Author Topic: Tales From The Narc Side  (Read 73675 times)


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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1650 on: October 01, 2024, 03:27:29 AM »
Page 34

Why does it seem like after you leave a narcissist & learn about the disorder, that narcissism seems to be everywhere?

Good question. The answer in my personal and professional opinion is because we live within a “narcopathic system.” In a sense, those of us who were awakened by narcissistic abuse are very fortunate because we have the opportunity to differentiate away and out of this system, breaking the cycle of abuse, while perpetuating life affirming practices into our human family systems.

My definition of a narcopathic system is one that revolves around, is organized by and protects at all costs: psychopathic consumption. Narcissism IS psychopathic consumption of, and unearned entitlement to, resources vital to the survival of others. Our culture is founded on a manic, callous, militarized consumption that is driven without empathy by intentionally manufactured generational emptiness.

Narcissistic abuse (extraction of your emotional fuel, acquisition of your traits, removal and replacement of your identity, gaslighting your reality) is a microcosm of the larger system.

You see it everywhere because it is everywhere.

There are several reasons;

Most of all, you can see it because you know what it is. You were ignorant of its existence. You didn’t know the name of it. You didn’t understand the psychological motivations behind it. Now you do. So, naturally, your senses can pick it up whenever you see one.

Secondly, you are sensitized. A relationship with a narcissist is a life-changing event. It is the most toxic event of their life, for most people. After such experience, you become sensitive; keen on anything that reminds you of your encounter with the narcissist.
Everyone is narcissistic to a degree. As such, every now and then, people do certain narcissistic behaviors.

People with personality disorders are narcissistic even more. In general, people with personality disorders are self-absorbed and rigid in the thought process. They can’t see the perspectives of others. This is especially true with people with PPD, ASPD, HPD, BPD, and OCPD. Also, a lot of them have impaired or no empathy. So they tend to show higher narcissistic tendencies than the general population. They make up 10% of the whole population, at least. It’s very common.

All in all, it is normal for you to recognize narcissistic behaviors frequently. But it doesn’t mean all of them are narcissists. Some are. But the majority of them are not. Showing a couple of narcissistic tendencies is not equal to narcissistic personality disorder. Just remember to be careful with dealing with such people. Better safe than sorry.

Simply put…because it is. It's like discovering a new colour in the rainbow and once you've seen it, you see that colour everywhere. Others think you're over obsessive and eventually it becomes pointless telling others “to beware” of what you see because ultimately it means you've moved on…they haven't. You've discovered one of the big secrets to a more peaceful, loving life; having boundaries.

In recognising the behaviours and the types of people that are narcs, the next reaction is to give them a wide berth or keep them at arms length. You realise they can't be trusted and this is the big revelation - not everyone thinks, behaves or treats others with the same respect, worth and belief as we do. Some people just want to use us, exploit us as part of their own little agenda.

This is a huge life lesson and now you've caught on, life really will be a little simpler for you.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1651 on: October 01, 2024, 04:45:45 AM »
Church Narcs

Chosen One!! You Decided Churches Are NOT for You!

Dear Chosen One, you were predestined for something greater. Because Chosen Ones, like you, carry a unique spiritual presence that impacts the world around them, you will discover in our videos the challenges and trials that only Chosen Ones face, and how to overcome them with strength and faith.

Each video provides deep insights into the spiritual journey of the Chosen Ones, revealing secrets and guidance that only those truly chosen can understand. Follow along to recognize the spiritual signs that indicate you are a Chosen One and unlock your true divine potential. Subscribe and join a community of enlightened souls who seek to live their divine mission with clarity and purpose.

3 days ago
I left the church but I took God with me.

3 days ago
I have God and Jesus they can't take that away from me.

3 days ago
I have never felt welcome in a church.

Chosen One you decided that Churches are not for you.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1652 on: October 01, 2024, 04:53:29 AM »
Never think you can handle a relationship
with a narcissist.
They always win. You can only ever win by leaving.


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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1653 on: October 01, 2024, 04:59:35 AM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1654 on: October 01, 2024, 05:31:06 AM »
They do not possess the birds eye view, they are simpletons.
The Short-Sighted Mind of the Narcissist

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1655 on: October 01, 2024, 07:00:47 AM »
Are narcissists really a form in which demons operate?

Yes, totally. Narcissists act like demons in human form. They hurt and destroy others just to feel better about themselves. They come into your life to use you, abuse you, then leave you feeling worthless like you never mattered to them at all. Narcissists don’t really have anything good to offer; whatever they give you is just bait to get more from you in return.

When you compare narcissists to demons, they have the same goals. Narcissists don’t care about your feelings or your well-being. They don’t feel empathy or guilt. Everything has to go their way, no matter how much it costs you, whether it’s your health, your happiness, or your peace of mind. In that way, narcissists and demons are pretty much the same.

I have known some very intelligent people who are convinced of this. I too have thought and pondered this question.

There is a government agent who claims "entities" from another world attach to narcissists to harvest our energy through fear. I cannot speak on this, but I did listen to his lecture. Again, I can't say for sure. It's similar to what David Icke has proposed. Is it true or not? I do not know.

But I will say that the narcissist's behaviours are so extreme, that at some point, we all wonder if they are "alien" creatures or "demonic" creatures. I will give you that!

I cannot say 100% of course, I am not omniscient, but the science doesn't support this. Of course, science also doesn't support the existence of ghosts, and I have seen them before.

Yes, absolutely and with 100 percent certainty.

Yes, absolutely!

There are many different mental illnesses/disorders that often have demonic influence, and sometimes even demonic underlying causes.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder seems to have the HIGHEST incidences of demonic influence in terms of mental illnesses, next to schizo-related, psychosis, and a handful of other misc. mental disorders. There is some medical documentation of this, although it is not widely acknowledged as of yet, by the mainstream science and medical communities, not publicly anyways.

