Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2959364 times)


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Hippie Uber
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Read this and give us the Reader's Digest version.


" To protect yourself from looters, you must understand the psychology of looters. While mob mentality has shown its ugly face in crisis situations before in Montello, people don’t usually become looters for fun; they desperately hunt for various items out of need.

Your shite, for example.

The most balanced, kind and nonviolent people will break into a store or into a home and take whatever they can carry, because they know they may not be able to get their hands on it ever again. "
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Next, add some warning signs, like “Trespassers will be shot” or “You loot – I shoot.” By the way, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a gun – nobody is going to know… And they probably would not want to find out, no matter how desperate.

:tello: " This works everytime, trust me on this one! "
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Get to Know the ‘Christmas Story’ Red Ryder BB Gun

  :smee!:  “You’ll shoot your eye out!”
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Dee Levey

🐻Covid Weekley Update🐻
US Population.    328.2 Million
US Covid Cases      16.5 Million
US Covid Deaths        300,000
Calif Population   39.5 Million
Calif Covid Cases   1.6 Million
Calif Civid Deaths      22,054
SB County Population  2.18 Million
SB Covid Cases                  127,791
SB Recovered Cases.       111 406
SB Covid Deaths                   1,241
Big Bear Population  18,941
Covid Cases to date         475
Covid Deaths                         1 (according to our City manager)
169 cases BBL
257 cases BBC
  43 cases Sugarloaf
    6 cases Fawnskin
Active Cases Currently   80
("Estimated"by our City manager)
Per SB County Health Dept, there are 216 ventilators available in our county.

Rebecca Sadergaski
Jesus 😢

Debbie Olsen
Wow! Thank you for the breakdown! It really brings it home for all of us to see. I pray this makes it clear to all that wearing a mask is needed to keep Big Bear healthy! 💗🙏🦋

Ron Tello Culley
I told you I HATE NUMBERS !!!

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I mean YOUR numbers!

My numbers kick ass!

7704 Replies
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For more information on how I'm doing,
please drop an  eTurd to:

I'll be here, drinking all night and TV all day!

(The two are not mutually exclusive but ARE interchangeable)
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6 cases of covid of the foreskin  ???


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It's a neighbourhood.
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The more people there are the more cases there are
How strange


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EZ math.
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The End of Democracy and Free Speech?

With all the craziness happening in America today, the future looks very uncertain. “Big Tech” and the social media platforms are silencing and censoring anyone who holds the “wrong” views about the election, COVID-19, lockdowns, personal liberties, alternative health – you name it. If you question the official orthodoxy, you get banned.

That means many voices and sources of products and information could soon disappear from public view. Even companies like ours – who strongly believe in preparedness and self-reliance – are now targets of the New Censorship Army. If we get de-platformed by Big Tech, you might not be able to obtain the Emergency Food you’ll need for the possible food shortages that will follow the coming economic collapse.$100&utm_medium=EMAIL&utm_campaign=Tac%20Survival%20-%204-Week%20Save%20$100&utm_term=SAVE%20100&utm_content=4-WEEK%20FOOD%20SUPPLY
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"One of the most depressing things about Christmas for a lot of people is the debt they incur, trying to buy gifts for everyone on their list. That can become overwhelming, especially for those who have large families. Even trying to buy small gifts for everyone can become an expensive undertaking."

:tello: " No list, no costs! That's how I live! "
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More desperate material to keep the customers satisfied:
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Denise Brotherton
December 13 at 4:47 PM  ·
Just wanted to bring some good cheer....we were surprised this evening with Christmas Carolers in the Nordic Tract.  It was so beautiful and amazing

0:00 / 1:03

Warren Amy Widgeon
I love it

Stacy Allman
That’s so awesome !!!!

Bill Schmittle
With no mask or social distancing. No wonder were going backwards with the virus.

Rosie Shope
Bill Schmittle grinch!

Bill Schmittle
RIDICULOUS. It has nothing to do with Christmas or Christmas spirit. It is about safety & health. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to prevent just one death so they could enjoy Christmas next year. Stay home, wear a mask and wash your hands. Just plain common sense which obviously you don't have.

