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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1550 on: Today at 05:56:07 PM »
Page 32

When narcissist used discard as punishment for you, but you went no contact after being discarded, does it bother the narcissist that he/she lost control over you? Or will he/she be careless towards losing discarded supply?

When a narcissist discards you it’s not always to punish you. Most of the time he/she is bored with you and your validation no longer holds much weight. That’s when they search for new or back-to-love bombing old supplies.

This starts mentally in their minds before the physical discard. They hold on to you until they secure (at least they think) the new or old supply, and then discard you without closure to come back to you if needed. Narcissists can’t be alone and without supply at all.

I would say yes, they will get upset with you because they’ve lost control and call you childish when you refuse to answer their calls or block them. A narcissist doesn’t think about being careless or not. They live in the moment and if something else or someone else has their attention at the time, he/she is not thinking about discarded supplies.

Well they have discarded you, they absolutely don't care about you, they would love to see you fail or lose so they can say/feel that they made you or carried you and you are nothing without them.

Only way they will be bothered if they see you do well because it is a loss which they could have benefitted from and that they didn't have any power over you to be able to affect you with a discard, that makes them feel small and insignificant.

That why then they hoover, so the narcissist would try to lure you back in for them to mess you up and discard again so you won't be upto any good. They absolutely don't care about you and you should just move on with out wondering if they care about you else you will be playing this game whole your life wasting it.

There is likely no wrong answer. Everyone's experience will be similar yet slightly different.

Given you mentioned “discard as punishment for you”… to me it's an absolute yes that it bothers them that they lost control. From my experience the punishment discard is not usually intended to be permanent… although I wonder how many of us realised we were being discarded? I didn't, and there were multiple short term discards as we call them before I said, Screw this!

In my view the temporary or punishment discard, is intended to raise concern with the victim, that their abuser may leave them. It may create a sense of “I have to do more to make them happy” typically making the victim easier to control.

When it leads to the victim leaving and taking control of themselves, the narcissist or toxic abuser absolutely gets ticked that they lost control. Afterall that has been the results of all of their previous efforts.

My Ex took it to a level that is typical of a covert malignant, but I had no idea that she would do what she did. In my mind she would want to save or restore our relationship, not at all the way it happened. She wanted control of me, and when I wouldn't let her, she turned to everyone else in our lives and did her best to control what they believed and how they would view and treat me.

This for me was a pivotal moment, it confirmed a lot of my research, which also allowed me to stick to my boundaries, which just infuriated my Ex even more. It didn't matter how hard she tried, I did not give her a reaction. And when I had to see her, due to legal proceedings, you could see how angry and bitter she was. In the end her anger was expressed with intense blame and condemnation.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1551 on: Today at 06:21:06 PM »
What happens when you don't give a narcissist attention?

Narcissists always have ways to get your attention. If they are not getting your attention, they will use passive-aggressive tactics or throw tantrums to get your attention. A narcissist can't live without your attention. Narcissists fear losing you if they lose control, power, and authority over you. When narcissists get your attention, they are sure they have control over you.

If you don't give narcissists attention, then they will say you don't love them. Narcissists will use different ways to get your attention.

Attention is like a drug for narcissists. If narcissists aren't able to get your attention, then they will probably look for other supplies to get attention. If a narcissist has the habit of cheating, then they'll look to cheat on someone who gives them attention.

If narcissists have a very good supply, then they are likely to discard you or ghost you.

That depends on what stage of their predatory cycle they are on. If they are alone and looking for a new source, then they tend to stay away from people that pay them little attention, or those who voice their opinions or disagree with them upon first meeting them. They know that this person will be too much work.

They lurk in the shadows waiting for that perfect moment, that perfect innocent prey who starts to show them attention. The happy, kind, outgoing person who they know they can never be. It is at this very moment that their sickly grooming begins.

The first moment of attention is like a Ouija board allowing entities a portal to finally connect to a world that they are so desperately trying to get into. Once the narcissist gets through the portal and they find it relatively easy to do so, they know that this new world is their oyster and they aren’t going to give this opportunity up anytime soon.

And so the love bombing begins. This provides them with so much attention. This is very powerful attention for them and is exactly what they need to fill their devastating void. As a new source you are a very valuable food source.

However, they know they can’t keep up with this for very long. For them it is just too exhausting. They know that that eventually their mask is going to be ripped off as it has many times before, for they have to make the most of what they can while it lasts.

During this love bombing they are in full covert operation mode, gathering as much intell as they can about you. Personal information. Things you don’t want anyone to know or ever find out about. They know that they are eventually going to loose your good attention so they need as much ”dirt” on you as they can possibly get, so that when your good attention towards them starts to fizzle out, they can resort to their secondary fix which is your negative attention.

They will do things like clean your house for you when you are at work and try to find as much private information on you as they can. (And constantly remind you what a good person they are for helping you clean your house.) They will go through your social media and will open your mail.

This is their insurance policy on you. When your good attention is gone, they will use this information to try to torture you with. For them, it doesn’t matter whether your attention is good or bad, it is a fuel source.

When you stop providing them with good attention, they will go ballistic. They will become absolutely vicious. You won’t know what hit you. Which is why they need as much information on you as they can possibly find. You are nothing more than a possession to them and they will do ANYTHING to keep your attention. Positive or negative.

Which is why going no contact is so devastation and debilitating to them. When you go no contact you have taken away their nourishment. You have left them by themselves, with only themselves.

That is the scariest place for them to be. That is their hell on earth. Being by themselves without their your attention is so terrifying to them because they know who they are. They can’t stand being with themselves because they are so broken and empty. They are not capable of filling their own cup.

Going no contact will be very difficult. They still need attention so even negative attention is still fueling them. They will attack you, continue to torture and try to manipulate you. We have all read the horror stories of what they will do to retain your attention.

Just remember that anything they do to you after going no contact is their way of trying to get a response from you. It’s a way of getting your attention to to continue to feed themselves. So no reaction from you is cutting off their fuel source. And a fuel source makes them feel better.

God I know its hard but please just don’t react. When you are dealing with no contact with a narcissist please remember that SILENCE IS GOLDEN! Let them spill their wheels into oblivion.

This is your precious life and live it to the fullest by no longer giving them your attention. The only person that truly deserves your attention is you.