I myself am a Paranormal researcher, and both my parents have NPD (my mother being a Malignant Narc), and my ex-wife also has NPD in the worst way, only second to my mother.

And interestingly, all 3 of them HAVE demonic “possession”. I mean, none of them are “possessed” to the degree of the movie “The Exorcist”. When you mention “demonic possession” MOST people make the false assumption that its ALWAYS like what was portrayed in that movie. It DOES happen, but its super RARE. My parents and my ex-wife are definitely NOT possessed to THAT degree - them, like most others under demonic possession, it is MUCH more subtle.

The signs, symptoms, and tells are countless - but in a nutshell, when you look closely at the words, behaviors, mindsets, the intense self-centeredness, the sadism and cruelty, the level of lying manipulating and gaslighting, the scapegoating, the astounding level of their “know-it-all” mindsets, their belief that they’re “perfect” and can do NO wrong, and their utter disregard for others, as a few examples are consistent with “demonic psychology”.

Contrary to popular misconception - demonic influence - whether it be demonic vexation, infestation, oppression, or even possession - ofttimes will “blend in” with existing mental illnesses, subtly and covertly influencing and afflicting the person in any of a countless number of different ways, often going completely undetected.

But yes, NPD does very much have a demonic component to it. Mind you, not all with NPD are demonically possessed - instead they may suffer demonic “vexation”, or demonic “infestation”, or demonic “oppression”, and worst case scenario: demonic “possession”. It could even be as simple as a minor “spirit attachment” It totally varies from one NPD person to the other.

Absolutely. Ever heard the saying “when the devil can’t get to you, he sends a narcissist” ? It’s not a biblical saying but it’s rooted in truth. I believe in the Bible and that it is infallible. If you look at the character of demons in which they operate or more so, Satan himself with demons being followers executing his will - you’ll see it’s the same as a narcissist: selfish, prideful, without natural affection, never deviate from their bottom line despite how their actions and behavior destroys anyone that gets close enough to them to be a major “supply”.

They create doubt, chaos, double mindedness… they are liars/truce breakers, they’re thieves and will never willingly take on accountability for their actions or be repentant. The do not regret their behavior and they only have two tactics to make you do what they want: manipulation and blunt force.

The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. A narcissist comes to do the same thing, and if they don’t physically murder you, they’ll damn sure murder your zest for life, your Will to enjoy, your love and trust. So yep.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1656 on: October 01, 2024, 07:03:09 AM »
"Know the Red Flags so you can spot these F*ckin' people".

Loneliness with a Covert Narcissist
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1657 on: October 01, 2024, 07:13:33 AM »
They gaslight and storm out, not giving you a chance to say anything and then come back later like nothing happened.
What Scares a Narcissist?
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1658 on: October 01, 2024, 07:20:06 AM »
Narcissist's get more fixed in their dysfunctional way of thinking and behaving as they age. They grow into emotionally immature adults who hold on to their grudges until their dying day.
Narcissists Who Are Getting
Older, What Happens to The Ageing Narcissist?

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1659 on: October 01, 2024, 07:27:04 AM »
“God repays evil with sickness”!
3 Biggest Reasons Narcissists Will Destroy Themselves
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1660 on: October 01, 2024, 08:07:15 AM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1661 on: October 01, 2024, 08:15:47 AM »
Narcissism is all about being evil.
How Narcissists Project Their Toxicity onto You
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1662 on: October 01, 2024, 07:49:52 PM »
They run from communication and conflict.. they are weak and cowardly.
The Deep Insecurity of the Covert Narcissist

1 year ago
They are a nightmare. Constant drama. If you sense any manipulation in a relationship, bounce. Seriously. Don't psychoanalyze them and don't test them. Just bounce.

1 year ago
Overts wear a mask, coverts wear a whole body suit.

1 year ago
When you least expect it is when they do something that has you totally confused and wondering what happened. Snakes in the grass!

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1663 on: October 01, 2024, 08:48:48 PM »
What Makes a Narcissist PANIC and Lose Control?
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1664 on: October 01, 2024, 09:06:58 PM »
How to Beat a Narcissist at Their Own Game
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1665 on: October 01, 2024, 09:12:57 PM »
Chosen ones, you are being monitored.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1666 on: October 01, 2024, 09:20:29 PM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1667 on: October 01, 2024, 09:45:15 PM »
BREAKING: Kamala's Last-Minute Border SELFIE Backfires! Critics Slam Desperate PR Stunt

BREAKING: Kamala’s Latest STUNT Pisses OFF 150 Million Americans, Democrats Start WALKING AWAY
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1668 on: October 01, 2024, 10:21:28 PM »
The Sneaky Mind of the Covert Narcissist
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1669 on: October 01, 2024, 10:35:38 PM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1670 on: October 01, 2024, 10:40:21 PM »
They are so concerned about how they look to other people. But they're not concerned ENOUGH to act like a decent human being. That doesn't even make sense.
What a Covert Narcissist Doesn’t Want You to Know
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1671 on: October 01, 2024, 10:44:51 PM »
Dee Levey
💜🐻This morning I was reminded why I do not watch the news nor do I feed off of their propaganda titties.🤬
Just like in the winter time when they tell the public we have snow when in fact there's not even any snow on the ground. Now they're starting to embellish on the fires for better ratings and it breaks my heart😢When I was a child growing up in the 60's you could actually watch the news and know that what they were telling you was the truth and go on about your day. Can't do that anymore😢

 I also learned my lesson trying to go to other groups because they can skew the truth and information worse than the news, or maybe they run neck and neck. Now I know why I choose to stick with my groups and my wonderful members and only get information from the professionals that are actually fighting this fire.