Curtis Schneider
Rosie Shope haha tell that to the overworked, understaffed and nearly 100% full hospitals with more deaths daily than ever. You’re the problem. Don’t you think we could wait a year to do this? 🤦🏼???

Shari Mills Bland
Bill Schmittle That will do, Karen, that will do.

Bill Schmittle
Shari Mills Bland FELAFEL U

Jaden Laguatan
No wonder Covid cases are so prevalent in the mountains.

Amberlee Phillips
Jaden Laguatan do you even know how many cases are in the mtns and how many ppl we have up here? Clearly you don’t 😂

Jaden Laguatan
Amberlee Phillips I do have an idea of how many cases and you blatantly stating that I don’t is pointless when many people i know personally in the mountains have contracted COVID in the last couple months up there. Does that mean everyone has it? No. But is Covid oddly common up in the mountains currently? Yes. But go ahead and defend not social distancing while not using masks, that’s your call to make.

Brian Binnie
Jaden Laguatan Does that also mean that every case is a death sentence? Didn’t think so.

Jaden Laguatan
Brian Binnie did I ever say that? 🧐

Caryn Curren
Brian Binnie Is death the only measurement of suffering? Do we ignore the small amount of people who die or the people that have serious complications (or a longer recovery) just because some people don’t?

Brian Binnie
Caryn Curren Do we shut down the entire country of healthy people for a few sick? Some people suffer in different ways.

Brian Binnie
Jaden Laguatan implied. You know what that means?

Jaden Laguatan
Brian Binnie where did I imply that every case is a death sentence? Please do explain yourself as I definitely know what implied means and you seem to not.

Ryan Jones
Bill + Jaden = Karen

Joanne Burns Jacobs
How fun!!

Caryn Curren
Wouldn’t it be amazing if people extended their Christmas spirit to protecting others and possibly saving lives?
While I appreciate Christmas caroling in any normal year, it would’ve been wonderful to see folks wearing masks and taking precautions at the same time given the current state of affairs. This year is an extraordinary year that everybody wants to treat just like every other time, but it’s not.

Caryn Curren
Even if it was only one persons life🎄??🎄

Ron Tello Culley
I'm throwing a FLAG ON THE PLAY!!!
Carolers to the bench. Locals, Home Court Advantage is in effect.

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:tello: " Notes from on HIGH...on a mountain..

I'm thinking back to the days of my youth, and

now I have concluded that I would have become a better Citizen if I WAZZINT socialized in School and Church.

That way, I wouldn't have the luxury of selectively hating inferior lifeforms.

All in all, the results have become the same:

The Prophet had spoken.
Covid is your new buddy.
I'm living better than The Middle Class for now, and
I answer to one voice
and it


             :bigcalibre:    :santasleigh:                      :xmastree: :sniper:
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Carols lives matter

Practice safe Christmas carolling ....wear condoms on your ears when listening 


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Dee Levey

Per usual,last nights city council meeting regarding "vacation rentals"...Nothing but empty "lip service" from our powers that be. Anyone with a pulse and an ounce of common sense realizes that in Big Bear "Documentation equals Liability" 😉They,the powers that be, want to continue to collect their $$$ without being "liable" for the "covid" outcome. Our health and well being does NOT matter,so do as you will and enjoy the $$$ from your vacation rentals while small businesses,hair and beauty salons,barber shops restaurants, etc,lose everything😥🙏. I do hope your $$$ protects you and those you value from Covid? I do expect Travelers and guests at any time to start suing vacation rental owners,and management companies, when they get "covid" sick while on vacation🤔 but that's a whole different topic 😉carry on.

Kyle R Grover
I told you I wasn't worried about closing my rentals.

Dee Levey
Kyle R Grover yep,you made it very clear multiple times that you are not concerned about the lockdown, and you're not concerned about covid-19, and your not concerned about closing down your rentals. and we all heard you loud and clear.

