Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2958503 times)


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Wow! That 2 hour blackout in Sugarloaf was  amusing.
It turned Night Owls into Night Crawlers.
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You know who lives
next door
Creek Bed?
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The BEST Swap Meet in The West!
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I went to a swap meet once and on the way home went through a drive through bottleshop
and bought a six pack for the Mrs

Then I got pulled over by the cops

The officer said , what have you been up to today sir

I said Ive just been to the local swap meet and got a six pack for the Mrs

He said .....sounds like a fair swap to me


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Dee Levey
  · Yesterday at 7:20 AM  ·
🤔Everyone has known it was going to be a tourist shitshow. The city made it clear over a week ago that they had no intention of following State or County lockdown orders😡.
What's with all the complaining and,"shock & awe" now?
You can thank Rick Herrick,the mayor most of you voted for the last 4 terms🤔
Here's hoping our New Mayor does a better job🙏

Rebecca Jo Gaines
So glad we have a new mayor

Jey Allen
This sh*tshow is the same as every year, no big shocker, as far as large groups of rude mindless people anyway, only difference is the Covid many will be carrying, of course with the more than likely fresh snow there will be more stupidity based accidents and snow toy litter, AS USUAL, it shouldn't be as usual due to the safety restrictions, but it will be, as our current leadership only cares about money 💰, hopefully that will change with the incoming administration, but for now, buy your supplies early, before the 31st, stay away from crowded stores and locations where the maskless walking petre dishes congregate and we hopefully will be okay, don't forget to gas up, they WILL sell every drop to the tourists so get fuel before it's gone, just common sense stuff

Diane de Warren
Can't wait for our new mayor!
From what I read he has the locals' best interests on his agenda and not lining his own pockets 🙏🏼

Mike Rotman
I thought it was Frank and Larry who decided to approach the council with this, we are going to ignore the states order.l as long as it's single households only.

Dee Levey
Mike Rotman they are ignoring everything per usual

Linda Bettys
CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT FOR ANY RESIDENT THAT GETS COVID!!! They are violating state regulation and putting peoples health in jeopardy. Any lawyers out there?

Dee Levey
Linda Bettys class actions lawsuits require a pro bono attorney. First I'd get a free consult. Our powers that be have already put a large amount of money together in anticipation of being sued.

Linda Bettys
What’s a human life worth??? There are plenty of hungry lawyers out there!!!

Dee Levey
Linda Bettys you don't want a "hungry" lawyer, better known as an ambulance Chaser. You want a damn good lawyer, who puts human safety first and is experienced in this pandemic and mandates. It's also helpful that they have a history of going up against cities, and mayors. You want somebody that knows what they're doing. Not all attorneys take Pro Bono Class Action Lawsuits. And it's not something you want to turn over to some inexperienced hungry attorney.

Linda Bettys
Has anyone paid attention to the line of ambulances in front of hospitals throughout California??? There is a several hour wait!!! I have several family in hospital and first responders; major trauma patients are sitting in ambulances, critical respiratory patients are sitting in ambulances!!! I’ve had my doubts about this whole thing, BUT ITS REAL!!! It time to protect our citizens!!!

Michelle Chambliss
I don’t understand when this started and we had way way less cases there were stricter restrictions, now it’s crowded AF and the pandemic is worse than its ever been. I get that we need to support local businesses and property owners need to pay bills but it’s wall to wall flatlanders up here !!!

Rebecca Jo Gaines
Michelle Chambliss it's packed out there.

Dee Levey
Michelle Chambliss it started shortly before Thanksgiving and has quickly become worse,sadly knowing that,our Powers that be have CONCIOUSLY and BLATANTLY chosen to VIOLATE the State and County lockdown

Michelle Chambliss
Rebecca Jo Gaines right? I thought they were not allowing vacation rentals for a couple of weeks?

Rebecca Jo Gaines
Michelle Chambliss omg I almost got hit 2 times and Moonridge is packed.

Lorie Linn
I would happily spend all my money in Big Bear. With all of the tourists, I haven’t been in town since April. I assume I am not alone. We have been shut off from our own town.

Diane Jones Simonds
Lorie Linn That's the saddest part. There have always been part time rentals up here and until the past couple of years we knew midweek was safe to go out traffic/crowd wise to run errands & support our local businesses. The new over saturation of STR property owners are running full time businesses 7-days a week, 365 days a year now in neighborhoods zoned as residential not commercial. I used to joke that if I wanted to live next to a Motel 6, I would have built next to one. Now, on second thought, hotels/motels Do Not put up with the crap we have to deal with: Parties till all hours, noise, people in spa after 10p, litter, loud music at all hours, etc. They are dealt with quickly, unlike us full timers taxpayers that have to wait hours on end for code enforcement to respond, if at all, to our calls.

Rebecca Jo Gaines
Diane Jones Simonds it's horrible on Holidays.

