Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2955137 times)


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Tessa and her purse walk into The Drop Bear Lounge.
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smee and The Drop Bear Gang rob the Tessa Tello Saloon.
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:tello: " Oh NOW the shite's getting real!

Tello and The Purse Posse take orders from Tessa,
and that's where the details get Drop Bear fuzzy. "
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Two Drop Bears, Tessa, Tello, smee and Does 1 thru 100
walk into The Royal Court of Oz...Side Bar

The Aboriginals testified against them.

The Jury hung, but the next day.....mystery broke out and
all was not well for anybody; why did ya mess with us in the first place?

We couldda sorted it out...kinda...
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2 crocodiles storm into a bar and demand to know if there is a Mr Dundee in the premises


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Dee Levey

Auto versus 3 pedestrian's,(hit and run),white SUV with damage. 1 deceased😢 Sugarloaf

Kathy Reddington
O no

Loni Fudge
Car was located

Carol Pettyjohn
OMG I can't believe weekends anymore up here. I guess it could happen anytime but it just seems weekend are awful.

Susan Robins
Prayers for all affected by this horrible tragedy!🙏🙏

Robin Young

Karen Dargis
This is horrible! Sending lots of light, love and prayers! 🙏?🙏

Denise Terranova
Oh my god!

LTerra Marquez
Poor Ten speed ..My husband gave him his vest he wears .. Omg im soooo sad 😪?

Dee Levey
badge icon
LTerra Marquez ten speed?

LTerra Marquez
Nick name for him we had for him ..

LTerra Marquez
He road his bike to taco bell everyday on his bike

Mike Moore
LTerra Marquez wait the dude that collects recyclables every day and rides his bike from sugarloaf to town everyday?

LTerra Marquez
Mike Moore Yes

Dee Levey
LTerra Marquez is that who got hit by car? There were 3 hit,1 was a child
Got word from a friend of this

Mike Moore
LTerra Marquez he died?

LTerra Marquez
Mike Moore A friend of his just called told us

Mike Moore
LTerra Marquez oh man Dean, he told me once he wish someone would clip him so he could sue. Rip.

Emily Brown

LTerra Marquez
For 10 yrs Ive only know him by 10 speed .
And I really hope it is not him ..He goes on his bike everyday to town for taco bell

LTerra Marquez
Mike Moore I hope they're wrong

Mike Moore
LTerra Marquez lives on San Bernardino, near Barton.

LTerra Marquez
Mike Moore Yes in sugarloaf

Mike Moore
LTerra Marquez wow.

Heather Nefas
It was a young woman from Los Vegas, here on her birthday 😔
A friend of mine was there trying to help revive her 😭

LTerra Marquez
Mike Moore I hope its mis info cause this is sad regardless but Knowing it could be is sad ..Sweetest man ever

LTerra Marquez
WHY would they say it was Him

LTerra Marquez
Mike Moore. someone said it was a woman

Denise Terranova
It wasn’t him?

Emily Brown
LTerra Marquez is there any way your friend could go by his house and make sure? I know what street he's on but not which house. We talk about cars every time I see him 🙁

LTerra Marquez
Emily Brown I know me too !! He is always out ..Let me see if They Can go bye there They are actually on way up hill
.He is one who got the call to ill see if he can

Ron Tello Culley
I know the house. West side of San Berdoo about 4 houses south from Barton 2 story Blue Boxy house with a junk car covered in front.

Emily Brown
LTerra Marquez if they can't but they know the house number let me know and I'll go over. He was good friends with my dad who passed a few years ago. He would always stop by my dad's house and talk on his way home

Emily Brown
Ron Tello Culley I'm going to go knock on the door and see if he's there.

Karina Ann Kelley
Ugh my heart goes out

Wendy Clouser
Prayers to all.....horrible...

Kristin Arnold
Thats awful! Praying for those involved!

Carol Pettyjohn
So sad! How is the child? Prayers for all.

Irene Hall
Lord have mercy!

Dee Levey
Too many rumors per usual so I'm going to turn off commenting. All we know for sure is a white SUV hit a Mercedes at kallans took off and shortly after that hit three pedestrians killing one of them and one of the 3 was a child. That's all,nothing more nobody knows who it was no names have been released no mention of   a bicycle
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Emily Brown
1 mutual friend: Dee Levey
Lives in Big Bear City, California

7:54 PM
You sent Today at 7:54 PM
Hi, did you find Dean?

Emily sent Today at 7:54 PM
I was trying to find the comment with the address again but it got removed. I'm passing staters now heading that way

You sent Today at 7:58 PM
I don't know address. Post got shut down for rumor control. West side San Berdoo ave about 4 houses South of Barton. Blue 2 story boxy house with a covered vehicle.

