Author Topic: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!  (Read 72009 times)


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Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« on: September 14, 2009, 10:40:56 AM »
When will they ever learn?

Sellers should petition ebay
Sep 13, 2009 5:27 PM

I think that sellers should have the right to petition ebay to change one of their policies. That is the policy that prohibits sellers from leaving anything but positive feedback for buyers. This policy hurts sellers and it hurts honest buyers too. Sellers know how it hurts us.

 But honest bidders also lose bids to buyers who never pay. I realize that there is an unpaid item dispute process but it is cumbersome and time consuming. If you have a time sensitive item (holiday for instance), waiting 2 weeks to get your final value fee back is nonsense. By then, even second chance bidders have tuned out.

And there should be a way sellers can block buyers who have demonstrated bad behavior. By risking negative feedback buyers might take their promises to pay more seriously and make ebay a better market place for everyone. Other buyers would benefit too because those who lose bids to buyers who never pay might win more bids.

My proposal is to send a message to ebay saying:

1. Sellers should be able to leave positive, neutral, or negative feedback for buyers just as buyers can leave feedback for sellers. Sellers should be able to do so without regard to filing an unpaid item dispute. Sellers should be able to do so for an unpaid item or because a payment is not made within the time allowed by the terms of the offer.

2. Sellers should be able to block buyers with negative feedback. The amount of negative feedback (risk) should be up to the sellers.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2009, 11:15:06 AM »
Let them have their say. It may (all right - will) not result in any eBay policy changes, but it feels so good to vent! :tanty:

Besides, we need another feedback thread here. It was beginning to feel so... uneBay-related.
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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2009, 11:20:18 AM »
Besides, we need another feedback thread here. Yer kidding, right?

It was beginning to feel so... uneBay-related. Nothing wrong with that!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2009, 11:29:32 AM »
What makes you think I was kidding?  :angel:
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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2009, 11:38:43 AM »
Go easy on the trick questions.

Ok, I suppose yer serious.

I'm saying the topic has lost traction. The PP issue is Fresh and Important, more than any whinge before.

And eBay's forums are, for a lack of a better word, "Dull"....

Fancy this example:

Re: Sellers should petition ebay
Sep 13, 2009 6:28 PM

OP - in case you're ever on Jeopardy or Smarter Than A Fifth Grader, this is a message board, not a blog. That's whole other animal. ;)
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2009, 12:18:32 PM »
an easy solution would be to give non paying buyers a visible ebay generated strike

also I'd like to see them charged for the re-listing fee


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2009, 01:16:04 PM »
I think that sellers should have the right to petition ebay to change one of their policies.

Sellers who are registered businesses DO have a right to petition against Ebay's unfair dominant UA changes, that gives them no right of's called the Trade Practices Act


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2009, 01:23:01 PM »
Trade Practices Act

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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2009, 01:25:58 PM »
Yes it's enforceable and Paypal/Ebay found out only too well how emphatically emforcable it is....BUT....unless registered businesses actually organise themselves and take Ebay on over the Misuse of Market power and Dominant contract that limits competition, then  the ACCC can do diddly squit !!


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2009, 01:28:04 PM »
Yes it's enforceable and Paypal/Ebay found out only too well how emphatically emforcable it is....BUT....unless registered businesses actually organise themselves and take Ebay on over the Misuse of Market power and Dominant contract that limits competition, then  the ACCC can do diddly squit !!

But that venue was removed so there is no base to coordinate and launch the assault....

The improved version saw to that....


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2009, 01:33:20 PM »
Take the wheel, Yib. Looks like a long drive ahead.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2009, 01:35:37 PM »
I should add that the crux of the argument is that Ebay IS a dominant MONOPOLY...and traders have no other choice but to cop it sweet or go out of business....Realistically, there is no other similar platform they can access without losing out big time......that's what defines a monopoly..........and that's why it is not acceptable under the TPA, but you have to prove it....and so do the ACCC if they consider prosecuting a corporation for breaches of the TPA.

