Author Topic: Tales From The Narc Side  (Read 125253 times)


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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1800 on: November 03, 2024, 09:38:43 AM »
Page 37

Your life becomes peaceful when you don’t have disingenuous people in your energy, backward individuals make up most of society few are worth the effort.
7 Hidden Reasons Why Sigma Males Have Few or No Friends
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1801 on: November 06, 2024, 01:33:32 PM »
Early call......
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1802 on: November 08, 2024, 06:12:18 AM »
It was gone and now it's back

Tales from the Narc side - Presented by Ron Tello with a DRUM show!!

Watcher of Crazy
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Please join me and panel guest Ron Tello as we discuss his Tales from the Narc side. Many of you know him as Ron Tello the "Mayor" of Montello, the creative, eccentric, funny and long haired dude that used to live in Montello, NV and known to build and beat a mean drum. After exercising his 2nd Amendment right to protect himself, he was held in Elko Co. jail for 357 days. Once released he was unable to return back to his home and he now considers himself a Political Refugee and resides in California. We will also celebrate his 66th birthday with him. If you would like to send him a few dollars to say Happy Birthday, his paypal info is below.
Paypal email for Ron:

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1803 on: November 09, 2024, 12:00:32 AM »
Why do narcissists think everyone is stupid?

The truth is, narcissists are stupid people who believe they are smart people just because they can manipulate and deceive you by taking advantage of your trust, confidence, and feelings.

Narcissists are cunning; they will deceive you and then make you look stupid. Narcissists are liars and manipulators; they will mix lies with truth to challenge your knowledge, experience, and information to put you down. Narcissists will also take the help of flying monkeys to fool you.

Narcissists believe they are smarter than others, so if people get fooled by them, then it's not their problem or fault. Narcissists regulate their self-esteem by putting themselves up in front of everyone.

Narcissists believe their partners and people are stupid to easily believe their lies and deceptions; for easily believing their lies and deceptions. All their lives, narcissists have taken advantage of people's kindness, trust, and feelings.

Narcissists overestimate themselves and underestimate everyone. In the end, narcissists get figured out. Time reveals the reality of narcissists.

The narcissist thinks you're stupid when you first let them into your life. They believe you lack intelligence and common sense, considering you an idiot because, in their eyes, they already know they're no good. This is a significant factor in whether they'll come back to you because they prefer to be around people they think are not smart.

It all depends on how you respond after everything you've been through with them. Once you've been involved with them, there are lessons to be learned. You should examine what you did wrong and correct your behavior so that you're no longer the same person.

After learning these lessons, you're not doing the same things you used to do, making you less susceptible to their manipulation. They don't have the same amount of influence and control over you as they did before; you have changed.

However, some people keep going back to the narcissist even after everything they've shown and done. You need to make the necessary changes to your behavior, and then the narcissist will notice that you have changed.

Recognize your worth and importance, but be prepared because the narcissist won't like you anymore. You might lose friends because they perceive you as thinking you're better than them, but, in reality, you've just woken up from the spell.

You're no longer impressed by things and no longer conform to other people's opinions, values, beliefs, and tastes. Your different interests and changed view of life mean you're not eager to be together with other people as you used to be, responding to their requests at hand.

They can think or perceive or assume that people are stupid. Who confirm or affirm them? Haha... NO ONE. Narcs are toddlers in adult bodies. They only want people to play their mind f*ck games. Let's not partake. We are grown ups.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1804 on: November 09, 2024, 12:08:58 AM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1805 on: November 09, 2024, 12:18:44 AM »
The narcissist knows they are addicted to supply and this is why they use “hot-cold” or “push pull” tactics throughout the relationship. The intermittent reinforcement system of rewards and punishments wreaks havoc on the target/survivor’s brain.

In essence survivors become addicted to “hope”. Hope that things will get better, hope that the narcissists will appreciate you again, hope that you still matter to them. The trauma-bond is so strong that some in the psychological community liken it to coming off of heroin.

The trauma-bond is so hard to break that survivors need a period of “no contact” to remember who they were before the narcissist. Keep healing survivors.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1806 on: November 11, 2024, 08:54:08 AM »
Why do narcissists start to hate you for no reason?

It’s because you have feelings and emotions they don’t, but it’s more than that.

Recent studies show that narcissists actually do think they are better than everyone else, so they take this out on you.

You probably infuriate them when they see you’re more talented, and also have affective empathy.

But in truth, I believe it’s a combination of envy/jealousy, egotism, and they think it’s their right to abuse others. They also think it’s their right because they never got what they wanted, so they take this out on others.

