Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2854071 times)


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While it is commendable to deradicalize people from violent movements, Facebook doesn’t seem concerned with far-left violent movements like Antifa or elements of Black Lives Matter.

Facebook just issued a shocking threat to conservatives

Big Tech is actively doing the bidding of the Democrat Party.

Social media sites are enforcing policies that Democrat politicians cannot.

And Facebook just issued a shocking threat to conservatives.

The “war on terror” is gradually being turned inward on anyone with right-wing views.

The Biden administration, party flaks, and left-wing celebrities have all said as much.

Former CIA director John Brennan said “even libertarians” must be viewed as terror threats.

The latest data point involves Facebook urging people to report friends who they believe have been radicalized.

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Pelosiville and the Great Demo-Dump Exodus
Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer want to drag all of America down their socialist rat holes.

“The mobs of great cities add just so much to support of pure government as sores do to the strength of the human body.” —Thomas Jefferson (1781)

Ex·o·dus, noun: a mass departure of people…

I read this week that Nancy Pelosi’s hometown of San Francisco has a “zero waste goal” of keeping 80% of its human detritus out of landfills. I am sure this is gratifying to her suburban white-privileged supporters, but for those who are not in San Fran Nan’s high-income class, Pelosiville has become the continental poop capital. That is a distinction it has held for three years now, and some blocks in this once fair city now look and smell like Calcutta.

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Fauci Still Urging Masks For The Fully Vaccinated In Some Situations

White House doctor Anthony Fauci has urged the use of masks throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. But, now, even for those who have been fully vaccinated, he is still advising those people to wear masks in some situations.

Fauci made his latest comments over the weekend during an interview with NBC News’ Chuck Todd.
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GOP Sen. Kennedy Rips Critical Race Theory – ‘Dumb As A Bag Of Hair’

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) went on Fox News on Tuesday to blast critical race theory, saying that it is “as dumb as a bag of hair.”

After saying that critical race theory is a “fairy tale,” Kennedy lamented that it is being promoted by not only many Democrats but also President Joe Biden and his administration.

“Critical Race Theory is a fairy tale promoted by many — not all, but many — of my Democratic colleagues, including the Biden White House,” Kennedy said. “Critical Race Theory teaches that America is totally screwed; we need to just tear it down and start over.”

“Critical Race Theory teaches that the primary reason that America was founded was to maintain white supremacy — not freedom, not the rule of law, not equal opportunity, not personal responsibility, but white supremacy,” he continued.

“Critical Race Theory also teaches that non-black Americans are racist; that they don’t much like black people — whether those non-black Americans realize it or not,” Kennedy said. “That is why Critical Race Theory also teaches that white children are born bad.”
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Chaos Are Border Reaches Boiling Point – Only One State Responds

We’ve talked endlessly about how Joe Biden deliberately created a humanitarian and national security crisis on our Southern border. Hundreds of thousands of migrants have flooded into the country, with no end in sight.

As the administration and media ignore the problem, it only gets worse. We have heard reports about drug cartels, human traffickers, and other criminals making it across the border. Texas authorities have captured enough drugs to kill everyone in the state of New York.
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School Board Recalls Nearly Double as Parents Fight CRT, Pandemic Policies

With school efforts to indoctrinate children with Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the growing consequences of pandemic school closures, one thing is clear — parents have had enough.

There have been more school board member recall efforts in 2021 than in any year since 2006, Axios reported. This year alone, the organization has tracked 54 recalls with 135 members targeted. The typical year between 2006 and 2020 has seen an average of 23 recall efforts against 52 school board members.
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‘Biden Looks Like He’s Always Waking Up From Heavy Anesthesia’: Foreign Media Sounds Off On President’s ‘Cognitive Decline’

“He probably couldn't find his way home after dark”

President Joe Biden’s mental acuity has declined to such a precipitously low level that he “probably couldn’t find his way home after dark,” according to Sky News Australia.

The network acknowledged that it received a heavy volume of emails about President Biden’s intellectual presence after the cable news network has described Biden as “struggling,” “barely cogent,” and a “human corpse” deep in the stages of progressive “cognitive decline.” That coverage continued on Monday.
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5 Famous Pen Names and the Stories Behind Them

Most writers go by their real name. From Dickens to Dostoevsky, Alcott to Asimov, the lion’s share of all-time greats have published their novels, stories, plays, and poems under true-to-life bylines. But not all of them. Many distinguished men and women of letters have used pseudonyms to accompany their works, and some are so ubiquitous that the public may not even know they’re a pen name. Here are five of the most notable, and the stories behind them.
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CRT Propagandists Summon Their Cavalry: The NEA
The nation's largest teachers union will conduct opposition research on CRT opponents.

