Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 3420185 times)


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COVID Medical Tyranny: Federal Judge Rules Companies Can Require Employees to be Injected with Experimental Gene Therapy

Alex Jones breaks down how a federal judge ruled that companies can mandate the experimental COVID mRNA vaccine to employees in a clear violation of civil rights.

The Big Tech purge is here! Follow Infowars and Alex Jones on other growing platforms now to stay informed as the information blackout accelerates.

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Black Lives Matter mutiny: Michael Brown's father joins BLM chapters demanding to know what foundation did with $90 million

A group comprised of the original 10 chapters of Black Lives Matter and some newer chapters have called for the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation to provide "financial transparency" and "internal accountability." The splinter BLM group is gaining momentum following the mutiny from the parent Black Lives Matter organization after the father of Michael Brown lent his support of questioning the motives of the Black Lives Matter foundation.
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What is the ".com" in website addresses short for?


Website addresses today have a wide variety of three-letter suffixes - also known as "top-level domains" – from the classic ".gov" (which stands for government) and ".org" (short for organization). But far and away the most popular variety, ".com," is short for "commercial."

Debuting in 1985 with a website for computer maker Symbolics, Inc., the .com domain was intended to denote websites that could be registered by anyone, regardless of affiliation.

It took a few years for the domain to catch on, but by the mid-1990s countless companies were registering their own space on the developing internet (including "cybersquatters," who registered domains in the hope of later selling those domain names to specific companies).

This online "land rush" in turn led to massive investment interest in technology companies in general, fostering an era later nicknamed the "Dotcom Boom" (or, slightly more cynically, the "Dotcom Bubble").

Source: CNN | Date Updated: June 9, 2021
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Tello Views from The Garden Woods

"Tomorrow's lumber is today's standing tall."

And the kindling is free!
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Miranda Rights Created
June 13, 1966

"You have the right to remain silent" — the phrase has become a common throughout pop culture. But it wasn’t until June 13, 1966, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in "Miranda v. Arizona," that a person’s rights — specifically protection from self-incrimination and the right to counsel — officially extended to Americans in police custody.

Three years earlier, Ernesto Miranda had been arrested by Phoenix police for a violent crime, and after two hours of interrogation, signed a confession despite never being told his rights. While the Arizona Supreme Court upheld Miranda’s guilty verdict, the U.S. Supreme Court disagreed, writing, "It is not admissible to do a great right by doing a little wrong."

The new ruling required police officers to read the famous Miranda Warning, word-for-word off printed cards, to any suspect being taken into custody for questioning. Although Miranda won his case, his subsequent retrial didn’t go as well. But after being paroled in 1972, Miranda basked in his newfound fame, autographing Miranda Warning cards for $1.50 each.
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"This Fastly glitch is a stark example of how much control these Big Tech companies have over everyone’s lives."
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"Joe Biden is likely the most ungodly President America has seen thus far, and his term has only just begun."
The Catholic League released a report on just how Catholic Biden really is and it will likely blow your mind
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"Even foreign leaders, who depend on the United States for aid and other assistance, were telling Harris to her face that Harris was wrong and it was Joe Biden who caused the border crisis."
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Ron. Please look and see why your landline phone is not working.


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Lotus, the power bar was off. ON now!

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Hey LOOK! A Bunch of Yanks in Unison
National Anthem Singer Drowned Out By Crowd – They Stand Up And Overwhelm Her With Patriotic Singing
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Baltimore Responds After Dozens of Businesses Threaten to Stop Paying Taxes

Around three dozen businesses in Fells Point, Baltimore, said in a letter that they won’t pay taxes unless the city adequately deals with a surge in crime in the area that included a series of recent shootings earlier this month that left three dead.

Last week, 37 restaurants and small businesses sent a letter to the mayor’s office stating that they would stop paying local taxes and other fees until “basic and essential municipal services are restored.” The letter was addressed to Democrat Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott, Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, Democrat City Council President Nick Mosby, Democrat City Councilman Zeke Cohen, and Police Commissioner Harrison.
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"Apple pie is synonymous with America, therefore, it is clearly racist."
The woke outrage mob is coming after this truly American food and calling for it to be canceled

Even if you’ve been paying attention, it’s likely difficult to keep up with all the things the left-wing radicals are offended by these days.

The utter ridiculousness of what they are trying to do away with seems to grow each day.
And now the woke outrage mob is coming after this truly American food and calling for it to be canceled.