They basically just step on people and don’t care. They think the world owes them everything, and that you do too.

Now you know why so many of them dominate our businesses and governments. They get their way ruthlessly, and don’t care how many people they destroy.

They have a reason. They have many. They hate you because …

They hate themselves.

You have a genuine happiness about you and they don’t.

They are jealous of you- your life, how you were raised, your success, your decisions, your friends, your family- everything about you.

They have weird voices in their heads telling them negative things about themselves and they project that hate onto you.

NPD makes them hateful people. So, they have no other choice but to hate you.

If you get to know a narcissist for any length of time, you will learn they are angry, unhappy and hateful people. This is simply who they are.

And we all know the phrase, “Haters gonna hate.”
A narc is a hater…all day long.

The narcissist will hate you for one of two reasons:

You are doing great, feeling inspired, feeling connected to the world and those around you, generally in a good feeling place. And the narcissist is unable to take you down from this high-flying place.

You are feeling down, have no good humour, low energy, unable to provide validation,… and also are lacking in the tangible, like money, quality sex, etc. No good supply on offer.
Ok, maybe if you really screwed with them, like exposed them or otherwise caused a narcissistic injury, they might hate you too.

Narcissists only really “like" people who they can use. And for them the best people to use are those who currently have something good going on, something good on offer, which the narcissist wants to take.

And the narcissist not so much enjoys taking from you, as they do watching you fall, or mourn in the loss of something which was precious to you.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1807 on: November 11, 2024, 09:06:06 AM »
Do narcissists help others in order to feel joy and peace?

Absolutely no. Narcissists help others when they have motives behind it. For narcissists, helping others is about reputation, image, and looking kind and generous. Narcissists help others to gain attention, admiration, validation, compliments, and appreciation. Narcissists help others gain control over them.

Narcissists don't help people for free; they do it because they have motives. Narcissists let people know they are helping others, and they expect something in return for what they have done for others.

Narcissistic acts of kindness are superficial and calculative. Suppose Narcissists are helping or spending money on you; then they want your obedience. Narcissists will invest in you to gain maximum benefits from you.

There are narcissists who have spent huge amounts of money to help people, but they made sure they got recognition, limelight, and admiration. Narcissists don't forget to take credit for helping people to show they are kind and generous.

Narcissists do like to uplift you –

but only after they have put you down.

Narcissists, aim for the position of both persecutor, and rescuer.

By putting you down, often subtly through their customary devaluation and condescension, they now have the opportunity to be your savior.

But the narcissist's hope, is that you don't correlate your "depressed" state with them.

Instead, you associate said state with some external factor (or factors) which you cannot quite pinpoint, even though it is the narcissist's doing in disguise.

But your upliftment, you associate with the narcissist.

They make sure of it.

You now see them as better than you in all respects, a God-like figure in your life.

Full control over you and your emotions –

not a bad place to be.

In my opinion, no, they do not. Everything a pwNPD does is to gain something to support their egos…or help boost it. So while they may feel “joy” it is not for the same reason you or I would feel joy. This would go for the type that is considered a “white knight” as well.

I know when my pwNPD did things to help others he wanted the attention both from that person and also from others as he would then boast about what he did for days. If it was just to feel peace and joy within himself, there would be no need to boast, right?

Also, I do not believe a pwNPD can feel peace and joy. Their minds are constantly working, planning, deceiving both themselves and others. Those are two emotions I do not think they can truly feel.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1808 on: November 11, 2024, 11:50:39 AM »

What is enough for the narcissist? The narcissist is always looking for more and more. They want more time. They want more attention, they want more money, want more relationships. They want more fancy cars, and want more people to fawn over them and adore them. It will never be enough for the narcissist.

The narcissist has an insatiable quench and insatiable appetite for consuming whatever they can get their hands on. They are a bottomless pit. They have a cup with many holes in it that can never be filled. The narcissist knows this ..they will always be looking for the next new person to take advantage of. If they are in a relationship it’s a matter of time before it goes sideways. Each and every narcissistic relationship has an expiration date. We now know this.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1809 on: November 11, 2024, 11:55:35 AM »
She was always trying to control me…yet she couldn’t even control herself.
When A Narcissist Loses Control Of You
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1810 on: November 11, 2024, 12:04:05 PM »
The most wonderful thing is that the Empaths win and thrive through their self respect and incredible strength and resilience!
When a Narcissist tries to Destroy an Empath, This is what Happens
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1811 on: November 12, 2024, 01:38:04 AM »
Mike Ermer "Salty Pancakes" The Catalyst of Chaos Amongst Conspiracy

0 seconds ago
What? How did I get involved???