The nation's largest teachers union, the National Education Association, ostensibly representing its 2.3 million members, has voted to make a high priority of ensuring that children are fully indoctrinated with racist anti-American Critical Race Theory curriculums — which are repackaged Marxism. A resolution to that end notes the NEA will "share and publicize ... critical race theory (CRT) — what it is and what it is not [and] have a team of staffers for members who want to learn more and fight back against anti-CRT rhetoric."
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Avoid These 5 U.S. Tourist Traps At All Costs

Just because your travel guide says that Plymouth Rock is a “must-see” stop on your New England vacation—don’t believe it! There’s a great deal of hype surrounding “popular” tourist destinations all over the country and they may not (and usually don’t) live up to their reputation. So, what’s the alternative? Instead, check out nearby vacation spots and activities that are just as fabulous and much less crowded. Here are 5 U.S. tourist traps to avoid - and where to go instead.

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Pressure is mounting for a global digital health or vaccine passport. Joe Biden's press secretary said federal agents will go door to door to persuade people to get the jab. Already, 15 European Union (EU) countries are issuing vaccine passports (VP). These are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal and Spain. Iceland also has jumped on board. France is updating its VP. Italy may soon follow. Israel has its own VP. And the list goes on ...

As the rush to impose vaccine passports escalates, so do the vaccine injuries and deaths. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) held a press conference last week featuring women, including a mother with her 12-year-old child, who shared gripping stories of the nightmare they are experiencing after taking the shots. Read on for news you may find hard to grasp. — Mat

Tell Congress and the Governors to Reject Mandatory Vaccines and Digital Passports! Fax Now! Select here or the button below.


The CDC has finally acknowledged the link between the COVID shots and serious heart conditions (myocarditis/pericarditis).

More than 1,200 Americans, mostly under 30, have developed heart inflammation after receiving either of the shots. For young men under 16, the risk is even greater. They have an increased possibility of developing heart inflammation after the shots. Sadly, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Israel Ministry of Health has also found a link between the Pfizer/BioNTech shot (the only one in Israel) and this potentially life-threatening heart inflammation.

The study found "a probable link between receiving the second dose (of Pfizer) vaccine and the appearance of myocarditis among men aged 16 to 30." The link was stronger among men 16 to 19 than in other age groups.

Remember the swine flu in 1976? The federal government, under President Gerald Ford, instituted a mandatory national immunization program, but the program was stopped after just 53 deaths in total! Far more deaths are occurring EVERY DAY in America from these COVID shots. Where is the outcry?

Newsweek called the mid-70s vaccine program the "swine flu snafu." One wonders what they'll call the COVID shots in retrospect!

NO ONE should be forced to take these shots. Vaccine passports will spell the end of freedom. Say NO to VACCINE PASSPORTS AND TRACING APPS!

On July 1, 1990, the CDC and the FDA established the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Total reported deaths from ALL vaccines over 31 years was 5,039. In the six months since January 2021, reported deaths from the COVID shots are 6,136! More people have died in six months from the COVID shots than the total combined deaths from all vaccines over the three decades before COVID!

Remember, both the CDC and a Harvard study concluded that the VAERS report comprises LESS THAN 1% of all the actual adverse events and deaths. To get a true picture, multiply these numbers by 99.

Through the latest reporting date available, June 25, 2021, VAERS shows nearly 411,931 total reports of adverse reactions to COVID injections. Some of the adverse reactions include the following:

4,869 cases of tinnitus (ringing of the ear)

2,081 cases of Bell's Palsy (partial facial paralysis)

18,270 severe allergic reactions

1,775 anaphylaxes

1,908 thrombocytopenia/low platelets

10,400 blood clots or strokes

1,930 myocarditis or pericarditis

2,757 heart attacks (myocardial infarction)

5,852 disabilities

6,899 life-threatening conditions

775 miscarriages

6,985 deaths

VAERS reports 77,821 office visits, 54,606 urgent care visits and 23,257 hospitalizations. To understand the gravity of the situation, I urge you to watch Sen. Johnson's press conference and listen to the stories of the victims of this propaganda campaign. Be sure you have plenty of tissues. (See the link at the bottom.)