I send so much love and healing to all of you who have suffered through narcissistic abuse. I have been reading so many wonderful posts on Quora for a while now. Thank you for helping me through my pain.

When the narcissist can't reach you, it drives them off the rails.

And I am not just referring to reaching you by physically contacting you (that too), but rather reaching the part of you which underlies the core of your existence, the driver of your thought processes, behaviors, and actions.

Put differently, narcissists need you to be an extension of them. Simple as that. They need you to respond to their prompts in just the right ways.

That is of course, if they see value in you, if they see value in guiding your behaviors, thoughts, actions, to appease them and serve them. Their life is all about scouting out high value supply, securing it, using it, discarding it. If you are not of value to them, they don't care.

Their wellbeing vs their demise – it all comes down to your response to them. You, the high value supply.

Narcissists don't like to put all their eggs in one basket, but they so often do.

Cause most baskets won't give that egg the time of day, meaning there is a small cohort of baskets to choose from, and you feature highly, cause you look just fine, check you out.

Yes, the key with the power to unlock their potential for happiness, and also the key with the potential to lock them away in perpetual (?) darkness, in your hands.

Your life, your choice.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1552 on: Today at 06:47:43 PM »
Why can't I have a normal conversation with a narc? Why does every conversation have to be crazy making?

Normal conversations with narcissists are very difficult. Narcissists don't see from your point of view; narcissists just want to dominate the conversation according to their agenda and motives.

You can't discuss your problems or complain about anything because narcissists have no interest in your problems and complaints. Narcissists can even lash at you by calling you nagging and annoying. Narcissists get irritated when you try to have healthy conversation with them.

If you are bothered by narcissist behavior and you want narcissists to understand your feelings, then they will pick up a fight to punish you for pointing at them. Sometimes narcissists will ignore your conversation, change the topic, or just leave you alone to avoid conversations.

Narcissists communicate only when they want something from you. Narcissists main motive is to win. To win, narcissists will go to any lengths to make you feel bad.

Because that is their way of being. It’s precisely, exactly how they operate, in order to obtain their goal of fuel, superiority and control.

If they came with an instruction book, or if they were an ad on TV, the fine print would say....

WARNING! Repeated and extended exposure to the narcissist is at your own risk. Excessive and prolonged use of narcissistic interactions has been shown to cause confusion, trauma-bonding, PTSD, and, in some cases, even brainwashing. You may find Narcissists are habit forming. In lab rats, they have been known to cause panic attacks, heart attacks and cancer.

Do not expose the narcissist to extreme emotional outbursts, or you will likely be punished (by them). They are known to be easily aroused into anger, jealousy, rage and attacks of violence.

Check with a medical professional before engaging with a narcissist, to see if they are right for you. It’s always a good idea to have a physical assessment by a medical professional, prior to engaging with the Narc. Always follow your doctor’s orders.

Side effects include, and are not limited to:

Feeling crazy. Depression. Isolation. Loss of finances, your things, jobs, friends, anything of value. You may no longer enjoy things or people that you used to enjoy. Wondering if your friends still like you. Questioning why the Narcissist said what he said, and what you should have said or done differently. Ruminating… Yes, for hours, days and weeks, about the same thing, over and over.

Restlessness. Insomnia. Weight gain. Dementia, or believing you have it. Insanity. Trauma-bonding. PTSD. Change in personality. Guilt. Shame. Remorse. Being fatally flawed. Being wrong, oh-so-totally-wrong. Feeling that you’re a bad person.

Lack of ability to win an argument. Lack of logic, so they say. Over-thinking. Over-working. Feeling like a slave to the Narcissist. Feeling different than you used to be. Feeling like you don’t know who you are anymore. Feeling like no one likes you. Feeling like you should try harder. Feeling like it’s your fault. Everything.

Weight loss. Ill health. Overall feelings of lethargy. Lack of motivation. Bouts of unending crying…. over nothing. Hostility. Anger. Emotional over-reactions. Meltdowns. No interest in life.

Symptoms similar to bipolar where you’re excited and hyperactive one minute, and then depressed, the next. Rapid and major mood swings. Sleeping too much. Not sleeping enough. Nervous, anxiety. Heart palpitations. High blood pressure.

Feelings of worthlessness. Unending and unrealistic optimism because tomorrow is a new day. Living in your head. Inability to love like you used to. Feelings of inferiority.

Other symptoms which were less reported in studies include: Death.

Take the narcissist into your life only with the approval of your medical professional and seek out their advice if you experience any of the above symptoms. Having a narcissist in your life has been known to be habit-forming. If you find you cannot cope in daily life, we recommend you discontinue seeking out the narcissist, and seek medical advice.
Only you can know if the narcissist is right for you! Most people experience joy and happiness and life like no other! Ask your doctor to prescribe you a Narcissist, today, so your life can begin anew!

(I would say I’m joking and have a good laugh if this wasn’t all SO TRUE!!)

“Why does it have to be crazy making?” I’m sorry, I chuckled just a little. I know it’s no laughing matter, as I was married to one for 30 yrs. a Covert Malignant Narc at that. I chuckled because you answered your own question. Because they are “crazy”. Let me explain.

They are crazy in the sense that everything about them is irrational. They do not make any sense when they are arguing their points. They twist and lie. Their points are invalid and they believe their own lies.

The Narc I was married to would lie so much, he started to believe the lies himself, and when talking to me privately one time before the divorce I looked in straight in the eye and said “You can stop with the bullshit and lies, I was there. I know exactly what you said, what I said and what the truth is.

There’s no one here for you to put this show on for so stop trying to convince me it happened otherwise.” He looked at me and shut his mouth. He knew he wasn’t going to convince me or make me believe his story. So he stopped. I then told him that he maybe able to gain support with his lies and half truths but with me I knew the truth and he was wasting his time.

This form of behavior on my part was the ending to our marriage as he finally realized that I was no longer going to be manipulated and fed his crap. Face to face with a Narc can be very risky as a woman. A rage can send you to the ER or worse. So do not try this.

Our daughter recently had a run with him and is now seeing first hand what I dealt with my whole marriage and although she and her sister damned me for leaving him, as they were fed all his lies, now sees exactly why you can not talk it out or save the relationship.