Apparently validation is important to me but it's not important to everyone and that's okay. They can do their thing cuz I'm going to keep doing mine💜
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1672 on: October 01, 2024, 11:54:03 PM »
They can’t have an adult conversation.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1673 on: October 02, 2024, 12:21:43 AM »
Do Narcissists Ever Fall in Love?
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1674 on: October 02, 2024, 12:39:16 AM »
Dennis Prager: People hate those who fight evil far more than those who
are evil

October 1, 2024

I realized something very important about the human condition when I was in high school.

I realized that people tend to hate those who fight evil far more than they hate those engaged in doing evil.

What made me come to this conclusion was the way in which many people reacted to communism and to anti-communism.

To my amazement, a great many people — specifically, all leftists and many, though not all, liberals — hated anti-communists far more than they hated communism.

Because of my early preoccupation with good and evil, already in high school, I hated communism. How could one not, I wondered. Along with Nazism, it was the great evil of the 20th century. Needless to say, as a Jew and as a human, I hated Nazism. But as I was born after Nazism was vanquished, the great evil of my time was communism.

Communists murdered about 100 million people — all noncombatants and all innocent. Stalin murdered about 30 million people, including 5 million Ukrainians by starvation (in just two years: 1932-33). Mao killed about 60 million people. Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge (Red Cambodians) killed about 3 million people, one in every four Cambodians, between 1975 and 1979. The North Korean communist regime killed between 2 million and 3 million people, not including another million killed in the Korean War started by the North Korean communists.

For every one of the 100 million killed by communists, add at least a dozen more people — family and friends — who were terribly and permanently affected by the death of their family member or friend. Then add another billion whose lives were ruined by having to live in a communist totalitarian state: their poverty, their loss of fundamental human rights, and their loss of dignity.

You would think that anyone with a functioning conscience and with any degree of compassion would hate communism. But that was not the case. Indeed, there were many people throughout the non-communist world who supported communism. And there was an even larger number of people who hated anti-communists, dismissing them as “Cold Warriors,” “warmongers,” “red-baiters,” etc.

At the present time, we are again witnessing this phenomenon — hatred of those who oppose evil rather than of those who do evil — with regard to Israel and its enemies. And on a far greater level. Israel is hated by individuals and governments throughout the world. Israel is the most reviled country at the United Nations as well as in Western media and, of course, in universities.

Israel is a liberal democracy with an independent judiciary, independent opposition press, and equal rights for women, gays, and its Arab population (20% of the Israeli population). Its enemies — the Iranian regime, Hamas, and Hezbollah — allow no such freedoms to those under their control. More relevantly, their primary goal — indeed, their stated reason for being — is to wipe out Israel and its Jewish inhabitants. Hamas and Hezbollah have built nothing, absolutely nothing, in Gaza and Lebanon, respectively. They exist solely to commit genocide against Israel and its Jews.

Why did so many people hate anti-communists more than communism? And why do even more people hate Israel more than Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah?

The general reason is that it is emotionally and psychologically difficult for most people to stare evil in the face. Evil is widely described as “dark.” But it is not dark; it is easy to look into the dark. What is far harder to look at is blinding bright light. Perhaps that is why Lucifer, the original name of the Christian devil, comes from the word “light.”

Why this is so — why people will not call evil “evil” — is probably related to a lack of courage. Once one declares something evil, one is morally bound to resist it, and people fear resisting evil. The fools who mock Christianity — whether through a work of “art” like “Piss Christ” (a crucifix in a jar of urine), the Paris Olympics opening ceremony that mocked the Last Supper, or the Los Angeles Dodgers honoring the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” (men in drag dressed as nuns) — would never mock Islam. They fear Muslim wrath; they do not fear Christian wrath. Yet Islamic wrath has done and is doing far more evil in our time than Christian wrath.

And there is one additional reason for hating Israel — one that is specific to Israel — rather than those who seek to exterminate Israel: Jew-hatred, better known as antisemitism. The people who introduced a judging God and gave the world the Ten Commandments have been hated for thousands of years. Not those who systematically violate those commandments.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1675 on: October 02, 2024, 12:46:18 AM »
5 Insidious Ways Narcissists FORCES You to become REACTIVE
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1676 on: October 02, 2024, 01:07:37 AM »
(Are They WRONG?)
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1677 on: October 02, 2024, 01:33:40 AM »
Chosen Ones: GANG-STALKED By A Global Crime Syndicate

In this gripping documentary-style story, we delve into the hidden world of a global crime syndicate that preys on individuals through psychological manipulation, societal resistance, isolation, and betrayal. If you’ve ever felt the crushing weight of being alone, misunderstood, or caught in the head games of unseen forces, this story is for you. Join us as we uncover the dark truths behind this invisible game and discover the powerful clue that leads to freedom and reclaiming control of your mind.

Discover how to see through the lies, overcome psychological trauma, and fight back against manipulation. We’re speaking to all those who’ve faced societal opposition, betrayal, and isolation. This is your story of resilience, survival, and a quiet revolution to take back your life.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1678 on: October 02, 2024, 01:51:57 AM »
"When you go silent, prepare to be smeared."
What Your SILENCE Means to The Narcissist
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1679 on: October 02, 2024, 02:11:53 AM »
We realize there's something called nothingness in the relationship.
When the narcissistic person's MASK falls off
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1680 on: October 02, 2024, 02:23:41 AM »
How do you take the mask off a narcissist?

This is the one thing you can say to a narcissist to immediately get their mask to slip. If you're unsure if you're dealing with a narcissist, just tell them "no" to anything that they're requesting or demanding.

Say to them, "No, I'm sorry, I can't do that," and see what their reaction is.