Apple pie is synonymous with America.

It’s one of the few foods that seem to be almost patriotic.

Therefore, it is clearly racist.

According to food writer and self-proclaimed “activist” Raj Patel, apple pie is rooted in colonialism and slavery.

“The apple pie is as American as stolen land, wealth, and labor. We live its consequences today,” Patel wrote.

Sounds like a fun dinner date.
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The Messy Eater Helping Save Over 18 Other Species

In one of the world’s largest and most beautiful wetlands, thousands of airborne farmers are working their magic. Not so long ago, they were on the brink of extinction in the wild, but their ongoing comeback story is revealing a more complex relationship between parrots and plants than we could have ever imagined.

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Cacao vs Cocoa: The Difference and Why It Matters

Chocolate is a delicious treat. That’s simple enough. What’s not so simple, though, is figuring out the difference between “cocoa” and “cacao.” If this has you scratching your head, you’re not alone.

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What is the term for a group of people all misremembering the same fact?

Mandela Effect
Murphy's Law
Butterfly Effect
Déjà vu

Do you remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison? How about Jiffy peanut butter? What about the beloved children’s book series The Berenstein Bears? If you have vivid, specific memories of any of the above, you’re suffering from the Mandela Effect — when multiple people remember facts or experiences that don’t match reality.

(For the record, Mandela died free and surrounded by family in 2013; the peanut butter was and is called Jif; and it’s The BerenSTAIN Bears, not Berenstein.) The paranormal author and researcher Fiona Broome has been collecting memories that don’t match reality on her website,, since 2009.

The site started after she and other attendees at a convention began chatting about memories that differ from real events, and specifically Broome’s recollection of Mandela dying tragically in prison. In the early days of the website, some users speculated that the discrepancies were caused by the existence of parallel universes, or “timestreams,” that people had been moving between without knowing it. The idea has since caught on across the internet, with the Berenstain Bears example particularly popular.

Source: Healthline | Date Updated: June 1, 2021
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Suspicious item on the Amtrak train. Everyone had to disembark in Van Nuys, with their luggage kept on the train. This is not a station, but a stop. It's hot, and people are gathered in the shade. Nobody knows how long this will take. I asked if this suspicious item might be in someone's luggage, they said no. Oh wow! I just felt a slight breeze. Glad I have water.


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Time’s Up For BLM – Internal Tensions Bring Organization To Its Knees
June 14, 2021
:rofl:    :lmao:      :roflmao:      :lol:                             :keelhaul:Tensions inside Black Lives Matter seem to have reached a boiling point – and it could finally be the downfall of the Marxist group which has flooded the media with propaganda to capture the hearts of leftists all over America.
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When Did This Happen?
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Suspicious item on the Amtrak train. Everyone had to disembark in Van Nuys, with their luggage kept on the train. This is not a station, but a stop. It's hot, and people are gathered in the shade. Nobody knows how long this will take. I asked if this suspicious item might be in someone's luggage, they said no. Oh wow! I just felt a slight breeze. Glad I have water.


It's prolly a diaper bag.
When SECURITY gets stupid, that's what you got there.

By the way.....I cleaned up the joint. More room to zoom.
My next stop: "The Vacuum Zone".

Chores is not a disease.
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I get eMail, and I get Reactive

The price of independence

Larry P. Arnn <>


Mon, Jun 14 at 4:53 PM

Good evening,

Too many American colleges and universities are failing to equip their students with the knowledge and character required for a good and happy life—much less for useful citizenship. 
And they are failing to do these things while receiving billions of your tax dollars in the process!

There are many reasons for the sorry state of American higher education today. Not the least of them is the financial entanglement of our colleges and universities with the federal government—an entanglement that goes back now over 60 years. 

By accepting tax dollars over these many decades, colleges and universities have also had to accept the corrupting and unconstitutional regulations attached to those dollars. It has proved a devil’s bargain.?

Hillsdale College has rejected this bargain: we refuse to accept ONE PENNY of federal or state government funding—not even indirectly in the form of federal or state student grants or loans.?

:tello: "And I offer this":

The Student as N!gge&
by Jerry Farber

The Student as N!gge& is the title of an essay & subsequent book by American educator Jerry Farber. The essay 1st appeared in the Los Angeles Free Press in 1967 & is cited as one of the 1st underground publications to receive wide recognition. It was reprinted over 500 times in the the 1960s & was published in book form in 1969 by Pocket Books.