Remember during the Paypal only Dispute, the only competitor that Paypal Had, namely Paymate, stood alone in its initial and then post conference complaint to ACCC, alleging anti competitive conduct on Paypal's part.....The submission is still publicly available.  Businesses DO have rights under the TPA, not to be bullied, not to be preyed upon, or monopolised...or pushed out by exclusive dealing.....but they have to make a complaint...and it has to be articulated towards the TPA and fair competition...not discontent with Ebay's policies alone.

That's why the Powersellers banded together in their own group, and they seem to have quite a bit of power in that structure...Strength in Numbers !!!  Just a thought !!


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2009, 01:36:53 PM »
Yes it's enforceable and Paypal/Ebay found out only too well how emphatically emforcable it is....BUT....unless registered businesses actually organise themselves and take Ebay on over the Misuse of Market power and Dominant contract that limits competition, then  the ACCC can do diddly squit !!

But that venue was removed so there is no base to coordinate and launch the assault....

The improved version saw to that....

And that's exactly why this site came to be !!!!  This is the base, but it's up to sellers as I've said, they have to get together and petition regulators, not Ebay.


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2009, 01:46:04 PM »
Yes it's enforceable and Paypal/Ebay found out only too well how emphatically emforcable it is....BUT....unless registered businesses actually organise themselves and take Ebay on over the Misuse of Market power and Dominant contract that limits competition, then  the ACCC can do diddly squit !!

But that venue was removed so there is no base to coordinate and launch the assault....

The improved version saw to that....

And that's exactly why this site came to be !!!!  This is the base, but it's up to sellers as I've said, they have to get together and petition regulators, not Ebay.

So what's the all the power sellers and make them aware this facility is available as the war room?  I'm interested to know why they don't use their exclusive power seller forum to coordinate themselves? or would their actions be compromised because Obay has access also to their information? another question, did any power sellers take part in the paypus only episode? or was it a case of sit back, reap the rewards and let everyone else stick their neck out?


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2009, 02:24:57 PM »
Yib, what everyone is getting confused over is that the ACCC Paypal Only issue was not about protecting competition for sellers in the online auction arena...(that battle is still to be fought) was about fair competition in the EFT movers and shakers...i.e. other EFT providers made a MASSIVE noise, as did consumers who didn't trust Paypal and didn't want to be forced to use it.  

You see in September 07 Ebay changed the User AGreement so that all new members had to offer Paypal...they notified all pre September 07 members that they were exempt from those changes.  

Then  in May 08...they revoked that exemption but didn't notify anyone as they did when exempting us....and then proceeded to break the contract of many thousands of Ebay's members who had chosen NOT to join Paypal in the interim.   And they achieved it with diversion and distraction...the old smoke and mirrors trick.

You see, there were two stages to Ebay's notification to ACCC...Stage 1, specifically targeted all previously exempted Pre September 07 members, forcing them to join a payment system they had chosen not to join by their abstinence.  Ebay simply forced them....and then..... Stage 2 of the notification (Paypal Only) which did potentially breach TPA in a fairly obvious way, and got the attention of the financial & regulatory movers and shakers....from that point it was doomed anyway.

Stage one was not a breach of the TPA, but it definitely was a mass breach of consumer contract which tends to define it as an 'Unfair Consumer Contract' given that none of us were given a say on the issue.  Bear in mind we were exempted what changed?.  

Anyway.......all that side of it got lost in the hoop la over Stage 2.   Obay snuck it in behind a more serious issue thinking nobody would notice, and they were right.  Had it been announced by itself, it could have been contested under each State's Unfair Consumer Contract laws and F/Trading legislation.

So essentially, there had to be a hell of lot of Ebay sellers in the Pre September 07 population, who had chosen NOT to join or offer Paypal, for Ebay to  have specifically targeted us in Stage 1 of the was so unconscionable, it makes me angry even now....utter, utter, utter Barstards !!!!


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2009, 04:02:02 PM »
Take the wheel, Yib. Looks like a long drive ahead.

Tag team dude you take over.... or I'm setting the auto pilot mode on....


