Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 3420200 times)


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Biden Bristles After Chevron CEO Fires Back At Administration’s Energy Policies
Biden can dish it out, but he clearly can't take it!

JUNE 22, 2022

President Joe Biden can dish it out, but he seems to have a hard time taking it.

Last week, Biden sent a letter to American oil and gas companies, castigating them for what he claimed was “running historically high profit margins and not doing enough to lower fuel prices.”

Chevron CEO Mike Wirth was having none of it, explaining how Biden administration policies were at the heart of the energy cost crisis.

Fighting Back
In his response to Biden, Wirth pointed out that Chevron was, “doing its part … by increasing capital expenditures to $18 billion in 2022, more than 50% higher than last year.”

Despite the promise of larger investments, one can’t help but notice a common theme in energy company’s retorts to Biden has been what economists call “regime uncertainty,” where industries that require large capital and time investments need a steady policy for their investments to pay off:

“We need clarity and consistency on policy matters ranging from leases and permits on federal lands, to the ability to permit and build critical infrastructure, to the proper role of regulation that considers both costs and benefits.”

It was here that Wirth took the gloves off.

“Chevron and its 37,000 employees work every day to help provide the world with the energy it demands and to lift up the lives of billions of people who rely on these supplies. Notwithstanding these efforts, your Administration has largely sought to criticize, and at times vilify, our industry. These actions are not beneficial to meeting the challenges we face and are not what the American people deserve.”

Biden’s unhelpful response was a snarky one: “He’s mildly sensitive. I didn’t know they’d get their feelings hurt that quickly. Look, we need more refining capacity. This idea that they don’t have oil to drill and to bring up is simply not true.”

Joe is actually right on one point: there is oil to drill, and plenty of it.

But shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline and disastrous industry regulations like pausing federal oil and gas leasing, and relaying the idea that your plan is to upend the industry will not persuade the industry to invest in more exploration and drilling.

The Ultimate Goal
Joe Biden’s plan seems to be that he can have the best of both worlds:

“We ought to be able to work something out whereby they’re able to increase refining capacity and still not give up on transitioning to renewable energy. They’re both within the realm of possibility.”

Pay attention to that phrase, “renewable energy.” Because that is the ultimate goal, to separate Americans from their fossil-fueled vehicles.

And the elites that populate the Biden administration are not shy about their agenda, and they want to do it in a hurry.

It started early. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, at one point remarking, “If you drive an electric car, this would not be affecting you,” says the woman whose estimated worth is $8 million.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg echoed the same sentiments. At a press Conference in March, Buttigieg stated that people in “rural to suburban to urban communities can all benefit from the gas savings of driving an EV.”

The tidbit that both Granholm and Buttigieg failed to mention, the average cost of an electric vehicle will set you back roughly $50,000.

Keep Having To Set Joe Straight
This is not the first dust up between Joe Biden and energy companies. Back in March, Biden was handed the convenience of being able to blame Vladimir Putin and the invasion of Ukraine for high gas prices.

But because Joe Biden is a lifetime bureaucrat, and really has no idea how the gas and oil industry works, Kathleen Sgamma, president of the Western Energy Alliance, appeared on “Fox & Friends” to try and break it down so Joe Biden could understand.

“Which is it? You can’t blame Putin and us at the same time. The bottom line is we are not price makers, we are price takers. We suffer from low prices and then we have higher prices. That is based on the price of oil globally. But we are not setting that price. We would love to produce more in the United States and help to bring those prices down. Demand has risen, we’ve had the price shock of Russia invading Ukraine. There are various factors that go into the price of oil, but we are not setting that price.”

On Thursday, Energy Secretary Granholm is scheduled to meet with energy companies.

Joe Biden badmouths the Oil Companies.  They respond.  And they are invited to the White House tomorrow.  To talk about it.  But Joe won't talk to them?  What a coward.  He sends staffers to talk for him?  That's not a leader.

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Broken Charging Stations Could Be Stalling the EV Movement
Range anxiety is bad enough. But even when they find a station, drivers often have to deal with broken equipment.