Kyle R Grover
Just saying we are in control not them. Just took a couple of calls from some people up here(not me)

Dee Levey
Kyle R Grover I have no idea what you're talking about regarding a "couple of calls"😂😂 nobody called anybody. there's nothing different happening up here that hasn't been happening for the last 5 years 😂our powers that be don't give a damn about any of us all they care about is making money at any cost just like a lot of property managers,and management companies.and here's hoping nobody they value ends up with covid😉

Diane de Warren
They are disgusting 🤬

Janis Thompson
Its not fair

Dee Levey
Janis Thompson I totally agree with you 👍it's not fair, not one damn bit of it is fair💜?🙏

Paula Nelson-Glass
This same reason Octoberfest was allowed up here but kids could not go trick or treating because oktoberfest brings in the money🤬🤬

Suzy Angell
I hope Karma smacks them right between the eyes!! Fuking disgusting pieces of shite!! There’s no reason why a beauty salon can’t stay open sanitizing between clients and making the customers stay in their cars until they get called inside! Noooooo they want them to lose their business and allow covid to spread 20-30 ppl a day. This shite just makes my blood boil!😡🤯🤮😤

Sandy Tocalino
This is just a travesty! I rarely leave my house and don’t feel I can do takeout to support the restaurants because they are constantly exposed. Very very sad. Today’s occupancy for ICU beds is 0

Diane de Warren
L.A. County has fewer than 100 ICU beds available, with worst still coming, officials say

Dee Levey
Diane de Warren at least they have fun Riverside County in San Bernardino County as of this morning have a 0 ICU beds although we do have access to over 200 ventilators😥

Diane de Warren
Dee Levey yaks...
I started double masking. I'm not taking any chance.

Lynn Buffamonte
How can they prove they got covid from the rental?

Dee Levey
Lynn Buffamonte people sue for anything it's up to their attorney to prove that their lawsuit is legitimate

Ron Tello Culley
Dee, I picked up a bit of that and it was how the adults sound in a Charlie Brown Movie.
These mooks are not qualified to take out the household garbage, how the felafel did they get in office?????
Lose 'em. Lose 'em NOW! Legally, and embarrass them in the process. Shame them to death, or something....

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Carols lives matter

Practice safe Christmas carolling ....wear condoms on your ears when listening

Sing it, Brother!
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Dee Levey

I guess I need to make something very clear. We are ALL in this together. And We are ALL, in one way or another affected by this ridiculous pandemic and the constant restrictions, and the constant lockdowns, and our powers that be and their constant back peddling and disregard for the people who live in the community.

And while I truly believe that everybody is entitled to their own opinion, what I will NOT tolerate is anyone attacking other members because they are scared or feel this whole nightmare is not fair. Making light of other members feelings, or belittling other members because they may not think the same as you do will not be tolerated in this group. There are polite civil ways of having a discussion without trying to belittle someone.

I will try my best to address any unnecessary rudeness asap. The first time I catch it, I will do my best to politely nip it in the bud. If it happens again there's nothing to talk about. I will remove you and block you from the group.

This is not the time to be acting shitty to each other, at least not in this group. There's plenty of other groups where you can go and treat other people like shite.
If you don't agree with something someone says, then simply scroll past it. Belittling someone for their feelings and fears is a low, disgusting thing to do, and I will NOT tolerate it.

Thank you, that is all.

Jorge Molne
People should be able to agree or disagree without ad hominem attacks, that is just rude and infantile. As Americans and even more important as neighbors, we should be patient and compassionate with each other even if we think the other person’s perspective and point of view is absolutely ridiculous And contrary to our political or religious views.

Susan Schoonenberg
Sadly the subject of Covid-19 is a question of getting ill or death or not getting ill. There is no longer time for discussion. All the information is out there. 300,000 dead so far. Hospitals inundated. No enough Critical Care RN’s. It will only get uglier.

Dee Levey
Susan Schoonenberg all the more reason to be respectful to each other

Ron Tello Culley
I respect everybody and thing. I'm just not in Public to demonstrate any of it.
Shelter In Place.

Mattie J Sanchez
I don't want anyone gone.

Ron Tello Culley
Nobody goes! Stick around for the Arts and Crafts in town!
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The last time I died of covid it was someone elses fault


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This first time I sampled cyanide, I said "Needs salt".
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Try it with a squeeze of lime


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After I survived The Northridge Earthquake, I was soooo pizzzed orf,

cuz I was waiting for the lid to crash on me and then I die, or worse...sent to a HMO for exam and asprin.

