Author Topic: Tales From The Narc Side  (Read 25187 times)


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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #700 on: June 16, 2024, 06:11:04 AM »
Does a narcissist see how much you love them,
or are they in denial?

They see.

They are disgusted by it.

By the time they know they have you hook, line and sinker, all of the feelings they thought they had for you have gone…out with the tide.

There are two reasons for this. They know, you see, that they themselves are disgusting, depraved individuals, unworthy of love. Therefore once you fall in, they either think you are stupid, how could you possibly love them, especially now that you know them so well?

Surely you can see how ugly they are on the inside, how unworthy they are. Or they think you are lying. They don’t believe you and can never trust you, if you can lie to them and tell them you love them you can lie to them about anything. You are not to be trusted.

Either way you are disgusting now.

A narcissist sees it all.
It's a matter if they care or not, which the short answer is NO, they can care less.

You can pour your heart out, crying uncontrollably, snot running from your nose to the point you are hyperventilating about to pass out and they will just look at you and not even ask if you are ok and still sit there and say:

"You don't love me. You are a drama queen and stop making a scene. This is about me, not you. Remember I'm the one that matters the most, not you. Let's stop this nonsense and focus on me and me only".

They are heartless, emotionless, and if you say or do the wrong thing, they are quick to move onto the next thing that is less drama etc etc.

My narcissist saw the love I had for him. I would have died for him but it wasn't good enough. I'm glad I woke up and smelled the coffee because to give a life for someone that isn't worth it was some crazy insane thinking and that is so not me.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #701 on: June 16, 2024, 06:26:41 AM »
The narcissist wants you to set yourself on fire
in order to keep them warm.
They are that messed up.

Yes, The Narcissist Hates You

4 years ago
If you listen close and able to not react, they are telling you everything they feel about themselves every single time they talk. You can find out how people feel about themselves in how they treat you.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #702 on: June 16, 2024, 07:01:51 AM »
Any explanations to the narcissist will fall
on deaf ears. It's a total waste of time.

Stop Defending Yourself
to The Narcissist!

5 years ago
This is the one that is so important. If you can do this they lose their control over you. That is what they want control of... believe it or not, The Universe.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #703 on: June 16, 2024, 07:37:12 AM »
Arguing with a narc is like playing chess with a dove:
They will upset all the pieces, sh!t on the board and then strut around as if they won.

Why Narcissists Cannot Hear You

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #704 on: June 16, 2024, 07:52:44 AM »
“The way we treat the most innocent and voiceless in this
world is a true measure of who we are.”

Narcissists and Dehumanization

4 years ago (edited)
I feel like an object that my narc keeps on the shelf until he feel likes “toying" with me.
It’s so surreal and twisted.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #705 on: June 16, 2024, 08:33:12 AM »
We presently live in a very narc-based society.
We are surrounded by it on a daily basis.

Why The Self Aware Narcissist
on Social Media are the
Most Terrifying

What do narcissists post
on social media?

Narcissists may exhibit certain behaviors on social media that reflect their personality traits, such as a need for attention, validation, and admiration. Here are some common characteristics of what narcissists may post on social media:

Self-centered posts: Narcissists often post excessively about themselves, their achievements, appearance, or possessions. They may constantly seek validation and admiration from others.

Grandiose posts: They may exaggerate their accomplishments, talents, or experiences to create a larger-than-life image of themselves.

Attention-seeking behavior: Narcissists may post provocative or controversial content to elicit a strong reaction from others and draw attention to themselves.

Lack of empathy: They may post insensitive or offensive comments without considering how it may affect others, as they prioritize their own needs and desires above all else.

Idealized self-presentation: Narcissists may carefully curate their online image to portray themselves in the best possible light, often showcasing a perfect or flawless version of themselves.

Comparing themselves to others: They may engage in frequent comparisons with others, either to highlight their superiority or to feel envious of others' achievements.

Seeking validation: Narcissists may constantly seek likes, comments, and shares on their posts as a way to validate their self-worth and boost their self-esteem.

Manipulative behavior: They may use social media to manipulate or control others, such as by posting misleading information or gaslighting tactics.

It's important to remember that not everyone who exhibits these behaviors on social media is necessarily a narcissist, as social media platforms can sometimes amplify certain aspects of a person's personality.

If you suspect that someone you know may have narcissistic traits, it's best to approach the situation with empathy and seek professional advice if needed.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #706 on: June 16, 2024, 09:05:36 AM »
You've been conditioned to believe it's okay for things
to not be okay with you as long as they are
okay for other people.