The essay, published during the height of the American Civil Rights Movement, in which Farber was an active participant, draws an extended analogy between the status of students at California State University & the status of African Americans.

"The main idea expressed is that the school system is detrimental to the student. It forces learning when learning should never be forced. The most important lessons you learn have nothing to do with subject; rather they're the implicit inculcation of docility, passivity, fear of questioning authority, inability to think, plan and act by ones self, and constant dependence of authoritative figures."
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The Good Stuff is at the bottom!

Christy Cooper shared her first post.

  · Yesterday at 11:49 AM  ·
Skippy McCormick
whoop whoop
 · Reply · 1d
Caryn Curren
love is love lgbt GIF by TALLY WEiJL
 · Reply · 1d
Daniel Bryan Roby
GIF may contain cowboy, hug, Brokeback Mountain, couple, gay, Jack Twist and Ennis Del Mar
 · Reply · 1d
Brittany Martin
Happy pride month
GIF may contain gay, pride and Pride Month
 · Reply · 1d
Dixie Roberts

You've brought tears to my eyes...thank you for this!
 · Reply · 1d · Edited
O'ryan Moore
May be a cartoon of text that says 'i wish all LGBTQIA+, Closeted and Questioning folks a very pleasant You are valid, loved and amazing happy pride nonth'
 · Reply · 1d
Bud Priess

The month of the Lions?
 · Reply · 1d
Adam James Quinn
Proud of mocking God by insulting the rainbow His sign of His grace and making it a symbol of sinful twisted sexual immorality? What's so happy about that? If anything there should be weeping or fear of the second judgment that will soon be upon all th… See More
 · Reply · 1d
Solecitos Fam
What’s there to be proud about?
 · Reply · 1d
Laci Nowell
As a Christian, I apologize on behalf of people who aren’t fully equipped with ample braincells and come on here to say things “in the name of Jesus”.
Do not allow people to mock, condemn or judge. Please do not think all Christians speak so vile. … See More
 · Reply · 1d
Katie Layton
Laci Nowell this was beautiful, thank you!
 · Reply · 1d
Voltaire De Chlorine