The debate over these shots is one thing. You may disagree with us. That is your choice. I personally know many people who have died or have been injured. I cannot remain silent. But no matter your opinion on the shots, we should all be united against vaccine passports. Already, this travesty is restricting freedom on a global scale.


Together, we are making great progress to create a firewall of freedom at the state level. Before we began messaging on this issue, nothing was being done to stop vaccine passports. After we started faxing the governors, 19 states and counting have taken some level of action. For a complete list, see the link below.

But we need FULL protection from vaccine passports, whether pushed by governments, the private sector or schools.

We are fighting for freedom on many fronts in the courts, in Congress and in the various states. We cannot do this vital work for our freedom without YOUR SUPPORT. Extend your reach into all these battles. DOUBLE THE IMPACT OF YOUR GIFT through our Challenge Grant today.

For freedom,

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
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What Are School Shootings Good For?

“I am committed to getting to the bottom of what happened,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray in 2018. He was trying to explain why the FBI had not acted to prevent the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, despite having received tips about the shooter more than once.

Mark Bowdich, at the time acting deputy director, testified that the tips provided to the FBI included, “statements about [the shooter] harming himself and others; references to the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS); that [he] had threatened his mother with a rifle; that he had purchased several weapons; that he wanted to kill people; that he was mutilating small animals; that he was going to explode; that the caller tried to call the person with whom [the shooter] was living, but she could not reach him; and that the caller was concerned that [he] might shoot up a school. The caller also observed that [the shooter] was 18 years old but had the mental capacity of a 12- to 14-year-old.”

If that’s not enough, the Parkland shooter had also posted online “I’m going to be a professional school shooter.” Which is not very ambiguous. Oh, and the police had been called to his home 39 times in the previous seven years. And still, as Time reported, the FBI “admitted protocol was not followed and the information was never investigated.”
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The Most Memorable Quotes From Queen Elizabeth II

The life of Queen Elizabeth II is remarkable in more ways than one. Born on April 21 in 1926, she is the longest-reigning British monarch in history. She is also the fourth-longest reigning monarch of all time, having taken the throne 69 years ago. And few would bet against her reign becoming the longest ever — a record currently held by Louis XIV, the Sun King, who reigned in France for 72 years and 110 days.
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8 Quotes From the Creative Minds of the Harlem Renaissance

The Harlem Renaissance was a powerful cultural movement that began around 1910 and lasted into the 1930s, led by Black Americans in New York City and throughout the country. In the early 20th century, hundreds of thousands of Black Americans arrived in the American North seeking safer lives, as well as personal and economic freedom and opportunity.

In New York City, they set down roots and built a creative community that led the Manhattan neighborhood of Harlem to become known internationally as a mecca for Black culture and pride. Influential creatives such as writers Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston, musician Louis Armstrong, and artist Augusta Savage were all part of this golden age in Black literature, music, art, and performance.
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Dolly Parton Quotes to Live By

Dolly Parton’s rich musicality, joyful demeanor, and keen business sense have fueled an illustrious career in entertainment spanning 60 years. Ever-sparkling, ever-melodic, the singer-songwriter and actress went from performing barefoot for her siblings on the porch of their cabin in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee to creating chart-topping records in country and pop that earned her millions. She is loved for her upbeat and genuine songs, her hallmark feminine and bedazzled style, and her quick wit, big smile, and down-to-earth charm.
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Country star John Rich had a different plan: “FYI: To any of Biden’s missionaries who feel moved to knock on my door to push me to get the jab, I’ll kindly invite you in, tell you about Jesus and make you listen to Ronald Reagan speeches until dinner. If you’re still here, we’ll have a slow, full reading of the Constitution.”

Internet Erupts After Biden, Psaki Push ‘Door-To-Door’ Plan Targeting Unvaccinated People

On Tuesday, President Biden and White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki both spoke of a “door-to-door” approach to convince Americans to get vaccinated in response to COVID-19, prompting an outburst of harsh criticism from social media.
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Gov. Cuomo Issues Executive Order Declaring ‘Disaster Emergency’ on Issue of Gun Violence

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday announced the issuance of an executive order declaring a “disaster emergency” on the matter of gun violence.

