Author Topic: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<  (Read 146569 times)


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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #50 on: April 09, 2015, 08:55:21 PM »
Justice must be equally applied, or it ceases to be justice.

The hand of the law must protect each of its people, irrespective of personal agenda, interest or feelings. If the law does not shelter, it has no natural authority to chastise. When we break the law, we are right to expect its judgement (hopefully tempered with mercy when that is appropriate); but in return, when wrong is done to us according to law, the law must protect us and bring the wrongdoers to justice.

Quid pro quo. Justice to man, man to justice - with due respect for the rights of the community and the individual. That is how it must work.

Ron has not been granted the protection of the law and the redress of the law, and this is at the heart of his outrage.

I won't comment upon the issue of whether individuals ought to be carrying guns. The US is not my country and I've no real right to be making statements about gun laws pertaining therein... nor am I fully cognizant of the details and the potential (and very real) ramifications of disarming. My personal view is one I've stated several times - but that's not germane to this discussion. While (and where) US law permits individuals to carry guns, it cannot be held to be a signifier of premeditation of any crime to be carrying a gun.

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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #51 on: April 09, 2015, 10:31:13 PM »

The guns were not available for comment.

Maybe they didnt want to go shooting their mouths off


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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #52 on: April 09, 2015, 10:38:56 PM »
There will always be armchair jurors.

One key problem is their disconnection from the actual events combined with their own beliefs and experiences (or lack thereof) where prejudgment sets in before evidence is considered.  Finding someone with a truly 'open mind' is a difficult task.

Even then, the process of choosing, presenting and interpreting the available evidence is highly influenced by people with vested interests. Thus, the first casualty will be objectivity.  The media, for example, while purporting to be providing a service to the community are still bound by the commercial necessity of business and, as such, media reports must be viewed with this in mind, IMHO.

Come to think of it, this same battle occurs in the courtroom.  Neither side are really interested in determining the full and accurate scenario, just to present a story that will win their case. Cherry-picked details from the body of evidence, combined with passionate story-telling will be the ammunition from the side that should lose while the side that should win struggles with a body of truth that inevitably includes flaws which should be inconsequential - but are jumped upon and blown out of all proportion.

I suppose the only real difference between a court of law and the court of popular opinion is that a court of law has a formal structure of proceedings where rules of conduct are defined (and, hopefully, enforced) and a case is presented from both sides.

From that point it would seem 'justice' is a matter of perspective, not law, and the cynic in me feels it may be just as well decided by the toss of a coin.

Quote from: tellomon on Today at 11:33:10 AM

My act was not premeditated, as the DA would have you believe.
My act was "predicted".

That is a very important distinction.

It is parallel to the situation where a student is being bullied in the playground.  When the bully goes too far, the student reacts in a manner that is wholly predictable - but that student doesn't deliberately set out with the intention to take that action.

In fact, this whole situation has a number of uncanny parallels to schoolyard bullying...

The bully, being familiar with the 'system' plays it right up to the edge, harassing the target.
The target does not react for any number of reasons - whether it be because of threats, peer pressure, the fact that they want to be a good citizen or they have reported the encounters and are relying on the 'system' to protect them - and they continue to be tormented.
The bully goes one step too far and the target reacts but, from across the playground, all the teacher sees is the target lashing out, attacking the bully.
From that point on, the extensive period of consistent, relentless bullying experienced by the target counts for nothing (being a boring blurb from one individual that wouldn't make the first ten pages of the evening paper) against the single moment when they cracked which produced a very dramatic picture that would have appeared on page one of an extra.


Yeah, I said that.


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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #53 on: April 10, 2015, 01:49:25 AM »
Yessir, and in so doing, yer hogging precious bandwidth.
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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #54 on: April 10, 2015, 10:34:31 AM »
... so says the pot to the kettle.


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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #55 on: April 10, 2015, 12:13:00 PM »
No , the kettle was black
its been shot by police


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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #56 on: April 10, 2015, 12:53:48 PM »
Was the kettle self-warming?

Was the pot non-stick?

So many questions...

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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #57 on: April 10, 2015, 12:58:05 PM »
I dont know whats been going on with the behaviour of those pots
but they better keep a lid on it or  pan demonium will set in


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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #58 on: April 19, 2015, 08:17:24 AM »
CountessA - January 02, 2014 8:04 pm
I understand the attempted murder charge has been dropped, the District Attorney's office only filing a battery with gun charge.
Perhaps Mr Culley felt he was receiving no justice or assistance from the law. If so, it's a situation of great concern.
Citizens need to feel reliance upon the fair hand of the law;
otherwise it seems inevitable that some will

take the 'law' into their own hands.  :sam2gun:

It also creates a legal quicksand where there ought to be solid ground; clear and obvious reason to appeal.

smacks - January 04, 2014 7:57 am
Before I get "insulted" for claiming shooting a man running away can't be self defense, it can be. If under duress and/or a perceived future threat. Not to mention if a person believes they in immediate danger and fires warning shots, this could very well be the case.