Laci Nowell christians are in my opinion mostly fine. The problem with christians are the problem with every group (many of my fellow vegetarians and anarchists etc. mimick this forthcoming issue as well) that the most ignorant are also the loudest. Because in Leviticus it says "he that shouteth the loudest winneth thine argument". The more wrong you are and the more nonsensical your version of the beliefs are*, the more over the top, obnoxious and (dare I misapproptiate the term?) "Click bait-ish" they have to behave.
Jesus and his fellow Jews believed some stuff. Some of it I think was right and some was wrong. But the fact is Jesus believed one thing I 100% agree with and that's "dude who cares?". He didn't care if someone was a hooker or a drunk or a schizophrenic or a pagan (see the Samaritans although they weren't pagan in the classic textbook sense they were seen as heretical by the Jews who sided with Josiah during the reforms and then again during the Persian king Cyrus/king Darius reforms etc. aka "when the Hebrew religion became decidedly and inflexibly monotheistic"). He told people what he thought was right and moved on if they seemed unresponsive. "Let the dead bury their own" and "be passers by". The latter also being why I give christians who are super into politics (of either head of the hydra, be it left or right) the 😕 face. Your kingdom is not of this world. Don't trip on people you think are going against what's right. If god is good and your beliefs are solid then you have nothing to worry about and will only risk further sinning in the process. God is the judge, not us. "Judge not lest ye be judged" and "he who has broken even the smallest of my father's laws has broken them all". Being judgemental, arrogant, pushy, mean, etc. is in my outside opinion (I am not a christian, I am nominally hindu for lack of a better term) that these sins are straying from the law as much or more than the sin they intend to correct is. And speaking of Hindus I can sum this up with Gandhi's famous quote "I like your Christ, but not so much your christians".
 · Reply · 1d · Edited
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Jan Phillips
Christian rainbow. American flag stripes. Proud of both . . . all month!
 · Reply · 1d
Monica Mnich
Adam James Quinn read the bible page by page you my dear friend are truly mistaken . SHAME ON YOU....GOD does not pass judgement. Move along we do not need your mindless little brain on our mountain.
 · Reply · 1d
Adam James Quinn
Monica Mnich My brain is far from mindless in fact I'm mindful of God's Word because I have read it. And it is to your shame because if you know God and His Word you should know better than to cast judgment on me about such things because you are mistaken. God does and will cast judgment there is a whole book dedicated to it in the Bible and he speaks of the unbelievers and the 7 churches and greatly rebukes and judges them for their acceptance of sexual immorality which homosexuality is. We all have a sinful nature but we will die in our sins if we don't repent, turn from it and walk in the spirit not the flesh for if you live by the flesh you will die as you know the Bible says. And "shall we continue in sin? Certainly not how can you who have died to sin live any longer therein" You know that "no effeminate, homosexual, fornicator, adulterer cell inherit the kingdom of God". How can you say that we should not warn others that they are in sin and in danger of judgment when we are called to go into all the world and let people know there is forgiveness and they must repent and walk in Christ to be saved when that is what the whole Word of God is all about? Would you tell them not to worry about the flesh that wars against their spirit and leave them defenceless without the armor of God in fighting the good fight that they will be overcome by their sinful flesh and parish forever? It's a serious issue please think about it
 · Reply · 1d
Julia Adams
Adam James Quinn You are an ancient language expert?
Does the Biblical Word for Homosexuality Actually Refer to Pedophilia?
Does the Biblical Word for Homosexuality Actually Refer to Pedophilia?
Does the Biblical Word for Homosexuality Actually Refer to Pedophilia?
 · Reply · 1d
Kathi Bazler
Adam James Quinn amen, you’re right on. Stand tall
 · Reply · 1d
Bonita Beighley
Adam James Quinn
You say , "God will pass judgment..." but then go on a judgemental rampage as if YOU were God. Not very Christian of you. Tsk, Tsk.
 · Reply · 23h
Adam James Quinn
Julia Adams I definitely know fare more then that guy lol. It doesn't matter how you try to reinterpret words the Bible explains it's own meaning and several times it does that with homosexuality. The Bible has actually defined the true and unchangeable definition of many words which was even different than the current meaning.
 · Reply · 22h · Edited
Adam James Quinn
Bonita Beighley I'd say as Jesus did "I do not condemn you you already have within you that which condemns you" not sure how cautioning someone about sin is a judgmental rampage. We all have sin and are born into sin with a corrupt nature and we all fight against our bodies bent that wars against the spirit as our spirit wars against our flesh. No one is going to hell because the truth shining light on their sin that can set them free. One thing is for sure they will die in their sin as we all will if the truth of Christ doesn't come into our hearts so we can see sin for what it is and turn our hearts from it to Him which is what many of you are enabling showing you don't care for them at all.
 · Reply · 22h · Edited
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Reed Farrell
Keep it to yourself nobody cares
 · Reply · 1d
Christy Cooper

Reed Farrell happy pride to you too.
GIF may contain Pride Month, Happy Pride, lgbtq and colorful
 · Reply · 1d
Reed Farrell
Christy Cooper How come normal people don't need a pride day
 · Reply · 1d
Christy Cooper

Reed Farrell
Gay Pride Rainbow GIF by Eva
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Natacha Oberlies
Reed Farrell just wow
 · Reply · 1d
Emmalee Vega
Reed Farrell keep it to YOURSELF, nobody cares.
 · Reply · 21h
Reed Farrell
Emmalee Vega nope
 · Reply · 7h
Christy Cooper

Reed Farrell the hypocrisy is uncanny lol. Happy pride month anyway!
GIF may contain Happy Pride, pride, queer, lgbtqia, lgbtq, Pride Flag, flag, Pride Month, june, love, Love Is The Answer, equality, Lgbt Rights, Rainbow Flag, Gay Pride, lovewins, Gay Rights, Queer Rights and wuguanyan
 · Reply · 7h
Reed Farrell
Christy Cooper I'm not gay but thanks anyway
 · Reply · 7h
Christy Cooper

Reed Farrell you don't have to be gay to be kind and respectful. Happy pride
GIF may contain pride and Happy Pride Month
 · Reply · 7h
Emmalee Vega
Reed Farrell then get the felafel over it 🙂
 · Reply · 7h
Reed Farrell
Emmalee Vega nope
 · Reply · 7h
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Cassidy Robertson
I’ll say one thing and one things only. I won’t even read the hateful comments. But if “being gay is a choice and a sin” i want you, to right now, for one whole hour. Choose to be gay. And then come talk to me and tell me why you can’t and then stop telling me that this is my choice to live my life
 · Reply · 1d
Kathryn Knox
Happy Pride AND thank you for the opportunity to use my block button. I move up next month full time and I want that kind of hate out of my life wherever possible. I won't give my business to bigots either.
Ally in love and pride! Happy pride! ?
 · Reply · 1d · Edited
Christy Cooper