They take the conversation and put their spin on the events in question and no sane person can follow it. Thus making it “crazy”. The manipulation they try to use, when finally seen as such, can not compare to the rational thoughts or reason of those that aren’t NPD. Why we chose to even try to talk to them is because we are human. We try to solve the problems like we would with another rational adult.


You are trying to converse with a 5 yr old child in an adult body. In order to have this conversation one will either have to step up (the Narc) or step down and think like a five year old. That is the way you have to treat them, like an injured child. You know when you tell and injured child something like, “aww it’s ok.

Did the mean tricycle pitch you off and give you that big boo boo? Where is it? I’ll go beat it up cause it hurt you!” That is exactly the mentality you have to have when dealing with a grown ass adult with NPD. You must blame something else or someone else for their "boo boo" or take on the responsibility of it yourself or they will argue the issue till they are blue in the face.

Because they will never see it was their fault or that the blame is on them much less admit it. If they ever do admit to blame watch out because a true and evil Narc will on occasion do this. Why? To use it against you later, thats why. They will you it to show they are not crazy, they are not "Narcissistic".

How could they be Narcissistic and say it was their fault back when this or that happened. Its just you trying to label them and make them look like an evil monster when in fact YOU ARE THE NARCISSISTIC ONE. This has happened to me so much its unreal.

The best conversation you can have with a Narc is NONE at all. There is no reasoning with one. It's like wrestling with a pig in the mud, except the pig loves the mud.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1553 on: Today at 06:59:21 PM »
One of the most difficult things in a narcissistic relationship is communication. The narcissist does not want to understand you or resolve conflict. They want to remain in control and dominate you. They want to win. They look at simple communication like a tool for power. They withhold pertinent information from you, stonewall important topics, and give very frequent and lengthy silent treatments.

This control over communication weakens the survivor’s resolve and causes great harm within a family system. Some survivors cannot do no contact and they are at the whim of narcissistic bully. To those of you “stuck” talking with them, in essence, you have to learn to detach even at the parenting level. You will be parenting alone much of the time. Imagine how much a child will be confused by a narcissist who weaponizes communication?

So it’s best to gather your strength and accept you are parenting alone. I held out hope far longer than I should have because my son is autistic. My therapist kept saying “let go of the idea of him parenting” and “you have done it alone this far”. I struggled because I couldn’t imagine someone not wanting to be emotionally involved in their children’s lives. Legally, they have parenting apps , but it must be judge ordered. These apps at least hold the the narcissistic parent accountable, but good luck trying to get them on an app that holds them accountable. Keep healing survivors.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1554 on: Today at 07:12:43 PM »
When you first begin learning about narcissism. You are hoping there is this moment or this understanding where things can get better and the family will heal. Sadly, this is not the case because the narcissist even knowing they are toxic will continue to treat people as objects not people.

Depending on their needs and wants at a specific time is all that makes you a part of their life. They have no real connections so they just use people and trash people in never ending patterns. It’s best to cut them lose or detach from them so much that you no longer care about their patterns of abuse.

You just basically make them a tiny portion of your life like if you have to co parent. They love their image more than anything and will do all kinds of ugly to keep you silent. Make them small but don’t be silenced to not stand up for yourself. Keep healing survivors .
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1555 on: Today at 07:14:01 PM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1556 on: Today at 07:35:36 PM »
Do narcissists ever admit to being wrong or do they make excuses to cover up their mistakes?

Because in their minds, they aren’t.

They believe that they are perfect and that they do not make mistakes. I will give you a crazy but funny example of this so you can understand how disordered they are. In my first hellish marriage to the first Narcissist, he was obsessed with dating websites, as they all are. Every time he was on a dating website I could just feel it. I just knew. I can’t explain how, but when you live with a Narcissist for a long time you can start predicting their behavior.

So one day I snooped through his computer. He always deleted his history unaware that I knew how to check his hard drive. So sure enough I found his profile on a dating website. I printed it off and just waited for him to get home. By this point I was so numb to him that I wasn’t even that angry. Well, he got home and I handed him the papers AND HE STILL DENIED IT. UNBELIEVABLE.

He was holding his profile picture and his dating profile and he still would not fess up. That is when I knew he was really disordered. He was holding the proof but still trying to look me in the eyes and lie to my face about it. Same thing with the second one just with different things. The thing you have to understand is that you should not even try to understand them.

You will drive yourself crazy analyzing their crazy behavior that will NEVER IMPROVE!!!! Let me repeat that, THEY WILL NEVER CHANGE OR GET BETTER. You have to get them out of your life for good. If you don’t, they will break your spirit and ruin your life. And they will enjoy every second of it!

The most “popular” answer to this question is always the resounding “NO” followed up by a host of all of Narcy’s mountainous transgressions concerning his deliberate and/or compulsive lying. And this pleases the masses still out for Narcy blood in the early stages of post-narpocolyptic life, or those who have been post-narcolyptic for years and still not moving forward. If thats the answer you seek, then stop here. This is not going to be what you want to hear.

If its honest truth and observation from a healed victims honest perspective that you are looking for, then read on.

Because, there comes a time guys/gals, when you have to climb out of the victim box. And no doubt, you WERE a victim. You endured some truly horrible stuff.

But its NOT the end of your story. Its only the end if you choose to stay in the victim box and remain stuck there. Inside that box, you will never be rid of the hurt, the anger, the rage, the need for retribution, the resentment… none of it.

But, you NEED to dump all of that…if you are ever going to 1)move forward and find happiness and healing and 2) truly understand narcissism because it requires logical thinking and honest retrospect…not emotional thinking from a place of hurt and anger.

By no means does this excuse away what Narcy did to you…nor does it mean you should allow Narcy (or any other toxic person into your life). You should not.

With that in mind, does that “no” really hold true all the time?

Has Narcy ever apologized to me and expressed how horrible he feels about everything he did? Yes, he has, several times. Did he genuinely mean it? Yes, I believe he did, but only in THAT moment. (We will get to that in a minute)

In the 15 years I spent with Narcy, (and because of our job we spent 24/7 together inside a confined box for weeks on end) I developed into quite the keene lie detector whenever and wherever Narcy was concerned.