Electric-car charging stations are becoming more common, but there's still one huge problem: Tons of them don't work

As the global auto industry spends billions to go green, the number of electric-car charging stations in the US is growing rapidly. But quantity isn't everything — and the quality of many of those stations is lacking.
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Uvalde schools police chief put on administrative leave

Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District police chief Pete Arredondo has been placed on administrative leave effective immediately, said Hal Harrell, superintendent of Uvalde CISD.

The big picture: Arredondo and other Texas law officials have faced criticism over why it took so long for officers to stop the Robb Elementary School shooter, who killed 19 children and two teachers.

Driving the news: Harrell said in a statement he originally planned to wait to make any personnel decisions until after the investigation into the Uvalde shooting was complete.

But Arredondo was put on leave due to "the lack of clarity that remains" in the investigation and the "unknown timing of when I will receive the results of the investigations," Harrell said.

Lt. Mike Hernandez will assume the duties of the police chief.
Catch up quick: Steven McCraw, director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, said late last month that Arredondo made "the wrong decision" by not breaching the classrooms where the gunman was with students and teachers.

McCraw said Arredondo thought the shooter was barricaded inside and it was not an active-shooter situation.

Arredondo and his lawyer, George Hyde, defended his actions on the day of the shooting in an interview with the Texas Tribune this week.

Hyde told the Tribune that the police chief didn’t think he was the incident commander on the scene because he was acting as a first responder to the shooting.

What he's saying: Arredondo, who was sworn in as a city council member at the end of May, was previously accused of ignoring interview requests in the state's probe into the shooting.

But he and his lawyer told the Tribune he was open to cooperating with investigations as long as he can see his previous transcripts first.

"That's a fair thing to ask for before he has to then discuss it again because, as time goes by, all the information that he hears, it’s hard to keep straight," Hyde said.

Editor's note: This article has been updated with comment from Hal Harrell and further context.
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Dee Levey

😡When all else fails and people start to see through the fraud and the deceit, and people start to realize they've been manipulated, they will indeed stand up for what's right.

Apparently Councilman Alan Lee feels backed into a corner because his past is catching up to him. And his fraudulent ways are being exposed publicly for the world to see. So what do most Bottom Feeders do when Karma starts knocking on their door?... deflect deflect deflect...shameful😡

Unfortunately for Mr Lee, this is only going to make many people in the community of Big Bear Lake dig into his past even deeper🤔

Ron Tello Culley
Shameless B@zturd he is!

Ron Tello Culley
Seriously...I expect this kind of crap from Elko County, Nevada. Here...this is over the TOP. Californians are known to be PRO-Active in these matters and this shouldda been fixed long ago. What's with the DELAY? (You have some catching-up to do. I hate that guy.)
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Ron Tello Culley
The Town That Has No Law.
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Clayne Holmgren
Already have patent on it . 👌😆
4:18 AM
You sent
what does it mean?
4:33 AM
You sent
"The Town That Has No Law"

The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
4:59 AM
Clayne Holmgren
The mother of this missing kid said they asked around about where they should look and people in town told them if you want to get rid of someone you wait till it rains and take them to the wash .
You sent
Never heard that one. I did hear: "Mine Shafts are your friends".

or, try my original:

When you dig for Treasure, you get dirty.
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There's more to this discussion.

It's being kept secret for now.

Suffice it to say, at present, I am waiting for
a phone call from my friendly neighbourhood FBI.

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Tid bit:
I don't know we'll see I hope they find him

You sent
woe, that's deep. sure, what you said sounds right

You sent
FBI agent said nobody goes in until I chat with them. Home visitation, that's special!
That's why I called local FBI field office.

Clayne Holmgren

3:15 PM
You sent
I have my moments.

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The recent developments are so HEAVY....
it's possible that smee could be indicted.

:smee!:   :keelhaul:
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1588180 Articles of Evidence
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Ok...admittedly I'm being cryptic about the Dylan Rounds issue, and it's good.

Meanwhile: CLOUD THIS for me, will ya?