If there is an immediate guilt trip, if they feel entitled to you saying yes, if they're trying to talk you out of your feelings, if they are acting really irrational, if they are trying to violate your boundaries, or if they are trying to assert their will over you, then you know it might be a narcissist.

A lot of times, a narcissist is only successful in love bombing you because you're not putting up boundaries. You're not saying no to them. You're worried that they're not going to be in your life anymore if you don't meet their kids after the first week or if you don't go on that trip with them after the first month.

And because of that gross sense of entitlement that narcissists have, they're going to try to talk you out of your "no"s, or use guilt trips, or make it feel like there's an expiration date on their love. That's why the love bombing phase goes so fast. When they're idolizing you, they're trying to trap you into a long-term commitment, and that's when they start to devalue you and ultimately discard you. But that's nearly impossible for that to happen if the relationship goes at your pace.

"No, I'm so sorry, I can't see you every day this week, I'm busy." "No, I don't feel comfortable meeting your children right now; that seems like something for 6 months from now." Make sure that this person is listening to you. If you tell them "no," that is a complete sentence. That is not a "let's open negotiations and find out how 'no' means 'yes'" situation.

Tell them the word “No” Their mask will fall pretty fast.

Give the a gift thats meant as an insult. Like if they think they’re the greatest gardener, a book titled “how to be good at gardening”

Ask them a simple question like, “how are you” and after they answer just reply with a “mmmm” Be calm and disinterested. They can’t stand being irrelevant even though they do it to you all the time. Let out a natural yawn while they talk about how great they are and a good stretch in the air too for bonus points.

Praise someone else when in their presence. Speak very highly about this persons talent and make sure it’s something that Narcy thinks they excel at. Trust me, they’ll find it incredibly difficult to keep their mask on.

Critique them. Like when they put down something you say reply with, “it’s ok Narcy, this is a difficult topic to understand” or tell them their soup is ALMOST as good how your grandma use to make it.

Tell them they look good….pause…today.

Ask them to repeat themselves. Say “I don’t understand you, what?”

Interrupt them.

You can look them straight in the eye and say “Narc, you’re bat sh!t crazy. And everyone knows it”.

Then, leave and never look back or contact again. Don’t be fooled thinking that everyone around Narcy are unaware of the fraud that they are. Anyone who’s around Narcy long enough knows they’re a nut job, just not to the same degree as you. They are either the minions or ones who can’t be bothered and just believe it’s easier to keep the peace and accommodate Narcys temper tantrums than confront them. The comment above will simmer and fester away at Narcys dark soul because they think they’re so grande and nobody sees through them.

All of this was mainly meant to be funny. It’s ridiculous really. This is how ridiculous a relationship with them is. I don’t really recommend doing all this. As much as well all have wanted them to pay for the pain they’ve caused us, remember, it’s what they want. They want you to engage.

I recommend removing yourself from their grip and going no contact. Any energy you give them is fuel. Living your best life IS what rips the mask from them. Staying no contact starves them and most importantly saves you.

Tell him/her that nobody loves them or even likes them. Tell them they don't fool anyone with the lies they tell. Tell them how everyone can see through their bs and they just laugh at them behind their back. If they are of the theiving kind, return something they stole to the owner and tell them who stole it and where you got it.

Laugh in their face, and tell them they behave like a baby when they throw temper tantrums. When they are projecting their sins onto you, tell them that you know now what they have been doing to you. Turn it back on them. Lie to the narc, just like they lie to you. Lie to them and grin.

Now, having written all of these things, I need to point out that you will have opened the gates of Hell. The narc will punish you severely. Once you purposely do or say these things, you will never be safe around your narc.

They will plot against you and become 10x worse than they ever were to you before. They won't even pretend to be nice to you. They will lie to hurt you. They will lie when the truth would cause less hurt. They will target you and try to ruin you, they will never be nice to you again.

Beware of a maskless narc. They are the most hideous of all the demons. Once you see a narc for who he really is, you will never see the person you thought you knew him to be ever again. You will only see the demon, and it will send chills down your spine.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1681 on: October 02, 2024, 04:17:04 AM »
Treat them like an annoying roommate.
When You Handle a Narcissist This Way,
They Will Eventually Give Up and Stay Submissive
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1682 on: October 02, 2024, 04:29:34 AM »
More Bad Church

To say you were never a piece of sh!t at some point in your life is a liar, but it takes courage to admit it.
This Man was SHUNNED at his BAPTISM for Being REAL!
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1683 on: October 02, 2024, 04:37:57 AM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1684 on: October 02, 2024, 06:05:43 AM »
0 seconds ago
My narc XGF abandoned me at her house, moved away. She calls the other tenants about me but will NOT call me. This is PURE COWARDICE. Is it considered stalking? I think so. A crime? So is abandonment.

Beware!! That Covert Narcissist is Stalking You
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1685 on: October 02, 2024, 07:42:34 AM »
What does condescending mean?

Well, let me tell you what it means seeing as you are clearly not very smart.

^^ that ^^

That’s what it means. It’s addressing someone in a patronizing, snooty, superior way. It’s unpleasant, and it happens to us all.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1686 on: October 03, 2024, 02:45:27 AM »
They learned early how to adopt an overly personal condescending and patronizing tone to "never mean any harm". How fast they come back with pre-sweetened excuses when they get caught.
How Narcissists Thrive on Your Downfall
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1687 on: October 03, 2024, 03:12:28 AM »
One day, after a while, you’ll stop caring about the narcissist. God will lift the burden from your heart and bring you peace.
5 Weird Dressing Habits of a Narcissist

0 seconds ago
Most people have a new outfit for each day. My X-GF Narc has a new outfit for each HOUR. When she does laundry, the joint looks like a Thrift Store.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1688 on: October 03, 2024, 06:14:07 AM »
They are total predators. What a way to live! You would think they would get tired of this.
How Narcissists are Wired Differently
& How Narcissists are Chameleons
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1689 on: October 03, 2024, 08:07:35 AM »
Not a minute more. God in all his grace saved me from death by the narcissist.
Life with a narcissist is like a Winston: no taste, no flavor, just a damn waste.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1690 on: October 03, 2024, 08:20:01 AM »
You know what is even worse than saying "OK"?  Just say "K".
SILENCE IS INDEED THUNDEROUS..they can't touch it!!!!

