Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2843860 times)


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LC Action Chairman Mat Staver

A human tragedy of incalculable proportions . . .

Mat Staver, LC Action Chairman <>
Ron Culley

Tue, Aug 24 at 9:48 AM

Don't be fooled by the fastest FDA "approval" of a drug in history. The FDA has approved many drugs that it had to recall and remove from the market.

The FDA pulled Duract off the market after four deaths. Lotronex was on the market less than a year following five deaths. Omniflox had its FDA approval reversed after three deaths. The COVID injections have been connected to 13,068 deaths (at least 3,079 have known connections to Pfizer), and nearly 600,000 adverse reactions. Despite these staggering numbers, the shots are being forced on half of the nation.

"My wife is being kicked out of her office at work, being labeled a threat to others for not being vaccinated."
"They posted my job [opening] before even rendering a decision on my religious exemption."
... and there are thousands more!
People are at their wit's end. Some call us in tears. We are working long hours to help as many as we can! Stand in solidarity with these people! Help us fight for our health care workers. — Mat


The CDC director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, just admitted the COVID shots cannot "prevent transmission."

The number of "breakthrough" cases is skyrocketing. In Provincetown, Massachusetts, 74% of these infected with the Delta variant received all the shots.

No one should be forced to get the shots because they are neither safe nor effective.

Some of those refusing the jab are doing so for religious or medical reasons. Others are refusing the shot out of concern about nearly 600,000 people who have had adverse reactions after these jabs. One woman said:

"Immediately after the shot I felt terribly nauseous and fatigued. A day later, I could barely move. I was so weak and then I started getting severe heart palpitations and moderate chest pain. By Day 3, I thought I was having a heart attack as my resting heart rate was jumping over 150 bpm in a matter of seconds, and occasionally my blood pressure would become dangerously high (180 systolic). I experienced vision disturbances to the point I would see double occasionally, would need to sit in darkness and was not able to drive. I experienced terrible throbbing/pulsating in my head, headaches, numbness and tingling in my hands, feet, tongue and lips, extreme soreness on the top of my scalp, and intensely burning skin. If I would stand too long, I felt as though I might collapse to the floor. ... After my shot, I have gone to urgent care, my primary doctor, two cardiologists, my optometrist, have had multiple diagnostic tests done such as a brain MRI, EKGs, chest X-ray and electrocardiogram and have had thousands of dollars in medical bills."

Many of the doctors and nurses we speak with have treated patients injured from these COVID shots. Now they are being forced to inject a substance into their bodies they have personally witnessed can result in injury and death.

We just got a call for help from a family with four members employed in the medical profession. "We are living in fear," she said. Already members of this family have sacrificed so much in the past year to serve their local communities. But now their employers are turning their backs and treating them like petri dishes for an experimental injection!

She shared, "We had given up hope" that there could be any alternative path to taking the jab. But our staff was able to help and encourage this family. We are fighting for them and will not abandon these heroes. We are flooded with pleas for help!

When you support our ministry, you empower our team to offer advice and more importantly, to give hope. We rely completely on the donations of friends and supporters like you. Help us fight for freedom with your donation today.

Our nation is repeating a dark history by demonizing those who have not received the experimental shots and then trying to punish them.

One whistleblower contacted us from inside one of the largest private, nonprofit hospital chains, which is forcing ALL 23,000 employees to get the COVID jab. Across 350 locations, more than 80% of this hospital system's employees do NOT want to take this emergency-use injection.

This whistleblower stated that "the vast majority of employees that do not want to take the vaccination are African American and Latino/Hispanic."

In the 40 states where data is available, only 38% of African Americans have received a COVID jab. There is a reason for such reluctance. History has shown that African Americans have often been the hardest-hit group from prior vaccines they were told were safe.

No wonder Dr. Drew warned that "the black community would be most affected by this modern day segregation" through vaccine passports in public places.