Kathryn Knox there will no doubt be a handful of hateful religious people living up here. Just know there are caring and accepting people here too. Welcome to the neighborhood!
 · Reply · 1d
LeeCee Freeman
Kathryn Knox same here! I've blocked so many rude, nasty people from this group.
 · Reply · 1d
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Chris Dodd
Happy FLAG Day tomorrow my fellow Patriots!
 · Reply · 1d
Teresa Lynn Aguisanda

Chris Dodd My beautiful American flag flies all year long with a solar light on it at night, Forgive me because of the flag touching this little shed but I don’t know where else to put it
May be an image of standing and tree
 · Reply · 1d
Christy Cooper

Chris Dodd
GIF may contain Pride Month, Happy Pride, lgbtq and colorful
 · Reply · 1d
Jan Phillips
And it's President Trump's birthday too!
 · Reply · 1d
Christy Cooper

Jan Phillips who's trump?
 · Reply · 1d
Billie Radford
Christy Cooper more like “who cares”. lol
 · Reply · 23h
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Jan Phillips
Who is John Galt? 🙂
 · Reply · 1d
Christy Cooper

Jan Phillips oh so this trump guy is made up too?
 · Reply · 1d
Nicole Shelley
Chris Dodd Patriots fight for freedom and equality. I’m happy to see you support the LGBTQ+ community! ??
 · Reply · 1d
Chris Dodd
Nicole Shelley I've always supported the Long Beach Airport. Not sure what those other letters mean though.🤔
 · Reply · 1d
Christy Cooper

Chris Dodd hahahaha bigotry is so funny. Happy pride
GIF may contain Happy Pride, Happy Pride Month, Pride Month, pride, Queer, Lgbtiqi, Juin, june, Lee Monade, Lee Antoine, Lee A, trans, Ftm and Mtf
 · Reply · 1d
Chris Dodd
Christy Cooper call it what you want. It's all good.
 · Reply · 1d
Christy Cooper

Chris Dodd
GIF may contain Happy Pride, pride, queer, lgbtqia, lgbtq, Pride Flag, flag, Pride Month, june, love, Love Is The Answer, equality, Lgbt Rights, Rainbow Flag, Gay Pride, lovewins, Gay Rights, Queer Rights and wuguanyan
 · Reply · 1d
Nicole Shelley
Chris Dodd So, you don’t support freedom and equality?
 · Reply · 23h
Nicole Shelley
Chris Dodd Not a patriot?
 · Reply · 23h
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Teresa Lynn Aguisanda

Since everyone likes to jump on the bandwagon for labeling things here is mine And a happy heterosexual to everyone else, Honestly I don’t care what you do in your bedroom but why does everything have to be labeled and advertised and segregated?? some of the abbreviations I have no idea what they mean so I have to look them up, how about a happy all year long for the human race period
 · Reply · 1d
Nicole Shelley
Teresa Lynn Aguisanda Look back at some of the comments. There is your answer. When people are treated equally and with respect, what you want may actually happen. No one needs to hide who they are.
 · Reply · 1d
Christy Cooper

Teresa Lynn Aguisanda maybe when LGBTQ+ people are no longer stripped of their rights and killed for being themselves, we can get to that place. We aren't there at this point. Your ignorance and hate are not welcome on this positive post.
 · Reply · 1d · Edited
Roseanne Hart
Teresa Lynn Aguisanda what does the plus mean?🤔
 · Reply · 1d · Edited
Christy Cooper

Roseanne Hart it includes non binary, ace, etc people.
 · Reply · 1d
Gene Towner
Christy Cooper called mentally deficiency. Thank goodness you can’t pro create.
 · Reply · 1d
Christy Cooper

Gene Towner there's a difference between can't and won't. Unfortunately your mother was able to have children.
 · Reply · 1d
Gene Towner
Christy Cooper you’re disgusting. Pervert.
 · Reply · 1d
Roseanne Hart
Christy Cooper not pedos?
 · Reply · 23h
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David Yurkovich

Teresa Lynn Aguisanda just be glad you don't need a heterosexual day to proudly proclaim who you are.
 · Reply · 1d
Nicole Shelley
people need to “look them up”. The struggle is real.
 · Reply · 1d
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Amy Fasbinder Mickens