“Today I am issuing an Executive Order declaring a Disaster Emergency on gun violence. Gun violence is a public health crisis, and we must treat it like one. This declaration will allow us to give this crisis the full attention & resources it deserves,” the Democrat official tweeted.
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“It’s not a healthy environment and people often feel mistreated,” Politico’s source added. “It’s not a place where people feel supported but a place where people feel treated like shite.”…

Kamala’s Office Suffers Major Upheaval – 22 Aides Have Accused Vice President Harris Of Concerning Mistreatment

Do you think Kamala Harris is a competent leader?

Nothing from what we’ve seen this year says “yes.” In fact, from all appearances, she is completely out of her depth.

Just her poor handling of the border crisis is proof she belongs in another profession. Perhaps flipping burgers?
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The Left’s WORST Nightmare: Our Constitution | 1776 Report | Part 3

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Who coined the phrase “slam dunk”?

Geoffrey Chaucer
William Shakespeare
Chick Hearn
Dan Quayle

Pioneering sports broadcaster Chick Hearn was famous for his inventive, colorful radio and television broadcasts for the Los Angeles Lakers. One of several phrases he coined was “slam dunk,” which he came up with in 1972 to describe a powerful basket stuff by 7-foot-1-inch player Wilt Chamberlain.

The phrase stuck as a way to refer to a player who jumps and manually shoots the ball directly through the hoop with one or both hands, although it can also be used to describe a forceful win in non-sports contexts. Hearn also added “air ball” to the vocabulary of professional basketball. He called 3,338 consecutive Lakers games over 36 years, between 1965 and 2001.
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"You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take."

-Wayne Gretzky   

Hockey legend Wayne Gretzky shared this classic bit of wisdom during a 1983 interview with commentator Bob McKenzie, and would later go on to explain that the words were passed down to him by his father, beloved Canadian philanthropist Walter Gretzky.

Wayne said of his dad: “He inspired me to be the best I could be not just in the game of hockey, but in life." Gretzky Sr.’s words remind us that we cannot succeed unless we try — and we must take the shot if we want any hope of succeeding.
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"Yep, see? I told you this would happen!"

America's deepening drinking habit

Americans responded to the stress of the pandemic by drinking more — a lot more for some — and there's a risk that those habits could stick.

Why it matters: Excessive drinking is connected to a variety of health and social ills, but the growing ubiquity of alcohol in daily life can make cutting back harder than ever.
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“We all get scared and want to turn away, but it isn't always strength that makes you stay. Strength is also making the decision to change your destiny.”

-- Zoraida Cordova

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Sliced Bread First Sold
   July 7, 1928

On Saturday July 7, 1928, a small bakery in Chillicothe, Missouri, had achieved what many bakers considered impossible: It sold the first loaf of sliced bread.

Many bakers at the time believed bread went stale too quickly if sold sliced, but customers didn’t mind — in just 20 weeks, the bakery’s orders skyrocketed, reportedly increasing by 2000%. But that particular Saturday morning was nearly 16 years in the making for inventor Otto F. Rohwedder, who overcame skepticism, illness, and tragedy to create the bakery’s ingenious bread slicer.

Rohwedder began work on his slicer as a hobby in 1912, but fell ill with pneumonia three years later. With doctors giving him only one year to live, he sold his jewelry business but continued working on his passion project, a powerful, time-saving machine that could slice bread to a perfect, sandwich-ready width (at slightly less than half-an-inch).

Rohwedder beat the doctors’ grim prognosis, and was ready to build his invention at a factory in Illinois when it caught fire in 1918, destroying his machine and all his blueprints. It took the inventor another decade to make the slicer that finally found its way to the Chillicothe Baking Company. Nearly a century later, sliced bread remains the invention by which all modern marvels are compared.
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Biden Relaxes COVID Safeguards for Migrants, Cracks Down on Agents
Border Patrol mandates masks for vaccinated agents

President Joe Biden insists that migrants pose no threat of spreading COVID-19 but treats Customs and Border Protection officials as superspreaders, according to interviews with agents and a review of agency documents.

The agency ordered vaccinated Border Patrol agents to wear masks when fulfilling a number of official duties, even as Biden begins winding down a Trump administration policy that gave the Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection broad authority to turn away migrants who may carry disease. The June 15 directive, signed by then-deputy chief Raul Ortiz, mandates that "fully vaccinated U.S. Border Patrol personnel, contractors, and visitors … [wear masks] in ‘operation settings … due to increased risk situations involving potential contact with detainees, employees, and the public.'"