The Nazis labeled Jews as disease carriers, identified the Jews (with the help of IBM), banned them from work and education, and then isolated them into ghettos. We should never repeat this dark history.

We are feverishly working with scores of scared people to get exemptions. Join in this battle to stop the destruction of freedom in America.

There is another way you can help. We have created some protections in 20 states through laws and executive orders banning vaccine passports.

Send your faxes to state and federal lawmakers. Say NO TO MANDATORY COVID SHOTS AND VACCINE PASSPORTS!


Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

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Spilled my beer in the paint bucket.

Alcohol abuse and a lousy paint job in one.

It's a rental unit. No one will notice.

It pales in comparison to catastrophe movies.
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Environmental Scientists scramble to upgrade their equipment.
Government grants provided a new coffee maker.
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Ya see what happens when I watch movies?

I plagiarize ideas.
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In a group setting, a medical emergency arises.
Somebody says "Call 911".

And every time, there's a dickh@le who says

"What's the number?"

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This is not manic posting.

It's therapy.

I'm sure it will shake out.

Damn paint, pissing me off.

Damn internet keeps dropping out.

Like I did in Vegetable Collage.

No justice, no peas.
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How many OZRT Members does it take to unscrew a lightbulb?

If I was Admin, I'd quit.
Too much pressure.

I don't know how she does it, but I suspect
a strong ego and stronger meds will do it.

What if you are Admin?
You wanna suffer the abuses that I deliver?

Me neither.

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News? What news?

I told you before: go break something's news.

Fix it and it's a "Puff Piece"

Yeah, fixing the world, good luck with that!
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Just once, in a shoot em up flick
I wanna see the Alpha shooters take the wallets of the "Downed Ones".

Take the guns, steal the iPods, fine.


Gimme half. I'm Fundraising.
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How many Lurkers does it take to reach my Fundraising goals?

1000 at a Dollar apiece.
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Ok class, repeat after me:


One Million Two Hundred Sixty Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty Sicks.

Am I a 'weird-0'?

No, YOU are. That's why we don't hang out together.
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People are strolling in here looking for things to




My sales ratings are great.

You don't do that.
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" I'm a driving madman behind an overly greased steering wheel.

Next stop: some junk location you call Home."

:smee!:  Can I get an exemption please?
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:tello: " No. "
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A BIG dead rat.

Yeah, I shot it with a .22 snake load. 2011, Montello, Nevada.

Add this pic to your Family Album.

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Rat Hunt 5000 No. 1
F'n Bastard Rats! They just showed up en masse last week. I've been hustling for cats but no-go. This li'l flocker got it between the eyes with a single shot of .22 SnakeLoad. I'm counting on the bloodstains to warn his buddies to FLOCK OFF! and get oudda my house.... [this punk measures out at 7 3/4" Long, nose to ass -- PAN SIZE!]
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In a pinch, it's a substantial meat product.

Do not under estimate the glories of The Rat.

Be sure to wash your hands before handling.
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I don't make this stuff up.

I tend to pull the stuffing out.


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How's that painting gig going?
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It's a Quaalude thang.
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My new med is better.

Legal to possess and use.

No Customs check.

Cops can't hassle me about it.

Gentle and effective.

Oh yeah... EFFECTIVE!
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Doctor Seeing Horrific Vaccine Injuries

Aug 24, 2021

A major medical association has issued a statement supporting medical freedom, but the medical tyrants are doubling down in their quest to force everyone to take COVID shots. We are receiving many calls like this:

"It doesn't matter that I've worked in this position for over 21 years; I will be without income, insurance and other benefits because I don't want this shot. Please let me know if there is anything that you can do."

Liberty Counsel is fighting forced shot mandates that violate state and federal laws. Help us restore freedom for all by supporting the Liberty Counsel Legal Fund today and DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT with our generous Challenge Grant. — Mat

Dr. G (name changed for privacy) is horrified by what he is seeing in his patients and their extended family members who have taken the jab.