Protecting Yourself From

5 years ago
Standout quote: "You've just been conditioned to's okay for things not to be okay for you as long as they're okay for other people. This is not the truth. Your feelings, needs, truths, and boundaries are just as important as everybody else's feelings, needs, truths, and boundaries."

5 years ago
I use to let hurtful comments slide. Big mistake. I don't do that anymore. I nip it in the bud now. Toxic ppl take advantage of our easy going nature. And before you know it, they're completely disrespecting you. The reality is that we have to be on guard to protect our boundaries.

5 years ago
Yes!  Red flags become deal breakers!
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #707 on: June 16, 2024, 09:46:42 AM »
Narcs will forever be miserable and will never be truly
happy. These devils are so Insecure, Jealous, Envious and Paranoid.

Narcissistic Relationships:
You Can't Win

2 years ago
"Narcissists don't see others as individuals and are threatened by people asserting themselves as an individual." This is why narcissistic parents go haywire (more than usual) when their childern turn into teenagers since teens break away and naturally self individuate.

"Who do you think you are?" is a major red flag phrase that someone is toxic, controlling and doesn't see people as individuals- narcissist or whatnot.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #708 on: June 16, 2024, 09:55:10 AM »
Narcissists get more toxic as they get older... 
They’re truly the “grumpy old men”.

The Aging Narcissist...
What To Expect As They Get Older

3 years ago
Most aged narcissist have the same sneaky deceptive look in their easy to spot with one look.. Everyday consumed with how to bring you pain.. The horrible mentality shows outwardly in their faces.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #709 on: June 16, 2024, 10:28:16 AM »

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #710 on: June 16, 2024, 11:51:20 AM »
Will a narcissist discard you if
you stop showing them attention?

A narcissist needs to be in control.

If you go no contact which means you have taken control of the situation, you are leaving them powerless.

They cannot have that.
They will discard you, even though you are already gone.
Have you ever witnessed a boss and an employee in a struggle? The boss fires the employee who replies you can’t because I quit! It’s a tug of war with egos as the rope. That’s how it will be if you leave a narcissist. Just like any other situation that does not suit them, the narcissist will change the course of events until it meets their needs. Their egos will not allow them to be left.

When all is said and done, they will make sure they appear the victim, ensuring everyone understands the decisions were all theirs. You will be blamed for everything that has forced them to end it with you. The important thing for you is the end result. As long as you are free, let them tell whatever tale makes them feel better. Let them be the victim. You are the victor.

Not to mention, if you have cut ties, completely and permanently, then you will never know the lies they are spewing, nor will you care. You can finally live your life free of the suffocating suppression that crushed your spirit for way too long. Celebrate you! Dance, do cartwheels, laugh a lot and loud! Go live your life for you. You are now number one. Good for you! Be well.

They will discard you regardless. They will even discard you while giving them attention🙄.

And they will discard you if you stop giving them attention.

Here is how they minds work…when giving them attention they feel in control over you….and discard you feeling powerful and know its gonna make you want them more.

By not giving them attention they first go crazy cause they are confused…they feeling rejected and powerless over you and not in control. That they hate!! So by feeling rejected you have turned the table now and they will first hang on to you to gain control… ..and then all of a sudden discard you to gain control to get you back for not giving them the attention they believe you owe them.

So in a nutshell they discard for more then one reason…but mainly because of control.

To us it doesn't make them it does because they are crazy in their minds.

What reason does a narcissist need to discard you:

Not one
No reason

Narcissists will always discard you, whether you give them all the attention, money, love in the world, or none.

They will conjure up their own reason for your discard, they don't need your help. The discard is an inevitable part of the cycle.

If you stop giving them attention, the discard will probably be set in motion. But who's to say that it's not already set in motion?

It depends on your energy. They can sense it.

If you have taken distance from them, if you have stopped calling them and responding to their contact attempts but are still wishing deep inside that things would work out between you one day, chances are they will still consider you a target on sleeping mode. You see, in this case, you are still trauma bonded to them, just taking a break.

If on the other hand, you have realised on a deep conscious level that they are not healthy for you and you have stopped being attracted to them, then they will walk away. They are very insecure, therefore, they are so afraid of your indifference, of your eventual rejection. It’s a bruise to their ego.

What I have noticed happening most of the time is when you leave the narcissist, they come back to test the waters. It maybe in a few months, even years. If you respond, even in a friendly manner, they will consider their game is still on and will try to seduce you only to dump you again. This can go on forever.