Happy Pride everyone!
 · Reply · 1d
Amy Fasbinder Mickens

 · Reply · 1d
Kathleen Hunter
🌈65 yrs and never felt obligated to live my life as others deemed acceptable. 💓
 · Reply · 1d
Carol Corcoran
Happy Pride Month!
May be an image of text that says 'Love Love is is Love Love is'
 · Reply · 1d
Manuel Villarreal
Bunch of pricks on here.
Be who you are, live your life.
Do no harm to others.
Don't judge people, we all are shitty in some way.
 · Reply · 1d
Brittany Martin
Manuel Villarreal I AGREE!!
 · Reply · 1d
Ron Tello Culley

 · Reply · 4m
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Blanca Loera
 · Reply · 1d
Blanca Loera
 · Reply · 1d
Marissa Moritz Constantine
 · Reply · 1d
Nanelle Newbom
Happy Pride month. I am grateful for my queer friends and family and love each and every bit of each and every one of them, Thankful for each. Proud of each and their accomplishments and contributions and grateful for so much ongoing patience and love.… See More
 · Reply · 1d · Edited
Erica Joseph Hart
Happy Pride
I Love You Hearts GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski
 · Reply · 1d
Logan Treadway
Happy Corporate Pandering Month!
 · Reply · 1d
David Starinieri

Logan Treadway LMAO. Hit that one right!
 · Reply · 1d
Kathryn Knox
Logan Treadway well, that I won't argue with. Before supporting companies who fly that flag, look at their board and who they donate to.
 · Reply · 23h
Logan Treadway
Kathryn Knox Why the felafel would I want to support any company for any reason? Do you think that any company remotely cares about you?
Is the average American citizen just permanently wired to be a thoughtless consumer, or am I the crazy one?
 · Reply · 22h
Kathryn Knox
Well, if you want to buy goods and services, you’re supporting a company. Whether it’s a mom and pop or a major corporation, your supporting with your post tax dollars.
I’ve been a business owner 20 years and I have 35 years hiring leadership experience. Some companies do care. I sure did when I ran my company.
Follow the dollars…
 · Reply · 22h · Edited
Logan Treadway
Kathryn Knox ok
 · Reply · 22h
Marq Stonestreet

We can say the same thing about American flags on everything next month. 🤷🏿???
 · Reply · 19h
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David Starinieri

 · Reply · 1d
Teresa Lynn Aguisanda

Does anyone know if we have a heterosexual flag? wait It’s called the American flag for all of us it doesn’t matter who you love and I fly it respectfully, no other flags needed and it should always fly above any other flags
 · Reply · 1d · Edited
Christy Cooper

Teresa Lynn Aguisanda so now you're saying the American flag is only for heterosexuals? But you're not a hateful person, right?
 · Reply · 1d
Teresa Lynn Aguisanda

Christy Cooper wow really? now you know how you make others feel when you show your colors? You are just segregating people as far as Im concerned and you are showing your hate in your heart for others why ???
 · Reply · 1d
Christy Cooper

Teresa Lynn Aguisanda you are the one saying the American flag is the heterosexual flag. That excludes anyone who isn't straight. Sounds like you are the one segregating people.
 · Reply · 1d
Teresa Lynn Aguisanda

Christy Cooper wow you are one unhappy person goodbye
 · Reply · 1d
Laci Nowell
Christy Cooper That’s EXACTLY what she said. Don’t let the narcissistic follow-up comments confuse you. Homegirl is confused enough for all of us. 😂😂😂
 · Reply · 23h
David Yurkovich

Christy Cooper
Well. This isn't awkward....
May be an image of 1 person and text that says '6:45 Search 44% Teresa Lynn Aguisanda Jun Angelina TakahashiAlex Carocetto food Food Network Jun1 Follow The most-VIBRANT rainbow brioche in honor of Pride month! Get the recipe for Rainbow Brioche: ood netwerk twark'
 · Reply · 23h
Nykky Robinson
Teresa Lynn Aguisanda "You're segregating people". That's the entire reason the pride flag, and pride month were made (as well as Black history month, Hispanic Heritage Month, etc. But that's a WHOLE other story), because of the long history of those p… See More
May be an image of one or more people and text
 · Reply · 23h
Nykky Robinson
AND.. for the record. They are NOT segregating anyone. Go to a.pride parade... you'll find more love and acceptance there than anywhere else... including 85% of churches. 🤷🏼???
 · Reply · 23h · Edited
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Marq Stonestreet