Hang in there Ron!

smacks - January 04, 2014 8:54 am
Hmmm.....Rethinks saying "Hang in there" to a guy in jail, lol.

:tello: " Two cellies walk into a bar..."

:cop: :gaol: :drinkwine:

Smacks....That was me Tello.


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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #59 on: April 19, 2015, 02:06:11 PM »
I thought it was you, Jimmeh...!

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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #60 on: April 20, 2015, 04:00:43 AM »
I thought it was you, Jimmeh...!

Hi Countessa! ;D

You did? How were the comments? A critique!


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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #61 on: April 20, 2015, 10:27:25 AM »
Fair and supportive, Jimmeh. They were a nice note of sanity amongst the "baying for his blood" madness of others' comments, and I am sure Tello gained a nice warm feeling of his situation being understood once he read them, too.


(His situation is almost Kafkaesque - à la Der Process.)

“So,” said the painter, and he lowered his head and seemed to be thinking. Suddenly he raised his head again and said, “Well if you’re innocent it’s all very simple.” K. began to scowl, this supposed trustee of the court was talking like an ignorant child. “My being innocent does not make things simple,” said K. Despite everything, he couldn’t help smiling and slowly shook his head. “There are many fine details in which the court gets lost, but in the end it reaches into some place where originally there was nothing and pulls enormous guilt out of it.” “Yeah, yeah, sure,” said the painter, as if K. had been disturbing his train of thought for no reason. “But you are innocent, aren’t you?” “Well of course I am,” said K. “That’s the main thing,” said the painter. There was no counter-argument that could influence him, but although he had made up his mind it was not clear whether he was talking this way because of conviction or indifference. K., then, wanted to find out and said therefore, “I’m sure you’re more familiar with the court than I am, I know hardly more about it than what I’ve heard, and that’s been from many very different people. But they were all agreed on one thing, and that was that when ill thought-out accusations are made they are not ignored, and that once the court has made an accusation it is convinced of the guilt of the defendant and it’s very hard to make it think otherwise.” “Very hard?” the painter asked, throwing one hand up in the air. “It’s impossible to make it think otherwise. If I painted all the judges next to each other here on canvas, and you were trying to defend yourself in front of it, you’d have more success with them than you’d ever have with the real court.” “Yes,” said K. to himself, forgetting that he had only gone there to investigate the painter.
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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #62 on: May 07, 2015, 03:57:30 PM »
:tello: It's all so clear to me now.

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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #63 on: May 08, 2015, 05:55:39 PM »
I can't go on with this much longer.

I'm grasping at straw lawyers.

I must endure all things.

Ok. Yeah...I won't stop until the last Zombie Varmint bites the dust.

And their little pig Toto too!
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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #64 on: May 08, 2015, 10:45:38 PM »
Stop telling porkies


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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #65 on: May 09, 2015, 01:50:50 AM »
Tello, don't let frustration drive you to lawyers whose abilities, experience and integrity are as threadbare as a mung bean.

You need a competent fair lawyer whose credentials you can trust and to whose clients you can speak in order to be sure you've not got a "lemon".

I've no idea how Dorothy's dog has become a piglet in this saga, though...

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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #66 on: May 09, 2015, 01:04:11 PM »
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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #67 on: May 09, 2015, 03:27:01 PM »

In an (often challenging) attempt to understand what the heck Tello is saying half the time, the members here have accumulated a number of examples and their interpretation (based on probability from context) and could offer such a lexicon for a fee.

Despite all the effort in putting this together from various members, Tello will likely claim rights to the royalties, which we will probably allow - because we are nice people (and prefer not to inspire Tello to open up communications that will precipitate a need for 3 more chapters in the lexicon.)


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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #68 on: May 09, 2015, 04:43:38 PM »
Wait....what did you say?

No, seriously...what just happened here?
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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #69 on: May 09, 2015, 11:59:06 PM »
(We're trying to make a buck out of helping people understand you when you express yourself in "creative" ways...)


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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #70 on: May 10, 2015, 09:00:39 AM »
Yes, well perhaps you could volunteer your services and go after the DA with your wisdom. Remember, he used my posts against me becuz he had nothing substancial to get me on the shooting.