I could sense the lie was coming and predict exactly what it was (almost ver batum), long before he could even form it in his head and tell it with his lips. Followed immediately by the “you are crazy” that always surfaced when I would call him out on it. I’m not psychic, it’s just “predictable” and a cycle that repeats itself over and over like a broken record.

Whether either of us liked it or not, the 15 years of our entanglement together had me further into his head, and his thought patterns, (and for far greater amount of time), than anyone else ever had been, including Narcy.

Narcy rarely ever goes too deep into his own head, at least not often enough to quantify it as a regular, albeit infrequent, “practice”. Its more like an occassional “oops” where he stumbles and falls into it more than anything closely resembling “premeditated” or “intentional”. But on occassion, usually under tremendous stress, a real and genuine moment of self-reflection does occur. And it goes something like this…

We already know, that Narcy doesn’t like who he is. He doesn’t like the things that he does either. He doesn’t know why he can’t just stop himself. This loops back around to Narcy doesn’t like himself…..he doesn’t like the things he does….why can’t he just stop himself over and over in an endless loop that picks up incredible speed and inertia (and at great internal detriment and suffering to Narcy. The longer this loop continues, the more pain he feels).

The mind, like the body, can only take so much “pain”. Its not long before the pain of this endless cycle kicks in his survival mechanism…the Mask…the false front…the superficial “Narcy” that is strong, poweful, confident, great, so great, really great, really really great….the anatomical conundrum Narcy resurfaces. With a vengeance.

But in these few brief moments on the circular mental treadmill that goes nowhere, the self-reflection is very real. And so is the apology. In these few moments, Narcy is incapable of lying and the remorse he feels is not only genuine but overwhelmingly painful.

It just isnt “sustainable”; because the self defense mechanism Narcy’s mind developed long ago to stop the pain (by creating these layers of masks upon mask) does not allow for “sustainability” of any thought or feeling that is the very source of his internal pain.

(Narcy does not have a single “mask” but layers of them, each one for its own purpose).

Narcy has to block that pain out, deny it, pound it away into utter oblivion to keep himself safe from this terrible pain. And in this process of his own mental defense, you get hurt….often badly, which is easily interpreted as intentional by you. But, in actuality, its more akin to “collateral damage” than intent…its a byproduct, if you will.

But to admit to that, to anyone, including himself, threatens to remove too great a degree of newly forned and shaky protection than what he is willing to allow. Internally he is still reeling in pain and lashes out blindly at whatever is closest, which will be you.

Much of what Narcy admits to doing to intentionally hurt you is very true, (just as we seek to intentionally hurt Narcy after he hurts us…) but not all of it is intentional. But both (intentional and collateral injury to you) occur for the same reason. Defense mechanism.

Most of us aren’t horrible people either, but when something is hurting us, we want to hurt it back…and make it hurt and suffer as much as we did. Defense mechanism. We have it too, only to a lesser or “more controlled” degree. A 5 second scroll through Quora will show how very true that is. Narcy does this, but so do we.

Its easy when we are hurt and angry and out of our minds with grief and half crazy from abuse to forget something critical about Narcy…..he did not ask to be what he is. This formed in him at a very young age. Too young.

If given a choice, he would choose to not be Narcy at all. But thats not an option is it? We cannot cure it, we cannot heal it. Neither can he. He simply has to try to live with it…which hurts a lot of people, but himself most of all. The only difference between an angel and a demon is how much pain they are in.

Its a tragedy. But given the nature of Narcissism and what sympathy and empathy bring when extended to Narcy, you cannot offer these to him either…all you can do is keep a distance, disengage where you can, hold your boundaries, and heal yourself. Because there's nothing you or anyone else can do to heal Narcy.

But you can hold some compassion in your own heart….and keep it there, and be all the better for doing so. Life for Narcy, despite all his bolstering and bragging to the contrary, is a miserable existence. And nobody actually suffers more from it than he does.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1557 on: Today at 08:19:42 PM »
Best reminder to keep distance from negative people.

What you weren’t supposed to figure out. There were many things you weren’t supposed to figure out in the narcissistic relationship and certainly post relationship. The first thing you weren’t supposed to figure out is that you were with a narcissist. The second thing you weren’t supposed to figure out is that narcissism really exists. The third thing you weren’t supposed to figure out is the narcissist will never give you closure. This will have to come from you. The next thing you’ll figure out is that this will take a lot of time to heal from. Another thing you weren’t supposed to figure out is that the narcissist never loved you. They never cared about you. They don’t care about anybody but themselves.

Another thing you weren’t supposed to figure out is that not everybody is who they appear to be or who they claim to be. Another thing you weren’t supposed to figure out is that people that you thought were your friends would disappear once you hit tough times. And the last thing you weren’t supposed to figure out is that you ARE stronger than you know you are an amazing human being. You are resilient. You are full of courage, fortitude, strength, commitment and honor. Sending positive energy and strength.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1558 on: Today at 08:30:58 PM »
Threatening to cheat and disappearing are a deadly combination to your mental health.
The Dirty & Disgusting Scare Tactics of the Narcissist

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1559 on: Today at 08:37:53 PM »
Say Goodbye to Toxicity: The Courage to Stand Up to a Narcissist!
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1560 on: Today at 08:46:00 PM »
Why Narcissists Stuck
in Toxic Patterns!
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1561 on: Today at 08:50:38 PM »
5 Signs to Spot a Narcissist
in Conversation
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1562 on: Today at 09:03:19 PM »
Please keep learning about narcissists, they may have adult jobs , adult money and even adult power. But they are what is called in psychology “emotionally arrested” therefore their emotional empathy is variable to none and can easily harm another without guilt or remorse. You can NOT love their disorder away. No amount of time or patience will fix things and you will not get reciprocation in love and respect. They will use you up until you are a shell of your former self. Leave. Run. Love them from afar, but get away from them so you can love and live with all your beautiful traits intact. Keep healing.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1563 on: Today at 09:12:44 PM »
What happens when a narcissist sees that he can't destroy you?

When a narcissist sees they can’t destroy you, they'll usually move on to someone else to mess with.

If they see they are destroying you, which is their main goal, it makes them feel really good. So when that doesn’t happen, they move on.

But you don't get away easily because narcissists hate losing.

They will keep badmouthing you, which they've been doing from the start without you knowing, making you look crazy and saying that's why they're leaving you.