Sandy Tocalino
Lorie Linn me either! It’s frustrating that “others” enjoy our town and I don’t feel safe doing so. Don’t do takeout either because I don’t believe the workers we don’t see have their masks on and they are around the visitors as well.

Mattie J Sanchez
The line of cars is from before Running Springs, bumper to bumper past the ski slopes.
I have never seen this much congestion.
Not even the last few snow storms or holidays.

Dee Levey
Mattie J Sanchez I am not quite sure where you been living, but this is exactly what goes on all the time during the Christmas and New Year holiday,at least it's been that way since 2000 that I'm aware of,lol. Most times the line of cars starts down at the bottom of the mountain and is bumper-to-bumper all the way up and past the dam into town. This is nothing new , other than we're in the middle of a pandemic and our city chose to ignore all state and County mandates in lockdown 😂😂

Mattie J Sanchez
What time of night does it let up? I have never been caught up in traffic going home. Only for accidents.

Michelle Chambliss
I’m not a fan of the Governor and I’m of the opinion that people have a right to make a living unless the government is going to pay their bills, how else are people going to survive, but when we are in the worst time during the pandemic since it started, when we have limited healthcare resources, live in a small town and have a high population of retired and elderly, it’s not going to kill the city to discourage a huge amount of tourism for a couple of weeks, we live in Southern California which is the epicenter of the battle against Covid right now, it’s not business as usual or at least it shouldn’t be.

Nicole Boucher
They go into the convenient stores arguing about not wearing a mask but then god forbid someone in the store is coughing they that”you have Covid” well if you’d wear your damn masks or better yet stay the hell home, our town wouldn’t get sick!!! Covid numbers only skyrocket when the damn tourists come up!!! STAY HOME!!!
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The phrase “the Fall of America” suggests some cataclysmic event ended the American Empire which had stretched from Maine to California and Florida to Washington. But at the end, there was no straining at the gates, no barbarian horde that dispatched the Empire in one fell swoop. Rather, the Empire fell slowly, as a result of challenges from within and without, and changing over the course of hundreds of years until its form was unrecognizable.
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In the absence of law and order and the sufficient authorities capable of enforcing the same, a void is created that demands to be filled.

Either the thugs fill it with more chaos and mayhem or the Good Americans fill it and restore order. 

And, should these radicals persist in tearing down every last vestige of everything good, decent and true within our culture and our American heritage, all America may soon bear witness to the void being filled with the dead carcasses of the thugs and the Antifa and BLM communist radicals of this nation, who are doing all they can to destroy the republic and “fundamentally transform America” into an authoritarian, probably totalitarian, socialist regime, using any means necessary.

Including violence.
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Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc.
53m  ·
Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc. is aware of the outage in the Paradise and Erwin area. BVES crews have been dispatched and are working to restore power safely. We do not have an estimated time of restoration at this time.

Ron Tello Culley
Yeah that's great. What up with the Sugarloaf blackout 2:15 to 4:15 AM this morning? I want answers!??
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All available electricity is being used to power the respirators in the ICU's 


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That's one working theory.

Another is: Who turned the lights out?

And why...
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Maybe vibrators being recharged due to lockdown?


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Go and take yours off charge then


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Back in the old Family Days, if you complained about your Holiday Gifts:

"You don't like some so you get Moe"
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  • Knights of the RT
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Never figured you being under the thumb, Tello ......

Guess I was wrong.


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Good Evening, Horse!

Enjoying the show, I see.

Orchestrated Kaos:

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


  • Knights of the RT
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Chaos indeed - and consistent!

Doesn't matter if I skim past most of it or read half a post in 5 pages, the song is unsettlingly familiar.


  • Knights of the RT
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If I was asked to sum up Tello in one word.......

After rolling my eyes through the back of my head (more than once) ... it would probably be: "Meh".

Sorry ... make that "MEH!"


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No Contest

I Plead "No Contest"
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  • Knights of the RT
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I'm not trying to compete here.  I know have NO chance!

Just adding to the ambiance, like a good little heckler spectator.


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Yes and it is Grand!

Welcome to the 7th ring of Hello.

Did smee put you up to this?
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So hey Brums,
howz yer best Yibs impersonation?

Pass audition and


The Three Amigoes Mark 2

Go ask smee.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


  • Knights of the RT
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No influence from Smee whatsoever .... aside, perhaps, for a little inspiration.

All my own work.

Not sure if I should feel honoured or scared at the invitation .... but I would never be able to fill Yibs' shoes.

Besides, I have my own, well established little comfort zone that is still in the game (on the sidelines).  I doubt I would survive long out in the middle of the field.


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Boy you got me convinced.

Good move.

Just interveen in the cross-fire at will.

I shoot my mouth and smee shoots blanks.

It's a Hard Brainer.
Take your lumps.

No worries, yet.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


  • Knights of the RT
  • Knight of the RT
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Maybe I'm just weird enough to keep you guessing.......

(I'm sure you would find that entertaining.)


  • Knights of the RT
  • Knight of the RT
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Then, again, I'll blame you for me being that way.