It was a malicious prosecution!

Still is.
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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #71 on: May 10, 2015, 10:56:47 AM »
Practically speaking, what does this mean?

Kafka is of course famously surreal and his scenario is a theatre of the absurd - but there is a message.

Unequivocally, there is a message.

That is - "The Trial" illustrates how ridiculous and nonsensical the law is, if it becomes nothing but a process without thought or need for justification.

If the law is machine-like, it simultaneously shifts itself out of target range while firing indiscriminate missiles at a target selected by - well, by what? Chance? Miserable circumstance? Lack of interest? A wheel spun in a back room somewhere? Random numbers generated by a random process, resulting in a process that answers to no-one?

If the law is machine-like, those who contribute to following through with the process (even peripherally) are portrayed in the novel as if they were that doorkeeper. He either knows what he is doing (acting through purpose... believing that he is doing what is right OR believing that he has no choice OR not caring whether his actions are right or wrong as long as he is doing what he is told OR taking pleasure in the mindless malice where he can always pull out his trump card of "I only did what I was told to do"...) OR he doesn't know what he is doing (acting through ignorance, unaware of the difference between the law and justice... believing he's doing what is right but not really thinking about it OR believing he has no choice but not really thinking about it OR not really caring but simply slogging away doing what he's told to do OR getting a simple almost child-like pleasure out of people's misery without really understanding the seriousness and/or consequences for the victims of the law).

In terms of how it plays out for the litigant/defendant, it doesn't really matter. In the end of the novel, K. is executed - without ever being directly accused of a specific crime, and without having any actual defence process, and without anyone genuinely caring. It's a cold, weird, bewildering, inherently ludicrous process. It doesn't make sense.

That is not how the law should be. Law, at its finest, is created from our sense of justice. It stems from the constant struggle in humans between good and evil, right and wrong. It is the application of fairness when fairness can be found through evidence.

Law should not supersede justice.

Justice is something higher than Law... I'm not speaking about "rough justice", or vigilante behaviour. Rather, it is the spirit of the law before the law is mummified and becomes an incomprehensible dead thing bringing curses upon individuals who are not given fair hearing, and who are put at a disadvantage against others in the community (all things being equal).

If the law does not protect all men to the same degree of fairness, we see the Law becoming an uninterested heartless soulless factory churning out judgements in cellophane.

I believe in the law - I respect the law - but if I lived in a society where the law became this Kafkaesque thing, it would alarm me... It would alarm me greatly. It would be at this point that we would see the start of a terrifying process where the rights of some individuals were eroded. At first the erosion would seem insufficient for alarm. That is how erosion begins... There isn't a great collapse of the ground immediately. No. At first it's a nibble at a deserted cliff. But gradually, darkly, terrifying, inexorably, more and more ground would fall - until at last the ground where I have built begins to tremble, and the path where I walk is crumbled away like the dust of a long-dead Sumerian...
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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #72 on: May 10, 2015, 01:40:30 PM »

As for Tello - yes he has been back here, albeit somewhat sporadically.

After the debacle of his case, he was released with a restriction that he couldn't go home unless accompanied by a police officer.  That got lifted and he has found his way back home where his place had a few things missing....

He's reconnected with his Ex and is still trying to get justice.  It's like a crusade (see his thread >**** ELKO SMASH ****<)  I'm sure he would appreciate introducing it to any interested lawyers or other champions of such causes.
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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #73 on: May 10, 2015, 03:47:44 PM »
Yes, let's all threaten to shoot billionaires in the foot unless they hand over $5,000 each.

Wait. We might need to make it more than that. We'd need extra money for our OWN inevitable bail situation... :facepalm:

Tello has made it impossible for us to pitch in and help, because - blimey, who's got $5000 lying around doing nothing? And who's willing to borrow it for a friend who has a touch of crazy about him?

TELLO, much as we love you, this is where we cannot help. You did a stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPID thing. Inexpressibly stupid.
You are wrong! It was lawful SELF DEFENSE! The Laws support me but Elko did not. Are we done with the Tello-trashing yet? I believe so, and old news can fade away...

 You could have accidentally killed that guy. Yes, he GYPPED you, but you sneered at the idea of going through the court system.Yeah, right. Have we not seen the futility in that rackett??? I reported Alderman to Marvin Morton long before the shooting and NOTHING was done about it!!! Why, why, why? *looks up to the heavens* How has shooting that gypster helped in the SLIGHTEST?

