Author Topic: New Pricing Structure  (Read 13199 times)


  • Knight of the RT
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New Pricing Structure
« on: July 15, 2009, 10:26:02 AM »
what do you think about it ?

seems ok to me ................ 99.9% of my sales are BIN

I figure it will save me around 25% on my month fees

it will encourage me to list more and to list more expensive items


  • Knight of the RT
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Re: New Pricing Structure
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2009, 10:40:13 AM »
although one thing that worries me is 'Best Match'

I have heard nothing but bad things about it

only time will tell I suppose


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Re: New Pricing Structure
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2009, 10:45:42 AM »
Hi bnwt.....what are the powersellers saying about it?  They are usually the barometer of these types of price changes....anyone in the P/sellers forum?


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Re: New Pricing Structure
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2009, 02:30:34 PM »
I don't like this, BNWT. It is the actuality of what was presaged a while ago - that is, listings of sellers whom eBay know to be bringing in the best return (highest fees paid to eBay) are going to appear higher in the search results than listings of sellers that best match what I, as a buyer, am searching for.

I object to this strenuously. It will make my buying on eBay even harder. I don't WANT eBay to steer me to results from which they think I should buy. I want to search for the things I want to search for, and I want the "best match" to be a match with my search expectations, not eBay's expectations. I don't expect eBay to listen to my objections; as much as eBay projects itself as having the concerns of the buyer very much to heart, eBay's main concern, as expressed by eBay's executives and ratified by those who work to execute those executive decisions, is for eBay's profit. The irony is that I believe eBay's decisions are negatively impacting eBay's profit - but the executive decisions are in line with Mr Donahue's "vision" of eBay's future money-making, and to that end he's prepared to see eBay slide downhill in the interim because he is convinced it will rise up like a shiny new stallion in the future.

I fear that these decisions will result in eBay being more like a shiny new... mule. Something sterile, never reaching its fantastic potential, and unlikely to even be an entrant in the online sales and auction venues equivalent of Ascot or the Melbourne Cup.

I could be wrong. However, increasingly, eBay is the last place I'll look for an item.

I knew this was going to happen. It was indicated by the slanted questions of surveys; it was mooted by Donahoe in American newspapers; ra, ra, ra, we knew it was coming.

If I am wrong and my buying will be EASIER, I will have no hesitation in saying so publicly. But eBay's decisions have consistently (during the last 2 years) made my searching and buying HARDER.

Oh well. I will no doubt be looking for items on eBay and I'll try to remember to report the results here. I HOPE I am wrong. I truly do hope I am; I am afraid I'm not.
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Re: New Pricing Structure
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2009, 05:50:11 PM »
Oh yeah....sellers are just thrilled....lmao...looks like they've set up a temporary board so sellers can have a whinge and they're moving all threads over to that doubt so they can wipe them out all of a sudden without notice.  The comments by Ebay pinks in these threads are particularly intersting...lmao...and fairly there for you re:  how the best match business works.

This one has a number of Ebay pink comments....and not so happy campers

These are more of the not so happy campers.

Changes to stores, fees and search on

New fees = huge increase for small sellers

Big Ebay Rip off

Slight increase??? UP to 400% insertion fee is not slight


They're thrilled...yes really !!!


  • Knight of the RT
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Re: New Pricing Structure
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2009, 01:00:14 AM »
New fees = huge increase for small sellers

OMFG ..did I read that right. They are introducing the new fees on 11 Sept.


Wow I wont write here whats going through my head at the moment.

Yup a lot of thought has gone into it alright ! :(

Compliments of an Ebay seller. Sort of makes a point....... does it not!!!


  • Knights of the RT
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Re: New Pricing Structure
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2009, 02:01:35 AM »
  * ** ***NEWS FLASH*** ** *
Ebay Exec's were in mourning over the fact they had not implimented these new changes earlier.. One Exec was photographed clearly showing remorse at the news as shown below.

Ebay lining their pockets, nothing to see here move along...

:vent: Seriously the writing has been on the wall for a long time, we have all seen the statements by Ebay Exec's spruiking about how they want to be an online stripmall and how they really do NOT want the small sellers, well here is exhibit A.

This just made me laugh incredulously, till I started to weep with frustration.
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15/07/2009 15:02

    * Report

Hi folks,

When the changes come in some sellers will see their fees go up and others will see their fees go down.

We believe that the changes will be of benefit to the majority of sellers and more importantly it will ensure that is not left behind by rapid growth in demand for Buy It Now listings.

Not tapping into this trend could have negative consequences for all sellers.

With the changes coming into place in eight weeks time, we believe that sellers will have plenty of opportunity to carefully crunch the numbers and create a business strategy that works for them. Be it with or without a Store.

The eBay Team

Nice one Ebay.....
They said there would be cake....and there WAS!


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Re: New Pricing Structure
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2009, 07:58:00 AM »
lol r3830

I see what you mean.

Who are these 'majority of sellers' who keep benefiting. Anyone know any of them?  I don't!


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Re: New Pricing Structure
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2009, 08:09:59 AM »
I think eBay made a decision, and then invented a justification for it. I'm sorry - in this case, what positive is there to say unless you happen to be a large business selling BIN items? Anyone whose business is structured differently is going to feel the pinch.
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


  • Knight of the RT
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Re: New Pricing Structure
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2009, 08:27:11 AM »
lol r3830

 Anyone know any of them?  I don't!

I know one of them ........... me !

I calculate my monthly fees will decrease by around 25%

as I mentioned earlier the pricing structure will not only encourage me to list more but to also list more expensive items .......... say for example a $175 handbag currently costs $3.09 to list .... run that listing for 10 weeks and watch your profit margin vanish

under the new pricing 10 weeks will cost me $4.00

it should be pointed out that these changes are only for people with ebay stores and selling Buy It Now ........... Auction pricing has not changed


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Re: New Pricing Structure
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2009, 09:34:11 AM »
Good for you bnwt you're one of the lucky ones......(I mean that sincerely, not being sarcastic).  At least some will're right, auction prices don't let's examine exactly who has shops?  Businesses?  Small Businesses?....small Businesses with no negotiation power against a dominant monopoly?

It's really about time small business (not powersellers) on ebay formed a group, or joined an existing one to campaign for some level of negotiation power when  it comes to Ebay's one sided contract terms and never ending changes to the pricing structure and Terms of Use.   

Just a widdle hiccup, but it does seem to fly in the face of TPA, when it comes to allowing smaller businesses the right of it is...Ebay change the rules, and the small business has to either cop it, or hit the highway?...huh?   It's not encouraging competition, it's turning it into an elite strip mall where small business can no longer compete.   What of those who have invested literally years in their ebay shops, but are not powersellers.  I know of numerous sellers who have B&M businesses, and shops on Ebay to clear overstock, but they are not powersellers.....they are now completely disadvantaged and there is little reason for them to continue on with their web shop.    Perhaps the only good thing is that shop stock will make it back into the search results...but that's not something Ebay is doing out of the goodness of their heart....They removed that function years ago with no notice and no negotiation with the shop owners, and now they offer it back as a sweetener to their bitter pill?  Unbelievable.

Every single price increase since 2005, has been designed to move small shop owners and hobby sellers off Ebay.....what a short memory we all have eh?   This is just another nail in the coffin of small business on ebay.  Who's got their back?