I read in another post that narcissists aren’t addicted to the other person. I disagree. They are as addicted as we have been, they are just more cunning into always securing supply so that they don’t run out of it.

The trauma bond works both ways. We were addicted to their validation, they were addicted to our admiration. We felt compelled to constantly pour in love and attention, with the fantasy that one day they will realise our value and respond.

They were addicted to this attention because they can’t function on their own either. They need us as much as we need them, to continue an unhealthy relationship that reinforces instead of resolving our core wounds.

Back to you question, it’s not enough to act with indifference. You have to level up, change your vibration. When you are able to see clearly how and why you attracted each other, why this wasn’t love but addiction, then you will really want nothing to do with them or anybody like them anymore.

Because they don’t vibe with you any longer. They are not charming in your eyes anymore. They are just toxic and destructive and you know you are worthy of a beautiful connection with love and respect. This is game over.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #711 on: June 16, 2024, 01:15:34 PM »
A narc would rather lose EVERYTHING than admit
or apologize to anyone.

This Is Two things narcissists do when they are jealous and
Angry At You

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #712 on: June 16, 2024, 01:27:49 PM »
The simple fact that you feel a thousand times better when they're not in your life is worth so much more than anything we could hope for in those relationships.
Peace has no price.

There Is No Hope With Narcissists

3 months ago
In the movie Blade, Blade says, “Some muthaf***as are always trying to ice-skate uphill”! That’s what it’s like trying to make a relationship work with a NARC!
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #713 on: June 16, 2024, 01:42:02 PM »
It's our own humanity we project onto these people.
When you stop doing it you see what you're dealing with.

Narcissists: The Big Con

4 months ago
The part about them not being an actual adult is so true. When my narcissist would argue and fight, I noticed that I felt like I was arguing with a child or young teenager, and my ex was close to 30 years old.
They are severely mentally and emotionally stunted.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #714 on: June 16, 2024, 02:02:12 PM »
Pigs are brilliant. They’d probably string the pearls and make a nice profit. Don’t cast pearls before Narcissists -- they destroy everything in their paths.
Dealing With Narcissists: STOP Casting Pearls Before Swine

3 months ago
Indeed, L.S. One of the most important lessons we can learn from narcissistic people is that our love, attention, time, trust, loyalty, etc. are sacred gifts that should be guarded and fiercely protected, and should only be given to those who prove that they are worthy of safeguarding them.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #715 on: June 16, 2024, 02:21:01 PM »
Why the Silence of Sigma
Empaths Inflicts the Deepest
Humiliation and Anguish upon
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #716 on: June 16, 2024, 02:40:00 PM »
Recycle.  Rinse. Repeat of behaviours.  Pretty sad they have
to involve other people in their crap in order to survive.

The Narcissist's New Partner

5 years ago
Its comforting knowing ALL  their
relationships will end the SAME way. I do feel sorry for those who get sucked into their lies, however, I'm just grateful it's no longer me.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #717 on: June 16, 2024, 02:57:08 PM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #718 on: June 16, 2024, 03:11:54 PM »
Part One:
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #719 on: June 16, 2024, 03:14:22 PM »
Part Two
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #720 on: June 16, 2024, 03:16:53 PM »
Part Three
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #721 on: June 16, 2024, 03:18:45 PM »
Part Four
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #722 on: June 16, 2024, 03:25:54 PM »
:tello: "I haven't forgotten about this one. Maybe later........"

:smee!:  Maybe never........
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #723 on: June 16, 2024, 05:31:33 PM »
The Guy That Changes
the President's Diapers

0 seconds ago
Anybody else had enough internet for today?

12 hours ago
Our country is a freak show

14 hours ago
This dude is always in the standing dump position. What a joke. What's more of a joke is the ppl voting for him.

14 hours ago
The White House is now the most expensive nursing home in America.

15 hours ago
It's appalling that the Biden administration couldn't find someone more diverse to fill this pivotal role.  This is clearly just another example of wipe privilege.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #724 on: June 16, 2024, 05:41:11 PM »
They pretend to love you only when things are going their way.
Why Narcissists Hate and Love You

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #725 on: June 16, 2024, 06:16:32 PM »
What does a narcissist not
want you to have?

A narcissist doesn't want you to:

Have enough self-respect to stop chasing them after they reject you.

Believe in yourself and have confidence that you can find a better partner than them.

Be capable of living a peaceful life without them.

Have the courage to say no to their emotional and physical abuse.

Maintain self-esteem so that you don't tolerate their continuous cheating, lies, and manipulations.