Once you come out of gaol, I have a feeling there will be a line of OzRTers waiting to kick you in the rear end. We love you; you behaved foolishly; GRRRRRRRR. Put a sock in it already.

I only found this dusty old thread thru sheer boredom. I feel better now!

What's more: as you may have been told by this Reporter, Alderman recovered, only to continue his crime spree thru-out the Montello Metropolis...unabated.

Soon after my return home, many locals told me I shouldda killed him.

And soon after that, I had it on good reference that Alderman is in Wendover cooking Meth.

Again, I tipped off the cop.

Again, nothing has happened.

So don't tell me about going the traditional route in dealing with my Crime and Punishment issues.
Elko is NOT the place for that.
This is a Special Hell.

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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #74 on: May 10, 2015, 04:10:29 PM »
And now, my Dear may want to double-up yer Big Girl Panties for this one:

On May 3rd I was once again paid a personal visit by Officer Marvin Morton. He still awaits my complete Police Report, listing the hundreds of stolen items from my home.

Yes, I've been in delay mode for I know it will do little to no good.

I asked Morton if he would be procuring a search warrant for the homes of the known perps/suspects, and he said:

         "There's no way in hell of getting a search warrant due to the large amount of time passing."

Well Holy F'n Sh*t! And who allowed that great passing of time??? The goddamm Elko Court, Jail and Does 1 thru 100!!!!!

Ya see my dilemma now??????????

"The Law" IS the criminal!!!!!!

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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #75 on: May 10, 2015, 04:52:49 PM »
Another Bad Actor in this Passion Play is the goddam Elko Free Press!


Ronald L. Culley, 55, argued with Lester J. Alderman outside the Cowboy Bar in Montello when he pulled out a gun, prompting Alderman to run away, said Undersheriff Clair Morris.

#1) It happened in front of my house!
#2) Clair Morris is not the brightest bulb on the tree.
#3) Lester didn't run away; he kept advancing into my face. He never saw the gun. And the first 2 shots had no effect.
But the third DID! He limped away.


The two men had been drinking, according to Morris.

Another lie! Alderman was drunk.
I only began chugging my whiskey after the shooting knowing I was going to jail and wanted to make the 100 mile trek a bit more comfortable. It's on the official police report!

So everybody...just STFU!!!!

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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #76 on: May 10, 2015, 06:18:09 PM »
On a lighter note, here's this:

On that same 5-3 visit by Officer Morton, I once again engaged him with my savage humor.

Tello: "Deputize me, Sheriff. I'll have this town cleaned up by the weekend."
Morton: "Montello, Nevada. Population 1."
Tello: "Ron Tello, Nevada IS population 1. And get your cruiser off my lawn..yer bringing down the neighbourhood!"

Seemingly harmless enuff.
Don't be so sure.
One of the last times Morton and I yucked it up, I posted it right here on the OZRT, and the DA and The Free Press grabbed it up and tried to make hay out of it.

My Trial was all about my
Posting Finger,
not my
Trigger Finger!

And I really do believe Elko has violated my 1st and 2nd Amendments Constitutional Rights!!!

And what was up with that making-me-homeless bit?
Seems a tad Cruel and Unusual to me, wouldn't you agree?
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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #77 on: May 10, 2015, 06:41:33 PM »
357 days on ice.
2 and a half months on the streets.
Then I come home to find there was a party in my house...


Goddam EVERY one of you in the Montello Mob and the Elko Mob!!!
I'm coming after every one of you.
I have nothing else to do.


*SNIPE 1000 Hits!*
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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #78 on: May 10, 2015, 06:44:46 PM »
1. Well, paint my pagoda and call me Horace - you read my Kafka post. (I didn't think anyone would, considering it was quite a scroller.)

2. Yes, I reiterate my point: law does not, should not, must not supersede justice. Law must be the servant of justice, not its overlord, or it ceases to be informed by justice at all.

3. Yes, your ironic and surreal humour was treated as though it were a gunning-down threat of some sort, when that was far from being your meaning.

4. I still consider the act of shooting not an ideal path for a solution; however, it is acknowledged that your situation was rapidly becoming unbearable and that you sustained considerable provocation, exacerbated by lack of legal action on your behalf.

"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #79 on: May 10, 2015, 06:48:21 PM »
Yes. Go on.


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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #80 on: May 10, 2015, 07:15:41 PM »
Tello, is there a body to whom you can complain about the lack of police action?

(Similar to an Ombudsman?)

Failure to act on your complaint when your complaint could not be given further information because of your incarceration strikes me as indefensible and stupid.