Emily sent Today at 7:59 PM
Thank you!!  Just pasted circle k

You sent Today at 8:00 PM
Keep me posted, thx!

Emily sent Today at 8:08 PM
This obe?

Emily sent Today at 8:08 PM
Red truck in the drive way?

You sent Today at 8:08 PM

Emily sent Today at 8:10 PM
He's alive!!!

You sent Today at 8:11 PM
Be the first to deny the rumors. Good work, Soldier!

Dee Levey

You sent Today at 8:13 PM
Emily Brown reports Dean is alive and well. She did go to his house, I helped her find it. Nothing to see here, move along...Glad to help!!!

Dee sent Today at 8:13 PM  :t2:

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Ladies and Blokes!

Emily Brown.
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No, smee..
she's not pretty...

in Heart and Soul.

Get it right.

Please make a note of it.
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Clearly she isnt American


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Yeah, clearly we don't know that. (you Yankee baiter/hater!)

As if I get to know her any time soon,
I'm sure her Hubby and I can become good firewood buddys!

It's "Country Living" at 7500 elevation, under 27,000 feet
of decaying powder and no Summer in sight.

I don't see YOU try to make new friends.

I can't revive my old ones, except Andre.

Did you post bail yet?
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Back to the Dee bashing thread:

Paige Pennell
This is my favorite site because Dee is ON IT! Get off her back ... geeze

Amy Douglass Crabb
No one should be rude to you either. There is so much hate in the world - don’t need it here. Appreciate all of the updates and information you provide! Thank you!

Jo Anna Harper
This is very disappointing. You would think with all the stuff going on in this world people could ban together as one. But no rudeness is not tolerated by me as well. I’m looking forward to you chewing them up, and Spitting them out. Stupid people are live entertainment for me. I love you sis and I miss you.💜💛😘

Ron Tello Culley
How can I follow that act? WOW! Passion is in Fashion!

Kathy Eash

Ron Tello Culley
Hey, that's MY line!

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Angel Hasegawa
Visual Storyteller

Our new neighbors are entertaining us. We have tried to suggest they clear their driveway and berm and give them mountain hints. They didn't dig out the car for the last two storms. Today they are digging out. Their berm has turned into ice boulders. Shoveling is not working out so well. She has resorted to picking up ice boulders by hand and carrying them across the street. In time, they may realize there is a better way.

Gregory Eddinger
Checking the extended weather forecast is very helpful, especially if you’re going to depend on the snow melting.
Too bad they don’t seem to appreciate your advice.
On the other hand, it does give ya a good, I told ya so laugh.

Angel Hasegawa
Gregory Eddinger Exactly 😂😂

David Honeywell
If possible don't drive or even walk on snow before you shovel it every step increases the workload by 20% Every tire track increases it by 50% Not a scientific calculation just my estimation

Angel Hasegawa
David Honeywell Absolutely right!

Joel Captain Tinker Saucedo
David Honeywell and the snow plow is capable of increasing it by 300%

David Honeywell
Joel Captain Tinker Saucedo The 13" on the road in front of my house compacted by the loader clearing the water tank across the street verifies your estimation the the plates were 4to5 inches thick and hard as rock

Ron Tello Culley
No Darwinism here. It's just Folks without all the strokes and we are here to Teach.

Angel Hasegawa
Ron Tello Culley True. Nice people. They just don't want to learn. We tried.

Ron Tello Culley
Angel Hasegawa Walk away, and roll video on them. HOOT Media!

Susan Fahrmeier
Best advice we received when we moved up here was watch what your neighbors do then do the same. Has served us well.

Angel Hasegawa
Susan Fahrmeier I like that

Ron Tello Culley
BE The Jones's!
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Cheap shoes? You insult my sole? You call me a heel?


Please, toe the line! My shoes are handcrafted from the silken leather of a rare Australian dropdeer.  :boop-oop: :angel: :innocent:
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Give him the boot for sinking the slipper into you

Buck le up your ideas melloton


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Made you flinch!!!

Ganging up on me now?

Late is your plan.

Stick with the snow stories. Somebody is gonna die here.
We saw a report that some one did, a half-mile from me.
Close quarters is cutting it close.

Not interested?
You will be when it's me in the headlines....
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You know, that "Cheap Shoes"
cheap shot is getting traction
sooner than I expected.


Tessa is "Intelligent"
not *emotional*.

Very attractive!
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At least we dont have to wear these slippers over here


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Tennis Racket Shoes?

You must be joking.

Prolly think yer funny, too.
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Have a good time on my dime, you two....


"When Aussies Collide"

:tello: "No, I mean COLLUDE"
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Fringe Element

What is a "fringe element"?