Use common sense to see through their fake facade, drama, seduction, and love bombing.

Love yourself enough to take care of your needs instead of prioritizing the narcissist's needs, even when it means pushing yourself too far and not recognizing when to say "no" to the narcissist.

Remember, narcissists don't see you as a true partner. They view you as a perfect accessory, the glue to hold them together, a soft place to fall, a servant, a reflection of their supposed greatness, or whatever else they are looking for at that moment.

A narcissist does not want you to be happy.

A narcissist doesn't want you to be more successful than them.

They don't like for you to be more intelligent than them.

The narcissist doesn't like for people to say nice things about you.

You can not be more attractive than them.

They have to be the center of attention.

You can never be better than them in anything.

I spent 32 years of my life feeling like the ugliest girl in the world. I was always second guessing myself because he gaslighted me so much I didn't know what was real or was it a lie.
He made me hate so many things because I associated those things with him. I was never happy because somehow he would find away to ruin the moment. I just couldn't be better than him never.

A narcissist is like having your own personal devil by your side. The sad part is that they will never be happy for you. They will never see all the chaos they caused. I hope my answer is helpful. God bless.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #726 on: June 16, 2024, 06:45:36 PM »
Who or what makes a person
become a narcissist?

Beneath the layers of false self, at the core of the Narcissist, is a hurt and stunted child.

Something in childhood fractured this person’s psyche and wounded them emotionally to the extent that they hid themselves away and started to build then fortify layers of protection around it.

The layers are lies and embellishments, all designed to make the N appear more impressive than they are. The stunted child inside the N pilots them as a child would, moving them toward fulfilling appetites and indulging in self-interest.

He did not learn to share his toys.
He did not learn to care about other children's’ feelings.
He will not seek out real friends, but people to be impressed to make him feel better because he once felt so bad about himself, and because he never learned to connect to another person emotionally.

Ego food and distractions keep him distracted and deluded, attention away from the hurt child.

On a side note, sometimes a highly empathetic individual may sense the hurt child inside the N and want to heal their pain. The N will see this as an affront to their very being because how dare you even see the part they hid away, the vulnerable, the flawed, the weak. “How dare you perceive me as that.”

They will hate you for truly loving the real them, because it reveals that which sickens them to reveal. They will not heal the fractured part of the psyche, because it brings the child into the light, out of the secret dungeon the N has him trapped in.

“I’m not flawed, that's impossible, I’m so amazing that I’m even perfect, and therefore better than anyone who could dare threaten to tell me otherwise. So, their opinions don’t even count. Haha.”

*I’m a highly empathetic person who has loved a few Narcissists; they are drawn to me, and me them. I spent years researching Narcissism in order to understand this problem, and to understand what they did to me.

A broken baby looking for a unicorn is the best way to describe it.
A narcissist is a broken baby.

When a narcissist was an infant he did not form a healthy and secure attachment to a primary caregiver within the first 18 months of life. That was the formative period for all his feelings of attachment to develop.

Because he did not consistently get all his basic needs met he gained a distrust for the world. He did not gain the ability to feel love, empathy, sympathy, or any other attachment feelings. He simply can never securely attach to another human being ever again.

He suffers from a lack of self and he suffers from a tragically low self esteem. He has the lowest self esteem humanly possible. It’s human nature not to show the world your biggest flaws. So he secretly and carefully hides behind a mask of super confidence.

A narcissist also needs two things in life, adoration and power. When he is adored or in power his self esteem can slide to the positive end of the spectrum. If you criticize a narcissist his self esteem goes into the negative zone and he must lash out and hurt you. Once he successfully punishes you for hurting him, he feels powerful and his self esteem can return to the positive end of the spectrum. His entire life is spent carefully balancing his self esteem.

He cheats because he is searching for the unicorn. The one magical person who can fill his mommy void. Since no one can ever go back in time and hold that neglected infant he has to spend his entire life looking for that unicorn.

A narcissist is a neglected baby searching for his mother void, the saddest individual to walk this earth.

A person usually becomes a narcissist as a result of trauma, abuse or constant disruption of life during childhood years. It is one…of the outcomes of having a narcissistic parent. However, I do not believe most children of narcissists become like that themselves.

How do you know if you are one? It is not just about being selfish or self absorbed at times. We all are and often recognise it and work to counteract it.

Being a narcissist is:

Living a sheer hell.
Not being able to escape the dark inner voice which rants..”“You deserve nothing, you are worthless, you will never be any good…”

And so it goes on.
It is a deep seated inner shame which destroys just about everything and everyone.