One of them, he writes, was "completely healthy," but suffered a heart attack after taking the second jab. Another developed a heart disorder with the first dose of Moderna and decided not to take the second dose. One of his patients developed epileptic seizures after taking the second shot, despite never having had any previous neurological problems.

Dr. G is now seeing many other adverse shot reactions, including paralysis disorders like Bell's palsy ... and blood clotting disorders like purple thrombocytopenia in a previously healthy 23-year-old ... and a friend who called panicking because she keeps spitting up blood clots from her stomach and gums since taking the first dose.

We are flooded with many requests for help as many are being forced to take the shot. We are determined to help each person be free to make their own decisions about the COVID shots.

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It’s pretty obvious by now that Joe Biden is not mentally fit to lead. He’s probably not mentally fit to work at a Dairy Queen, honestly.
:tello: " I can't rely on him to make toast "
Biden’s Puts Mental Deterioration On Display For The World To See

It took the fall of an entire country, but finally most of America is waking up to the reality of Joe Biden’s incompetence. We could have told you this eight months ago. In fact, we did. But now many people are beginning to realize just how unqualified Joe is to run the country.

Tello can do better, but nobody cares about him, yet.

Joe's decision-making process is deeply troubling. We have seen a pattern arise, again and again. Joe and his administration make a hasty, unthought-out decision. That leads to a massive crisis that they then struggle to fix. That happened with his border policy, stimulus bill (that lead to inflation and a worker’s shortage), his vaccine “deadline,” ban on drilling, and so much more.

But his hasty decision over Afghanistan has pulled the blinders of many eyes. Polls reveal that Biden’s approval is dropping like a stone. A large majority of Americans bland Biden for the crisis unfolding overseas. They are in fact outraged that after 20 years, Biden would hand Afghanistan over to the very people we fought.

Even a news host is calling out Jill Biden and Democrats for letting Joe near the Oval Office.

Fox News host Rachel Campos-Duffy criticized first lady Jill Biden over the weekend for “let[ting]” her husband, President Joe Biden, to run for office given the state of his fitness for office, saying that Jill Biden failed the country…

“But when you look at what’s hurting America, when you look at this lack of leadership, and you wonder, who are the people responsible for putting someone this incompetent and frankly, this, you know, mentally frail, in this position…

“No one knew better his state of mind than Jill, Dr. Jill Biden. And if you ask me, the most patriotic thing Jill Biden could have done was tell her husband, to love her husband, and not let him run in this mental state that he’s in. I think she failed the country as well.” [Source: Daily Wire]

High-Ranking Democrats Furious After Trump Leaks Biden's Darkest Secret
High ranking officials were enraged after learning what he'd been hiding all this time...
Find Out More 82,364
Of course, Jill Biden’s office is already demanding an apology. Perhaps, Jill, you should apologize to the American people for Joe’s horrible leadership? Perhaps you should apologize to the Afghan people, for subjecting them (once again) to terrorist rule?

It’s pretty obvious by now that Joe Biden is not mentally fit to lead. He’s probably not mentally fit to work at a Dairy Queen, honestly. His pattern of bad decisions—and not learning from them—shows he is either incredibly arrogant or too frail to understand what he is doing.

Both mean he’s incompetent and unable to make wise decisions. His refusal to own up to his decisions suggests he doesn’t even know what is going on in this country or the world.

Recent polls show that most Americans don’t even think he is making the decisions. That Biden is so far gone, that someone else or a group of someones is making the decisions for him.

We can’t be sure of that. Everything we’ve seen since January suggests Biden is making the decisions. But when a mentally frail, incompetent, arrogant man is in charge, these are the results you get.

Impeachment should be just the beginning of correcting this mistake.

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"He Knows American Street Language"
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What Is the Butterfly Effect?