All kidding aside..

It's a conspiracy I tell you!

And no.
The whole Law and Order enchillada is rotten.

My strategy is to attack them thru the sewars using their own tools!

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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #81 on: May 10, 2015, 10:31:59 PM »
On a hot summers night
would you offer your foot
to the wolf with the red revolver?


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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #82 on: May 11, 2015, 01:45:30 PM »
This is THEE one thing I do that frightens the living crap
out of the Tyrants of Elko County, Nevada..

..Exposing the horrid TRUTH about who, how and what they are.

Pure unadulterated Corruption.

They've been destroying decent lives for far too long and since they've all but killed me,
I say they've come to meet their match.

This is more than just Hicktown Good-Ol-Boy politics;

This is WAR!

One show only. Tickets are not on sale and once you get in there's no turning back.

This is Tello Law.
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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #83 on: May 12, 2015, 10:26:58 AM »
I called my lawyer today, as I do every Monday as per the conditions of my OR status.

He asked me "How ya doin'?"

"Just OK."

"What are ya doin'?"

"I'm in bed."

"Bed? It's 1:30 in the afternoon."

"I live here. I do what I want."

Then he proceeded to verify a street rumour I heard last month: the DA is willing to cut a plea deal to avoid another dead-end Trial.

I sed "Fine. Keep me posted."

Then we hung up on each other.  

I told ya the DA is a wimp.

So now I can grow my hair out!

Or did he crumble under the insurmountable weight of my OZ Blogs?

 :foot:    :troll2:   :smee!:    :3stooges:   :badfinger:   :neener:    :keelhaul:   :youaretheman: :mobbing:  :banana: 

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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #84 on: May 12, 2015, 12:29:42 PM »
Elko shooting may have been self-defense

May 04, 2015 4:00 pm  •  ELAINE BASSIER Comments
Man shot to death in Elko apartment

ELKO — Initial investigation reveals that a man might have killed another man in self-defense during a fight early Sunday morning.

Checkout the Reader's Comments! Lotta Elko-bashing going on, and the FreeP is deleting comments! Outrageous!!!

For example:

blackjack - May 08, 2015 9:45 am
Great, now the haters are going to tell us this is a California problem. Elko has big problems on many levels and I wouldn't recommend anyone visit this place, not from any state or even any town in NV. Just drive right through this town and pick another place to spend your money.

my2cents - May 10, 2015 4:03 am
I FIND IT DISTURBING THAT ELKO DAILY FREE PRESS IS ARBITRARILY CHOOSING WHICH COMMENTS STAY IN THIS COMMENT SECTION. I've read every comment that has been posted, and yet several of the comments that I've screen captured for reference have simply vanished. WHAT is up with that? Regardless how stupid some of these comments are, they do paint an interesting picture, so WHY are some of these previous comments missing???
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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #85 on: May 12, 2015, 01:38:35 PM »

Then he proceeded to verify a street rumour I heard last month: the DA is willing to cut a plea deal to avoid another dead-end Trial.

... and keep a low profile on the problems of the justice system, no doubt.

Also, I'm betting that they've already played their best hand by selective post 'evidence' - which means your defense can have well researched artillery to shoot down any such repeat attempts.  Considering you were able to upset their apple cart last time by firing from the hip, I wouldn't like their chances in a rematch with the same approach.


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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #86 on: May 12, 2015, 02:43:03 PM »
:tello: Spot-On, horse! You got that right!!

Now lookie here: I posted a comment on the new FreeP article:

Ron Tello - 7 minutes ago
I shot a man in Self-defense. No one in Elko got it right. Not the cops, the court, The FreeP, most of its readers or the jury. The perp was allowed to go free. My home was looted and Elko Law Enfarcement has done nothing to bring about any form of Justice.

ELKO: Evil Land Keep Out.

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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #87 on: May 12, 2015, 03:04:00 PM »
Again, "goddammit! I shot a man (albeit a scumbag) in the foot and all the DA could do was keep me on ice for nearly a year until I was called out to witness the System play Mumbly-Peg with my literary prowess. It fails to make sense, and forget about that 'Justice Jive'. They be having none of that here."


by firing from the hip,


And watch. I predict a key component of this so-called "deal" will be NOT returning my gun, citing "In the interest of Justice".

