Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2844662 times)


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However, polls show voters strongly oppose defunding the police.
Jen Psaki wanted to run and hide after a Fox News reporter backed her into a corner with this one tough question

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I'm very selective about my TV content.

I check out, and enjoy the smart shows.

Thinking man shows.

Shows without a laff track.

And few commercial interruptions.

So I'm not really watching The Lurkers, today.
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Am I The Only One

By Aaron Lewis


Am I the only one, here tonight

Shakin’ my head and thinkin’ somethin’ ain’t right

Is it just me? Am I losin’ my mind?

Am I standin’ on the edge of the end of time?


Am I the only one? Tell me I’m not

Who thinks they’re takin’ all the good we got

And turnin’ it bad, hell, I’ll be ****ed

I think I’m turnin’ into my old man


Am I the only one, willin’ to bleed

Or take a bullet for bein’ free

Screamin’, "What the ****!" at my TV

For tellin’ me, yeah, are you tellin’ me?

That I’m the only one, willin’ to fight

For my love of the red and white

And the blue, burnin’ on the ground

Another statue comin’ down in a town near you


Watchin’ the threads of Old Glory come undone

Am I the only one?


Am I the only one not brainwashed?

Makin’ my way through the land of the lost

Who still gives a ****, and worries ‘bout his kids

As they try to undo all the things he did?


Am I the only one who can’t take no more

Screamin’, "If you don’t like it there’s the ******’ door"

This ain’t the freedom we’ve been fightin’ for

It was somethin’ more, yeah, it was somethin’ more

Am I the only one, willin’ to fight

For my love of the red and white

And the blue, burnin’ on the ground

Another statue comin’ down in a town near you


Watchin’ the threads of Old Glory come undone

I’m not the only one

I can’t be the only one


Am I the only one who quits singin’ along

Every time they play a Springsteen song


Am I the only one sittin’ here

Still holdin’ on, holdin’ back my tears

For the ones who paid with the lives they gave

God bless the U.S.A

I’m not the only one, willin’ to fight

For my love of the red and white

And the blue, burnin’ on the ground

Another statue comin’ down in a town near you


Watchin’ the threads of Old Glory come undone

I’m not the only one


I can’t be the only one
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This Independence Day, I am haunted by all of the Americans who have died fighting in every battle and war since we declared our independence from England. I feel haunted because I don’t want their deaths to have been in vain.


That is why we fight, you and I, for the ideals laid out in the Declaration and the Constitution, and to ensure that the sacrifices made by brave men and women were not made in vain.


We simply do not have a choice to sit back and allow actual communists to win. We owe it to the Americans who came before us, to Americans today, and to future generations to never give up or give in.


The fact that in 2021, Americans are being told by the federal government whether or not, and how, they can celebrate Independence Day is disgusting. And we’re just not going to go along with the tyranny anymore.


So, from the entire Tea Party Patriots Action team, we wish you an Independence Day that would make our dead proud. Don’t let their sacrifice become meaningless, not today, not any day.


This is the United States of America. We were founded on July 4, 1776. We fought and defeated the world’s largest empire to gain our independence. We were founded on the self-evident truths “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” We fought a civil war to end the evil of slavery. We crushed the Nazis and beat back communism. We have been an example of liberty and a beacon to oppressed human beings around the world.


We’ve defeated evil and we can do it again.

I want you to know, you are not the only one who loves this country, loves freedom, loves the Declaration and the Constitution. You’ve got millions of patriots standing with you.

Chin up. We will fight, and we will win, because there is no other choice.

Celebrate your independence from tyranny and have a wonderful day!

God Bless America,

Jenny Beth Martin
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"Morals are simply guidelines for better survival. Explicit sexual 'education' and 'select' ideals being forced on kids is NOT better survival."
Kirstie Alley angers many by declaring entertainment is leading us down a road toward accepting pedophilia

Kirstie Alley voiced her opinion about children being exposed to "perverse" content on television and on the internet. The Hollywood actress warned that society's open-mindedness will eventually lead us down a road of accepting pedophilia. Alley's comments angered many, including fellow celebrities and an LGBTQ website.