Thx Tessa!

shut up smee


Dee Levey

  · 1d  ·
😡When all else fails and people start to see through the fraud and the deceit, and people start to realize they've been manipulated, they will indeed stand up for what's right.
Apparently Councilman Alan Lee feels backed into a corner because his past is catching up to him. And his fraudulent ways are being exposed publicly for the world to see. So what do most Bottom Feeders do when Karma starts knocking on their door?... deflect deflect deflect...shameful😡
Unfortunately for… See more
Ron Tello Culley
Shameless B@zturd he is!
Ron Tello Culley
Seriously...I expect this kind of crap from Elko County, Nevada. Here...this is over the TOP. Californians are known to be PRO-Active in these matters and this shouldda been fixed long ago. What's with the DELAY? (You have some catching-up to do. I hate that guy.)
Ron Tello Culley
Tello v. Elko:
Tello Presents: "The Politics of Law and Revenge"
Tello Presents: "The Politics of Law and Revenge"
Tello Presents: "The Politics of Law and Revenge"
ReplyRemove Preview21hEdited
Karen Dargis
Thank you, for staying on this Dee and all that you do! ?
Ron Tello Culley
Dee Levey
Ron Tello Culley could you imagine? Bahahahaha😂😂😂😂
Ron Tello Culley
I am. Go for IT!
Dee Levey
Ron Tello Culley I've actually considered running for city council just to watch heads explode🤣🤣 but I decided against it, I like my Zen far too much??
Ron Tello Culley
Yeah well....I might become an International sensation someday.

:tello: "Again...CRYPTIC. Cloud. Thx!"
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:tello: "My work here is done. shut up smee."
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Oh, forgive me. I failed to mention...

...this is an X-FILE.
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Jaz Girlson  ·

  · 8h  ·
Just to let you know. With so much rumor, speculation, twisting of facts and downright malicious content one of my team will need to watch your podcast before it gets approved. It may take some time so be patient.
You want to kick a family when they are down?  Go away.
The focus is to #FindDylanRounds not drama.

Ron Tello Culley
What Jaz said. If this keeps up much longer, I'm gonna have to change my middle name.
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Jaz Girlson  ·
Hello TGIF. 💛 25 Days.
Someone knows something. Do the right thing. Call me anonymously 👉🏼 1-844-MIA-LOST 👉🏼 (844) 642-5678 👈🏼 Missing In America Network TOLL FREE TIPLINE.
#FindDylanRounds 🙏🏻 #FactsMatter 🫶🏼
#MissingInAmericaNetwork 🇺🇸

Linda Parker
I'm going to put this out there, the simplest answer in my opinion...good kid, mama knows kid very well, but 19 yr old is a young man and is entitled to some privacy. He might not have shared with mom that he was interested in girl from town. That's why he has been washing the truck lately.

Someone said a woman noticed him driving through Montello very fast late at night a few times, he was probably heading home after a meet up with said girl.
Has anyone checked with all the teenage girls in town (can't be that many) and see whose daddy has a hunting cabin, I bet she drove him up there. Seeds were protected, it was going to rain, no farming in immediate future, no school for girl on Monday, a perfect time for getaway. They took her car because if someone saw her car at his place all weekend that would be a problem.

This whole thing screams girlfriend and he's hiding out now that it's gotten out of control. His cell battery is dead, and she's telling him what's going on with search, and even though he's "a man", let's face it, a 19 year old is still a kid.
And one more thing, in a town that size, teenage girls have their eye on every single opportunity to meet a teenage boy and that good looking kid is a catch. I think if you find the girl, you'll find the boy.

At least that's what I'm hoping. (Am I posting this in the right place, I saw another section called suggestions?)

Jaz Girlson
Linda Parker I hope this is the case. It’s a speculation to keep hope alive and we all need that sometimes. 💛

Ron Tello Culley
This whole thing screams: WE DON'T KNOW ANYTHING.

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This whole thing 1588513 Views screams BOTS!
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And one more thing, in a town that size, teenage girls have their eye on every single opportunity to meet a teenage boy and that good looking kid is a catch. I think if you find the girl, you'll find the boy.

Ron Tello here. A mature older male of the Montello persuasion, and I'm here to declare:

Those "Girls" are working at "Southern Exposure" in Wendover.

Ignore "Election Polls".

These Sheilas are working the Dancing Poles.


There are NO teenage girls in Montello, and if they are there, I don't know cuz I ain't been there in 7 years.

I heard the population is rising.

So is my expectations.