They will try to turn everyone against you. They won’t stop; they will try to destroy you behind your back and get their satisfaction that way.

Some even call your job trying to get you fired. They really stop at nothing.

They use all sorts of tricks to get to you.

I can assure you that a narcissist WILL NEVER STOP trying to take you to suicide.

They may hate you today but one day tomorrow, they will always hoover.

What does this show?

A narcissist will keep on trying to destroy you.

So kindly do not ever under estimate what they can and what they cannot destroy. It is us VICTIMS that must take the power back forever and MAKE SURE THE POWER STAYS WITH US.

Until the day I die, I will never say a narcissist will not destroy my spirit. What I can definitely promise is that :

I will always strive to obey God’s law and stay within God’s unique refuge.

I have learnt to adopt a special filter so that no narcissist can penetrate my shell.

I strive to live a life focused on being more aware as to what happens in my environment.

But I do not want to ever feel over confident. As that will mean I am not protecting myself enough.

Overt, covert, pervert, whatever flavor they happen to be, they will find you frustrating. Because them not being able to break you, almost certainly means you have denied them in some way, they will also be angry.

Some will become more aggressive in an attempt to intimidate and over power your annoyingly indifferent disposition.

Some of them will be made of pure chicken shite, and go around behind your back and smear you, try to break you through your friends, family, work and so on.

My favorite kind are the ones who find out the hard way, that not only can they not break you, but that you have looked upon them with discerning eyes, and now hold a knife to the neck of their emotional regulation and self esteem.

When they haven't succeeded in destroying you, they will most definitely be upset at you.

This will lead them to going after your character. Most narcissist won't just stop there either. If they can't destroy your character they will try to destroy what's most precious to you, or something you've worked hard to attain.

They will be enraged and of course come back to finish the job.

They will start by trying to come back into your life as a friendly face, like nothing they did before even happened. Another way they will show up is as if they are trying to help you. If you have children with them, they will show up just to see you and pretend to care about their children. Most of the times they're just there to counter parent and open old wounds in the children, making it harder to parent.

They are very good at showing up as everything you want to see and hear for that moment in time. Do not fall for any of it because this is when they will finish you in any way they see will hurt you the most.

Their goal is to make sure you can't get back up or that it is much harder to get back up. Narcissist love to see you struggling, sad and hurting so don't give them anymore attempts to watch you do so.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1564 on: Today at 09:29:30 PM »
Why do narcissists destroy the other person's confidence?

The narcissist cannot live in reality; their grandiose self-image is exposed as hateful and petty in the cold light of day.

In order to suspend their disbelief, the narcissist requires you suspend judgement, and they do this by sabotaging your mental apparatus.

You will very quickly learn to lie lest you rouse the anger of your new and oh so special friend — you can't afford to let this one get away on you. Bribing you with less and less frequent presentations of your Special Friend (your Favourite Person), the narcissist ensures you will reflect back to them their majesty, magnificence, splendour.

You trick the narcissist into believing that you admire them; the narcissist has you believing they really care.

A couple of old con artists.

I’m going to go with a potentially very unpopular answer here:

Chances are, if you have fallen for someone with NPD, you already had low-self esteem to begin with - at least in the relationship area.


You are a prime target because you can offer status through money, looks or prestige of some kind while also being a less than stellar judge of character. (Celebrities with everything going for them also fall for predators.)

It takes time to become a decent judge of character. It takes time and experience to gain wisdom. Many of us didn’t grow up in secure families who modeled what a healthy relationship should look like. Consequently, we weren’t good judges of character.

I’m not saying it’s your fault. We are the product of our programming and upbringing. Every person I know who fell for an abuser had people close to them telling them to stay away.

Of course, there are exceptions. Of course, I haven’t met every single narcissist or victim. I’m merely speaking of my own experience and those I have come across during interviews or in my immediate environment.

Narcs love-bomb to suck their victims into a relationship fast. Secure people and/or people who are a good judge of character don't fall for love-bombing. Too much, too soon is an immediate red flag. They sense that the attention is not coming from a good place.

An insecure person will fall for shallow compliments. They might believe that “Wow! someone finally sees how special I am!” Love-bombing is their version of “true love”.

If someone secure took interest in them, they would claim that the person is too boring and there is no chemistry - because they are used to the intensity of love-bombing. Love-bombing = love. To a secure person who is a good judge of character, love-bombing is creepy as hell.

A secure person who is a good judge of character will immediately take a step back as they’ll see through this as a manipulative technique.

If your self-esteem was low to start with before the love-bombing phase, it will plummet to never before seen lows during the devalue and discard phases.

This is because many insecure people try to get their self-worth from outside sources, mainly relationships.

They are the perfect instrument for a malignant narcissist to feed on. The insecurity and low self esteem are already there.

The narcissist instinctively knows which buttons to push because the person will do anything to get back to the idealization phase. They believe that the narc is deep down a good person because they saw it during the idealization phase, not realizing that that was a mask.

If you are very young, inexperienced, and you don’t know any better, you may fall for manipulation and gaslighting, which will tear your otherwise normal self-esteem down. This could happen if you were never abused before and you just don’t know what hit you.

The “ideal” target is someone who already has low self esteem and is a poor judge of character (too trusting, too empathetic, no or low boundaries), but anyone can get tangled up in the spider’s web. Narcissists as well as their victims are on a scale when it comes to strengths and weaknesses.

In the end we are all subconsciously reenacting our programing. We cannot change what we are unconscious of, and there lies the problem.

Becoming self-aware of our patterns as well as weaknesses is the most empowering thing we can do. Having a weakness is not the same as being weak. Becoming aware of your weaknesses is a hell of a strength, one that is life changing.

The non-self-aware narc is also reenacting their programming, causing havoc, oftentimes believing themselves to be the victim.

An empathetic person does their thing trying to please the narc and rescue the relationship. Being too empathetic is a weakness when it comes to dealing with a narc.

A malignant narc destroys the target’s self esteem by using their empathy against them.

We get our confidence from our interactions. So when you believe you have built a solid relationship with a partner, your self esteem and confidence is elevating. You feel worthy of love and you believe you know your partner.

What if tomorrow morning you understand that your partner does not value you nor the relationship as much as you believed? What if you find your partner in arms of another man? It does shatter your confidence; you question your own judgement and also your worth.