The #1 Word to Disarm a Narcissist
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1691 on: October 04, 2024, 12:55:53 AM »
What are the most misunderstood aspects
of living with narcissistic personality disorder?

IMO the thing almost none knows about narcissists is:


Why do they abuse you?

And there is in fact a reason, a motivation for their abuse and surprise, surprise its about THEIR EGO!

Unlike a psychopath, a narcissist does actually have a reason, a rational for hurting you. Its messed up - messed up as ****. But it is a logical reason.

The narcissist has zero self worth. They have to validate themselves through others. And a narcissist can not FEEL LOVE. So how does a narcissist judge either their worth as a human being OR how much you love them……. ?

They HURT YOU……. And if you forgive them - well you must love them.

But how much do you love them? How great are they as a person? Because that’s what love is to a narcissist - a reflection of how great they are!

Well if they hurt you some MORE and if you come back - they must be really great because you love them enough to take it……

So they hurt you some more…….

And more……

And more……

The narcissist abuses you as a way of validating how great they are as a person. The more you take - the grater they must be.

Its messed up logic. But it’s logic.

And what else do you do when you are an empty person who feels no self worth, no love and no self love?

If they weren't so horrifically destructive, you would almost feel sorry for them.

In a clinical sense? Probably how deep and fundamental the challenges for narcissists really are, firstly. This is, in many ways, not a whole person and to a degree, this makes the entire idea of therapy in this situation - for this situation - almost silly.

That narcissists cannot be relied upon to self-report or even understand what they are experiencing, let alone be able to articulate this cogently and accurately.

That narcissists often do not mean the same things as everyone else by what they say and words they use. Often they are just repeating things they've heard.

The extent to which mimicry occurs here. Narcissists are very good at mimicking others. This does not imply any actual understanding of concepts, words, or anything else on their part at all.

The level of difficulty with perception and interpretation here.

The level of disconnection from reality here.

There are many other things as well, but these are probably the biggest misunderstandings. To be clear, in this answer I am referring to people who are pathologically narcissistic, not just people who have narcissistic traits or tendencies.

I don’t think people realize just how ‘damaged’ NPDs really are. They “seem so nice”, but it is mostly an act to get others to like and accept them. They really don’t care about others, only themselves. They will throw you under a bus if it benefits them (even if it doesn’t, but they think it will).

NPDs are pathological liars, they gaslight, bully, whine (play the victim), abuse, cheat, steal, and lie some more. They mostly lie to themselves, and so of course lie to you. The behaviors were trained into them from early childhood, and I believe for the most part they have no idea who/what they are. BUT - the harm they do, is just as bad from if they knew it or not.

That narcissist is arrogant or egotistical.

Fundamentally a narcissist has a big fear of not being loved. They feel inadequate, insecure, and anxious about this one thing. They then figure out what people want and pretend to be those things so that people will love them. This will not always be the typical narcissistic facade. They will not necessarily project self esteem. They might project vulnerability, victimization. They might project sweetness and empathy. That gets people's attention and concern too.

Narcissist are not walking around thinking they are the bee's knees and taking anything they want. They are walking around in fear trying to hoard what they think is "love". they will trick themselves into thinking they aren't fearful.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1692 on: October 04, 2024, 01:11:38 AM »
Is it possible for a narcissist to be faithful in a relationship?

No, never. If a Narc is not cheating on you physically, they are cheating on you emotionally or cheating you financially; a Narc will never be faithful in any way to another person if you are speaking romantically in a relationship.

They will not be faithful; they demand it but never give it. They will cheat somehow someway, many are known for cheating physically, but there is also emotional cheating, porn, dating sites, and social networks.

People are a resource to a Narc, and they have to ensure that if one relationship fails, another is lined up so they will never have to feel their void. People are nothing to a Narc but idiots to be used.

Narcissists are not what they seem to be. They have “as-if” personalities. The feeling these individuals generate in others is amorphous. The target is left questioning herself. No, you cannot trust a narcissist to be faithful simply because he is incapable of sincerity. Without a moral compass, the narcissist will most likely mislead his target in order to dictate her perception of reality.

Domination and control are achieved by misinformation and believing you can trust what a narcissist says is simply fantasizing. Targets often live on false hope, spiritually they become impoverished. Once the narcissist has chipped away at his target’s self esteem, she will lack the emotional strength required to plan an exit strategy.

Exploitation takes many forms. Social, emotional and financial. Once you create a fiction to avoid uncomfortable truths, your identity will been crippled for years to come.

Narcissists are unfaithful in relationships. Unfaithful doesn't always mean a narcissist has to cheat on you. When narcissists lie, gaslight, deceive, and triangulate in relationships, they are showing an act of unfaithfulness towards their partner.

Narcissists claim they love you, but they don't love you; they use you. Narcissists don't take any responsibility or accountability in relationships; everything comes from the act of unfaithfulness. When you do exactly the opposite of what you are supposed to do in a relationship, you are unfaithful. Narcissists are unfaithful to all people. Narcissists will stab you behind your back by pretending to be your world; this is also an act of unfaithfulness and betrayal.

A faithful person will always behave positively towards you. An unfaithful person is an enemy pretending to be your lover, family member, friends, colleagues, siblings, etc. An unfaithful person will always hurt you, no matter what the situation is. Narcissists are unfaithful people.