Can you imagine? All ramped up and accepting an unruly Death, and then ya live to tell?

I'm still mad about it.

I take it personal.

Like, what's wrong with me that Death won't let me in the Peer Group?

Oh! I know!

My Karma keeps running over their Dogma.

Of course! And that's my sworn testimony yer Onner!
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Try it with a squeeze of lime

Once again M8 yer on time with another delivery of Too Little Too

Do I need to sign for it?
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André L. Paré
You’re scar has healed quite well, I can hardly see where they did the lobotomy.

Ron Tello Culley
Hi Melt! Still in TOP FORM i see. Love ya Bro, here have a pic fresh out of the Morgue!
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Ron Tello Culley
I sold my soul to Rock and Roll. The dividends are marginal. I had a good life. I look back and think "Damn, I did that? And got away with it?!! Great now how come I couldn't capitalize on my talents?"
1) I'm too good and expensive
2) No good at all
It's about Perception.

Corey Day
Ron Morrison Culley

Ron Tello Culley
Dang it, Corey! That's a High Honor and Compliment. I accept it and Salute you Sir! Tell a friend I did that, ok?😄
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"LIKE" if you remember this EDDIE VAN HALEN POSTER from the '80's!

Ron Tello Culley
I was there. Wait.. somebody was. So where was I? Hollywood ain't THAT big.... I watched VH blow the doors of the Pasadena Civic Auditorium in...197tee what? I've been in Therapy ever since, lol....

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Check out the tell tale signs that this fb account is bogus...

Patricia Annette Shartner
You're friends on Facebook
Lives in Portland, Oregon
Tue 1:27 AM

Patricia sent Yesterday at 1:27 AM
Patricia sent Yesterday at 1:27 AM

Patricia sent Yesterday at 1:27 AM
Thanks for the add

You sent Yesterday at 2:19 AM
Tue 9:33 AM

Patricia sent Yesterday at 9:33 AM
How are you doing today?

Tue 3:04 PM
You sent Yesterday at 3:04 PM
Ok under the circumstances. I see you know Montello. What will you have of me---a good story? I have it!.

Patricia sent Yesterday at 3:06 PM

You sent Yesterday at 3:07 PM
You know Troy, right? Or am I mistaken?

Patricia sent Yesterday at 3:08 PM
Yes i do but we’re just friends on here nothing more

You sent Yesterday at 3:08 PM
Oh I see, ok then. So how are you?
Tue 5:09 PM

Patricia sent Yesterday at 5:09 PM
I'm good and you?

Tue 6:11 PM
You sent Yesterday at 6:11 PM
fine. Lovin' the apocalypse, as advertised!

Patricia sent Yesterday at 6:45 PM
Where do you live?

You sent Yesterday at 6:46 PM
Big Bear Ca

Patricia sent Yesterday at 6:50 PM
I’m in Portland

Patricia sent Yesterday at 6:50 PM
So how are you holding up during these crazy times?

You sent Yesterday at 6:52 PM
Excellent. I have a 'going on". Gov. money, communal household, quiet neborhood and heating fuel. I think I will survive.
12:47 AM

Patricia sent Today at 12:47 AM
I’m glad to hear that

Patricia sent Today at 12:47 AM
How’s your wife and kids?

You sent Today at 12:50 AM
My wife died in 911 and my kids are in prison. Why do you ask?

Patricia sent Today at 1:01 AM
That’s sad

Patricia sent Today at 1:01 AM
Sorry about your late wife

Patricia sent Today at 1:01 AM
I’m a widow, I have a daughter and her name is Farrah, she’s 8

We are done.
Communication terminated.

You've Blocked Messages and Calls From Patricia Annette Shartner's Facebook Account
You can't message or call them in this chat, and you won't receive their messages or calls.
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I don't have wife and kids
and there's NO Public Record saying so,
not on my fb profile...nowhere.

Hack Account.

And if it IS legit?
No, I have a low tolerance for small talk.
Hell, it's difficult enuff trying to keep up with smee.