1 decade ago

Favorite Answer
A "fringe element" is a small group of people whose views put them outside the main group they belong to (just as fringe is along the outside edge of a rug or your britches).  So a fringe element could be a religious group that is much more liberal or conservative than most of the people in their religion, it could be a political fringe element that espouses violence or radical solutions that most people in their political group don't agree with, etc.  Their views tend to be much more extreme than the main part of the group they belong to.

Or we can be talking about Tello and all that ilk. Whatever, FELAFEL U.
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Am I Entertaining enuff yet?

1080987 suckers can't all be stupid....    :notsmee:
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Chaunda Bastian
I am never getting home! There is so many people going up the hill right now on the 38. If it wasn’t for having to take my daughter down the hill To her dads, I would’ve never been out here😂😱🤦🏻??? Have  a nice a Sunday! ??
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Lori Fry
This is coming up the 38?

Nicole Ballum
God how irritating! Good luck

Lori Fry
That is crazy. We came down at 9:30 this morning and I was shocked that there wasn’t that many coming up the 38- weird this in late in the day do many are coming up! Be safe 😊

Darcy Irwin Wolfe
We came down at 11:30 and there were cars backed up into Mentone and all the way up Bryant trying to get up ... there must’ve been a problem on 330
and everyone came up the 38 instead - it was insane !! So many cars and people parked and playing in the snow just slowed it all down too ..

Laura Watson
Is there a holiday tomorrow or something?

Denise Terranova
No holiday! Just snow!

Denise Terranova
Just wait for President’s day weekend! Lots of fun!

Rebecca Jo Gaines
What a mess

Meri Pogroszewski
Breath! Take a deep breath! Ooohhmmmm! Find a nice radio station! Make yourself “smile “ . Resist the urge to use that finger. Be safe.😎🙄

Kristiana Poston
Hope you make/made it safely

Dee Levey
I'm out in it every day😢it's nuts. I try to take back roads,but they get congested too, and many,many people out in the middle of the street. Tailgate parties in school and church parking areas on Knickerbocker/village drive,...please be safe out there everyone.

Janet Bathurst-Bell
What they are supposed to be leaving not coming UGH!!!!

Mark Pimentel
There’s gotta be something in the snow. ?? ?? 🕺🏻

Cheri Lynn
I am so sorry!! Big Bear is not what it use to be😔😔😔

Tina Hallsworth
Cheri Lynn Not when there is a ton of overcrowdedness up here. These people need to get back to work !!!

Mattie J Sanchez
Whats all the noise? Ambulance, fire? Law enforcement I can hear all the commotion on the North shore.

Janet Bathurst-Bell
Mattie J Sanchez hit and run in Sugarloaf

Mattie J Sanchez
Janet Bathurst-Bell 😔 very sad.

Denise K Monteilh
I wish they were going in the opposite direction 🙁

Paula Nelson-Glass

Samantha Bowman-Fleurov
There’s a landslide on 330. I realize it’s frustrating to be in traffic but perhaps we should be counting our blessings that we aren’t in the car that was hit by a huge boulder

Kelli Healy Treviranus
So many factors....tourist town, have to go down hill for shopping, good health care, etc.

Dianne Hall
I left Mentone at 5pm and had a few slow cars, but no other traffic.

Debra Kraft
God bless ??

Jo Anna Harper

Ron Tello Culley
What would Frank Zappa say?
frank zappa it can't happen here - Bing

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Ron Tello Culley
BE The Jones's!

Heidi Mae
Well, I guess they liked learning the hard way. Yikes!

Ron Tello Culley
I blame Public Education.

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"The Masses are asses. End quote.
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Coming up next: rebuttal witnesses
smee, Admin and Yib's Ghost.

:duckling: " I gave up on you Jokers in 2016, how do you like me now?"
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Anima Bella
Perfectly said!!!! Love it!!! We already have enough ugliness in this world, we dont need more, only positivity is welcome ^.^
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Ever notice, that everytime I post some Heavy Jello
the board goes dark?

They are afraid of logic and stuff
and prefer to ignore me.


It's savage fun at the top of the garbage heap of society.
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And in all of this shite
I don't give a flick.

I get involved for kicks only.
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As IF I can help fix the World?

I can't even salvage my own.

Not yet.

I'm thinking about working on it...

I'm fat drunk and lazy.

Lazy being the operative word.

I blame smee's Public Education.

Bad influence, he tricked me!
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btw, your world:

what is THAT?
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smee and Tessa forever?


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When in doubt....
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Countdown to 195.
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Aww, why bother?
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Roadkill jerky


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Roadkill Jerky is not funny anymore.
Any dic=hed can do that.

We're sposed to be better than that, yes?
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Parasitic Infection
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Wasting space, not time.....
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Wasting time, not space....
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When that happened, it turned me forever.
Students being shot on campus?
Am I next?

I have turned.

Thx America!

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2 feet of snow.
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Are we there yet?
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