Can small, seemingly insignificant flutters create major impacts on the world? That’s a question that has long puzzled scientists and mathematicians. While the butterfly effect started out as a simple thought experiment from a meteorologist, it has grown into its own branch of mathematical Chaos Theory. It often seems like minor events can have a major influence on the future. So, what exactly is the butterfly effect?

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Why can't I be President?

Because the Mormons dissed me.

That's where the money was.
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Gun confiscation begins (no joke)

Dudley Brown <>

Tue, Aug 24 at 9:20 AM

Dear Ron:

I can only imagine how ecstatic President Joe Biden must be to read news headlines like the one I stumbled across above.

The newly-emboldened Taliban regime is now implementing the same gun control schemes President Biden and his anti-gun pals want to impose on us here in the United States!

How forward-thinking of the Taliban! How “PROGRESSIVE!”

As one Taliban spokesman put it, Afghans “can now feel safe” now that only the Taliban has the guns!

Ron, people who cling to the sides of aircraft as they’re taking off, knowing they’ll soon fall to their deaths, aren’t people who “feel safe.”

If I’m being honest, I don’t either. Not with this President stumbling up every stair he can find to try and CRUSH our freedoms.

If you’re ever tempted to take your freedom for granted, look in the eyes of someone who’s just lost it.

Hopefully, it won’t be in a mirror.

I’m going go to be blunt with you.

Our country is in a crisis.

Our freedom is in a crisis.

The America you and I love is being gutted from within.

With everything on the line, I’m looking for as many patriots as possible to help the National Association for Gun Rights FIGHT BACK.

Please at least consider signing up as a FRONTLINE DEFENDER monthly contributor today.

You can sign up for as little as just $10 a month – just $0.33 a day.

And there is NO BETTER WAY you can make an impact for our Second Amendment freedoms in the face of all of the madness we’re facing today.

In order to encourage as many people as possible to sign up, if you’ll do so by August 31, you’ll be automatically entered to win a Benelli Super Black Eagle II – one of the very best factory-produced shotguns you can buy.

I’m making this offer because freedom is hanging by a thread in America today.

If the gun grabbers are successful in twisting the arms of Senators Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) into DESTROYING the U.S. Senate filibuster, our liberties – including our Second Amendment freedoms – will begin falling like a house of cards.

The gun grabbers will immediately move on to RAM through their ENTIRE radical agenda, including:
>>> The Feinstein Gun Ban, outlawing 200+ specifically-named rifles, shotguns and handguns;

>>> H.R. 8’s National Gun Registration under the guise of “expanded background checks” (which has already passed the U.S. House);

>>> So-called “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation;

>>> The American Gun Manufacturing Destruction Bill to make gun manufacturers liable if their firearms are used in a crime. Just imagine Ford being held liable if an F-150 owner drives recklessly and causes a wreck; and

>>> H.R. 127, which would “require licensing and psychological evaluations” before you could buy a gun.

Your decision to sign up as a FRONTLINE DEFENDER today could help stop them.

We don’t have anti-gun BILLIONAIRES like George Soros and Michael Bloomberg bankrolling our operations like the Gun Control Lobby.

The National Association for Gun Rights’ power comes from good folks like YOU – hunters, collectors, hobbyists, target shooters, constitutionalists and those who carry firearms for self-defense.

Much like the Minutemen in the War for Independence, an army of FRONTLINE DEFENDERS giving just $10 or $25 a month ensures the National Association for Gun Rights is ALWAYS ready for the gun grabbers’ assaults.

FRONTLINE DEFENDERS’ consistent, ongoing monthly support ensures the National Association for Gun Rights can:

Fights move fast in Washington, D.C. and state capitals. But the money it takes to mobilize the millions of Americans necessary to win legislative fights can take weeks to raise!

FRONTLINE DEFENDERS’ monthly support ensures I’m always ready for whatever the gun grabbers in Congress – or your state legislature – throw at us;
Anyone who’s ever run a major project knows, it’s flat-out impossible to plan ahead without having an idea of future resources.