Yes, it is possible for a narcissist to be faithful in a relationship, but it can be complex. Narcissism exists on a spectrum, and not all individuals with narcissistic traits or Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) will behave the same way in relationships. Here are some factors to consider:

Type of Narcissism: Vulnerable narcissists may exhibit different behaviors than grandiose narcissists. Vulnerable narcissists might struggle with insecurity and fear of abandonment, which could lead them to maintain fidelity. In contrast, grandiose narcissists may be more prone to infidelity due to their need for admiration and excitement.

Relationship Dynamics: If a narcissist feels that being faithful serves their interests—such as maintaining a stable image, avoiding conflict, or securing a partner who boosts their self-esteem—they may choose to remain faithful.

Personal Growth: Some individuals with narcissistic traits can engage in therapy and work on their issues, leading to healthier relationship behaviors, including fidelity.

Fear of Consequences: A narcissist may remain faithful if they perceive that infidelity could lead to significant negative consequences, such as losing their partner, damaging their reputation, or facing social repercussions.]

Dependency: If a narcissist feels dependent on their partner for emotional or financial support, they may be more likely to stay faithful.

Overall, while narcissists can be faithful, their motivations and the overall health of the relationship can significantly influence their behavior.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1693 on: October 04, 2024, 01:27:59 AM »
What is the best method to confuse a narcissist?

The only way to get successful results in doing this, is all about the silence, all about ambivalence. Not having an opinion, not even thinking "yes," "no," negative, or positive, you're just nothing. You just don't react.

I know that this is easier said than done because narcissists are all about pressing your buttons and making you feel a certain way. But the only way that you stop them in their tracks is by just being ambivalent. They rely on you, on your behaviors, your responses, to determine how they are going to proceed next. But if they get ambivalence, they've got nothing, a blank slate. They don't know how to plan their next move forward.

When they ask you to do something, say ‘no'. And stand your ground.

Let the narcissist think you are easy to manipulate and control, but when the try to control you, show you are impossible to control.

Don't give the narcissist any strong emotional reactions when they are mentally abusive (i.e. throwing subtle psychic jabs at you, offending you, or triangulating you). Just play it cool and indifferent.

When the narcissist gives you the silent treatment, don't react or plead for them to come back and explain what is going on. Play it right back at them and don't reach out, although this only really works if you are not that emotionally attached to them.

Ignore and avoid them lots. Use the interaction with the narcissist as an opportunity to practice avoidance, which can be very handy when dealing with toxic people.

Find out their insecurities and subtly strike at their insecurities, just like they do to you.

Discard the narcissist before they discard you, and do this before they have replacement supply lined up.

As you can see, there are many ways to confuse a narcissist and even make them miserable. Still, if you know you are dealing with a narc, my only suggestion is to walk away and go no contact if possible. It is exhausting and unhealthy to deal with them, and it can take a long time to recover from such an entanglement.

Stop showing fear. Say No when you would usually cringe and comply. Don't react the way they are used to you reacting. Walk away when they rage because you now realize they're nothing more than an overgrown toddler throwing a tantrum.

Ignore and don't answer the 30 texts they send in 10 minutes demanding you stop disrespecting them by not answering their text. Tell them the truth - for example, “Why didn't you answer my texts earlier?!?!!!?” “Because you were being obnoxious about it". Ridicule or mock them instead of cowering.

Even something as simple as rolling your eyes or raising an eyebrow with a half smile instead of whatever you usually do. Act like you have a secret, like you know something they don't. Which you do, now. You know they're ridiculous tantruming toddlers. All these things are like waving the red flag at the bull.

The confusion at why the flag won't stop acting irritating is what pisses them off though, so know your narc and plan accordingly.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1694 on: October 04, 2024, 01:42:31 AM »
They won’t even communicate what’s bothering them or why they distance themselves. They just expect you to know and then rage at you when you call it out - and when they rage, they still don’t even discuss their feelings or the reasons.
Covert Narcissists Won’t Communicate Directly
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1695 on: October 04, 2024, 02:34:51 AM »
Why do narcissists create a problem where there’s not one?

A narcissist is utterly fearful of showing love. Instead they create a drama to get the attention they crave. They are accused of starting the fight. But they cannot, cannot admit to creating the drama, because this would show that they are caring and this makes them weak and vulnerable. They have no choice but to get very angry at the accusation of creating drama even though it is obvious they are in the wrong.

And they will go to great lengths to ensure that they are not found guilty. They cannot risk an apology, and the culpability this entails. They cannot be open to having emotional needs.

After some time the other person becomes unable to involve themselves in absurd, senseless drama. But the narcissist has no other methods to get their needs met. They are left feeling unloved and unsupported and they end up leaving the person who loved them most.

It is precisely when times are calm and plain sailing that the narcissist suffers. They have nothing to go by. They have no self love to rely on. They take no pleasure in the small daily acts of kindness offered them…they are truly invisible to their eyes. They do not understand the pleasure in loving and caring. Gentle days of peace and harmony are a torment to them, and feel instead like a gaping void of emptiness.

Do not bother trying to educate them about all this. By all means love them, but if they need to leave them let them. You will be truly better off, and you will have passed the rest required of you.

Creating problems, especially domestic ones, allow the narcissist to be center stage. He becomes the observer of his own theatre. Often using tactics of triangulation, the narcissist turns one domestic relationship against the other.

Sexual gratification accompanies his innocent facade as sadism is just beneath the surface. Being distracted, victims start to panic, becoming confused by this sudden turn of events. Not looking for tell tale signs of deception, victims absorb the anxiety and internalize the lies.