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1812 on: November 12, 2024, 02:03:04 AM »
It's Spiritual Warfare
How God Uses Exposing Narcissists to Set You Free

In this powerful and transformative speech, discover how God exposes narcissists in our lives not to break us, but to lead us into healing, freedom, and purpose. Learn why God’s exposure of these toxic influences is a divine act of love, designed to open your eyes, heal your heart, and realign you with His plan for your life.

Uncover the steps to reclaim your self-worth, embrace your journey to wholeness, and step into the destiny God has prepared for you. Whether you have experienced narcissistic relationships or are seeking spiritual empowerment, this message will inspire and uplift your soul.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1813 on: November 12, 2024, 02:33:02 AM »
Why does my narcissist have a problem with everything I do?

Ultimately, it’s because you have a f*cking narcissist, malclowntented little sh!t that it is.

After that, it’s probably because you think of yourself as an autonomous individual. You did mention yourself as “I” after all.

There is no “I” in “Team.”

“There is an M and an E though!”

They complain about EVERYTHING - period. YOU are their handy go-to. Narcs are angry, spoiled, selfish, self-absorbed, immature toddlers in an adult body. NOTHING is ever good enough for them. They want every day to be Disneyland, but if you were there every day - that would get boring also.

Such is their mind set. They have zero ability to self-regulate, to find happiness &/or positive feelings w/in themselves, so they constantly look for it outside of themselves. BUT that is simply not sustainable.

Think of a very spoiled bratty child who whines for some cookies. You give them a couple, and then they want more….They would eat the entire pack until they get sick and even throw up. Then they will blame YOU for making them sick, but still want more cookies. THAT is a narc.

Your narcissist has a problem with everything you do primarily due to the fact they have NPD. You’ve already worked that much out as you’ve called them ‘my narcissist’.

In the beginning, during the idealisation (lovebomb) phase they have targeted you and they need you. What do they need you for? To believe in the mask in order to give them supply. You're supply. Once they’ve set their sights on you - you are their target and the aim of the game is to bait and hook you in, then keep you hooked and trapped in their web of lies, betrayal and manipulation

That’s it.
That’s what it’s all about.

In the core of the narcissist, usually due to childhood trauma/neglect/abuse is a lot of shame and guilt and this has been buried and masked to protect and defend them.

i apologise if this is a trigger but the reality is they don’t love you. They don’t care about you. You are a tool to them to be used and abused, then shelved and later resurrected if you allow it.

To start with they see you as the bright shining light you are but then they see your flaws and weaknesses and they get bored. Everyone has flaws and weaknesses and the narcissist is no exception.

The narcissist has a problem with everything you do because they need to belittle you and to keep or put you down. Why? In order to keep themselves above you, to extinguish your bright shining light and to be all powerful and in control.

They actually have low self esteem and fragile egos (all hidden by the mask). They need others to prop them up and give them attention and validation. They can’t fill their own cup so they take from yours.

They are low level, low vibrational individuals who drag you down to their level. They will never rise up to yours. That’s not how this works.

But then it’s their game and it’s played by their rules and you don’t or didn’t know those rules. Rules normally make the game fair but there’s no fair in Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

They think they hold all the cards and for a while they do until they overplay their hand.

I once heard the narcissist described as the Wizard of Oz. The charlatan con person hiding behind the curtain, scaring people into submitting to and obeying them. Pull back that curtain to reveal the real them and there they are nothing but a coward and a bully attempting to make out they are better than you, they know better than you and you are nothing.

This is projection.

None of this is true. They are fake. The whole thing is felafelled up and fake. You can’t fix them or save them either. The situation will remain the same for as long as you allow it.

I acknowledge we all have flaws and issues but relatively normal people don’t treat others the way they do. We do, however, need to heal from their toxicity which very gradually and insidiously poisons our minds bodies and souls.

This is the drip drip drip effect as it very slowly poisons us. The danger is the longer we stay the more trauma bonded we become and we start to normalise, justify and excuse not only their behaviour but our reactions and our own behaviour towards it and them.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1814 on: November 12, 2024, 05:47:15 AM »

0 seconds ago
Narcissists are incapable of having an intelligent, adult conversation. Look it up.

I don't think they get it

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1815 on: November 12, 2024, 07:38:11 AM »
Why do narcissists remain evil forever no matter how much you are good to them?

Narcissists lack empathy and remorse; they come into relationships for benefits. The main motive of narcissists is to use and abuse people, then replace them. Narcissists lack empathy and remorse to form healthy connections.