Now, nobody goes to Montello cuzza the bad Mojo now.

This too shall pass.

Question is: for how long?

I can return there, and set up a VooDoo Boutique.

BONUS: Sell pictures of early lynchings in full color.
Always a steam locomotive in each and every one of them.

It's a Rail Road Town.

Who duzzint like Choo-Choos?????

shut up smee
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secret dialog continued: UPDATE for eyes only

Ron Tello <>
secret agent

Fri, Jun 24 at 10:11 PM

Jokes aside, the serious stuff is SERIOUS.

Click all links.

Get to know the "Elko Problem". A separate but related issue. Please investigate.
Also, can you get me copy of the UPDATE on the FBI Files on me?
In 1980 I went FOIA for my FBI files and received a BRICK of 100% redacted papers. I was 22 years young. What did I do to get ALL that attention? I want everything UN-redacted, please.

BTW: you have Mulder and Scully. Bring them to me, thx!
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Ron Tello Culley

Death wish. You can do this but there is no going home, unless you are from an inter-dimensional world. And how fun is that? GET OFF MY PLANET!
Pending Learn more
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FELAfuckin Millenials are ruining everything.

Worse than the Hippies, The Beatles and Elvis.

Really bad. They got google.

We had The Yellow Pages and the Dewey Decimal System.
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Attention Bots:

I got a new gig today.

It involved wood products and sandpaper.

Beers and money.

See? I have a life, too!

And there's secrets.

One of them duzzint involve smee.

He's too obvious.

Worst part of it is.... he likes it that way.

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6/25/22 American

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Knight of the RT

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Re: I will have the last word / I WIN !!
« Reply #56040 on: June 25, 2022, 11:22:46 PM »
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Knight of the RT

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Re: I will have the last word / I WIN !!
« Reply #56041 on: Today at 06:17:10 AM »
We've tried (and failed) to defeat the woohoo. It just keeps on coming back, like the Terminator, only without all of the metal.

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"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"
Knight of the RT

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Re: I will have the last word / I WIN !!
« Reply #56042 on: Today at 11:23:04 AM »

Problem solved.
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Knight of the RT

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Re: I will have the WORD if you allow me....
« Reply #56043 on: Today at 11:27:21 AM »
Hi Tess.

My, what a lovely dress you are wearing in my dreams today!

Quite provocative, actually.

Consider me Provoked.

and then I forget the rest of it, sorry....

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Public group
14.5K members

Jaz Girlson

Just to let you know. With so much rumor, speculation, twisting of facts and downright malicious content one of my team will need to watch your podcast before it gets approved to be posted here. It may take some time so be patient.
You want to kick a family when they are down?  Go away.
The focus is to #FindDylanRounds not drama.

6/25 UPDATE:  I think some of you misunderstand me.  I am not censoring YouTube.  I know anyone can make a podcast about anything.  I am simply saying if your podcast is not FACTUAL, we will not post  here.

Ron Tello Culley
What Jaz said. If this keeps up much longer, I'm gonna have to change my middle name.

Clayne Holmgren
Ron Tello Culley hey good to see you here Ron

Ron Tello Culley
Well yeah....where was I gonna go...Home?

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Interesting conversation recently.

Why has the Investigators in Montello NOT questioned me?

I'm World Famous.

I have local history, especially with a firearms violation
so I'm a BAAAaaaaaD MAnnnnn....

Or at least that's how the Media portrays me.

Some fun!
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OK, I'm calm my best Court Room attire.
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Ron Tello Culley
The whole town is a crime scene,
but that's like...just my opinion, man.
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This should be when smee pops in asking for a
Lead Sammich.

I'm running a SPECIAL on them!
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Yeah, Imma Yankee.

My National Hero was not murdered by a fish.
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And I am posting this in the dark.

Respect for the Light! Or die.
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Dylan's Mom dissed me via third parties.


Montello Coloring Books.
They don't exists yet.
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Not about right wrong or indifferent.

It's about NOT be SMEE.

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OK, I'm calm my best Court Room attire.

Doesnt look like a straight jacket


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Adjust your monitor screen thing you have.
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Ron Tello Culley FIND DYLAN ROUNDS 🚨(Official)
I volunteered to be a suspect. It's not working out too well. I blame ELKO: Evil Land Keep Out.