"Was watching TV ...we've gone too far in my opinion. I feel sorry for our children," Alley tweeted on Tuesday morning. "Their exposure to everything perverse on every kind of screen is mind boggling. And even more tragic, it's being hyped as 'normal.'"
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"Honor, justice, and humanity, forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which we received from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from us. We cannot endure the infamy and guilt of resigning succeeding generations to that wretchedness which inevitably awaits them if we basely entail hereditary bondage on them." —Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of the Causes and Necessities of Taking up Arms (1775)

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."

Upon the signing of our Declaration of Independence, John Adams wrote to his wife, Abigail, that the 4th of July "ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty." He continued, "It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more."

He added: "You will think me transported with Enthusiasm, but I am not. I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see that the End is more than worth all the Means. And that Posterity will triumph in that Days Transaction, even although We should rue it, which I trust in God We shall not."

On this, our nation's Celebration of Independence, I invite you to read about the history of Independence Day and the foundational Unalienable Rights of Man.

For a more complete context about our nation's founding and the progress toward the fulfillment of the Liberty enshrined in our Declaration and Constitution, read "The Patriot's Primer on American Liberty." Note that you can purchase these Liberty Primer Pocket Guides in bulk for distribution to schools, organizations, etc.

Reflecting on the American Revolution in 1818, John Adams observed: "But what do we mean by the American Revolution? Do we mean the American war? The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations. ... This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution."

And thus it has remained "in the minds and hearts" of American Patriots to this day.

As President Ronald Reagan warned: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

To that end, we remain vigilant, strong, prepared, and faithful.

On this Independence Day, and every day, join us in prayer for our Patriots in uniform — Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen — and all who stand in harm's way in defense of Liberty. Pray also for their families who also bear the burden and sacrifice of defending Freedom.

The Patriot Post is inspired by Patriots, supported by Patriots, and devoted to Patriots. Our mission and operations budget is funded entirely by the voluntary financial support of American Patriots like you!

Mark Alexander
Publisher, The Patriot Post

A historical footnote: The drawing for this edition features the Fort McHenry flag during the War of 1812, the inspiration for our National Anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner." You may notice it had 15 stars and stripes. In 1795, two stars and stripes were added to the colonial flag, representing Kentucky and Vermont. This was the only U.S. flag to have fifteen stripes. In 1818, Congress proclaimed that one star for each new state would be added on the 4th of July following the state's admission to the union and there would be thirteen stripes representing the thirteen original colonies.

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776
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Independence Declared
   July 4, 1776

On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, formally asserting the American colonies’ independence from England. This simple one-page document would soon lead to a war against a global power and the birth of a nation that would change the world. A committee of five founding fathers, including John Adams and Ben Franklin, were tasked with writing the declaration, but it was Thomas Jefferson who ultimately penned the famous document. This was because, as John Adams told it, he had the fewest enemies in Congress. He was also a gifted writer; he was given 17 days to write the declaration, but completed it in less than two.

The Declaration of Independence cut the colonies’ ties with England and trumpeted that all men were created equal. What it didn’t include, though, was any mention of slavery. In the original draft, there was a passage condemning slavery as one of the evils of the British crown, but it was cut from the final version, a decision that would have a huge and lasting impact on the newborn nation. Only one person actually signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4: John Hancock (whose name is now synonymous with signatures). Several days later, a public reading of the founding document was held in Philadelphia in what’s now called Independence Square. It was met with cheers.
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They want to control minds through the control of language, and they’re rewriting the rules in real time.
An MSNBC guest said something absolutely mind-numbing about the Olympics

The Left has flipped society topsy-turvy.

Not even sports are safe from “woke” ideology.

And an MSNBC guest said something absolutely mind-numbing about the Olympics.

It seems as though the Left creates a new protected class every single day.