Narcissists believe they are superior to you, so you have to do everything for them. Nothing is enough for narcissists because their sole purpose is to hurt you to feel better about themselves.

Narcissists don't want you to oppose them. If you oppose their needs or demands, then you are a bad person, and they will punish you. You do 1000 things for them; if you don't do 1 thing for them, they will forget whatever you did in the past.

Narcissists take pleasure in hurting you. Your pain is their pleasure because it makes them look powerful and good. Narcissists just can't survive without abusing you, even if you make them feel like the most important person in the world.

Narcissists are evil in human disguise. Narcissists are ungrateful people because you just can't make them happy and satisfied. The best thing is to keep distance from narcissists.

Because being narcissists is making them seeing people as just sources of supply that they lovebomb to get what they want from them then discard as soon as they are done.

There is no love or empathy for their victims and they consider that being good to them as if that should be the normal and sometimes they may see that it is not even sufficient while comparing themselves to the others as narcissists are never satisfied by what they have.

Because the narcissists while choosing their partners are implicitly admitting that they are better than them and for that they were chosen, they always carry envy and jealousy for them and as they always held comparisons between both of them which is usually for the victims side, the narcissists are developing evil plans for victims abuse to allow them to win that war inside their heads.

They want the victims to continue providing them with their needs and secure their future while they consider them as their enemies that they want to defeat. They are trying to turn them into their slaves which are working for them for free and that just even deserve any sort of appreciation and that will be discarded and substituted by another slave the day that they will not be able to provide what the narcissists need.

Because they despise you for being what they are not.

They look at nice people and see it as weakness so not only do they think that you're weak and pathetic but they also despise you because they don't have the capability to have any genuine kindness about them.

They're just bitter B!tchez…male and female.

F*ck 'em.
Let them go.

Because they are morally insane, not legally insane.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1816 on: November 12, 2024, 07:58:27 AM »
They push you into anger, then ask
what's wrong with you?

Narcissists Bring Out
Your Worst

12 days ago
They will f*ck with you in ways you won't even realize.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1817 on: November 13, 2024, 07:27:36 AM »
Narcissists & Boundaries: How to Use Boundaries With Narcissists

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1818 on: November 13, 2024, 07:39:20 AM »
The empaths ARE the narcissists' problem. They hate their empath but need them to feel alive.
How Narcissists Curse Empaths: And How The Curse Is Easily Broken

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1819 on: November 13, 2024, 05:22:54 PM »
Why Narcissists Move On So Quickly: The Alarming Truth Behind New Supply!

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1820 on: November 13, 2024, 08:51:41 PM »
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." ~Krishnamurti.
The Psychology of Narcissism - A Modern Epidemic
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1821 on: November 14, 2024, 09:15:38 AM »
Narcissistic Parents: Unacceptable Abuse They Trained You to Tolerate

0 seconds ago
"Don't argue with me".

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1822 on: November 15, 2024, 06:10:08 AM »
How does a narcissist tend to react to being exposed?

A Narcissist will get angry most times if their supply becomes acquainted with their true agenda. When called out, they react in anger, forcing the blame onto you and deflecting their actions onto you as their justification. My Narc was famous for saying “I wouldn't have done that, if you had…..” It was always someone else's fault as to why he couldn't do or not do whatever was in question.

They'll never admit fault, EVER. I had proof mine was cheating, as in I got ahold of his phone and saw texts. Even armed with that in his face, he made up another lie as to why it happened that way. Yes, it was the most annoying sh!t to ever spew from someone else's mouth. The fact that he thought it was easier to lie than to just admit that he did that- made me feel like I was losing my mind.

Once you know what they're really doing, they start seeking their much needed ego boost or supply somewhere else. Mine just cheated relentlessly but we still lived together. And that was a nightmare. I didn't exist to him anymore. I wasn't worth it. It makes you take a good look at the person you are - and it will make you question it, too.

Physical abuse. Yes, I think if provoked and if anger exceeds a norm for a Narc, then it is possible. It happened one time with mine. It was such a bad event that a week later I went to the police to get a restraining order and the bruises on my arm and neck looked like it had happened the day before.

Because they don't care about you at all - no empathy, sympathy - and if it is shown, it's all for show - physical abuse is probably a good possibility.

There are many options that the narcissist may choose, once they have been exposed.

They may run and hide, never to be seen again, hiding their head in the sand until it has all blown over. Most are cowards who cannot stand the confrontation, unless they are surrounded by their flying monkeys.