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2009, 04:26:23 PM »
I should add that the crux of the argument is that Ebay IS a dominant MONOPOLY...and traders have no other choice but to cop it sweet or go out of business....Realistically, there is no other similar platform they can access without losing out big time......that's what defines a monopoly..........and that's why it is not acceptable under the TPA, but you have to prove it....and so do the ACCC if they consider prosecuting a corporation for breaches of the TPA.

You would have a snowballs chance in hell of ever succeeding, all that would do is send people broke and make solicitors rich.

There are viable alternatives, and competition, it would be thrown out of court by the time discovery was an hour old.

Any robe worth his salt would print out everything that has been BS'd about OZtion by it's former owners, which would prove beyond any doubt there is an alternative.  The problems is the Psyche of people who think ebay is the God. 

It's blatantly obvious that people will not leave ebay for other sites because they still make money from ebay, albeit a smaller amount.

Ebay would say it started Gumtree for those who can't afford fee's.  Because people are addcited to the belief that ebay is God and is a monopoly, and continue to post that way, nothing will change.

The TPA is a multi layered document that contradicts itself many times over, especially in reference to duty of care , privacy, and contractual law.

You may well get ebay with the TPA on several issues, but monopoly isn't one of them, simply because you cannot prove that OZtion, TradeMe, which is accessible to Aussies, Ebid, Bidmate, Trading Post, and half a dozen other sites can't be as viable as ebay, the mere fact those other sites exist, any robe will say Ebay cannot help it if they are the most popular, implied monopoly is only because of popularity, not because they wilfully set out to make themselves a monopoly by illegal means.


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2009, 04:28:23 PM »
Whatever !!  


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2009, 04:42:12 PM »
Take the wheel, Yib. Looks like a long drive ahead.

Tag team dude you take over.... or I'm setting the auto pilot mode on....

I gotta opt out off this. Outta my league. Go 'auto'.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2009, 04:43:17 PM »
Take the wheel, Yib. Looks like a long drive ahead.

Tag team dude you take over.... or I'm setting the auto pilot mode on....

I gotta opt out off this. Outta my league. Go 'auto'.

kachink !....done.


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2009, 04:47:05 PM »
It's not whatever, but simple facts Cue. It's one thing to say what you say and incite others to to take up the fight, but fight what you can fight, and this is one fight you would lose.

Surely you remember the goings on in the middle of 06, all the yap about solicitors, the protests, the " were all leaving to go to OZtion ", and some of those people did seek legal advice on all sorts of things, as I have myself.
If you honestly believe a multi billion dollar corporate giant, wouldn't have a legal firm working for them to protect it, then be my guest and put your hard earned up and find out the same thing I found out, courtesy of an old school mate, for free, who just happens to be pretty good in the legal business, you will lose your money.

We all signed their agreement, which basically means your screwed, no matter what you do.  I understand yours and others frustrations, I understand ebay have been sued over issues to do with trademarks ( counterfeit items ) and their shill bidding activities way back when, and they even lost a case come to be known as the " Hornsby Monitor Scam ", where a shonk was allowed back to sell, who shouldn't of been, but taking them on over Monopoly Laws will fail miserably.

I asked my Mate about Duty of Care over the forums, but as he stated, you go there voluntarily, ebay did not force you to contribute, and so with everything else, as he stated, people are not forced to use ebay, it's personal choice.

As to viable alternatives, too many variables, someone here today said they are going great on another site, and you gave them a Bravo, that ends your monopoly theory.


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2009, 04:53:02 PM »
Bobby, I understand your point of view; however, what you are saying is not really correct, in my opinion. In my reading of and reliance upon the TPA, I have seen no internal contradictions as you have stated, but perhaps you are thinking in terms of exceptions and specifics which can SEEM to create contradiction.

There is a great deal one can do. I'm sorry that your experience has led you to think nothing can be done. Perhaps working together, we can put up a better fight against infringement of Australian legislation than has hitherto been the case in what you have experienced. I will simply say that several times I've had to address situations in which it was my knowledge of and reliance on the TPA that led to a successful conclusion.

We can certainly try to make sure the right avenues of redress are pursued, surely?

Otherwise, perhaps agree to disagree?
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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #22 on: September 14, 2009, 04:58:59 PM »
I asked my Mate about Duty of Care over the forums, but as he stated, you go there voluntarily, ebay did not force you to contribute, and so with everything else, as he stated, people are not forced to use ebay, it's personal choice.