Those "operation settings" encompass virtually all duties for agents who patrol the border, according to one official who spoke with the Washington Free Beacon. That is why, the official added, many supervisors have been ignoring the order, which also mandates that agents wear masks during "field training … where physical contact may be expected."

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The general arguments presented by these people are ludicrous on their face, assuming that public schools exist as a “marketplace of ideas” when they clearly have always been heavily regulated.

For Some Republicans, the Losing Is the Point

As I’ve written recently, Republicans have made serious gains in the battle to stop Critical Race Theory from becoming engrained in public schools. Parents have spoken out at school board meetings, elections have been won on the local level, and state-level bills to ban the propagation of CRT have passed. Some of the stand-outs in taking this issue seriously have been Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.
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3 Scientists Drop Names From Lancet Statement on COVID Origins
Latest letter exposes cracks in scientific coalition on Wuhan lab theory

The Lancet on July 5 published a statement reasserting that there is no "scientifically validated evidence" to suggest COVID-19 escaped from a lab, signed mostly by the same team of scientists who dismissed the lab-leak hypothesis in a February 2020 statement. But the new statement is missing three signatories from the original one, including William Karesh, who has ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Karesh is the executive vice president for health policy at EcoHealth Alliance, the group that was funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab with grants from the National Institutes for Health. EcoHealth's president, Peter Daszak, organized the original statement, whose signatories included Karesh, Peter Palese of the Icahn School of Medicine, and Bernard Roizman of the University of Chicago. Those three signatures are all absent from the new statement, though Daszak signed both.
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How To Get Your Grill Sparkling Clean

The summer season is upon us, which means that grilling season is here as well. As you start using your grill more and more, it is important to clean it properly. Cleaning your grill after using the barbeque is a great task, but doing it the right way will save you a lot of time and make the process easier. Here are tips on helping you clean your grill and make it look sparkling. These tricks will help you enjoy barbequing more than ever.
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"To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts."
-Henry David Thoreau   

Henry David Thoreau spent two years living in a remote cabin on Walden Pond in Massachusetts, an experience that birthed his celebrated memoir, “Walden.” In that time, he gave up luxuries and aesthetics, believing it was a more honorable challenge to redefine the meaning of a good life. He wrote in "Walden" about the importance of being "awake" through life — to live deliberately and enjoy the essential and divine elements of being alive.

“I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life,” he wrote, adding, "I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor … to carve and paint the very atmosphere and medium through which we look." To him, shaping your outlook on life was the highest art of all.
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9 Quotes From the Delightful Poems of Shel Silverstein

A lifelong creative who dabbled in cartooning, songwriting, and performing, Shel Silverstein is best known for his whimsical poetry for children. His writing strikes a clever balance between mischief and sincerity, often using bizarre characters as cautionary tales: In one of Silverstein’s most well-known poems, a girl named Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout refuses to take out the trash, and eventually meets “an awful fate” in the garbage she neglected. But many of his poems aren’t ominous at all, and instead turn real life on its head in delightful ways.

In beloved books such as Where the Sidewalk Ends and A Light in the Attic, Silverstein often returned to themes of dreaming big, taking life one day at a time, and the importance of being yourself — things you don’t need to be a young reader to appreciate. Here, we’ve assembled some of his most heartening quotes — some playful, some serious — for when you’re in need of some reflection, encouragement, or just looking to kick off your day with a smile.
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10 Brilliant Quotes About the Sun

Our sun is a giant ball of hydrogen and helium measuring 864,000 miles across and, at its core, reaching temperatures of 27 million degrees Fahrenheit. Those numbers are so staggering as to be incomprehensible.

Standing here on Earth, looking up at the star that casts us in its warm light every day, we rarely think about how it and the rest of our solar system formed from a giant, rotating cloud of gas and dust about 4.5 billion years ago.

That doesn’t mean we fail to appreciate it, though. The sun warms our shoulders and draws seedlings up from the soil. It is the very source of life on our planet. It inspires us with its unfaltering reliability, rising every morning to start a new day — and who could claim indifference to the stunning display of a sunset, when the light reaches up through the clouds in a shifting array of colors?