Knowing I have a solid base of support from month-to-month not only helps the National Association for Gun Rights better stand up to anti-gun assaults, but also helps me lay the groundwork to take back freedoms lost over the years; and
With the media, politicians in BOTH parties and BILLIONAIRES like George Soros and Michael Bloomberg all on their side, gun grabbers start off with some huge advantages.

The good news is, thousands of FRONTLINE DEFENDERS – giving $10 or $25 a month – helps create a snowball effect enabling you and me to make a “big money” impact, which can be absolutely critical.
The special men and women who sign up as FRONTLINE DEFENDERS are a big reason why U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) called NAGR, “The most effective fighting force in Washington, D.C.”

In fact, FRONTLINE DEFENDERS are so critical, I’ve developed some special perks for those who step up.

Once you sign up . . .
? You’ll receive special FRONTLINE DEFENDER “gear” to honor your commitment to the Second Amendment;

? You’ll get peace of mind and bragging rights as a National Association for Gun Rights premier member; and

? You’ll be automatically entered for the chance to win a new gun every month!

As I mentioned, we’re giving away a Benelli Super Black Eagle II this month – one of the very best and most versatile semi-automatic shotguns you can buy.

And gun-grabbers – who always try to pass off anything “semi-automatic” as terrifying – hate it.

But law-abiding patriots all over the United States use this shotgun for everything from sporting clays, to hunting, to home defense.

In fact, not long ago, a good friend of mine said that one hunting season he harvested quail, ducks, geese, pheasant, coyote, turkey and deer – all with the same gun!

What other type of firearm could do that?

If you sign up by August 31, you could be the winner.

I can’t stomach the thought of losing fights we COULD win if more patriots would FIGHT!

So please don’t count on someone else to carry the load if you can help today.

Frankly, Ron, I need you right now more than ever.

Your country needs you.

If there’s one thing the Gun Control Lobby has proven in recent years, it’s that they will not rest until every last shred of our freedoms are utterly destroyed.

That means you and I can’t either.

We have to fight back.

Or else freedom will not survive. Not for our kids and grandkids. Not even for ourselves.

Ron, I tell people who tell me that they’re scared that I do know what the future holds.

I tell them it will be bleak . . . if they won’t do anything.

It’s time to DO SOMETHING, Ron, to save the freedoms I know you hold so dear.

Please sign up as a FRONTLINE DEFENDER right away.

For Freedom,
Dudley Brown

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Biden Said to Forget About Afghanistan…That’s Old Hat…The U.S. Has Bigger Fish to Fry

Joe Biden doesn’t understand why anyone should be so concerned over Afghanistan when there are other more important and pressing issues to deal with. “We couldn’t stay there forever” is his only copout answer for botching America’s departure from the decades-long war, so in light of his statement, we need to count our losses and move on. Forget Afghanistan ever existed and forget about the 15,000 or so people left behind to suffer their impending fates.

It’s Biden’s contention that even with the Taliban’s newly acquired power, their growing strength and influence, and their vow to roll through the rest of the Mid-East swinging their swords as they go, al-Quidia, though severely weakened, is a much bigger threat. It’s a not very clever diversionary tactic but it’s all he’s got.

“We should be focusing on where the threat is the greatest,” Biden said. “And the idea we can continue to spend a trillion dollars, and have tens of thousands of American forces in Afghanistan when we have North Africa and Western Africa — the idea we can do that and ignore those looming problems, growing problems, is not rational.”

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What's worse?


Big Bad Bear

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Imagine my angst.

Then read about it.

Better yet, come visit!

Limeys. Blighters. Pogues.
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Will FDA Vaccine Approval Change Minds?

Here come the vaccination mandates. That's going to be the biggest impact following the FDA's announcement Monday that it has in record time officially approved the Pfizer vaccine for individuals 16 and older. Will this convince reluctant Americans?

