.
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Ah. Like this:

Today I had to tell my courage to waddle off for a while. Worst time possible. During my courage's absence, I encountered a menacing speck of dust and I screamed in terror. I later heard that my courage muttered that it served me right.

Bull dust?


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If I wanted dialog here, I'd post on a chat board.
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The Real Big Lie Is That You Can’t Question Elections

Liz Cheney doesn’t get to decide what is true for the rest of us; neither, as hard as it is for some of them to believe, do the media pundits and philosopher-kings whom our society breeds like rats in a junkyard.

But they sure do try, and for the most part they have gotten away with it for decades.
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Let's hear no more of this lie.

2020 Exploded The Myth That The Left-Wing Loves The Poor

An axiom everyone picks up in college – and in nearly the whole of media culture too – is that people who favor a market economy disregard everyone but the privileged rich (itself a euphemism). It’s a great rhetorical trick because the presumption keeps backers of freedom on the hot seat, permanently.

You know the ropes. Trickle down is a myth, so why are we shilling for the rich? What’s this fetish for big business? Why do we disregard the poor, the workers, the marginalized, the vulnerable? Why is our thinking so solipsistically exclusionary of people unlike ourselves?

If the experience of 2020 doesn’t change this fake narrative, nothing will.
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COVID Didn’t Come From Bats – New Evidence Takes World By Storm

For a long time, the media criticized anyone that questioned the narrative that COVID-19 came from the Wuhan wet markets. Any other suggestions–like it came from the virus-researching lab nearby–were dismissed as “crackpot theories.” Even though that very lab was experimenting with viruses–and our State Department revealed it had poor safety measures.

But something changed recently. It appears more and more of our leaders in D.C. are demanding answers about the true origins of COVID. Apparently, the original story is no longer satisfactory. Even the Senate voted to require our intelligence agencies to disclose any evidence they have acquired concerning where the virus came from.

More people seem to be open to the idea that this virus leaked from a lab, including those who once dismissed the notion. Anthony Fauci, who previously was very certain the lab was not involved, now says it’s possible.
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Trump Defeats Fake News — They’re Not Taking It Well

A mainstream TV network has admitted that President Trump was correct to question the source of COVID-19. On “This Week” on ABC News this Sunday, reporter Jon Karl was forced to admit Trump was right when he urged for an investigation into the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Karl said, “we should try to find out what happened. This is among the greatest crises our nation has ever seen, and the world has ever seen. We must know how it all started. This was an idea that was initially expressed by Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State under Trump.”
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What the hell are you teaching our children? This is totally disgusting!
WATCH: Popular Children’s Show Releases LGBTQ Friendly Song

The children’s series “Blue’s Clues” released a music video on YouTube Friday featuring drag queens, transgender children with breast scars, and same-sex couples.

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