You find you tell endless lies to cover up your inadequacies. Your whole life becomes a lie which helps to give ground for the shame you feel.

You can never trust anyone.

You wrongly think that everyone is just like you…you know that you can’t be neither can they.

People often brush you aside quickly. Those who get to know you and understand your condition often genuinely come to love you. You tend to take them for granted. You do not believe anyone could possibly truly have love for you because it is so ingrained that ““You are unlovable, everyone hates you” so you distrust them for this as well.

When they accidentally say something that didn’t come out quite right, this reinforces your distrust, you may go into a rage or quietly and angrily plot to cause them hurt.

You believe that you are always right, things that go wrong are someone else’s fault. You won’t be held accountable and cannot learn from the past. Hence you go on from mistake to mistake which often gets bigger as time progresses.

Emotionally you are always on the move with high ups and low downs and others choose not to ride this roller coaster with you. Yes, they did love you but they have to distance themselves for their own self protection.

You have to control situations otherwise you do not feel safe.

If the above closely fits your life experience, then it means that you may be narcissistic. If your life is such a tragedy as this, then you could do with help. Most people who suspect that they are narcissists are in fact not that at all. It is because they have previously always looked to themselves to admit blame in the hope that they can fix a situation.

Children of narcissists often readily take blame, even when it is very clear to others that they are NOT to blame. Having a life which out-works the above is far from ‘normal’ and does not reflect the life experiences of 98% + of people.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #727 on: June 17, 2024, 04:57:42 AM »
What scares a narcissist and
makes them back off?

1. Shame

Shame is unpleasant for everyone but for the narcissist, it’s absolutely horrifying. The main reason is that shame could negatively impact his reputation and give him a lower status in his social circle.

Since narcissists live for being admired and their pride is of great importance doing something that could make the narcissist look bad in the eyes of others or make them feel ashamed is one of the most dreaded experiences for them.

2. Rejection

The narcissist usually puts on a mask so that they can be accepted and liked by others. They wouldn’t admit that anyone could be put off by their egotistic character.

If a person decides to leave the narcissist’s life, the latter will take it personally and will surely try to bring the other person back.

However, if they don’t succeed they’ll probably start slandering about their former friend.

The reason for such a behavior is that behind the narcissist’s fake attitude lies a frightened, little soul who is terrified that they aren’t good enough, but they would never say it openly. They’ll be likely to do whatever it takes to keep their reputation.

3. Failure

Narcissists fear failure or being outshined. They just can’t accept there’s someone out there who’s better than them. On top of that, if a narcissist can’t achieve their goal, they will always blame someone else about it, even if it is obvious that it’s entirely their fault.

They usually blame their closest people to have hindered them from succeeding. This is actually the only way to feel a bit better about their failure.

4. Getting Called Out on Their Lies

Narcissists are famous for lying or exaggerating certain things to make themselves appear more important or impressive. They also do this to make themselves feel better about their own standing in society.

So it’s only logical that one of a narcissists’ greatest fears is having those lies and exaggerations exposed. It’s not just that getting called out would bring them shame, or show them as less than what they are – it’s the fact that it reveals to the world how weak and insecure they really are.

It brings their whole fake world crashing down around them, and as already stated, narcissists think the world revolves around them. And while they are spinning their lies and exaggerations about their own accomplishments, part of them knows deep down that they’re stretching the truth. And from the minute they start telling these lies, they become incredibly paranoid about the fact that someone might one day uncover them.

5. Feeling Remorse

Another key characteristic of narcissism is the inability to feel remorse. It’s not just that they can’t feel remorse, it’s that they actively refuse to show remorse. This fierce rejection of the very notion of feeling bad about hurting others is indicative of very deep fear.

It’s a total denial of remorse. And why do they fear remorse so much? It’s simple. To them, remorse is a characteristic of weakness. Remorse, to them, shows vulnerability and emotional frailty. And to feel remorse is to open yourself up to that weakness.

Remorse is also in its basest form the acceptance that you have made a mistake. And for proud and haughty individuals such as narcissists, this can be unthinkable. More than that – it can be a major source of fear. Remorse is also a way of apologizing, and this is also unthinkable for self-aggrandizing people with narcissistic traits.

6. Feeling Gratitude

Another feeling that narcissists reject and fear is gratitude. Gratitude, like remorse, is another emotion that is perceived as a sign of weakness by people who are narcissistic. To the narcissist, gratitude is in a sense giving other people power over yourself.