Hell, they've already stolen all of my ammo. B@zturds!!!
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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #88 on: May 12, 2015, 03:11:35 PM »
So far, I've gotten-away with this:


my2cents - May 10, 2015 4:03 am
I FIND IT DISTURBING THAT ELKO DAILY FREE PRESS IS ARBITRARILY CHOOSING WHICH COMMENTS STAY IN THIS COMMENT SECTION. I've read every comment that has been posted, and yet several of the comments that I've screen captured for reference have simply vanished. WHAT is up with that? Regardless how stupid some of these comments are, they do paint an interesting picture, so WHY are some of these previous comments missing???

Ron Tello - 15 minutes ago
Standard corruption. Elko's business as usual.
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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #89 on: May 12, 2015, 06:43:54 PM »
It's still interesting AND noteworthy how these 2 news stories are related.

Nevada county charging for jail meals; ACLU upset

 Feb. 7, 2014 8:37 PM EST

RENO, Nev. (AP) — A northern Nevada county is moving ahead with what may be a first-in-the-nation plan to charge county jail inmates for food and medical care, despite objections from the American Civil Liberties Union that it's cruel and unusual punishment and could lead to a court battle.

The Elko County Commission on Wednesday approved Sheriff Jim Pitts' proposal to charge inmates $6 a day for meals, $10 for each doctor visit and $5 for initial booking into the jail, a move he says will save county taxpayers millions of dollars a year.

"Why should the people of Elko County pay for somebody else's meals in jail?" said Commissioner Grant Gerber, a backer of the plan who thinks the fees should be higher.

Read more:


Elko County Jail Expansion; nobody seems worried
Published: 9/24/2014 10:50 am

Construction continues on Elko County Jail expansion as crews are adding cell blocks and bathroom facilities for especially female inmates. Undersheriff Clair Morris said the work will move indoors as the foundation and walls are completed.

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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #90 on: May 12, 2015, 07:02:03 PM »
Look what I found!


The Human Rights Defense Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that advocates on behalf of the human rights of people held in U.S. detention facilities. This includes people in state and federal prisons, local jails, immigration detention centers, civil commitment facilities, Bureau of Indian Affairs jails, juvenile facilities and military prisons. HRDC is one of the few national opponents to the private prison industry and is the foremost advocate on behalf of the free speech rights of publishers to communicate with prisoners and the right of prisoners to receive publications and communications from outside sources. HRDC also does significant work around government transparency and accountability issues by filing and litigating public records and Freedom of Information Act requests at the state and federal levels.

HRDC's advocacy efforts include publishing Prison Legal News, a monthly publication that covers criminal justice-related news and litigation nationwide. HRDC publishes and distributes self-help reference books for prisoners, and engages in litigation, media campaigns and outreach, public speaking and education, and testimony before legislative and regulatory bodies. HRDC also maintains separate websites for Prison Legal News and the Prison Phone Justice campaign.

HRDC is financially supported by individual donations, earned revenue, foundation grants, and subscription and advertising income. Donations to HRDC are tax deductible to the extent permitted by the IRS.

This website contains an overview of HRDC's activities and accomplishments. For a summary of the national depth and breadth of our work and advocacy efforts, please review our annual reports and the HRDC/PLN in the News page.

Thank you for your interest in the Human Rights Defense Center!
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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #91 on: May 12, 2015, 07:24:42 PM »
Hey look..there's MORE!

It's my ol' pal Dean Berry, whereabouts: UNKNOWN.




Apr 5, 2013

I was convicted.  No news there.  I have to pay $1,000 in fines and
misc but I had the satisfaction of costing the state some money too.  

All of these charges against me are motivated by political retaliation. By an Elko County regime who’s just as corrupt, just as vengeful,and just as jealous to protect its power and wealth as any regime you’d find in Sri Lanka, Rwanda, the Middle East, or the Soviet Union. I notified Elko County officials that 100,000 visitors a month were reading how corrupt Elko County is at DEAN BERRY MINISTRIES.

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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #92 on: May 12, 2015, 07:45:16 PM »
And the "Dirt" keeps on sticking!

Elko County jail warned about health violations
Published: 5/22/2013 11:02 am

ELKO, Nev. (AP) — The Elko County Jail has been warned about health code violations, including a lack of adequate toilets and shower facilities for female inmates.

Elko County sheriff's officials say most women at the jail have been transferred to Eureka and Lander counties while the deficiencies are addressed.

Health inspectors cited the jail for faulty water pressure in one bathroom, a damaged shower wall in another cell block and minor issues in the facility's kitchen. They said the women-to-toilet ratio of 16-to-1 is twice as high as it should be.

County commissioners approved $1 million earlier this year to renovate the jail.