It's The Internet, folks!

Log In at your OWN RISK!!!
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Patricia sent Today at 1:01 AM
I’m a widow, I have a daughter and her name is Farrah, she’s 8

See? Straight out of the chute....playing the Sympathy Card,
and...AND offering up a Sacrificial Virgin to a total stranger me.

Damn it, that reminds me to renew my subscription to The Donner Party Guest List.

WTF is wrong with the world?


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Am I gonna get in trouble for Farrah Jerky jokes?
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And what about her

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Farrah and her mom walk into a Bar....

Neither one did any research on the perils of Trolling me.

Check my History.
No Family Guy here.

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Forum degradation can happen at any time of year.

This one just happens to pop at Christmas.

I don't blame you.

Yes, I do.

Every one of you.

I'm posting to myself again.

WTF, it's FREE!
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60 Hits in a half hour.

I'm watching, waiting and aware.
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I see you on The Fountain.

I respect your right to ignore The Tello Files.

Hell, after that Tello Poem you wrote,
you really have no obligation to post with me ever again.

(And that time when ya called The Cowboy Bar when my sister was in town...was SUPER special, remember?)

And it's an option you have obviously flicked.

It's OK.

I care.

I just don't show it.
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And if I ever find out that it's YOU maliciously jacking up my Hit Counter,
I'm gonna.................

.......nope, I can't do shite.

Lucky you!
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Scott Markovich
Merry Christmas everyone and hang in there!

Shirley Wolcott
Merry Christmas to you!

Laura Hougland-Green
Merry Christmas!

Ron Tello Culley
California Christmas Hippie Sandals....EPIC!

I wear Sheep Skin Slippers. Hippie not dead.

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Merry virus and a lurgi new year


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Scrooge 2020: "Bah, Hum-virus!"
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Rim Employment
Public group
5.7K members

Ron Tello Culley

Handyman Wanted: Assemble a Kit Garden Shed.
Plastic. EZ action. 5' W x 2' D x tall.
Will pay cash.
Need it done yesterday.
PM me, THX!

Victor Stevenson
Nick Hampe

Julia Irving
Dean Roskovich

Josh Myers
Myers Const

Ron Tello Culley
Thx so much for all your input. I'm fielding applicants tomorrow. If it duzzint wash, I'll keep the offer open. Cheers!

:tello: " This V guy is coming tomorrow. I found him in the Handyman section of BeardBook "
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Debbi C Thues
I'm making Marshmellow
"Fantasy Fudge"@ 4600ft for the first time.
Any high elevation tips?

Ann Ford Burgess
Unless you are at 5000 or above you don’t need any special instructions

Debbi C Thues
Ann Ford Burgess GREAT! Thanks!

Ron Tello Culley
I want some fudge! You deliver?

Debbi C Thues
Well... I have a list...
Let's see if I have any left over...after I eat the excess!

Ron Tello Culley
Reeses is NOT sorry. You are just silly!

Cynthia Siemens Willman
Debbi, I think you're at 5500 feet at your place...

Debbi C Thues
Cynthia Siemens Willman really? I'll check.

Cynthia Siemens Willman
Yes, the lake itself is at 5174' altitude and you're above that, so...
Image may contain: sky, cloud and outdoor, text that says '173 ? Lake Twin Peaks Skyforest Arrowhead Rimforest Lake Arrowhead Census-designated place n California Lake Arrowhead is an unincorporated community and a census designated place in the San Bernardino Mountains of San Bernardino County, California, surrounded by the San Bernardino National Forest, and surrounding the Lake Arrowhead Reservoir. Wikipedia Elevation: 5,174' Area: mi*'

Cynthia Siemens Willman
I just found and I'm at 5259, and you look down on my house! 🙂
What is my elevation?

Ron Tello Culley
High enuff to get a nosebleed...

Joyce Johnson
actually,I never make fudge when there is so much moisture in the air,sometimes it doesn't set up

John Stephens
Yes, smoke a few bowls of weed before baking anything...

Ron Tello Culley
Bake and BAKE. Ain't we something???

Ron Tello Culley
No, wait... BAKE and bake, right?

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"