It’s the acceptance that you owe something to someone. It also forces you to come to terms with the fact that you might have needed someone else’s help. To narcissistic people, they think of themselves as these all-powerful beings that rise far above others in superiority.

The acceptance that someone else did something valuable for them brings them crashing back down to earth. The notion that someone else gave them something they needed not only puts them on the same level as others, it also makes them feel like they’re weaker, or lower down on the social ladder. And this is one of the narcissistic man’s greatest fears.

7. Public Humiliation

When a narcissist feels that he’s losing face or failing at something in front of an audience, it creates a lot of psychological distress and cognitive dissonance. Narcissists are unable to tolerate failure of any sort and public humiliation is considered the worst type of failure that could happen.

A narcissist’s ego is an extremely fragile thing and when he feels he is being laughed at or is losing the respect of others, it can be tremendously upsetting. The narcissist’s ego is the only protection they have from the world and when their ego integrity is breached, narcissists often respond in ways that seem markedly out of proportion to the circumstances for average people.

Unfortunately, the ego of a narcissist is already so inflated that they never focus on self-growth when in relationships. Their own self-assessment of their worth and value confirm to them that they are already significantly evolved and accomplished.

They are unable to fathom why a partner may be disappointed in their behavior or in the relationship. By being so out-of-touch with the realities of relationships, their reaction to the dissatisfaction of their partners is driven by fear.

8. Abandonment and rejection.

Narcissists are afraid of being rejected or abandoned. That’s why they fly into rages and punish and threaten you if you threaten to leave them, and love bomb you if you do manage to get away.

To reject a narcissist means you are rejecting the false self they have so carefully constructed to impress you. To reject that false self negates their entire reason for existing since whatever true self they may have left is completely inaccessible to them and the false self cannot survive on its own; it’s completely dependent on the approval and attention of others, who it feeds from like a vampire.

When you reject a narcissist they are forced to confront their own emptiness and nothing scares them more than that. They will fight tooth and nail to avoid it, even if it means they have to destroy you in the process.

9. Being ignored.

This is a no-brainer. Ignoring a narcissist means giving them no supply at all, and without narcissistic supply, the narcissist dies a slow death. Or believes they will.

That’s why some narcissists would even rather being hated to being ignored. Negative attention is still attention, and at least it provides an acknowledgment that they still exist.

When you ignore a narcissist, it’s as frightening to them as being killed. They’re no longer confident they exist without your attention.

10. Exposure.

Exposing a narcissist and their false lives cause deep anger in them. Their anger might be expressed in rage or in more covert means such as the silent treatment or gaslighting you. They don’t like to be held accountable for the things they do to others, because that means they have to admit they are less than perfect.

It also means they have to acknowledge the humanity of someone else, which they aren’t capable of doing. Narcissists are all too aware of their imperfections, but only at the subconscious level, and the way they handle this is to project their own imperfections onto you.

So a narcissist might tell you that YOU are the narcissistic one, or that YOU are the abuser. They’re also good at getting others to side against you, and those people become their flying monkeys. They will accuse you of doing things that they themselves have done and everyone believes them and not you.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #728 on: June 17, 2024, 06:40:58 AM »
What is something only a narcissist would do?

Only a narcissist will take the love you have for them, and use that love to destroy you. The love you have for a narcissist will be the weapon the narcissist destroys you with.

Only a narcissist can rob you of who you are. Everything that made you the person you are, will be gone. A huge void, a nothingness will fill your soul. They are so cunning that they have made you blind. You’ll never notice their destruction until they walk out one you. And even then, the pain you feel is so intense that it hides all the wounds.

You don’t know what happened to you. You will lay in pain for weeks, months or longer before your capable of thought. Then you realize that you are not the person you once were. You’re not anyone. You’re nothing but a shell of who you were. You’re merely skin and bones.

Only a narcissist would be able to cause this much destruction to someone and proudly move on to the next victim, convincing them that they have finally found their soulmate, only to rob them of their soul.

The narcissist is the closest example of a false prophet. With lies, manipulation, and deceit, they trick you into their life with the promise of love. Just like we’re taught of how Satan will steal your soul, so does the narcissist.

Not until I met a narcissist, I’d never knew there was a person who would live behind a mask, pretending to be someone they aren’t, bringing others into their fake world, only to destroy the person because they love them. They repeat this life of lies, deceit, and destruction over and over again until death. Not able or willing to see how truly evil they are.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #729 on: June 17, 2024, 06:50:07 AM »
What are some facts about narcissists that only people who have interacted with them know?