Narcissists enjoy creating drama but only if its at someone else’s expense. Narcissists can live incognito for years, basking in the glory of appearing “good” while destroying the peace of those around them. Narcissists hate harmony and look to disrupt it whenever possible.

Others can be happy only when they are totally under the narcissist’s radar. Stay under his radar by keeping your thoughts private and your behavior discreet. Better yet, get out while you can and never look back.

Narcissists leave behind a path of chaos and destruction

They have a natural ability at this, they do it effortlessly.

They create, engage with, and attract situations, people and circumstances which involve drama, chaos, destruction.

It gives them sense of normality.

They feel less like something is wrong with them by doing this.

For they are always comparing themselves and their feelings, with all that is around them, to gauge their normality.

And because they are a mess inside, it is only by witnessing a mess around them, that they feel a sense of normality, so they can breathe properly and think clearly.

You need to understand, although it feels they are always planning, conniving against you and others to create turmoil – more often than not.

It happens at a more subconscious level.

They are following their instinctive Impulses.

Just like you drink water when you are thirsty, eat when you are hungry, sleep when you are tired, without much thought,

narcissists create chaos and trouble to feel more normal, when they are in need of balancing themselves, or need supply.

And because they are always after these things, balancing themselves and gaining supply, they are always creating trouble.

Although, for the most malignant, sadistic, it goes beyong simply wanting to feel normal, following natural impulses.

They outright get pleasure from your pain, suffering, instability.

And actively plan to take you down.

But that is not much consolation to you.

Whether sadistic or not, they still inflict pain upon you.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1696 on: October 04, 2024, 03:20:16 AM »
This can happen before, during or even after the relationships end. Their sensitivity to criticism is unchecked and the smallest inkling of having someone disagree with their perception can cause a lashing out in rage, a silent treatment or discards over simple misunderstanding or over individual preferences.

The narcissists deems themselves smarter than anyone in their circle and if you question his motives, he lashes out and disparages your character in front of many. Some will even discard you in public, shaming you for having a viewpoint separate than their own.

They will boast how they are the leader and are open to differences of opinion, yet when someone dares to disagree, they are thrown out of the family or group and labeled as crazy or stupid or deranged.

Only the narcissist can be the lead/god. Anyone else is just blasphemous. It isn’t easy to run a company let alone a family with someone who thinks they are right from the moment they “Wake, until the moment they go bed”. Heal anyways Survivors.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1697 on: October 04, 2024, 03:32:01 AM »
Why don't narcissists like happy people?

They are quite happy if it benefits them. Did you win the lottery and are now going to share your winnings with them? Did you inherit a new home? The narcissist will be "happy" for you because it means more supply for them.

They are not happy if you win, and when nothing is in it for them. Then they become very unhappy and try to destroy you. It could be anything from getting a degree in chemistry that they always wanted, or buying a new car that they desired, one that doesn't belong to them.

The irony here is that narcissists like to pretend they are always happy. This is that fake mask they wear, the perfectly happy guy or gal who is always fun at parties, magnanimous, and popular.

They are “grandiose.”

The happy routine is their mask of sanity, it hides the rotten core within and who they really are.

This is why genuine happiness irks them and makes them feel like lashing out at you. They aren’t actually happy, they are empty, shallow, and deluded.

The narcissist's opinion of themself, depends on how they see themself when measured up against others.

The narcissist does not know, understand, or do, true feelings of happiness.

When they see someone experiencing true feelings of happiness, they feel threatened. They feel threatened, because they feel less than, a feeling which they loathe and spend their lives trying to avoid.

Narcissistic projection is the natural defense here, where they project their own miserable feelings onto others.

When others absorb the narcissistic projection, narcissists feel some relief. Temporary, relief.

The narcissist feels temporary relief, because now they measure up well - on equal footings, to say the least.

Because their goal is to control you, compete with you, and make you as miserable as them.

All of this is harder to do if you’re vibrating at a higher level.

EDIT: Unless God tells you otherwise, I’d like to encourage you to pray for narcissists. That doesn’t mean you should stay in relationships with them. What I mean is let’s fight back by not being overcome with evil, but overcoming evil with good.

Pray that God doesn’t give up on them. That He grants them repentance and changes their hearts. No matter how we’ve been hurt, let’s seek to forgive those who hurt us. Jesus forgave us. Let’s forgive others.

Keep shining, beautiful person. God loves you so much.

Because you're harder to control and manipulate when you're happy and carefree. That's why they create chaos and drama- a person filled with anxiety is much easier to control.

The narcissists I’ve dealt with absolutely hated it when I was happy. Anytime I talked about something good happening to me, or just expressed happiness at all, it’s like it killed them. They also became infuriated whenever I simply expressed myself in general, speaking on what I liked, what my preferences were, or anything about me at all. Anything that made me an individual, and god forbid a happy one.

Expressing happiness would either result in anger in the moment, where they would try to shut me down by trashing what made me happy or negating what I just said. Or, later on I’d be met with some passive-aggressive behavior that was designed to take my good mood away. It was strategic, like clockwork. Me expressing happiness guaranteed an upcoming retaliation.

Imagine being so miserable and so insecure that you were compelled to destroy the happiness of others at every turn. I can’t.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1698 on: October 04, 2024, 03:42:16 AM »
What happens when you no longer show interest in a narcissist?

When you stop showing interest in a narcissist, their first reaction is often disbelief. They think you're playing a game, trying to make them look bad, or hurting their feelings. They might believe you're being selfish or trying to control them.

They just can't understand why you’ve changed or why you’re acting so cold after all they've done for you. They’ll wonder why you’re treating them this way, as if everyone loves them and you’re the only one who doesn’t care.

They might even offer you one more chance to show respect, despite calling you names and saying nobody cares about you but them.