You'll be able to see these details and edit this post until July 9, 2022
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"We were warned."
Radical Left-Wing Terrorists Shut Down Freeways & Attack Police With Explosives In Los Angeles [7 VIDEOS]
More violence incited by Left-Wing politicians...

JUNE 25, 2022

Yesterday’s historic Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was followed by radical left-wing politicians melting down and gaslighting -activating their shock troops into taking to the streets.

Here are the results of their gaslighting…
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FBI joins search for missing man near Utah/Nevada border

ELKO DAILY Jun 24, 2022 

ELKO – The FBI is now involved in the search for a Utah man who visited an Elko County town (Montello) shortly before he went missing at the end of May.

Meanwhile, national media including Fox News have been reporting on the disappearance of Dylan Rounds, 19, of Lucin.

East Idaho News in Idaho Falls reported on Wednesday that the FBI had confirmed its involvement, saying the Box Elder County Sheriff’s Office in Utah is still the lead investigator in the case.

“Box Elder County volunteer teams have logged over 300 hours searching, covering over 3,000 miles,” the sheriff’s office said in a June 15 statement. “Box Elder County Sheriff’s Office Detectives and Deputies have also been searching around the clock, weekdays and weekends. So far, detectives have spent over 650 hours investigating this case.”

“If somebody is involved with Dylan’s disappearance, they need to know we’re not going to go away,” Chief Deputy Cade Palmer, of the Box Elder County Sheriff’s Office, told Fox News Digital Wednesday. “If this takes months, if it takes years, we’ll keep knocking on doors.”

:tello: "They didn't look in my house. I say they can. They won't."
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Jaz Girlson  ·

  · 31m  ·
Most current news article.
The tip line in the article mentions an incorrect number. (No 800 number exists)
Anonymous Tip Line is (844) MIA LOST / (844) 642-5678 … See more
Search continues for 19-year-old Dylan Rounds - Local News 8

Search continues for 19-year-old Dylan Rounds - Local News 8
Family is in search of their missing teen, Dylan Rounds, from Idaho Falls. He went missing from his farm in Lucin, Utah around Memorial Day weekend.

Lesia Fay Brackenbury
Praying they find a solid lead soon for this family . I was wondering if it was Box Elder? jurisdiction to patrol that area or is it Elko county jurisdiction??? and could there be a dishonest cop amongst either one of them counties?, sometimes there’s some shady business going on with our law-enforcement and I’m just wondering if That is the case here??, if I remember right it was box elders Officers? that found the boots .

Jaz Girlson
Lesia Fay Brackenbury Box Elder Co is lead but you can call Elko County or the FBI.
If you want to call anonymously there is a toll free tip line.

Ron Tello Culley
I volunteered to be a Person of Interest. Looks like I'm not interesting, anymore.

Maybe this link won't work. If it does....go with it.
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Lesia Fay Brackenbury
Jaz Girlson I Don’t have any information to this case I am just wondering who patrols that area and if they’ve been looked into?

Ron Tello Culley
I volunteered to be a Person of Interest. Looks like I'm not interesting, anymore.

Missing In America Network
Ron Tello Culley we see you! 😉

Ron Tello Culley
Please ignore my UFO's. I hate those guys.


Caity McDonald

Somebody has to know something but they are just not coming clean and telling the truth. I am sickened about this I hope this poor cute kid is still alive wherever he is! 🙏??
Lesia Fay Brackenbury
Caity McDonald amen
Lesia Fay Brackenbury
Caity McDonald I don’t see any Connection to Dylan? But I could be wrong to
Caity McDonald

Lesia Fay Brackenbury oh no I think your right but whoever knows something about him or where he could be is probably keeping it to themselves and won’t tell anyone I don’t know for sure you just don’t know what could have happened to him how do you ju… See more
Lesia Fay Brackenbury
Caity McDonald yes someone knows something, and you are right you just never know . Let’s just pray this family gets some answers soon?
Caity McDonald

Lesia Fay Brackenbury I know it’s absolutely nuts I don’t understand this whole situation it’s so bizarre I pray his family gets some answers as well! 🙏??
Caity McDonald