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #730 on: June 17, 2024, 07:05:30 AM »
Trying not to piss off someone who is desperately
trying to be pissed off.

Narcissists Make Problems
Out of Nothing

3 years ago
Narcissists also do mean things like: Taking your personal things without asking, or ruining your food or invading your privacy,  just to try to get a reaction from you. There's no problem until they make one. And then, when you react, they act like they have no idea what your talking about. They are always trying to find anything that will cause negativity. And the sick part is that they actually exude satisfaction when they get a "rise" out of you.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #731 on: June 17, 2024, 07:09:00 AM »
Why Narcissists Create Enemies

3 years ago
The sickest part is they treat those who are closest to them the worst.. yet strangers who COULD be their newest friend is treated with the "utmost respect".

3 years ago
Rather than acknowledging their flaws, they will make you the worst person in the world. That's much easier than self-reflecting.

3 years ago
Engaging with a narcissist is like trying to pet a matter how you approach, they'll strike at you.

3 years ago
When they lose control over you, then you become the enemy.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #732 on: June 17, 2024, 08:24:02 AM »
The things they accuse you of will shock you.
Narcissism: Unstable Emotions, Unstable Reality
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #733 on: June 17, 2024, 08:26:55 AM »
They don't just exist in a vacuum, they ARE absolute vacuum.
Narcissists Exist In A Vacuum
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #734 on: June 17, 2024, 08:43:22 AM »
It's sounds crazy but it's so true. When the fantasy ends,
so does the fake relationship.

Narcissists Are A Fairy Tale
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #735 on: June 17, 2024, 10:29:06 AM »
What happens when a narcissist knows you know who they are?

This is a very dangerous time for a victim.

Many narcissists do not know they are a narcissist.

But some higher on the spectrum are very aware you are onto them.

And what this does is it activates shame in the narcissist.

And they cannot have this happen.

They want you to be understanding of their outrageous behavior (they don't think it's outrageous, they think it's wise and that they know everything) and be in complete control of you.

When you start to understand what they're doing and don't react how you used to they will start to up the abuse, many will go into an absolute rage.

Because you're activating a shame response in them that they cannot bare.

They're constantly looking around to see if there's any threats to their absolute control over you.

This is why they want to see all of your messages and lurk on your social media.

When you start to relax more, start to joke with them more and grey rock them instead of emotionally overreact to things that they say they start to get nervous because they are starting to feel out of control.

Remember: narcissists have an external locus of control. They have to make you feel out of control in order for them to feel in control.

When you stop reacting to them trying to trigger you or don't answer their texts or emails immediately this is when you will notice shifts with them as well.

I've seen this happen multiple times in my life because I've disconnected from many cluster B individuals.

Some just cannot stand to be around you anymore and will discard you and move on.

If you try to get in touch with them they don't want anything to do with you because your very existence brings out in them the feeling of not being perfect..

Some will love bomb you, and then have intermittent reinforcement with abuse and love bombing to try and bring you back into their web of lies.

They then want to destroy you..they want you to not exist.

It is best at this stage when you realize that they know that you know is to get out of the relationship permanently.

This is a very serious and dangerous time for a person in these relationships.

It's better to get out before this period if you can.

This is when some higher spectrum narcissists will actually kill their partners.

Because they start to feel a sense of being completely out of control.

And they absolutely cannot feel this way...

Make no mistake about it when you understand what's going on you need to get out as soon as possible.


Do not try and communicate with them.

Any kind of trying to communicate with them will be seen as an absolute threat to their existence and they will destroy you..

Make plans and get out when they are not around.

DO NOT tell them you are leaving.

Escape and go complete No Contact


And this will be rough.

Hell yes they will know because you will tell them. To their face. Often. And harsh.

Many speak of the narc rage , and say ow no, u must not let them know or they will humiliate u to ppl, or stalk u, or hurt u.

Please child !!

You get real up close to it, you inform the nutjob just how its going to be in every area, and you continue with ur life.

Dont ever be intimidated.

Dont fear.

You twist the fool every time he/she wants to give it a go. Dominion. Authority. Thats the attitude to take if you really, really want it taken care of.

That person will sense just how serious you really really are and run from you.

You will see !

I just told my narcissistic husband that I have been studying him for years (and I have) and I told him that I am onto him and he said that I don't know anything.. But here is the reality of it. Once a narcissist knows that you know who and what they are, sh!t turns very bad very quick!! RUN!!