I'll go with that, and give ya this: CENSORSHIP, ie Post & Thread deletions on the eBay Forums, are their personal courtesies to rational contributors who disagree with the prevailing Corporate Bizniss Model.

And you know what THAT is......
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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #23 on: September 14, 2009, 05:01:57 PM »
I asked my Mate about Duty of Care over the forums, but as he stated, you go there voluntarily, ebay did not force you to contribute, and so with everything else, as he stated, people are not forced to use ebay, it's personal choice.

I'll go with that, and give ya this: CENSORSHIP, ie Post & Thread deletions on the eBay Forums, are their personal courtesies to rational contributors who disagree with the prevailing Corporate Bizniss Model.

And you know what THAT is......

No one's listening dude...remember you said put it in auto....


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #24 on: September 14, 2009, 05:05:25 PM »
No one's listening dude...remember you said put it in auto.

You put it in auto. I'm going manual.

And it's my thread.

Censorship cheezes me off!!!!!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #25 on: September 14, 2009, 05:29:31 PM »
There is a great deal one can do. I'm sorry that your experience has led you to think nothing can be done. Perhaps working together, we can put up a better fight against infringement of Australian legislation than has hitherto been the case in what you have experienced. I will simply say that several times I've had to address situations in which it was my knowledge of and reliance on the TPA that led to a successful conclusion.

I have quite successfully used the TPA myself, in one case saved me $100,000 over a franchise, however it was a clear & extreme breach of duty of care.

The TPA is a piece of legislation Countessa, that any breach of, still has to be proven in a court of law, and it would not get past discovery.

While many from the old crew stuck like glue to RT, I didn't have a choice, I spread my wings and learnt quite a lot from others, and have continually upgraded my knowledge on other sites, and issues regarding many many things.
Being in Business most of  my life in B & M shops during day light hours, I was constantly in touch with our solicitors over lease issues, among other business related matters.

Nobody can prove that Ebay set out to become a monopoly, their legal team will simply say, " Crap, we can't get a foothold in NZ, and OZtion keep advertising all over the net in interviews that they are the second biggest in Australia and are growing at an unprecedented rate".
"Because people prefer to come here, despite the fact we have, as they say, high fee's, they still come here, we do not force them to.

The whole arguement is based on the false premise that there is no opposition, when there is. It's peoples perception of what an opposition is that is what is fueling the cry to sue.


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #26 on: September 14, 2009, 05:53:57 PM »
This is what will kill you in court, I have highlighted in BOLD, where they have you. Going back to the start of ebay for me in 96 in the US, the user agreement stated they reserved the right to change, alter, or vary the agreement. It's always been there, when PBL started ebay in Australia it was there, when ebay bought it back it was there, and ignorance of it is no defence in any court.
Caveat Emptor is all over the place at ebay but I am not sure of the latin for " let the buyer AND seller beware ".

I am sure ebay has many breaches of the TPA, many so minor nobody would bother, especially since 95% of sellers are guilty of breaking the TPA in their TOS, certainly 95% of the fashion jewellery sales definately break it.  I have been abused for stating that on forums, but it seems different when ebay does it heh!.

By accepting this Agreement (including the Policies) you agree to be bound by it and also the User Agreements and posted terms and conditions on other websites operated by eBay and its related and affiliated companies, to the extent that you use those websites.

We may amend the terms and conditions of this Agreement from time to time. Amended terms will be posted on our Site. The fact that amendments have been made to this Agreement will also be notified on our Announcements Board located at You will be alerted to announcements made on the Announcements Board through "My eBay". Except as stated in this Agreement, in a Policy, or as otherwise notified to you, all amended terms will automatically be effective 30 days after they are initially notified on our Site. You also have the option to receive email notices of any amendments to this Agreement as they are posted on our Site. To select this option go to the "Legal and Policy Notifications" page located under "Preferences" in "My Account", which can be accessed through "My eBay". If you do not agree with such changes to this Agreement (or any of our Policies), you must terminate your membership of eBay. If, after any such changes to this Agreement or any of our Policies you continue to be a member of our Site, you will be considered by us to have accepted the varied terms as part of the Agreement.