Teresa Lynn Aguisanda you need a life.
 · Reply · 19h
Marq Stonestreet

Teresa Lynn Aguisanda ...but you're an anatomical conundrum so... 🤔🤫
 · Reply · 19h
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Jorge Puentes
God bless you all, Jesus loves you and I love you! Hate is not of God, religion is not of God.
 · Reply · 23h
Adam James Quinn
Jorge Puentes "Rom 12:9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good." God hates sin and we should too though we should show love and grace to everyone we should in doing so share Christ truth that can set them free to not share about… See More
 · Reply · 22h · Edited
Jorge Puentes
Adam James Quinn oh I do speak to those that want to listen I just don't agree with condemnation, or fire and brimstone preaching.
We are called to love everyone regardless of what they do or how they live. Hate will never reach anyone. Hate only push… See More
 · Reply · 22h
Adam James Quinn
Jorge Puentes I could not have said it better myself and at this point I do wish I had 👍 I definitely poked the hornets nest perhaps a little too hard lol
 · Reply · 21h
Jorge Puentes
Adam James Quinn oh no your fine, you did nothing wrong brother, the only hate I have is for my personal sin. Other people's sin I choose to see through the love and grace Jesus Christ gives me in my failures. And I do the same for others. I am who I a… See More
 · Reply · 21h · Edited
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Deborah Kanegsberg
 · Reply · 23h
Kendall Fematt
Big yikes to all the typical rednecks in here saying typical redneck things. I knew it was bad up here but man this post is showing the grime! 🤢
 · Reply · 23h
Ginny Jorgenson
Happy Pride! ?
 · Reply · 23h
Darrik Lunsford
GIF may contain stepbrothers, step, brothers, Throw Up, vomit and sick
 · Reply · 22h
Emmalee Vega
Darrik Lunsford how I feel looking @ you
 · Reply · 21h
Nils Lafon
Darrik Lunsford usually homophobic are people rejecting their own things ??🌈
 · Reply · 20h
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Billie Radford
 · Reply · 22h
Deborah Renee
Happy Sticker GIF
 · Reply · 22h
Kelly Flint
Happy Pride to you - EVERY month! ??🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎
May be an image of one or more people, beard and text that says 'LOVE is LOVE'
 · Reply · 22h
Joanne Ruffino-Taylor
We all sin, no one is above another human being.
 · Reply · 22h
Gary Fortier
May be an image of text that says 'AND THE LORD SAID... "NOPE! THIS IS MINE."'
 · Reply · 21h
Emmalee Vega
Pride Month GIF by York University
 · Reply · 21h
Michele Casella Collier
May be an image of one or more people and text
 · Reply · 21h
Rachel Bickley
I'll just leave this here ; )
May be a Twitter screenshot of 1 person and text that says 'Dad and Buried @DadandBuried Anyone who worries their kids might be autistic or *gasp* gay should spend more time worrying about them growing up to be anatomical conundrums. That shite's hereditary.'
 · Reply · 21h
Jim Bowen

Wow re these comments. I believe, “Live and let Live” is the way.
 · Reply · 21h
Mark Tholen
How about a I don't give a shite what you are month? Enough of this bullshit! I don't discriminate against anyone, but I'm over all this chickenshite, woke crap!!
 · Reply · 20h
Christy Cooper

Mark Tholen being ignorant and refusing to change with the times is your problem. Things change, get over it. Happy pride.
GIF may contain Pride Month, Happy Pride, lgbtq and colorful
 · Reply · 20h
Mark Tholen
Christy Cooper I don't need your virtue signalling bullshit. I didn't discriminate to begin with! felafel off!!
 · Reply · 20h
Christy Cooper

Mark Tholen happy pride to you too 🥰
GIF may contain Happy Pride, pride, queer, lgbtqia, lgbtq, Pride Flag, flag, Pride Month, june, love, Love Is The Answer, equality, Lgbt Rights, Rainbow Flag, Gay Pride, lovewins, Gay Rights, Queer Rights and wuguanyan
 · Reply · 20h
Mark Tholen
Christy Cooper Stick it in your ass! Good day.
 · Reply · 19h
Christy Cooper

Marq Stonestreet sounds like he's projecting a little bit lol
 · Reply · 8h
Kendall Fematt
Right hahah someone’s a bit too triggered
 · Reply · 10h
Marq Stonestreet