A narc goes beyond your imagination to prove that you are the perfect partner they always wanted, then when you are on the peak of your confidence and your ego is boosted, they smash you on the floor. No one can experience that traumatic fall without hurting his confidence.

The only way to get your confidence back is to research and understand Narcissism enough to fully understand and feel the narcissist of your life. It is the time that you can forgive, you stop calling yourself “ a victim/ a survivor “ you accept that you are responsible for taking a mirage as a real love. Then you laugh about it and you move on.

Unfortunately because usually you invested in the relationship too much, you have so much emotions and hope in the relationship, it is very hard to get out of it. Even knowing that your partner has narcissistic personality disorder does not help, because it means she has a condition, so you should save her, right?

She might even tell you “ Do not waste your life on me, I know I have NPD, I don’t deserve you, let me go “ . You will find yourself guilty of leaving your narcissist, this is exactly what she wants. She is just manipulative. The truth is if she truly loved you, she wouldn’t ask you to leave, she would promise to receive treatment and asked for you to give her another chance.

Your ego is usually the main problem; you do not want to believe that someone that close to you was not able to value you. “ How could she do this to me?!” She could, because she does not have emotional maturity, she is like a child. Face it and move on.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1565 on: Today at 09:49:13 PM »
What happens if a narcissist can’t get an argument from you when they constantly try to provoke you but you always remain calm?

Narcissists take it as a challenge when they can't provoke you. Narcissists will try their best to break you down. Narcissists can become physically abusive or can become passive aggressive to create problems in your life very indirectly.

Narcissists will mess with your life and routine by creating problems. Narcissists may destroy or misplace your valuables and documents to make you angry, sad, and frustrated. Narcissists will make sure you don't live a peaceful life.

Narcissists can stop financial support or be more abusive towards kids to get your response and reaction. Narcissists will mess with food items, gadgets, etc., and the list goes on. Narcissists are very wicked and vindictive; they can go to any lengths to teach you a lesson.

Leaving narcissists is the only option you have. No response to their abusive behavior should be implemented when you are keeping distance from them. Never stay with narcissists, no matter how cool and calm you can remain.

Here is an excerpt from my personal list for “Survival”. There are 10 items in all, but I hate to be overly verbose because I might be ignored entirely. LOL.

1. Stay Calm.

No matter what cruel, distorted, or untrue things are said and they WILL be said. Keep in mind that the calmer and quieter you remain, the louder, least logical and more pointed these words will become in an effort to get you to react. Do not take in these demeaning words.

Do NOT repeat them in any fashion. Not even to attempt to prove their inanity, as in “Okay, now we have established that I am a stupid c*nt, may we move on to the next demeaning thing you have to say about me?” It will not be recognized, except as an agreement. Do not accept that these things may be true, do not fall into despondency.

Remain cool in the face of madness. I believe it can be done. But it will be difficult.

2. Do not react.

If you do react, you will only find that you have played yourself right into the game and the onslaught will only become worse. By reacting you have made the choice to join in the negativity. This is one point where you are responsible for a part in the “game”. If needed, leave the area.

If not, sit quietly and let the negativity flow around you, not into you. Ignore it. Do not take it in. I think this is more effective – but extremely hard and exceptionally painful if you listen at all. You will frequently be accused, to the point of absurdity, of the exact thing that he is doing.

Do not get mad or try to point the fallacy out. You will be belittled about things you have not done, of comments you have not made. Or things you HAVE said and done will be twisted unbelievably.

You will be made to seem, at best, like a silly child. Or at worst, a conniving, scheming, evil creature. Do not name these things. Again, let it go around you, not into or through, you. Do not attempt to defend yourself or point out how inaccurate the statements are. Logic will not help one tiny bit. The blast of negativity WILL increase drastically in an attempt to get you to react out of anger or frustration to defend yourself.

DO NOT even try – the onslaught will only get much worse (and it is always possible to get worse!), and you might just actually say or do something that fits right in with what he is accusing you of!

I read my list every few days to remind myself how to behave, and add any new insights.

No reaction means no fuel. They will get tired of it and move forward discarding you.

They hate neutral people. The only way that you are going to kill them deep down inside is your ability to be neutral or ignore them completely.

The personality disorder that they have is due to the parental neglect or ignorance. They received ignorance their whole life so ignoring them is like taking drugs off from a druggie. The druggie eventually will get super pissed and start to search for another Dealer.

Ignoring them is causing them a deep Narcissistic Injury basically bringing them the memories of their childhood aka degrading them or giving them a message of that they are worthless. The narcissist hates the feeling of being worthless, they constantly feel that thing everyday, so you reminding them of that thing will kill them from the inside.

If you reacted in any way cursing, swearing them or saying all the stupid stuff they would care less because that means fuel any positive or negative reaction. However if you make them feel worthless by being neutral or ignoring them, man they will get super pissed.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1566 on: Today at 10:03:45 PM »
How long do narcissists use your reaction against you? Do narcissists like to see people worry?

No matter if narcissists and psychopaths are created primarily through genetics, and perhaps also a bit of conditioning from their upbringing and surroundings, all of the ones I have known were extremely jealous, vindictive, and vicious people who were envious of anyone they perceived as having it “better” than them.

From my personal experience, most of them did grow up in a less than ideal family or environment. They may have suffered, just like other people in a dysfunctional or abusive family dynamic; however, unlike other people who did a lot of soul-searching, and grew up to be generous, kind, and compassionate individuals.

NPDs and psychopaths chose to become evil and destructive. Regardless of their condition, they CHOSE to abuse others who never did anything to them, and only tried to love them.

If the NPD or psychopath believes you are even a little better than they are, or had life easier than they did, you will be chosen to be their victim. They don’t always pick their supply indiscriminately. They have a mission to destroy people who can be beacons of light and hope to the world. They hate anything that has potential, because they have none.

I do not simply believe they always hop from one supply to another, no, they try to destroy the best, and then move on to someone more mediocre when they can’t get someone as good as their last supply anymore. I know this because I have observed this behaviour in various individuals with NPD and psychopathic or antisocial traits.

They always go after those who have more than they do, that is also why they try to take away from you, and leave you without very little or nothing at all. Their goal is to completely destroy you.