One of the newest aggrieved groups consists of “nonbinary” individuals who get shoved into the LGBT progressive stack.
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President Biden’s DHS is considering a plan to release 100,000 more illegals into the country interior every year

Biden Has Another Annual ‘Holiday’ In Mind — It’s Definitely Not What You’re Thinking
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Clean-up on Aisle 2: White House scrambles to salvage flailing Kamala Harris

On Kamala Harris, looks like some sort of salvage operation has begun for this Biden administration shipwreck.

That’s evident enough in two stories from swamp-beltway media, using named and unnamed sources, both of which say the same thing:

There’s Axios:

Top White House officials are mobilizing to defend Vice President Kamala Harris amid a gusher of leaks about dysfunction and infighting in her office.
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6 U.S. Towns Named After Food That Will Make You Hungry

Many cities trace their namesake back to significant historic events, their natural surroundings, or the local culture. But there are also some small towns whose names were inspired simply by food — and who could blame them? Go off the beaten path and discover the quirky local legends behind these mouthwatering town names across the U.S. — just don’t read this hungry.
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"Wisely, and slow. They stumble that run fast."
-William Shakespeare   

In William Shakespeare’s immortal play “Romeo and Juliet,” Friar Laurence gives this advice to the young Romeo, who has decided to marry Juliet despite their families' deep blood feud. The words stand as a warning against Romeo’s recklessness, which ultimately proves fatal for the star-crossed lovers.

And it remains good advice for us all: Moving too quickly, without thinking our choices through, can result in careless mistakes at best and avoidable catastrophes at worst. Often, slow and steady really is the best way forward.
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Church Leaders PRAYED you’d never see this…
This short independent documentary has the Catholic Church on the ropes. Because it exposes the biggest scandal. Something darker and more sinister than Sandy Hook and Benghazi combined… And it’s spreading like wild fire all over the internet.
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Fauci Removes All Doubt That He Has Something To Hide

Dr. Fauci was invited this week to come and testify to a forum reviewing the potential sources of covid-19. Fauci, who is under fire for possibly perjuring himself during his previous testimony, has said no to the invitation from Republican lawmakers.

“The left-wing media said it was ‘fringe conspiracy theory,’ tech companies censored it, activists pretending to be doctors dismissed it and Democrats sidelined it, but there is increasing evidence that Communist China created the pandemic, censored it, and is responsible for the deaths of over 600,000 Americans,” Ranking Member of the Select Subcommittee on the Covid-19 Crisis, Steve Scalise along with House Oversight Committee Ranking Member James Comer said in a comment about the forum.

“Even with Pelosi’s efforts to create distractions and cover this up, the American people must know the truth and are awaiting accountability, and House Republicans will work on getting these answers.”

“The American public deserve to understand the truth, even if Democrats refuse to seek it,” they said.
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They ‘Despise’ ‘Traditional America’: Lawyer For Capitol Riot Defendant Says DC Residents Can’t Be Fair Jurors

A defense attorney representing a man charged in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot claimed that his client can not receive a fair trial in Washington, D.C. because the city’s residents oppose his values.
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“Creepy Joe” Biden Just Got Creepier!

Joe Biden and the Democrats love to spend your hard-earned money. They think that spending our nation into oblivion will somehow solve all our nation’s problems. For proof, look no further than Biden’s latest press conference. Like a creepy whispering grandpa, Joe talks down to the American people to extoll his latest $1.6 Trillion government hand-out, spread lies about voter suppression, and claim he wrote laws to save the environment. But Mark whispers truth about capitalism right back at Biden. It’s a graduate level economics lesson that is destined to go over the President’s head.
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15 4th Of July Horror Stories That Will Have You Seeing Red, Fright, And Blue

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When even the mainstream media is doing stories on THIS sad truth, you know it's bad!

America celebrates...what?
Gasoline prices in the United States this 4th of July weekend 2021
are the highest they’ve been in seven years.