"He doth protest a bit much..." 🤔
Check his web history. 🤣
 · Reply · 3h
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Christy Cooper

Despite all of the disgusting bigots in this group, it is pretty nice to see the majority of this community are loving, accepting people.
Te Amo Love GIF by Blake Kathryn
 · Reply · 20h
Mary Krache Griffin
I guess we even have to love our ignorant and hateful neighbors, too, sigh. I don't have to have them over for dinner.
🌈 🌈 🌈
 · Reply · 17h
Dave Bergerson
Don’t think that all Christians stand on a box and point at everybody.My dad did that and I couldn’t stand it.I like showing kindness and love with my life.Everyone have a great time.
 · Reply · 11h
Bob York
Dave Bergerson for sure. That’s what we are supposed to do. Love not judge.
 · Reply · 11h · Edited
Dave Bergerson
Bob York Yep,Love is the most important thing.
 · Reply · 11h · Edited
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Ken Mays
 · Reply · 9h
Caleb Kerkvliet
When is straight pride month again?

Christy Cooper
Caleb Kerkvliet seems to be every day. Maybe when you are being killed and stripped of your rights for being straight, you'll get an extra special awareness month too. Happy pride month!
GIF may contain Pride Month, Happy Pride, lgbtq and colorful

David Yurkovich
Caleb Kerkvliet you don't need one so just be grateful

Caleb Kerkvliet
David Yurkovich No? Why not?

Caleb Kerkvliet
GIF may contain pride, Gay Pride, rainbow, Rainbow Flag, 3D Gifs Artist, Gay Heart and Gay Power

David Yurkovich
Caleb Kerkvliet because you aren't being chastised from society or the uber-religuous about your life

Marla Brockett
Warren Adcock
My ass

Luis Fematt
Imagine being so afraid of your sexuality that you have to comment something disrespectful or having hate towards others for not being exactly like you.

Ron Tello Culley
Now it continues....

Christy Cooper
Ron Tello Culley yes pride shall continue year after year, isn't it wonderful!!!!!! 🥰 Happy pride to you too! So nice to see so many allies!
GIF may contain Pride Month, Happy Pride, lgbtq and colorful

Ron Tello Culley
You got me wrong. I don't care about you.

Ron Tello Culley
I take PRIDE in my accomplishments. My gonads had nothing to do with it.

Christy Cooper
Ron Tello Culley omg so brave. Happy pride to you too
GIF may contain Love Is Love, Happy Pride, rainbow, cute, hearts, pride, lesbians, lesbian, lesbihonest and happy

Ron Tello Culley
Can we call Security in here? I'm being sacked into a stereotype that I do not play.

Ron Tello Culley
I don't care about these f*ckers.

Christy Cooper
Ron Tello Culley happy pride felafeler!

Ron Tello Culley
I was commenting on the CIVIL WAR aspect of it all.

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Police Officer Arrested, Charged for Participation in Jan. 6 Incident

“The fact that a Chicago Police officer has been charged in that attack on American democracy makes my blood boil, makes me sick to my stomach, and yes, if these allegations are true, it breaks my heart,” Chief Brown said. “Participating in the siege on the Capitol in any way was a betrayal of everything we stand for. Trust is hard to earn and so, so easy to lose.”
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Two Nevada Counties Go ‘Constitutional’

Elected commissioners in two Nevada counties declared that the Bill of Rights will be upheld in their jurisdictions, even if it means standing against unconstitutional acts by state and federal authorities.

According to a resolution approved in Elko County on June 2, abuse of the constitutionally protected rights of citizens in Elko and Lander counties will be “dealt with as criminal activity.” Officials in Lander County approved a similar effort.

Under the leadership of constitutionally minded sheriffs and elected commissioners, the two rural counties in Nevada decided to become “constitutional counties” where the rights of citizens will be protected from all attacks.

:tello: "I didn't see this in 2014 when I was being tortured in Elko County Jail.
Why are they playing nice now? Shouldda been nice since the beginning, but NO!
This makes no sense to me.

Can I pop them retroactively now?"

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A judge just smacked CNN with this massive courtroom defeat

CNN is facing a lawsuit that could cost the network hundreds of millions of dollars.

And CNN got some bad news.

That’s because a judge just smacked CNN with this massive courtroom defeat.
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Wow! Hard to perceive this is still here!

Those eyes are real windows to my soul at that time....pizzed orf!

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"