After my last expeience with a psychopath or malignant narcissist, he thought it was funny when I took down my websites with my artwork on them. At the time, I was in a very dark place because of the abuse he put me through, as well as financial abuse. He actually thought it was hilarious that I didn’t have the energy to maintain my art website anymore.

Since then I have started doing art again, and I went back to school, so he didn’t “win” in the end. Instead, he ran off with another supply, someone with nothing to really offer except that she has an AA “degree” in some type of respiratory therapy.

A two year certificate. The only thing he wanted from her was money supply. So I know for a fact that they do choose supplies for different reasons, and if they envy you for being more talented or having advantages they believe are unfair, you will he targeted.

They have a “beef” with the world, and thus are here to try and destroy and steal from anyone who makes them uncomfortable, even in the least. They think it’s their right to destroy innocent people too, simply because they can’t be as good as they are, or because they think their own life was harder.

Having no self-insight, the NPD or psychopath also doesn’t consider that people who seem to be “better” may have also had hardships in their own lives, and overcame them. For example, I grew up with an NPD parent. Instead of sympathising with you, the abuser will recreate this abuse when they find out about your upbringing, just to rub salt in your wounds. Their goal is TOTAL DESTRUCTION of the target.

They are completely evil. Stay away from them and keep them blocked forever.

Narcissists will keep using your reactions against you as long as you keep giving them your reactions. They love to see you worry, or get riled up, agitated, sad, or miserable. They secretly hate you, and it elevates them when you’re down.

Yes. In itself is the control they seek but rarely have. If they can’t control themselves and their emotions, people are the next best thing. The submission of another person fuels their ego. This is not the only thing to fuel their desire for control though. Love bombing is a form of getting off on control.

Gaslighting is them getting off on a form of controlling you. Lying is them getting off on controlling you. How and why? It keeps you in a constant states of confusion and denial and self loathing meant to form an unhealthy attachment to their actions.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1567 on: Today at 10:13:13 PM »
Narcissists fear exposure and have created enough self- doubt in the target/survivor to keep them from exposing the narcissist. Survivors heal when they speak up for themselves, take care of themselves, and change family dynamics to meet their healing instead of the abuse.

Many families resist change when the target/survivor stands up to the abuse and there will be a time when some side with the abuser. This is not a reason to go back to abuse . You will find out who really has your back. The narcissist needs to tear you down so that you don’t expose their abuse, Let them. This validates you being abused.

A healthy person recognizes they hurt you and stops. They just stop without using guilt to shame you as a person. It’s ironic they will accuse you of being a liar with it was them gaslighting your reality to keep you from exposing their relational abuse. Heal anyway.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1568 on: Today at 10:18:18 PM »

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1569 on: Today at 10:40:14 PM »
How do I manage a tantrum from a narcissist?

Let go 100% of trying to communicate. Understand FULLY that nothing you say can help. Remain CALM. Don’t even sigh or make a face. Pretend that he is a crazy person on the street corner yelling at pigeons. I say that because while he gives you the illusion that he can be reasoned with, you cannot reason with him any more than you can reason with the pigeon man. Do not try.

Remember the Al-Anon acronym NO JADE. No justifying, arguing, defending or explaining. Do not engage. Do not try to communicate. Say things like “I’m sorry you feel like that” and “I’ll have to do better at that” and “You may have a point” and “You’re entitled to your opinion” or my personal favorite “Okay”.

These statements acknowledge that something was said, but provide no resistance. The narcissist is looking for resistance. The resistance you provide is like increasing the gear in your car. It gives him more leverage and more power. Keep things in first gear by not resisting. Remain calm. Do not argue. Nod your head and don’t react emotionally. He may wind himself up into a tizzy, but you don’t have to join him.

A narcissist that throws a tantrum is likely looking for attention or is possibly just trying to get a reaction from you.

Either way, it is best to not feed into this manipulation because it will only lead you to become frustrated or feeling inferior. Anyone that has experienced the manipulation of a narcissist understands exactly how tough it can be to simply walk away. You will be tempted to react, thereby giving them exactly what they were seeking, and isn’t that just as frustrating?

So, as tough as it may be, you need to force yourself to breathe and walk away. You might need to even talk yourself through the process. While many will tell you to go no contact with a narcissist, this must be a decision that you must make on your own and one that you have to live with.

You should not do this unless you are sure, otherwise returning to them will only give them additional power. For me, I chose to against going no contact because the narcissist was my aging mother and in the end, I chose to be there for her because I loved her and it was the right thing for ME to do.

Remain calm and observant. Do not engage with the tantrum. If there is any danger of it turning physically dangerous, leave immediately. Otherwise, don’t engage with it.

This is hard, but instead of listening to whatever the content of the rage is, ignore that, and instead be curious and observant about the tantrum. Pretend you are studying a phenomenon you have never seen before and you have to turn in a term paper about it for school next week. What kinds of questions would you think to yourself while you’re observing this? They might include thoughts or questions like:

Wow, he’s really, really pissed off all of a sudden, but at what?

That reaction is out of proportion to what led up to it, I wonder what it means to him that he’d react this way.

I must have misunderstood and done something unintentional to have caused this reaction, but I wonder what it was.

When he calms down, I am going to have to set some rules about how we are going to work this out.

He really is angry, but I don’t know at what. I guess I could at least acknowledge that he’s angry, after he calms down, and let him know I didn’t intend to do that.

Just observe it and be curious about it.

Don’t engage with it until the storm has passed and settled down.

This is the 5 year old in the adult body that you’re seeing during the rage. Keep that in mind. He’s too old and too big to set him in his playpen, so all you can do is wait for him to tire himself out. He’s going to yell and throw a fit and say all kinds of mean and hurtful things about you, just as a 5 year old would.

And it means just about as much as it does when a 5 year old does the same thing. It hurts more because as a grown-up, he can use big-boy words to hurt and sting and he knows where those parts are that hurt you the most. But he’s a 5 year old, and his tantrum is the same thing.

Think of how you would handle a 5 year old throwing a fit. “I’ll give you a cookie but only if you settle down and behave. But until you settle down and behave, I’m going to ignore you.” You have to translate that into whatever he understands as an adult now, and then you have to stick with it and tough it out.