They will sometimes retaliate with harsh words, spewing verbal abuse upon you in the hope that they will push you back into your shell - confused, dejected, isolated and stripped of any confidence. They have controlled you once, they will try to do it again.

Deny and continue to lie. This is one of the best reactions, as by now you will have seen through all their garbage. You will look at them amazed by the rubbish still spilling out of them. While narcissists are manipulative, cunning, sly and sneaky, they are also for the most part, pretty dumb, and you will realise that nothing they say ever adds up. The stories they tell are absolutely ludicrous, now you have taken off your rose-coloured glasses.

They may become violent, even if they have never been before. They feel cornered and trapped by the truth.

They may accelerate the smearing and quickly, to prove to everyone that you are a lunatic.

If they are confronted with someone who knows the whole truth, they may stand there silently - like a statue, staring blankly as if you had just told them the world was ending. There is no discussion, no conversation, no apology or no disagreement - nothing.

They may use anything in their arsenal of knowledge of you, to impact you in some way - loss of job, children, career, friendships, family… anything they can do to make you pay for knowing the truth about them.

Know that a narcissist (especially a covert), will never accept responsibility or take accountability for what they have done.

They will never apologise for the pain they have put you through (at least not sincerely).

They will always try to blame you for their indiscretions.

They will always portray themselves as the victim.

They will deny, even when you are showing them documented proof of their indiscretions.

They will never allow you to look like the better person in this situation.

They will never try to right their wrongs, and if they say they will it will always be just lip-service.

They will never have a conscience.

They will never feel remorse over their wrongs or the way they have affected you.

The only good to come out of exposing them, is knowing that they will then avoid you like the plague! No contact has ever been so easy! It is also such a nice feeling knowing that they know that you know!

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1823 on: November 15, 2024, 09:04:16 AM »

18 hours ago
We are merely "useful idiots" to the narcissists. Good riddance to the 3 I have sent to Block Island over the years. Like you say Andrew, they overplay their hand.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1824 on: November 15, 2024, 02:00:17 PM »
The Real Reason Narcissists Hate You But Won't Ever Let You Go!
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1825 on: November 15, 2024, 10:00:53 PM »
The Narcissist Is Demon Possessed & Why I Know This
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1826 on: November 15, 2024, 10:04:17 PM »
Why Narcissists Always Face Consequences and Lose Everything for Hurting You!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1827 on: November 16, 2024, 04:09:03 PM »
Do narcissists play fair?

Narcissists want to win at all costs, so don't expect them to play fair. Narcissists make rules, break rules, change rules, and change goalposts according to their needs and requirements. The main goal of narcissists is to prove themselves right; it doesn't matter how they hurt or destroy you because for them, winning matters the most.

When narcissists are losing or you are having the upper hand in the situation, they will start blaming, gaslighting, deceiving, crying, and fooling. Narcissists will even bring your past mistakes into the situation to defend themselves.

Narcissists will create fake stories, lie, cheat, manipulate, and deceive to put you down to prove their point. Narcissists can act in a passive, aggressive way to punish you. Narcissists will give you silent treatment to punish you for a long time.

The main agenda of a narcissist is to break you down until you don't accept the defeat. Narcissists don't have logic or understanding; they completely operate on ego. For narcissists, winning and reputation are more important than any relationships.

As far as they are concerned, they play fair.

Narcissists are unable to process the fact that other people have needs, opinions, desires, ambitions, that are different to and independent of their own.

Because narcissists are so lacking in compassionate empathy and the ability to recognize that others matter and have their own needs, narcissists feels they are being fair to the only one that should be treated fairly — themselves.

They are the center of the universe, and expect people to come into their gravitational pull, their orbit. They have this deep embedded feeling that people were born to serve them. And be served, they must.

Anything less than full submission, is falling short of their god-deserved right.

Their concept of fair denies the fact that they always get the lion's share. If you get an unaffordable gift, they have a motive. I made the living. His money was made for his own hobbies or pleasures. When he finally got a 6 figure job, he starting beating me up.

He was upset to share HIS money. I wasn’t good enough anymore. Had several groomed replacements as he always did. After 44 years we divorced, he remarried and my daughter died. I fell into darkness and was homeless 3 or so times.

Every single person in my family had been groomed over years to believe horrible things about me. I knew they treated me differently but didn’t know why. The truth is that nobody gets away with the malevolent things they have done in this world. There is a long line of those people in my case. The one thing they all share is the belief that money makes everything perfectly acceptable.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1828 on: November 18, 2024, 01:58:48 AM »
Signs in Childhood That Reveal You Were Chosen From the Start!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"