Lt. Kevin McKinney tells the Elko Daily Free Press the county currently is paying $50 per inmate to temporarily house the women elsewhere.
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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #93 on: May 12, 2015, 08:12:51 PM »
I'm throwing this in here (only becuz I found it. And, I was in jail with McFarland).

Couple arrested in connection with double homicide, crime spree
By Pat Reavy  January 3rd, 2012 @ 9:40pm

ELKO, Nevada — A pair of sharp eyes from an Elko County commissioner brought a three-day manhunt for a couple accused of going on a two-state crime spree — including a home burglary, violent carjacking and possible double homicide — to an end.

On Tuesday, Logan Welles McFarland, 24, and Angela Marie Hill, 25, both of Sanpete County, were arrested without incident about 1:20 p.m. by the Elko County Sheriff's Office, West Wendover police and U.S. marshals. "The location of the arrest was an extremely rural area of Elko County near Wells, Nev.," police said.

McFarland was booked into the Elko County Jail Tuesday night for investigation of attempted murder with the use of a deadly weapon and kidnapping. He was being held on $75,000 cash bond.

:tello: Well Hell! My bail was $100,000 and I DINT KILL ANYBODY

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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #94 on: May 12, 2015, 08:44:20 PM »
Old story, but the laws remain the same.

Nevada Woman Sentenced to Life Imprisonment For Kissing 13-Year-Old Boy
and Putting His Hand on Her Breast

1, June 15, 2010 by jonathanturley

"The case is an excellent example of how mandatory minimum sentencing laws can mutate our legal system."

Elko County District Attorney Gary Woodbury (now Tello's Defense Counsel) was unapologetic and noted that Taylor would not plead guilty because she did not want to register as a sex offender.

culheath on 1, June 15, 2010 at 9:14 am
Mandatory sentencing itself is an abuse of the justice system as this case clearly demonstrates; there is no justice at all here.
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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #95 on: May 12, 2015, 08:59:36 PM »

Elko jailers accused of allowing beating of inmate
By Scott Sonner, Associated Press
Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2014 | 2:18 p.m.

RENO — A former Elko County jail inmate is seeking more than $50,000 in damages in a federal lawsuit accusing jail guards of idly standing by while three other inmates nearly beat him to death.

The suit also accuses Elko County sheriff's officials of tampering with the jail surveillance tape so as to try to cover up the alleged beating of Ryan Fosmo at the county jail on Sept. 10, 2012.

Enough of the attack remained on the videotape to prove three other inmates — one of them currently serving a prison sentence for murder — lured Fosmo into a cell, slammed the door shut and severely beat him, according to the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Reno on Sept. 10.

Fosmo was "basically a caged animal fighting to stay alive," Elko attorney Gregory Corn wrote in the lawsuit on behalf of the 40-year-old man who was released on parole in April after serving a sentence for being an ex-felon in possession of a firearm.

Corn told The Associated Press on Tuesday he knows the surveillance tape exists because he saw part of it during Fosmo's sentencing hearing in Elko County District Court in October 2012. He said he intends to file a motion soon asking U.S. District Judge Miranda Du to issue an order to "freeze and take possession" of the videotape.

The footage was "intentionally adulterated by the defendants ... to decrease, eliminate and/or hide the totality of what should have otherwise been on the video had portions of it not been altered or eliminated," the lawsuit states.

Elko County Sheriff Jim Pitts did not immediately respond to an email or telephone call seeking comment on Tuesday.

The lawsuit alleges his conduct "was at a minimum negligent and at a maximum intentional."

Fosmo has lost the partial use of one or both of his hands as a result of the "severe beating, pommeling and stomping" on parts of his body "while the Elko County jailers watched," the suit said. It seeks both general and punitive damages for Fosmo's pain and suffering, emotional distress and loss of income.
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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #96 on: May 12, 2015, 09:07:21 PM »
Pitts denies allegations in jailhouse lawsuit
September 17, 2014 5:11 pm  •  SCOTT SONNER, Associated Press

RENO (AP) — Elko County Sheriff Jim Pitts said Wednesday an internal investigation into a former county jail inmate's claims that he was nearly beaten to death by three other inmates in 2012 determined that the accuser was the perpetrator, not the victim of the jailhouse fight.

Pitts also denied allegations in the inmate's lawsuit against the county that sheriff's officials tampered with the jail surveillance tape so as to try to cover up the alleged beating.

Former inmate Ryan Fosmo is seeking more than $50,000 in damages in a federal civil rights lawsuit accusing jail guards of idly standing by while the other inmates beat him on Sept. 10, 2012.