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #736 on: June 17, 2024, 11:38:47 AM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #737 on: June 17, 2024, 12:04:26 PM »
No weapon formed against me shall prosper.
The Devil Plots With The Narcissist to
Destroy You
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #738 on: June 17, 2024, 01:01:01 PM »
Hands down, they are their own worst enemy.  No need for karma to do anything. They do it to themselves.
This Is How Painful Karma Unfolds in the Life of a Narcissist
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #739 on: June 17, 2024, 01:50:09 PM »
The Real Battle With Narcissists

2 years ago
This is exactly correct. If you allow this relationship to continue, it can only end badly. They are so desperate to abuse your emotions that they will literally kill themselves very slowly right in front of your eyes in an attempt to manipulate your feelings. I've seen this happen more than once, it is not pleasant. It is very unhealthy to give it an audience. If you are seeing these things, it's time to run.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #740 on: June 17, 2024, 02:31:29 PM »
This Is What a narcissist wants you to do after destroying you
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #741 on: June 17, 2024, 02:46:18 PM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #742 on: June 17, 2024, 03:02:08 PM »
Why Narcissists Use People: Narcissistic Relationships Are Transactional
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #743 on: June 17, 2024, 03:12:37 PM »
Producing healthy people and saving the planet are the two most important things WE humans must achieve if we're going to survive.
How Narcissists Are Created

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #744 on: June 17, 2024, 04:19:17 PM »
They think they are immune to their OWN KARMA.
Putting narcissists in their
place by using cruel and painful methods
that hurt them
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #745 on: June 18, 2024, 12:15:08 AM »
Do you think that understanding narcissism
is somehow a conspiracy theory?

We are living in an age where so much information is readily available to us and we are also able to live independently from the tribe if need be.

This is no coincidence. These freedoms afford us the space to see and respond differently. We are emerging out of a long and dark age of ignorance and expanding our awareness as a collective.

With so much information about narcissism at our fingertips we are able to awaken to and therefore transcend so much suffering and confusion.

While it’s essential to be aware of the fact that many people are not capable of love and respect, living in fear and paranoia is not an effective response. This means one is still giving their energy to perceived threats and would do well to learn to stand in their power. Oftentimes standing in your power means gracefully walking away.

I find it helpful to imagine meeting new people like a game of Tetris. A shape enters the field of awareness and I take my time to see where it fits, without fear or self-judgement.

As someone who has observed narcissists meticulously for my entire life, I have learned…

Sometimes they know they are doing it and sometimes they don’t.

Some are born that way and some are shaped by trauma. Trauma may be a contributing factor but it does not excuse abusive behavior.

Some are overt and some are covert.

The mind exhausts itself trying to make sense of the senseless.

The most important thing you need to know about narcissists is that absolutely everything they do and say is a manifestation of chaos and confusion. They are a part of reality that you can choose to engage with, or not. Your choices determine your quality of life.

Learning about narcissism is like finding a map that shows you the way out of the Labyrinth.

Conspiracy theories are like a map that leads you deeper and deeper into the Labyrinth.

And what lies beyond the Labyrinth….?

People today incorrectly & highly overuse the term narcissistic…

If you are in a relationship with a narcissist, someone who is truly suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, then you will know without the shadow of a doubt. You will be able to tick all the boxes, on all the lists, of all the websites that you ever come across regarding narcissistic traits.

What you won't be able to do, however, is articulate, explain, demonstrate, or or even draw out to anyone who will listen just exactly how you're being mentally abused, because gaslighting comes as part of the package, but you will know you're being abused & you will know you're living with a narcissist (and at times you'll question whether it's actually you who is the narcissist- it's not! I promise —it's not).

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #746 on: June 18, 2024, 01:19:31 AM »
"Does it make you feel better to put me down?"
5 Sure Fire 🔥 Phrases that Will
Destroy a Narcissist
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #747 on: June 18, 2024, 01:52:45 AM »
You can't reason with an unreasonable person, period.
Successful Communication with Narcissistic People


You can't reason with a narcissist.
Why is it so Hard to Talk
to a Narcissist?
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #748 on: June 18, 2024, 02:30:21 AM »
They believe their own lies.
3 Ways a Narcissist
Tells On Themself
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #749 on: June 18, 2024, 02:59:56 AM »
Always remember they want you to be very afraid, they want you to be angry, they want you to argue. Argument and anger feeds their narcissistic needs from you.
8 Ways To Outsmart
The Controlling Narcissist

3 years ago
Everything you say to a Narcissist triggers them....their anger is off the charts, their anger can go from 0 to 1000 in the blink of an eye.
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