It’s not easy. It’s hard. Really hard. It goes against every instinct in your body. But you don’t engage with a tantrum; you wait it out.

There is no “win”. It’s a kid acting like a butthole to get what they want, alleviate suffering, or just to have an excuse to do terrible things.

I say just walk away (if possible). If it’s someone you have to interact with, you have a few “choices”....

Submit. I don’t recommend it but sometimes it’s worth it.. choose your battles wisely.

Fight. This is the most dangerous option because narcissists HATE to lose - they may scorch the earth just to ensure they “win”.

Flight. Ego or circumstance may inhibit this, but it’s always the best route. Why fight with a child?

Regarding #1, abuse only gets worse.

Regarding #2, beware of narcissist injury. The tantrum is already rage; provoking that further could be pouring gasoline on the fire.

As far as how to “handle” it, well, here’s the thing... you can break your narcissist. Above all, narcissists care about how they are perceived. When they really value someone else’s perception of them (which is someone not close to them, but important to them), highlighting their behavior to that magical party is great.

They get to see what they did was wrong. They get to feel the consequences of their actions. They learn, because exposure causes them great shame.

It has to be severe. It has to be someone they respect (or want to be seen as valued by). For me, I called out my dad in front of his favorite contractor. I didn’t do it directly - I said “You know, I just hate seeing a grown man throw a fit.”.

It was in reference to my fathers bad temper - something I dealt with every day working “beside” him. That one little comment - not naming names, allowing him to save face - yet knowing it was about him by both the contractor and himself, changed his behavior. He hasn’t thrown another tantrum since!

If you’re trying to keep the peace (or just your own peace of mind), here’s what to never say to a narcissist.

"I wouldn't have done it that way"

Even if you’re using this as a preface to constructive criticism, a narcissist will only hear that they didn’t do something right and you could do it better—“and that threatens their sense of self-esteem twice,” says Durvasula. “Anything that smacks of criticism and also lifts someone else into a positive light is intolerable to them.”

"You’re wrong"

Narcissists do not do well with head-on confrontation, says Durvasula. And since they’re bullies at heart, “they’re scrappier and dirtier fighters than most of us,” she warns. This doesn’t mean that you have to hold your tongue. Instead, try a gentler tack, such as, "I hear you, but I see it a little differently...."

"What's the matter with you?"

Ask the question as much as you want in your head, but resist the urge to blurt it out. “Narcissists have fragile self-esteem and never like being viewed as ‘less than,’ even though that’s how they leave everyone else feeling,” says Durvasula. (And let’s be honest—asking this of anyone will put them on the defensive.)

"But you never ____"

“But you never saw that movie.” “Uh, you were never at that party, remember?” While it seems normal, even necessary, to call someone out for spinning the truth, resist the urge to directly accuse a narcissist of not getting something right—especially when others are around.

"That’s not true"

“Because narcissists are preoccupied with maintaining an inflated sense of self, they’re constantly on guard against anything that might deflate them,” explains Joseph Burgo, PhD, a psychotherapist and author of The Narcissist You Know: Defending Yourself Against Extreme Narcissists in an All-About-Me World. “Narcissists don’t care about the truth,” says Burgo. “The only thing that matters to them is ‘winning.’”

So how should you deal with a narcissist?

No matter how lightly you tread, keep in mind that it won’t make a difference. “Narcissists rarely change,” says Durvasula. “Narcissism is a lifelong personality trait and generally gets worse with age.”

For your own sanity, distance yourself and manage your expectations. In other words, “stop waiting for empathy that will never come, for respect they will never offer, for consideration and compromise they will never bring,” Durvasula says. “We break our hearts and spirits in these relationships because we keep holding out hope for a ‘someday better.’ It's not coming and you can waste your life, mental health, and career waiting for it to happen. “

If cutting ties with a narcissist in your life isn’t possible, be clear in your communication, put things in writing to protect yourself down the road, and “expect that things will still be used against you,” warns Durvasula.

Then foster other, healthy relationships with friends, family, and co-workers who can support you.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1570 on: Today at 10:49:08 PM »

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1571 on: Today at 11:04:11 PM »
Does a narcissist discarding you mean they no longer
love you?

Narcissists discard you when they no longer need you. Narcissists don't have the capacity to love a person, and they don't have the capacity to feel love. Narcissists have feelings only for themselves. Narcissists were in relationships with you just to use and abuse you. Narcissists never had feelings for you before a relationship, during a relationship, after a discard, or during hoovering.

For narcissists, relationships are transactional. When they no longer need you, they will replace you with someone who doesn't know their lies and manipulation.

Narcissists are selfish people; when they need you, they will come back soon to use you. If narcissists had the capacity to love, then they would have never discarded you. Narcissists discard blessings in disguise because they are getting rid of the devil.

“Does a narcissist discarding you mean they no longer love you?”

Narcissists are NOT able to love anyone. Not their family, not their kids, and not themselves.

Please save yourself the heartache (and research) You are expecting an emotionally arrested child to “love” when they have no idea what that involves.

Taking and giving nothing in return is all they are capable of.

A narcissist requires (and searches) for an unhealthy parent. It's a sick dynamic. Don't enable them.

I know it seems personal, abuse always is. However, the behaviour is the same for EVERYONE.

You have (likely) challenged them for their never ending bullshi* drama cycle. They have realised they can't use you anymore.

I can't empathise this enough…

You won. Congratulations 👏!

Give your heart (and time) to someone that can reciprocate.

Oh I've heard that one before a few times. “Meh, I just ain't into you anymore “. Sounds familiar?

Does it matter if it may or may not be the final discard? No, it doesn't. Know that. If they come back to you? It's not because they miss you. Not because “you're the one”, not because you're much better/more awesome/sexy/smart/etc. They are ruthless liars, incredible actors. Tony Award winning stuff. It is never ever ever EVER going to be sincere. EVER!!! And dammit, I know, dammit anyway. Ya had so much fun at first!!!

You're so much better off being alone than with one of these characters. I can promise you this. They will continue to do this over and over until they either die or get too sick or old to do it very well, but they will what? Never stop. No, they won't.

You are not special… you are only supply. No one can have a meaningful relationship with a narcissist. Not you. Not me. Not the others reading this. You either accept being used or you walk away. Your choice.

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"