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Breaking Video: Fireworks Truck Detonates

A fireworks truck in Ocean City, Maryland has detonated (see videos below). At this moment, there are reports of minor injuries but, thankfully, no fatalities.
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Face it. Today represents antiquity. The Freedom has run dry. The States are NOT United anymore.

'Trump Won' Flag Man Banned From Every MLB Stadium

Mega MAGA Man
Dion Cini, the patriot who has been unfurling “Trump Won Save America” flags at baseball games, has been banned from entering every Major League Baseball (MLB) stadium. He posed with his MLB ding letter on Twitter.
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On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress officially adopted the Declaration of Independence, setting in motion a chain of events that would eventually lead to the creation of the United States of America as its own nation.

Curiously, the document itself mentions the term “separation” several times, but never the word “independence.” (Though "independent" makes a couple of appearances.) Though some historians have argued that several specific claims in the “Declaration of Independence” regarding the legality of English rule over the colonies don’t always hold up to scrutiny, no one has contested the document’s effectiveness. And it was soon directly quoted by members of another momentous uprising — the French Revolution, which began in 1789.

Source: National Archives | Date Updated: June 23, 2021
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Joe Biden’s Deputies Celebrate Illegal Migrants at the White House on the Fourth

President Joe Biden’s deputies have invited representatives of illegal migrants to the Independence Day celebration at the White House, marking another effort to blur critical distinctions between Americans and foreigners.

The administration is portraying millions of illegal migrants as worthy “essential workers” because they have taken jobs in critical economic sectors. But more than 50 million Americans work in those sectors and are not getting invites to view the July 4 fireworks from the White House grounds.
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Biggest Firework Show Labor Day 2021 Big Bear Lake
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There are many different types of rare fireworks. Let's take a look at 15 of the most unusual and rare fireworks ever made!
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1986 Space Shuttle Challenger explosion: CNN's live broadcast

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It's Christmas AS July in Sugarloaf!

Wish you were here. We need a clean-up crew.
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What July 4 means to me.
By Little Ronnie Culley
6th Grade Homeroom
Mr. Getz
July, 1968

July is not the only time to blow up shite.
It only serves to justify arson.

When the Fireworks Stands popped up all over El Monte,
I hit them all for the best prices.
I was on a Paper Boy's budget.
(I had side hustles in porn, tobacco and recycling)

Sure, I got the wimpy pack: 12 Sparklers, 3 Piccolo Petes, 2 spinny things and a volcano. And snakes.

The REAL Main Event items came from the older boys in town.
Firecrackers, cherry bombs, M-80s and quarter sticks.

The damages have long since been repaired, but
the memories are FOREVER.

Long Live a National Excuse to blow shite up!

And that's what the 4th of July means to me.
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I just can't water the garden and not come back to this:

this can't be happening in an alternate universe.

They have punctuation issues, too.
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Real Estate Topic this!

Kaos, utter ruin and severe flesh wounds have been averted this day and last week.

Miracles happen after ADVERTISING for them.

I keep telling her that.

Today, BONUS POINTS were issued for diligence.

We have new tenants.
Many, more than space.

We have bleach.

I still get to keep the Trailer Park in defiance of Law.

This shite is getting better real.

:smee!: Yes, but for how long?
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Mark my Words Sheilas* and Gentlemen....

Your World is coming to an end.

We are getting out of it.

Open yet limited Caravan Space is available in Montello.

Make your reservations early and bring your own Hot Plate.

RV Septic Dump available if you're careful.

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Examples of Sheila in a Sentence.

1) Two blonde Sheilas were splashing in the water at Bondi Beach while their mother looked on.

2) Two Sheilas were found found brutally dissed and pwned at The Metro last night.
There are currently no suspects in custody.
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Contrary to unpopular rumours,
The Tello Files is immune to prosecution under
The Alien and Sedition Act.

But this still duzzint excuse that Sacco and Vanzetti incident.

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It just keeps getting better...

for who?
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