Lesia Fay Brackenbury does anyone know what he was doing exactly the day he went missing?!
Write a public reply…

Lisa Chickadel

My question do they know that 'chase' is telling the truth? Why would Dylan lie about giving the man a ride? Sounds suspicious to me.
Caity McDonald

Lisa Chickadel yeah it sounds suspicious to me too who is this chase guy again?
Anne Watkins
Thanks for sharing this, Jaz.
Jennifer Spears

Or the number for the sheriff might be good. This news article seemed to mention several good numbers.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Janine Mcgraw


Ron Tello Culley
smee did it! He scanned my keycode over the ebay CS site.
He got into my house via a boat, and spammed the poo outta me, and this is where I am. THX!

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Lucky smee!

The Yank Police do not care.

Did I clarify that earlier in life?
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One MORE time: GET THIS:

I volunteered to surrender and the FiBs don't care, yet.

A delayed response.

Mulder and Scully can do better....

I'm getting away with beers.

Dylan has no voice, here, yet.
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Search continues for 19-year-old Dylan Rounds - Local News 8
Family is in search of their missing teen, Dylan Rounds, from Idaho Falls. He went missing from his farm in Lucin, Utah around Memorial Day weekend.

Kimberly Cox Malachowski
You know I’ve been having a thought that I can’t stop thinking about. First I was a teenager before. I was great in school, and an athlete and never got into trouble. But I snuck out, and only told my parents only what I wanted to. They never knew any different. So I can tell you that wasn’t the first time Dylan lied to his mom. I guarantee he kept things from them. A normal teenager. He was living alone and no one to answer to. Actually for 3 years. Now this 43 year old Chase guy is walking down the road bloody and no shoes. First why was he walking on a deserted desert road. Where was his car? Second why was he bloody? Out in the middle of nowhere car less and bloody. Dylan sees him and picks him up and takes him to montello where Chase apparently lives. Thursday Dylan is in Montello to eat at the bar where this weird guy works that Dylan knows. Now I think someone said Friday Chase was asking about Dylan. Saturday morning we know Dylan is at his farm cuz he talks to grandma and he puts the seed truck in the shed. Now I’m thinking Chase and some other guy (remember Kurt did bring up that there was another guy), went to the farm that morning. Why? I don’t know. Maybe money? Something happened and Dylan got hurt. At 3 something Dylan gets a call but doesn’t answer it cuz he is already hurt. So Chase and this other guy take Dylan’s truck. Dylan could have been put in the truck. Either just throwed in the back or rolled up in something. Those 2 guys took the truck and dumped or buried Dylan’s body anywhere between Lucin and the 200 miles away where they said Chase was seen at a little ceasers at 10pm. It only takes about 2 1/2 to 3 hours to drive 200 miles. Chase had plenty of time from the last ping of Dylan’s phone at 3 something in the afternoon and 10pm. Then drive the truck back and power wash it so the truck looks like it wasn’t moved.

Jaz Girlson
Kimberly Cox Malachowski that’s one of many possible scenarios. Problem is there not enough information to which scenario is most likely.
I heard mom say that she realizes teens don’t always tell their parents 💯 truth to avoid a lecture or whatever.
But ya we’ll see where the investigation leads.
Miracles happen every day, and we certainly hope to bring Dylan home safe.

Debbie Tilley-Phenicie
Lord, please help find Dylan 🙏🏼??

Jenna Adams
Terrible that a family has to offer 100,000 dollars to get answers from sick people. I pray for the family’s strength and Dylan’s presence to return home 💛. Prayers from Nebraska!

Danika Dahl
Jenna Adams It sure is! 😭

Ron Tello Culley
Pray for me: I confessed to the FBI that I have valid intel, and they won't hassle, interrogate or visit me. That's SUSPECT in and of itself.... But who am I?

Jaz Girlson
Ron Tello Culley be patient. They probably are getting lots of calls. Let me know if you don’t hear back in a few days.

Ron Tello Culley
I'm banging my Drum NOW! Click the links. *wink*
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:tello: "It's no longer a game of quick time.

Now it's the story of Search and Recovery.

Bring back the Bones alone."
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Ive got a bone to pick with you