Fosmo was "basically a caged animal fighting to stay alive," Elko attorney Gregory Corn wrote in the lawsuit on behalf of the 40-year-old man who was released on parole in April after serving a sentence for being an ex-felon in possession of a firearm.

Pitts told The Associated Press on Wednesday has not formally been served any papers in connection with the lawsuit so he could not comment fully. But he said his office investigated the incident and is confident the surveillance tape was not altered. ["By the way...we're planning on charging inmates for their keep to finance my new jailhouse add-on" he added. :tello: ]

"The internal investigation found he was the suspect and not the victim," Pitts said.

The lawsuit states that although the videotape had been altered, enough of the attack was captured to prove three other inmates — one of them currently serving a prison sentence for murder — lured Fosmo into a cell, slammed the door shut and severely beat him, according to the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Reno on Sept. 10.

Corn told AP on Tuesday he knows the surveillance tape exists because he saw part of it during Fosmo's sentencing hearing in Elko County District Court in October 2012. He said he intends to file a motion soon asking U.S. District Judge Miranda Du to issue an order to "freeze and take possession" of the videotape.

The footage was "intentionally adulterated by the defendants ... to decrease, eliminate and/or hide the totality of what should have otherwise been on the video had portions of it not been altered or eliminated," the lawsuit states.
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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #97 on: May 12, 2015, 09:27:38 PM »
I was there. door.

Elko inmates target sexual offender, one sentenced for beating
September 10, 2014 6:00 am  •  By Dylan Woolf Harris

ELKO — Only one inmate involved in a jail cell beating has been charged for the crime allegedly carried out by  a group of four, which sent a fellow detainee accused of lewdness to the hospital last March.

West Wendover resident Armando Dejesus was bound over to district court in connection to the crime after waiving a preliminary hearing in late August. He was sentenced this week in an unrelated attempted burglary charge, to run concurrently with a five-year prison sentence for coercion. The battery by a prisoner charge will also run concurrently with the coercion charge.

On March 7, Jerry Ramos called jail staff to report he had been beaten up “by half the block,” according to a report. Deputies arrived at the B Block and found a substantial amount of blood in a cell, and Ramos on the ground bleeding from several head wounds. He said his head, neck and back were hurt.

Read More:

:tello: This was another case of the shonky video tape. I was there. Knew Jerry. Good times!
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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #98 on: May 12, 2015, 09:40:25 PM »
$1M suit says Nevada police blew drug informant's cover
SCOTT SONNER, Associated Press 8:30 a.m. PST January 13, 2015

Facing new drug charges on top of an already long criminal history, James Corgan figured it would be best to cut a deal with authorities investigating drug-trafficking in northeast Nevada.

Corgan says state detectives assured him his identity would remain secret if he became a confidential informant, so he agreed in 2012 to lead them to a house in Elko where he routinely bought methamphetamine.

Days later, authorities raided the home, seized drugs and guns, and placed on the kitchen table a document that would turn Corgan's life upside down: a search warrant affidavit that identified him as the snitch.

Corgan says he was severely beaten by other prisoners and almost died after his release from jail when he was shot in the stomach by a contract killer in January 2013.

He accuses sheriff deputies of participating in a conspiracy, at one point holding him at the same jail with the hit man who shot him, and at another locking him in the same cell block with the alleged drug dealer he fingered.

Corgan makes the accusations in a federal lawsuit recently filed in U.S. District Court in Reno seeking up to $1 million in actual and punitive damages from the state, Elko County and others.

The suit doesn't suggest a motive for Corgan's treatment. But it alleges authorities later tried to cover-up the wrongdoing, and that a deputy attempted to "buy off Corgan" by offering him a house and money "to keep him quiet."

Sheriff's Sgt. Kelly Stuehling allegedly made the offer shortly after Corgan was shot "in hopes of eliminating and/or diminishing the liability" the defendants had subjected themselves to, said the lawsuit Elko lawyer Gregory Corn filed Dec. 31.

The lawsuit accuses Sheriff Jim Pitts, Undersheriff Clair Morris and Lt. Mike Silva of conspiring to place Cortez in the same cell block with "easy access to Corgan."

Read More:
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Re: >**** ELKO SMASH ****<
« Reply #99 on: May 12, 2015, 09:55:41 PM »
Area 51 in Nevada was used to film the NASA Apollo 11 moon landings
Posted: April 29, 2015 in AREA 51   

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

There is something wrong with US mission to the Moon. The legendary space mission is still shrouded in mystery. Mankind still has a number of reasons to cast doubt on the miracle of inter-planetary flights. Many people still say that US astronauts have never landed on the Moon.
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