It’s almost like getting a lecture from the narcissist, which you've probably heard before. They don’t understand that their own actions—like punishments, silent treatments, word games, and insults—are why you don’t care anymore.

Their disbelief isn’t about you not caring; it’s about you not caring about them. All their manipulations were meant to make you stop caring about everyone else, but you’ve turned that lack of care back on them.

After their initial shock, they might respond in one of several ways:

1) By showering you with love-bombing to make you change your mind.

2) By launching intense rages and talking badly about you to others.

3) By completely ignoring you if you’ve disappeared from their world.

4) Or they might do all of these things.

Many say hate is the opposite of love. I believe indifference is the opposite of love.

Narcissists use your interest against you.

Narcissists use gaslighting, blame-shifting, and a constant trickle of “me first” statements after the love bomb in an attempt to train their partners to abandon their own perspective and adopt the Narcissist's perspective. They are ultimately insecure. Mind-f*cking someone into thinking about them first is how they feel important in a relationship.

This one rarely discussed reason why victims have a hard time during a breakup. They are discarded by a person they have come to think about BEFORE themselves. The breakup is a paradigm shift.

Reclaim your independence.

Indifference is a critical ingredient for successful no-contact. When choosing no-contact, do it for you. Reject the narcissists broken mindset, including it’s lies and usery. Evict them from your mind to fully stop giving them supply. Actively replace thoughts about them with your own perspective. Your needs, wants, goals, and joys!

Reclaiming your independence causes narcissistic injury.

Narcissists view you as an object; one they are superior to and one they own. Reject this with a clear, silent signal that you ONLY belong to you. Do this by getting busy living your own life. Too focused to care what they think or do.

Actions can break mental patterns and seed new ones. Build a better life and have fun doing it. Something a narcissist could never do. When they see or hear about you thriving without them, they will be jealous and have regret. But who cares what they think?

You're not a victim, you're a survivor.

It's ok to feel like a victim at first. What we went through is not fair and discards really felafelin hurt. But if you're going to thrive, you're going to have to shake the victim mentality. Don't let this define you.

Survivors are powerful.

You will begin to come out of a heavy fog. You will be confused and unsure of yourself. But you will begin to live again. You will be free. Free from the negative energy that surrounds you in those relationships.

You may be a little sad but you won’t be talked down to for it. You may be a little bored, only because you ran yourself ragged trying to please them. But you will have a peace you haven’t had for as long as you’ve been with them. And if you are blessed enough to eventually start a healthy relationship, you will realize just how short changed you were.

You will be talked about most likely. Made to be the issue in your relationship. But again you will be free. Free to give all your love to someone who reciprocates. I didn’t realize how much I missed being held. Being appreciated. Being listened too. Having someone who wants you for you, not what you have to offer. You will learn to appreciate your real friends and you will be one hell of a person because of it.

Set yourself free and never look back.

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1699 on: October 04, 2024, 11:58:31 PM »
Is narcissistic abuse progressive i.e. gets worse over time?


This is just one more way it shows that they know what they're doing is wrong.

The way they look at you is in complete and utter disgust because you put up with it, and the longer you do the worse it gets. Eventually they'll increase the torture until you literally snap.

Which is why it's particularly irritating to have people look at victims with the same kind of disgust.

It's like…they want to look at someone with disgust for not leaving a relationship the same way their abusive partner does and then be surprised when they don't gather up the nerve to leave.

If you pile disdain on top of abuse it's really difficult to gather up the nerve to start your life over again, to destroy all the things that have made up your relationship and life, knowing that you're going to face disgust for not doing it sooner.

It's just one of the ways you notice the shittiness of people after you've experienced something like this. It increases the time that it takes to heal and gives narcissists more power.

Way to go, people🙄


In my experience, narcissists are watching, they are learning, much like algorithms. They test you on a daily basis to see what makes you tick. Not only with how they can hurt you with abuse but how they can use what you enjoy to their own advantage. They see kindness and emotional empathy as weakness to be used against you.

Firstly, through the love bombing stage, they watch and learn your passions and pleasures and these eventually become tools (weapons) of sorts to be used to gain advantage and control.

Secondly, the devaluation begins, less and less praise and admiration is given and more negative influences offered to break the spirit of the victim. Then the gaslighting begins to force the victim to question their own reality. Once the sense of self is gone, the victim is usually trauma bonded to the narcissist and no more positive influence is ever given. The victim becomes a shell of their former self and becomes what can equate to as a door Matt!

The brightness falls from the victims eyes, and a feeling of despair follows, and the victim has absolutely no idea how or why this has happened.

It’s only through professional guidance and education that the victim can see a way through to escape. Which sadly can take years, and often the victim has little energy to attempt their escape or they have been manipulated into making financial commitments that they can’t change without legal action. They become trapped!

As narcissists age they have trouble hiding their true colours as the superficial charm, and good looks have faded. They appear desperate in their approach to manipulative behaviour. This is why they understand they have to maintain the abuse, and try new and more aggressive ways to keep their supply under control.


So much worse.

Here's a timeline:

Lying and telling you you're confused.
Lying and telling you you made them.
Lying and telling you you're pathetic.
Lying and telling you to stfu.
F*cking other people and telling you you're confused.
F*cking other people and telling you you made them.
F*cking other people and telling you you're pathetic.
F*cking other people and telling you to stfu.

At this point you're a paranoid, insecure, desperate and tired looking person.

Which will be used as a reason for the numerous betrayals you'll endure.

The narcissist will be happy and rejuvenated.

While subjecting you to a specofic type of mental torment you've never known before.

Namely, narcissistic abuse.

It starts off with “can't you take a joke.”

And it ends with “Leave us alone pathetic loser, you deserve all the pain you’re in.”

All because you dared to love the narcissist.

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"