(Something you'd probably claim anyway!)


  • Knights of the RT
  • Knight of the RT
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Yep .... it's all Tello's fault.


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If I dint have this space,
I'd have no life at all.

Do you know I took home delivery
on an OZ of weed today?

Trust me, they don't give receipts.

So, yeah...
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20 years ago weed was a Felony.
20 years after that, covid is the new Public Menace.

It's all Policy.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


  • Knights of the RT
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.... and you were there for both.

(If you include Trump, you have the trifecta.)

Excuse me ... I have something less important to attend to.


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Winter Storm - Warning from 12/28/2020 1:00:00 AM to 12/29/2020 12:00:00 AM
Winter Storm Warning issued December 27 at 1:25PM PST until December 29 at 12:00AM PST by NWS SanDiego

:panic:    :runforhills:                :yess:                                    :snowy:

San Bernardino County Mountains

* WHAT...Heavy snow and strong winds expected. Plan on difficult
travel conditions, including during the morning and evening
commutes Monday. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches,
with localized amounts of 12 to 18 inches expected.

* WHERE...Above 4500 feet. Heaviest amounts above 5500 feet.

* WHEN...1 AM Monday to midnight Monday night.

* WHO...Tello's House.

* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Be prepared for significant reductions in
visibility at times due to fog and blowing snow with southwest
winds of 20 to 40 mph with local gusts over 50 mph.

A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather
conditions are expected. If you must travel, keep an extra
flashlight, food, water and a Goddamm MASK in your vehicle in case of an
For road condition information in California...enter
8 0 0 4 2 7 7 6 2 3 if inside california or
9 1 6 4 5 5 7 6 2 3 if outside California.

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Room For Rent
Single person
Pets, smoking and 420 ok
First, last and

Inquire within.
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Due to unscheduled programming difficulties
and a confused, manic Staff here in Master Control Hut,
we have an UPDATE.

Here's how the Movie plays out:

Boy meets girl.
They get a room,
in a Hi-Rise
on the beach.

Pranksters crash a Firecracker Drone into their room.
Shite blows up.
An undersea earthquake triggers a tsunami.
It levels the building but the fire is out.

Rescue Teams were unavailable due to covid.

And then the Zombies show up.

[to be continued]

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btw, Tokyo called.

They want
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J. Craig Williams
We're ready. Snowblower gassed, started just to be sure & out of the shed in position to take on the berm(s)! Windshield wipers up, diaper on the windshield & chains on the front wheels & in 4-wheel drive.

Alan N Isabel Granade
J. Craig Williams diaper on the windshield ?

J. Craig Williams
Alan N Isabel Granade i.e.
FrostGuard | Simple Solutions to Cold Winter Problems

Alan N Isabel Granade
J. Craig Williams awesome bro

Brian Waite
Kevin Moran we will see a lot of that tomorrow. Lots of Landers of Flatness here who will find out their cars don't go in snow.

Lauren Bowen
Kevin Moran or lost hikers...

Kelly Magnone
If only my street were that well lit and level...
Hmmm. Diaper on the windshield. That's a new one for me. I'll have to try it if I can afford diapers on my retirement

Deborah Hanson

Medya Salih
When? I am waiting patiently.

Martin Crawford
tomorrow! 🙂

Will Hrehniy
I think Ill just wait till later in the day tomorrow to get ready , maybe go to staters around noonish , I should prob buy some of them chain thingies you folks are always talking about

Susan Wilcox
Will Hrehniy You just made my day.

Don Lanier
Will Hrehniy 🤣🤣spider spikes

Roland Reich
Chains don't actually go on your tires, they're just to show at chain control

Liam Bare
Will Hrehniy I just bought my first pair of chains ever for this season.. only used them when I had to do an off-road recovery in 2 feet of snow up at GVL lol.

Mary Engman
Yep, it’s cute coming!

Barbara Key Hammill
4"-13" tonight Big Bear 

Luann Wegener
NOT my street...thank God!

Charlotte Geraghty

Pat Brown
Starting tonight!

Sheri Holden Esquerra
Yikes. ?? ??

Crystal Scherer
Such a good one!!!!!!!

Kathy Marie
We’re ready! Bring it on ????

Jackie Elaine
Hopefully not that much. 😟

Linda Davis
Let it snow let it snow let it snow

Ron Tello Culley

Toni Littlefoot Salini
Looking forward to it

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:smee!: "Hey Tello are you ready for that?"

:tello: " Does a Tello shite in the backyard?

Damn right I am! I gotta shovel my way
to the Dunny
in the

Trailer Park Life, M8! "
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Vicki Dolezal
Just saw two huskies one silver & white the other brown on our E victoria ct in the villas
Both with bandanas on and tags

Will Hrehniy
can someone tell me why the check engine light on my Jeep wont turn off ?
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Heres a hack for those that use a daiper on the windshield ....

Dont use soiled ones 


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Try this:

Click the "reply" link 500 times
your electricity will
go out
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