Yes, to those of us here on Earth, the sun is much more than a star, and as the daylight hours grow longer for the summer season, we look forward to warm, languid days. In honor of the glowing center of our universe, we've collected 10 quotes about how the sun inspires us with its quotidian brilliance.
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Why You Need These 5 Tactical Tips To Survive A Home Invasion

With a whopping 1.03 million home invasions occurring every year in just the U.S. alone, there’s no reason you shouldn’t have a plan of action ready to utilize in case you become one of these unfortunate victims.

Lucky for you, there are steps you can take to not only be prepared for a home invasion but to potentially avoid the situation altogether. The best part? You don’t need specialized gear like a rifle equipped with the best 6.5 Creedmoor scope to survive a home invasion. Just a few adjustments around the house will do. So without further ado, here are 5 tactical tips to survive a home invasion.
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Who is generally credited with inventing the modern flushing toilet?

Thomas Crapper
Sir John Harington
Thomas Edison
Ty D. Boll

Who invented the flushing toilet? Well, it's a little complicated. Despite the amusingly appropriate name, Thomas Crapper is not the right choice here — though he did exist, and did contribute some innovations to toilet design. The guy behind the modern flushing toilet, though, is Sir John Harington, who came up with the first flushing toilet in the late 16th century. He named his creation Ajax, and even Queen Elizabeth I (who had earlier exiled him from court for telling risqué stories) eventually became a fan.

Source: Mental Floss | Date Updated: June 29, 2021
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Amtrak Plans $7.3 Billion Fleet of State-of-the-Art Trains

Not always seen as the hippest way to travel, Amtrak is running trains that — at 50 years old — entered service the same year rock legends Steely Dan and the Eagles got off the ground.

On Wednesday, the U.S. passenger railroad company announced its substantial modernization strategy: a massive $7.3 billion plan that will put state-of-the-art Siemens Mobility trains on America’s rails by 2024.
Time Traveling to the Present
One of the biggest investments in Amtrak’s history, the great train upgrade aligns with the company’s aggressive 15-year, $75 billion proposal to expand train service to dozens of cities across America. Amtrak will retire its old fleet within the decade, delivering the American passenger rail experience to modern standards:
•   Amtrak will invest $2 billion in facilities upgrades and replace 40% of its rail cars by 2031, with the first updated trains debuting in 2024.
•   The new trains, built by Siemens in California, will be Amtrak’s first to use hybrid-electric batteries, and will also come equipped with remote monitoring and digital diagnostics to boost reliability. Bigger seats, individual power outlets, USB ports, and Wi-Fi will make a prolonged journey feel far more accommodating than Amtrak’s early 70’s fleet.
“This is really the next big piece of our transformational effort for intercity passenger rail across America,” Amtrak President Stephen Gardner told The Washington Post. “This equipment is now 40 to 50 years old. It’s definitely earned its keep, but now it is ready for retirement.”

Bureaucratic Blockade: There’s still a potential obstacle on the tracks: Congress has thus far only authorized $200 million for Amtrak’s new rail cars. The company, which operates for-profit but is a quasi-public corporation that relies on public funding, is essentially banking on Congress to pass a broader $1.2 trillion infrastructure plan, which is currently teetering on a wire.

Did You Know? Before the pandemic, passenger trains carried three times as many people between Washington, D.C. and New York as airlines.
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Driving Habits That Wreck Your Vehicle & Wallet

The longer an individual owns a vehicle, the more driving habits are acquired. Regrettably, not all of the acquired habits are good ones. What is more, the greater experience in driving the individual has, the more difficult it is to break the habits. Below are a few of the bad driving behaviors that lead to unnecessary expenses. The article is intended to assist in curbing bad habits and allowing individuals to avoid harmful situations.

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BLM Chapter Declares U.S. Flag Hate Symbol; Denounces Those Who Fly It As Unsafe, Racist, Stupid
"We will proactively destroy the systems that continue to give you the power to marginalize people of color. Period."

The Utah chapter of Black Lives Matter (BLM) condemned those who display the American flag, which they described as “a symbol of hatred.”

“When we Black Americans see this flag we know the person flying it is not safe to be around,” the post read. “When we see this flag we know the person flying it is a racist. When we see this flag we know that the person flying it lives in a different America than we do. When we see this flag, we question your intelligence. We know to avoid you. It is a symbol of hatred.”
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