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #27 on: September 14, 2009, 05:57:44 PM »
*shakes head* you take everything to the umpteenth degree of ridiculous Bobby.....I'm not talking about suing anyone, and professionally speaking I've probably had more real involvement in civil claims than you've had hot dinners.......I was specifically discussing sellers organising themselves and making a mass of complaints to ACCC as small businesses being dominated by a corporate thug.   ACCC decide if the situation is worthy of investigation at NO COST to the businesses making the complaint....but of course, you know more than anybody, on every subject and that's what makes it so bloody difficult to have a reasoned discussion with you.

For your information, ACCC have continued to monitor Ebay for misuse of Market power and anti competitive conduct and that came directly from ACCC long after the Rebellion period and ACCC notice to Ebay poopoo'ing Paypal only.....  

All I can say is thank God you weren't in any way involved in the rebellion crew because it would never have made it to the media, or various regulators with such a defeatist fact it would never have subsequently been scrutinised by RBA if you were at the helm of that're the armchair expert telling everyone else they needn't try because they'll never win? I said previously...... Whatever !!!


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #28 on: September 14, 2009, 06:00:45 PM »
This is what will kill you in court, I have highlighted in BOLD, where they have you. Going back to the start of ebay for me in 96 in the US, the user agreement stated they reserved the right to change, alter, or vary the agreement. It's always been there, when PBL started ebay in Australia it was there, when ebay bought it back it was there, and ignorance of it is no defence in any court.
Caveat Emptor is all over the place at ebay but I am not sure of the latin for " let the buyer AND seller beware ".

I am sure ebay has many breaches of the TPA, many so minor nobody would bother, especially since 95% of sellers are guilty of breaking the TPA in their TOS, certainly 95% of the fashion jewellery sales definately break it.  I have been abused for stating that on forums, but it seems different when ebay does it heh!.
OZtion were so concerned about it they emailed and asked for a copy of the legislation relating to bait advertising, and they also wanted a copy of the Jewellery Industry Code of Conduct after the usual know it alls tried telling people on the forums that my post was BS. Of course I sent them all the legislation and Industry papers, but they did nothing to enforce it, instead an explosion of counterfeit jewellery flooded the site, well, more than there was allready ;D

By accepting this Agreement (including the Policies) you agree to be bound by it and also the User Agreements and posted terms and conditions on other websites operated by eBay and its related and affiliated companies, to the extent that you use those websites.

We may amend the terms and conditions of this Agreement from time to time. Amended terms will be posted on our Site. The fact that amendments have been made to this Agreement will also be notified on our Announcements Board located at You will be alerted to announcements made on the Announcements Board through "My eBay". Except as stated in this Agreement, in a Policy, or as otherwise notified to you, all amended terms will automatically be effective 30 days after they are initially notified on our Site. You also have the option to receive email notices of any amendments to this Agreement as they are posted on our Site. To select this option go to the "Legal and Policy Notifications" page located under "Preferences" in "My Account", which can be accessed through "My eBay". If you do not agree with such changes to this Agreement (or any of our Policies), you must terminate your membership of eBay. If, after any such changes to this Agreement or any of our Policies you continue to be a member of our Site, you will be considered by us to have accepted the varied terms as part of the Agreement.


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #29 on: September 14, 2009, 06:12:35 PM »
Thanks for that Cue, unfortunately, your post will remain, and if I address you in a similar manner, mine will be removed, but you get used to that when dealing with ego's who cannot except that someone with a bit of common sense, may actually see a whole bunch of addcited, rebellious people, with little else in their lives except a hatred of ebay, and have an elitist attitude.

You wouldn't know how many hot dinners I have had, but I'll gaurantee I have done a hell of a lot more in my 60 years than you'll ever dream of doing.
Try back reading, and good luck with ebay, something very bitter and twisted about you that ebay must have caused, perhaps it was brought on by your elitists attitude.

mass of complaints to ACCC as small businesses being dominated by a corporate thug. 