The FDA's approval of the vaccine comes in the midst of the surge in cases, hospitalizations, and deaths resulting from the Delta variant of COVID. Is getting vaccinated a good idea? For most people, unless you've already had COVID, yes. Yet just 51% of Americans are fully vaccinated, albeit in many cases because they're too young. Would the surge right now be as high if more people were vaccinated? Likely not, though a Mayo Clinic study recently concluded that the two primary vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, are less effective against the Delta variant than they were against the original. Ironically, the newly approved Pfizer shot is far less effective than the still-unapproved Moderna vaccine.

Some protection is better than none, and reduced symptoms are better than severe ones.

Nevertheless, after one party in particular so thoroughly politicized the vaccines in order to win an election, millions of Americans don't trust what a government agency is telling them. Gee, how surprising.

In theory, the FDA approval should bolster confidence. That's what The Wall Street Journal editorial board argues. In part, they say, that's because "there's now more data vouching for the Pfizer vaccine's safety than there has been for any other vaccine approved by the FDA."

In reality, however, this expedited process will only solidify in the minds of many that the fix was in from the beginning. As even the Journal notes, "Pfizer's vaccine has gone from development to full approval in less than 18 months, a fraction of the 10 to 12 years required on average." That in and of itself certainly isn't evidence of a conspiracy, but among citizens who greatly distrust government and the media, it doesn't exactly disprove one either.

One could be forgiven for asking if the 2020 election would have turned out differently if either Pfizer or Moderna had announced their vaccine days before it instead of days afterwards. One also might wonder if expediting now merely serves Joe Biden's political purposes. Aside from his vaccination goals, there is a debacle in Afghanistan from which he'd like to distract you.

Those nods to understandable conclusions aside, we in our humble shop happen to think (life-saving) innovation happens best when government gets out of the way. That's what happened here.

Yet the authoritarians among us won't be content until everyone is made to agree, which will have exactly the opposite result.

New York City has already announced its Orwellian "Key to NYC" vaccination mandate. Numerous corporations and schools already had implemented mandates. Many more will do likewise using FDA approval as justification. That includes the Pentagon.

"Today I'm calling on more companies ... in the private sector to step up the vaccine requirements that will reach millions more people," Biden said. "If you're a business leader, a non-profit leader, a state or local leader, who has been waiting for full FDA approval to require vaccinations, I call on you now to do that. ... Do what I did last month, requiring employees to get vaccinated or face strict requirements."

Biden may be suffering severe cognitive decline, but he — or at least his handlers — know exactly what his statement will do. It will divide Americans along red and blue lines, rather than allowing for free people to make free choices. That's a gross misuse of his bully pulpit, and it will cost lives.

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El Monte: This survivor's testimony

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Politically offensive.

I don't want that around here, again.

Got enuff local gov clinging on to our 'hood.
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Two criminal defendants out on bail walk into Tessa's Pub.

It closed early that night.
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Tessa, smee and Brum6y walk into Tello's Bar.

No they dint.

Homeland Security pinched them at the gate.

We have a strict NO LIMEYS policy.

Sorry about that.
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Ya ever watch a show you have seen a million times
and in one particular episode, you don't quite remember
the plot
but you can't forget the paisley necktie?

I do that all the time.
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Aw, WHAT? 1261010 Views
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It's all about the Time Stamps.
Right now, day jobbers on their way out of the house are scanning this crap before they get to work.

I know Day Jobs. I feel for you guys, but seriously:
Do you greet your boss every morning with a Tello Memo?

I want the truth.
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Who did this? 1261111 Views
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Now, about that Day Job.......
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Geez, if this keeps up any longer, this episode can
drag out for weeks.

Just tell us what you know and this can all be over.

No, you cannot be in the Witness Protection Program.
Henry Hill is more than a crowd.
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:tello: " I wanna know. Tell me. When you go to work, what is it you do? Crunch numbers or drive a mop?
I wanna know. Do I look like I'm retired? "
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I'm not posting anything more until my Fake Lawyer shows up.
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