What do you NOT understand about the fact they can leave anytime at all, no one forces them to stay.....?

I am starting to think there are a few other thugs around here.


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #30 on: September 14, 2009, 06:25:29 PM »
I am starting to think there are a few other thugs around here.

Yib: standby with the black helicopters. Prepare to engage.
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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #31 on: September 14, 2009, 06:44:08 PM »
Administrative interlude.

Disagree if you like; agree if you like; but let's keep it polite. The line's drawn here.

Getting back to the discussion, part of the issue is that a user agreement which is constantly subject to change is unconscionable. I will not post links here for a good reason which I'm not going to explain right now  :neener:; let's keep the discussion general AT THE MOMENT.
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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #32 on: September 14, 2009, 06:45:03 PM »
Hey Bobbie and Cue,

What we don't need in here is a fight between two knowledgable and experienced business people who post.

You both know that each other has a valid point of view, which differ.... If you both post without rancour, us readers can become better informed, and can appreciate both points of view.

What I am asking both of you, is to have a coffee, or a wine, or a valium, and to sit back and agree that you both can contribute to the benefit of us all.

But, no bloody fights.... please.

If you try to fail, and succeed, what have you done ??


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #33 on: September 14, 2009, 06:47:01 PM »
Hhmmm, the brick is slow....again

If you try to fail, and succeed, what have you done ??


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #34 on: September 14, 2009, 06:48:46 PM »
OP Interlude:

This thread is OFF TOPIC, it's been HIJACKED, and it's CHEEZING ME OFF!

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #35 on: September 14, 2009, 07:02:36 PM »
Oh dear... Tello, you wanted to keep this all about feedback, didn't you?

Feedback feedback feedback feedback.

One of the weirdest things I find about the feedback issue is that some sellers post their outrage about it as though they'd only just become aware of it.

How long ago was the no-negative-feedback-from-sellers policy implemented? Was it May 2008?
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #36 on: September 14, 2009, 07:05:30 PM »
I don't care anymore.

February 08.
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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #37 on: September 14, 2009, 07:44:56 PM »
I am not one of those who thinks it doesn't stink.


It seems to be stacking up neatly.... :roflmao:
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #38 on: September 14, 2009, 07:46:39 PM »
It seems to be stacking up neatly
Even stacks lean left or right, not always neatly ;D


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #39 on: September 14, 2009, 07:54:21 PM »
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #40 on: September 14, 2009, 08:01:47 PM »
Gee Tello, what do you want..... blood.

OK OK here is a neat stack.


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #41 on: September 14, 2009, 08:02:29 PM »


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #42 on: September 14, 2009, 08:06:52 PM »
Right, then.

Too drunk to complain.

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #43 on: September 14, 2009, 08:21:53 PM »
Hey, that's my shirt, I gave it to a charity shop two years ago.
Thought the bloke who bought it looked butchers hook.

Anyway, I am out of here not many  :welcome: signs around here in my mailbox, and I do so hate playing on an uneven ground.


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #44 on: September 14, 2009, 09:07:46 PM »

Is it time to trash dis thread yet?....I see some pic's up already....or you serious on this on tello?...(cough)


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #45 on: September 14, 2009, 09:13:24 PM »
Crikey! After all this scuttlebut, I feels the need for a shower.

No winners here.

Where were you hiding?
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #46 on: September 14, 2009, 09:31:19 PM »
Crikey! After all this scuttlebut, I feels the need for a shower.

No winners here.

Where were you hiding?

I wus in the back.. fourth row from the rear watching the flick....


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #47 on: September 14, 2009, 09:36:56 PM »
My thoughts?

Pretty soon nobody will have to worry about feedback...because Ebay are slowly edging towards removing it alltogether.

Mark my words.... ;)


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #48 on: September 14, 2009, 09:37:38 PM »
Something about a door and backside comes to mind  :exorcism: :tinfoilhat:


to many negative waves man


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Re: Oh NO! Not ANOTHER Feedback whinge !!!!!
« Reply #49 on: September 14, 2009, 09:38:25 PM »
Yib: Unrated Director's Cut.

word up.

Pre-order at Blamazon.boM
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"